Constitutional Law Paper1

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翁 L.L.B.(05 Years〕 Part― Ⅳ
SubieCt Gonstitutional Law-ll (New Course)
Annual Examination-2020
Paper: I
Time13 H膊 . Marks:100

NOTE: Attempt any THREE questions from Part-l and ONE question each from Part-ll
and Part-lll. All questions carry equal marks.

l Principles of policy are the directive p戯 ncipl"to achieve the che● shed goal.They are like the
light hOusc h the sea oFgood govemance.They are to keep the directbn to the right godo They
arc dfFerent alld dヽ dnd from the Fundamental口 ghぃ and dso not ofthe sarne for∝ yet they
have a role to sce the ongoing process ofConstitutional lifo of a people in a democratic set up,

2 What are the Safeguards provided in Constitution of Pakistan to a person who is in arest or
detention?Discuss in the light ofArticle 10 oFthe Constitlltion oflslalnic Republic ofPakistan?

3 Dヽ cuss the writjurisdiction ofHigh Coutt under articに 199 ofthc Conttitution。

4 How thc Prime Minister oFPakistan is elected?Discuss the Constitutional role ofPrime Minister
ater 18詭 atnendlnent,

Page l of2 P,T.0.

S Discuss the mechanism for the proclamation of emergency and in which circumstances the
proclamation of emergency may be imposed and what are its effects on fundamental rights?

6 On what grounds, the members of Parliament can be disqualified? Enumerate with reference to
the article 63 of Constitution. :1

tprt:Ill$pnstitutio4&! Ilistorv of Pa,kiftanl

1 Discuss the salient features of Government of India Act, 1935.
8 Write a comprehensive note on Legal Frame Work Order, 2002.

Pa#-IIl. [Leadiqg Constitutional Ca$esl

9 Discuss Begum Nusrat Bhutto Vs Chief of Army Staff (PLD 197? SC 657) and i* impacts on the
Democracy in Pakistan.
l0 Write a comprehensive note on Mehram Ali Vs Federation of Pakistan (P L D 1998 SC 1445)

Page 2 of 2
L.L.B. (05 Years) Part - lV Annuat Examination - 2021
! nul No. ................ :
ta a a a a a a a a a a aoa a a a a a o

Subject: Constitutional Law-ll Paper: I Time:3 Hrs. Marks: {00

NOTE: Attempt FIVE Questions in all by selecting THREE guesfions from PaftJ and
ONE question each from Parl-ll and Part-lll. All questions carry equal marks.

?eft-I {Coqggitntioqpf PakieQ+}

l. Explain the scope of firndamental rights in Pakistan and discuss with special refere,lrco to
safeguads against arrest and detention under Article I0 of Constiartion of Islarnic
Republic of Pakistan
2. Diwuss tlre taw relating 1o Principles of Policy and elaborate the statemensabout
promotion of Social Justice and eradication of mcial evils and promotion of social and
economic well-being of &e people of Pakistan in the fight of relevant provisions of the
Discuss the unit jurisdiction of High Courts of Pakistan according to Article I99 and
J limitations on &e e*ercise of this jurisdiciion.
4. How the president of Pakistan is elmted and removedlimpeached under artisles 4l wd 47
of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistaq 1973.
5. Discuss the Islamic provisions in the Constitr$ion of Islamic Republic of Pakista& 1973.
6. Write a comprehensive note on any two of the folloruing
i) Chief Minister
iD Appointment of Judges in Superior Courts of Pakistan
iii) Council of Commou Interest
iv) Law making procedtre in the Constitution of Pakistan

Pert-n (Corycdtutiq$rl Hi$tol of P.akigt|q)

7. Disctxs in detail &e salient fearures of Constitution of 1956
8. Write a comprehensive note on the Governme,nt of India Act, 1935 and its short csnings.

Part- III (Leadins Constitutional Crses]

9. Discuss the facts, issues, and principles laid dovm by the Honorable Supreme Coffi in the
Al-jehad Tiust vs. Federstion otPakMan (PLD 1996 SC 324)
10. Discuss the 'Begrlm N*srnt Bhatto persrrr Chie{ ol Army $aff ond ?cderatton ot
Pa*istan (Murat Bhnfro Ca*) (pW 1977 SC 65n'

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