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Rajesh Singh, Prayas Sharma

Department of Statistics, Banaras Hindu University

Varanasi-221005, India

Florentin Smarandache
University of New Mexico, Gallup, USA

Exponential Ratio-Product Type

Estimators Under Second Order
Approximation In Stratified Random

Published in:
Rajesh Singh, Florentin Smarandache (Editors)
Educational Publisher, Columbus, USA, 2014
ISBN: 978-1-59973-275-6
pp. 18 - 27

Singh et al. (20009) introduced a family of exponential ratio and product type

estimators in stratified random sampling. Under stratified random sampling without

replacement scheme, the expressions of bias and mean square error (MSE) of Singh et al.

(2009) and some other estimators, up to the first- and second-order approximations are

derived. Also, the theoretical findings are supported by a numerical example.

Keywords: Stratified Random Sampling, population mean, study variable, auxiliary variable,
exponential ratio type estimator, exponential product estimator, Bias and MSE.


In survey sampling, it is well established that the use of auxiliary information results in
substantial gain in efficiency over the estimators which do not use such information.
However, in planning surveys, the stratified sampling has often proved needful in improving
the precision of estimates over simple random sampling. Assume that the population U
consist of L strata as U=U1, U2,…,UL . Here the size of the stratum Uh is Nh, and the size of
simple random sample in stratum Uh is nh, where h=1, 2,---,L.
When the population mean of the auxiliary variable, X , is known, Singh et al.
(2009) suggested a combined exponential ratio-type estimator for estimating the population
mean of the study variable Y  :

 X  x st 
t 1S  y exp   (1.1)
 X  x st 


1 nh 1 nh
yh   y hi ,
n h i 1
xh 
i 1
hi ,

y st   w h y h , x st   w h x h , and X   w h Xh .
h 1 h 1 h 1

The exponential product-type estimator under stratified random sampling is given by

 X  x st 
t 2S  y exp   (1.2)
 x st  X 
Following Srivastava (1967) an estimator t3s in stratified random sampling is defined as :

 X  x st 
t 3S  y exp   (1.3)
 x st  X 

where α is a constant suitably chosen by minimizing MSE of t 3S . For α=1 , t 3S is same as

conventional exponential ratio-type estimator whereas for α = -1, it becomes conventional

exponential product type estimator.
Singh et al. (2008) introduced an estimator which is linear combination of exponential ratio-
type and exponential product-type estimator for estimating the population mean of the study

variable Y  in simple random sampling. Adapting Singh et al. (2008) estimator in stratified random
sampling we propose an estimator t4s as :

  X  x st   X  x st  
t 4S  y  exp    (1  ) exp   (1.4)
  x st  X   x st  X  

where  is the constant and suitably chosen by minimizing mean square error of the
estimator t 4S . It is observed that the estimators considered here are equally efficient when

terms up to first order of approximation are taken. Hossain et al. (2006) and Singh and
Smarandache (2013) studied some estimators in SRSWOR under second order approximation.
Koyuncu and Kadilar (2009, 2010) ), have studied some estimators in stratified random sampling
under second order approximation. To have more clear picture about the best estimator, in this
study we have derived the expressions of MSE’s of the estimators considered in this paper
up to second order of approximation in stratified random sampling.

3. Notations used
y st  y x x
Let us define, e 0  and e1  st ,
y x
such that

h 1

Vrs   Whr s E x h  X h  y h  Yh 
r s

To obtain the bias and MSE of the proposed estimators, we use the following
notations in the rest of the article:

where and are the sample and population means of the study variable in the stratum h,

respectively. Similar expressions for X and Z can also be defined.

Also, we have


1 fh nh Nh
h  , fh  , wh  .
nh Nh nh
Some additional notations for second order approximation:

Vrs   Whr s
h 1
Y X r

E y h  Yh  x h  X h 
s r

 y  Yh  x h  X h  , 
1 s r
where , C rs ( h )  h
Nh i 1

L k 1( h ) C12( h ) L k 1( h ) C 21( h ) L k 1( h ) C 30( h )

V12   Wh3 2
, V21   Wh3 2
, V30   Wh3 ,
h 1 YX h 1 Y X h 1 Y3

L k 1( h ) C 03( h ) L k 2( h ) C13( h )  3k 3( h ) C 01( h ) C 02( h )

V03   W 3
h , V13   Wh4 ,
h 1 X3 h 1 YX 3

L k 2( h ) C 04( h )  3k 3( h ) C 02

V04   Wh4
h 1 X4
V22   Wh4

k 2( h ) C 22( h )  k 3( h ) C 01( h ) C 02( h )  2C11
(h) ,
2 2
h 1 Y X

( N h  n h )( N h  2n h )
where k 1( h )  ,
n 2 ( N h  1)( N h  2)

( N h  n h )( N h  1) N h  6n h ( N h  n h )
k 2( h )  ,
n 3 ( N h  1)( N h  2)( N h  3)

( N h  n h ) N h ( N h  n h  1)(n h  1)
k 3( h )  .
n 3 ( N h  1)( N h  2)( N h  3)

4. First Order Biases and Mean Squared Errors under stratified random sampling

The expressions for biases and MSE,s of the estimators t1S, t2S and t3S respectively, are :

3 1 
Bias ( t 1S )  Y  V02  V11  (4.1)
8 2 

 1 
MSE( t 1S )  Y 2 V20  V02  V11  (4.2)
 2 

1 1 
Bias ( t 2S )  Y  V11  V02  (4.3)
2 8 

 1 
MSE( t 2S )  Y 2 V20  V02  V11  (4.4)
 4 

 1 1 1 
Bias ( t 3S )  Y  V02   2 V02  V11  (4.5)
 4 8 2 
 1 
MSE( t 3S )  Y 2 V20   2 V02  V11  (4.6)
 4 

By minimizing MSE(t 3s) , the optimum value of  is obtained as  o  . By putting this
optimum value of  in equation (4.5) and (4.6), we get the minimum value for bias and MSE of the
estimator t3S.

The expression for the bias and MSE of t4s to the first order of approximation are given respectively,

  3 1  1 1 
Bias ( t 4s ) Y  V02  V11   (1  ) V11  V02  (4.7)
  8 2  2 8 

 1 
1  
MSE( t 4S )  Y V20      V02  2   V11 
 2  2  

V11 1
By minimizing MSE(t 4S) , the optimum value of  is obtained as  o   . By putting this
V02 2
optimum value of  in equation (4.7) and (4.8) we get the minimum value for bias and MSE of the
estimator t3S. We observe that for the optimum cases the biases of the estimators t 3S and t 4S are

different but the MSE of t 3S and t 4S are same. It is also observed that the MSE’s of the

estimators t 3S and t 4S are always less than the MSE’s of the estimators t 1S and t 2S . This prompted

us to study the estimators t 3S and t 4S under second order approximation.

5. Second Order Biases and Mean Squared Errors in stratified random sampling

Expressing estimator ti’s(i=1,2,3,4) in terms of ei’s (i=0,1), we get

  e1 
t 1s  Y1  e 0  exp  
 2  e1 

 e 1 3 2 3 7 7 25 4 
t 1s  Y  Y e 0  1  e 0 e1  e1  e 0 e1  e 3  e 0 e1 
2 3
e  (5.1)
 2 2 8 8 48 48 384 

Taking expectations, we get the bias of the estimator t1s up to the second order of
approximation as

Y  3 3 7 7 25  (5.2)
Bias 2 ( t 1s )     V11  V02  V12  V03  V13  V04 
2  4 4 24 24 192 

Squaring equation (5.1) and taking expectations and using lemmas we get MSE of t1s up to second
order of approximation as

  e 3 2 1 3 7 
MSE( t 1S )  E Y e 0  1  e1  e 0 e1  e 0 e1  e 3 

  2 8 2 8 48 

 2 1 2 3 3 25 5 55 4 
MSE( t 1s )  Y 2 E e 0  e1  e 0 e1  e 0 e1  e 0 e1  e1  e 0 e1  e 0 e1 
2 2 2 3 2
e1 
 4 8 24 4 192 


  (5.4)
MSE 2 t 1s   Y 2 V20  V02  V11  V22  V21  V12 
1 5 25 55
V13  V04 
 4 4 24 192 
Similarly we get the biases and MSE’s of the estimators t2S, t3S and t4S up to second order of
approximation respectively, as

Y 1 1 5 1 5 
Bias 2 ( t 2s )   V11  V02  V12  V13  V04  V03  (5.5)
2 4 4 24 192 24 

MSE 2 t 2S   Y 2 V20  V02  V11 
1 23 1 1 1
V04  V03  V12  V13  V21 ) (5.6)
 4 192 8 4 24

  2    2     2 3   2 3 
Bias 2 ( t 3S )  Y   V02    V12  V11   V03    V13
 8 4   8 4  2  8 48   8 48 

 2 3 4  
    V04  (5.7)
 32 32 384  

 2   2    2    3 2 
MSE 2 t 3S   Y 2 V20  V02  V11    V22  V21    V22    V12
 4 2 2  2 2  2 4 

 2 2   3 2 7 3    2  3 7 4  

  
V03   4  24 V13   16  16  192 V04 
  (5.8)
 4 8      

 1  11  1  1 
Bias 2 ( t 4S )  E( t 4S  Y)  Y    V11     V02  V12       V04
 2  24  16  24 

2  5V03  V13 (5.9)
48 

 1 

 1 

MSE 2 t 4S   Y V20      V02      

4  1
 
 1 
4  1V
V22      
 12
 2  
 2  4   
 2  4  

1 1 1   1  11 
  4  1     2  5V04  2   V21     4  1V03

 64 24  2   2  42 

 1 11   
  2  5     4  1V13  (5.10)
 24 22   

The optimum value of  we get by minimizing MSE 2 t 3S  . But theoretically the determination of

the optimum value of  is very difficult, we have calculated the optimum value by using numerical
techniques. Similarly the optimum value of  which minimizes the MSE of the estimator t4s is
obtained by using numerical techniques.
6. Numerical Illustration
For the one natural population data, we shall calculate the bias and the mean square error of the
estimator and compare Bias and MSE for the first and second order of approximation.
Data Set-1

To illustrate the performance of above estimators , we have considered the natural data given

in Singh and Chaudhary (1986, p.162).

The data were collected in a pilot survey for estimating the extent of cultivation and

production of fresh fruits in three districts of Uttar- Pradesh in the year 1976-1977.

Table 6.1: Bias and MSE of estimators

Estimator Bias MSE

First order Second order First order Second order
-1.532898612 -1.475625158 2305.736643 2308.748272
8.496498176 8.407682289 23556.67462 23676.94086
-1.532898612 -1.763431841 704.04528 705.377712

-5.14408 -5.0089 704.04528 707.798567


In the Table 6.1 the bias and MSE of the estimators t1S, t2S, t3S and t4S are written under

first order and second order of approximation. The estimator t2S is exponential product-type

estimator and it is considered in case of negative correlation. So the bias and mean squared

error for this estimator is more than the other estimators considered here. For the classical

exponential ratio-type estimator, it is observed that the biases and the mean squared errors

increased for second order. The estimator t 3S and t 4S have the same mean squared error for

the first order but the mean squared error of t 3S is less than t 4S for the second order. So, on
the basis of the given data set we conclude that the estimator t3S is best followed by the

estimator t4S among the estimators considered here.


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