Week 11 14 Writing Position Papers

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English for Academic and Professional Purposes

Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan

Quarter II: Writing a Position Paper - Day 1

Rowela S. Basa

I. Objectives: The learner defines what a position paper is LC Code:


A. Instructional Objective: Identify the concept of position paper and

read an example of it

I Subject Matter: Position Paper

A. Topic: Criteria in Analyzing Position Paper

B. References: “English for globalized Classroom Series: English for

Academic & Professional Purposes” pages 186 - 187 and a video
entitled “Position Paper” from https://www.youtube.com/watch?
v=C6hfi3GdRhc and a sample position paper from
130624052049 retrieved on June 22, 2017.

C. Teaching Materials: video, powerpoint presentation, and projector

I Procedure

A. Presentation

The teacher will ask the learners to watch a downloaded video

clip about the definition of Position Paper. After this, the learners
will have to share in class the details that they got from the

B. Teaching/Modelling

The teacher will have a direct discussion of the definition of a

position paper. In everyday life, people continuously take
sides and form opinions on anything that involves them. However,
defending your point by simply saying “Because I think so”
won’t help you make a case. It is therefore important that you
learn how to properly outline your thoughts and make valid
A position paper presents the writer’s stand or viewpoint on a
particular issue. Writing a position paper entails outlining arguments and
proposing the course of action; by doing so, you are already taking part in a
large debate. It is a more complex version of a persuasive essay, however, a
position paper is not an essay, but it has a various parts just like the concept
paper. It can be likened with a debate but the presentation of the
arguments is in a written form. Presenting an argument implies that you are
favoring one side of the issue.
The primary goal of a position paper is to declare a “position” on a
certain matter or an issue. Its secondary goal is to convince or persuade
others to take that side of an issue or matter.
Aside from this, you also have the power to change the opinions and
attitude of others when you write a position paper. Because of this, a position
paper can be essential tool in bringing about societal change. For example, if
you do not agree with a certain issue or rule, you can write a position paper
to reflect your point of view.

C. Guided Practice

The teacher will ask the learners to think of three problems that

Your Opinion

beleaguer the Philippine society today. Enumerate these problems on the

space provided on the left side of the chart below. And then, write the
opinion about each of them on the right side of the chart. The learners may
compare their answers with their classmates afterwards.
Although the learners have probably shared different issues in the
activity (and even differing opinions about a single issue), they must have all
come up with a particular stance or opinion with a view of building a better
society in mind.

D. Independent Practice

The teacher will ask the learners to read a sample position paper below
and fill-in the chart that comes after it.

“Energy Use and Climate Change - Perspectives for sustainable

The past decade of the 21 century has witness earth-shaking
changes in technology development and scientific progress, yet the
increasing energy use and degrading of environment have posed a great
threat to human race. Wildfires destroy property and harvest in Australia,
melting polar ice caps cause sea level rise which threatens the existing of
small islands, storms and floods cause million dollar damages in Central
America and South East Asia, and serious droughts drive millions of Africans
into famines, which can lead to economy instability and social unrest in these
less developed countries. As a responsible member of the African Union and
a country with global consciousness, Angola shows deep concerns toward
this issue and believes progress can be made with joint efforts.

The problem of energy consumption and its induced climate change

has been a global headache, towards which Angola has shown great concern.
Recognizing the appreciable contribution made by The Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)and the Kyoto Protocol in tackling
global warming and sea-level rising, Angola would willing to join hands with
the global community in face of environmental disasters. Moreover, since
petroleum is one of the pillar industries of Angola , who is also an active
member of OPEC, tangible progress, namely advanced technology and
improved energy efficiency, in energy use will prove to be evolutional.

Confronted with the global climate degradation, Angola suggests that a

stable and reliable outline can be set to describe an outlook of the new
millennium to solve the energy problem (i.e. scarcity of non-renewable
energy and extraction of new energy). The harsh status quo involves in all
the stake holders and Angola suggests that the following approaches can be
of significance.

First group would be representing developed, resources importing

regions like the European Union and Japan where either climate change has
been granted great attention or which depend on energy imports and
therefore try to reduce costs by using non-renewable energy more efficient
or gain independence by subsidizing renewable, innovative energy
generation e.g. hydro wind power. This group is the main driver of climate
conferences like Kyoto in 1997 and Doha in 2012.

The second group is represented by North America and developing

countries including BRICS, which priority is to meet national demand first to
promote further growth/ development and regards anti climate change
action as a subordinate necessity. There are several developed countries e.g.
U.S., Canada and China in this group who are big greenhouse emitters but
omit the Kyoto Protocol. This group didn’t ratify, renounced the Kyoto
Protocol or simply didn’t agree to binding targets. The third group is mostly
constituted by energy producing and exporting countries, including many oil
and gas rich African countries like Libya, Nigeria and Angola. Their main
interest is exploiting national resources to export them at high price.
Although the energy demand in those countries is rising as well, compared to
trading resources, national energy security is a fairly sub orientated topic.

Angola agrees that efficient energy use and renewable energies are
crucial to limit the effects of climate change and supports international
efforts as long as they do merits to Angola’s’ economic benefit and the
global co-prosperity as a whole. Therefore Angola is member to many
multilateral organizations and convention e.g. Angola is signatory to a
number of UN conventions on environmental protection and conversation.
Angola believes that before signing conditional pledges for emission values
or certain restriction, countries causing significantly more greenhouse gas
and has not ratified international agreements yet, should be involved first.

Issues Presented in the Paper Suggested Solutions

II. Evaluation

The teacher will ask the learners to share in class their answers
for the independent task activity.

III. Assignment

IV. Reflection
WEEKS 11 to 14 , DAY 2
Michelle Grace B. Delgado

I. Objectives
The learner understands the principles and uses of a position
The learner presents produces an insightful statement of
principles and reasons for establishing a student organization,
coming up with a group exhibit of creative works, etc.
The learner defines what a position paper is

Instructional Objective
The learner identifies the parts of a Position Paper.

I. Subject Matter
A. Topic Parts of the Position Paper
B. References Major writing assignment.pdf

C. Teaching Materials
II. Procedure
A. Activity
JIGSAW Puzzle - Group the learners into 3 and solve the jigsaw
pattern and make a arguable caption (7-10 minutes).



B. Analysis
The teacher discuss and explain the different parts of a position

(interprets, analyzes and explains the source demonstrating
your knowledge)
BODY (presentation of arguments supported BY evidence)

CONCLUSION (summarize, restate in a forceful manner your


a) Analyze the source/quote: pull it apart sentence by sentence and
explain the meaning of the source both in general terms and more
b) Identify the perspective the source/quote reflects:
c) Explain your understanding of that ideology (discuss key
underlying beliefs or political principles or economic principles)
d) state your position. Do you agree with the ideological perspective
or not?

If taking a qualified position, state it clearly and precisely.

a) Explain your first reason to support your position
b) Factual, relevant and accurate evidence to prove your first
c) Explain your second argument/reason
d) Factual, relevant and accurate evidence to prove your second
e) Explain your third argument/reason
f) Factual, relevant and accurate evidence to prove your last

In General, the strongest/best argument should be the last. Others
would advise the first argument by the strongest/best; never the
middle argument.

(summarize, restate in a forceful manner your position)

Please remember that the conclusion should not merely be a brief
repetition of your results – in that case your discussion would seem
fairly pointless. Focus instead on what your results may imply after
careful consideration (consideration that you have outlined in your

C. Abstraction
1. In one word , Describe the characteristic of the following
Parts of a Position Paper:
a. the Introduction b. Body of Essay c. Concluding Paragraph

2. How to make your stand strong?

D. Application
Identify the Parts of a position paper from the article “
Mahatma Gandhi’s Hunger Strikes “.

“ Mahatma Gandhi’s Hunger Strikes “

(1) Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948), honored by his supporters with

the name Mahatma or “great soul” was a prominent twentieth-
century Indian politician and spiritual leader. Through his philosophy
based on courage, truth, and non-violent resistence, he established
a number of economic and social reforms for India. Furthermore, he
effectively led the nation to its independence in1947. One of his
most potent forms of protest was the hunger strikes or fast.

(2) Throughout his career, Gandhi staged a total of 17 hunger

strikes. The first was in 1918 to express his solidarity with mill
workers. They had lost their positions because of a labor dispute
and were unable to feed their families. To demonstrate his support
for their cause and for their suffering. He initiated a fast, which
resulted in a quick settlement and increased wages for the laborers.
In 1932, he began a “fast until death” to protest discriminatory
British laws. These were aimed at legalizing the caste system and
segregating the dalits or untouchable caste into a separate electoral
body. In 1933, the respected leader began a three-week hunger
strike to protest British rule in the country. In 1939, he fasted for the
same reason and to promote the cause of independent and unified
India. In august 1947, his dream was realized, albeit with
partitioning of greater India into the two separate nations of India
and Pakistan, with a majority of Hindus in the former and a
predominance of Muslim in the latter.

(3) Gandhi’s two most notable fasts were in September 1947 and
January 1948. In the first, shortly after India won its independence
in august 1947, the governor of Calcutta spoke of him not as
“Mahatma” but as “ the magician,” for he successfully ended a
summer violence and bloodshed in a vicious civil war between
Muslim and Hindus that had left 4000 dead and 20,000 wounded. In
the second, fasted to promote tolerance among Sikhs, Hindus and
Muslim. Because he was successful in achieving consensus among
leaders of the various groups, it is ironic that Gandhi was
assassinated 10 days later by a fellow Hindu. The militant could not
tolerate his view that Muslim and Hindus were equal and no one
religion was superior to another.

III. Evaluation (Individual )

Using the same article “ Mahatma Gandhi’s Hunger Strikes “,
Choose sentences that best describe the introduction, Body and
concluding paragraph.

IV. Assignment (Optional)

V. Remarks:___________________
VI. Reflection (After teaching the lesson):_____________________
English for Academic and Professional Purposes
Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan
Quarter II - Day 2
Rowela S. Basa
I. Objectives (Based on the LC): The learner defines what a position
paper is LC Code: CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-IIa-d-1
B. Instructional Objective: Read examples of position paper and get the
general idea from it
II. Subject Matter: Position Paper
A. Topic: Criteria in Analyzing Position Paper
B. References: “English for globalized Classroom Series: English for
Academic & Professional Purposes” pages 187 - 188
C. Teaching Materials: powerpoint presentation and projector
III. Procedure
A. Presentation
The teacher will ask the learners to have the semantic word
webbing activity of the word “guidelines”.
B. Teaching/Modelling
The teacher will have a discussion of the definition of the
Guidelines in Writing a Position Paper.
1. Choose an issue. When choosing one, keep the following
guidelines in mind.
The issue should be debatable because you won’t be able
to make a stand if the topic is not debatable.
The issue should be current or relevant.
The issue should be written in a question from and
answerable by yes or no.
The issue should be narrow and manageable.
2. Begin the writing process by conducting an in-depth research
on the issue.
3. Make sure to define unfamiliar terms when you first mention
4. Be aware of the various positions about the issue and explain
and analyze them objectively.
5. Reflect on your position and identify its weaknesses.
6. Cite valid and reliable sources to establish the credibility of
your arguments.
7. View the issue in a different perspective so you can present
unique approach.
8.Limit your position paper in two pages.
9. Analyze your target readers and align your arguments to their
beliefs, needs, interests, and motivations.
10. Summarize the other side’s counterarguments and use
various evidence and data to refute them.
11. Use an active voice as much as possible to achieve dynamic
and firm one.
12. Arrange your evidence logically using an inductive or
deductive approach.
13. Check your argument for fallacies and eliminate them.
Fallacies, or errors in reasoning weaken your argument.
14. Use ethical, logical, and emotional appeal. An ethical appeal
relates to your credibility and competence as a writer; a
logical appeal refers to a rational approach in developing an
argument; while an emotional appeal uses arguments in a way that
evokes feelings.
C. Guided Practice
The teacher will ask the learners to choose their partner and
begin answering the given activity below.
Instruction: Write G if the practice is good one; write W if not.
______ 1. Patrick considers all possible views on the issue at hand.
______ 2. Alex says that the issue is crucial component of a
position paper.
______ 3. Brendon thinks that an issue is debatable if it cannot be
answered by yes or no.
______ 4. Peter conducts an audience analysis to help him write a
more persuasive position paper.
______ 5. Katy boasts about her credentials to establish her
credibility as a writer.
______ 6. Jack primarily uses opinions in supporting his
______ 7. Nicki uses statistical data in supporting her arguments.
______ 8. Brandon believes that the main goal of a position paper
is to inform readers.
______ 9. Jamie uses emotional appeal in all of his position paper
because it is the best type of appeal.
______ 10. Matt restates his position in the concluding paragraph.

D. Independent Practice
The teacher will ask the learners to read the given text below
and answer the questions that follows it.
A Measured Response to the World
Marikit Tara Alto Uychoco

1. The world can be a chaotic place. Often, there seems to be no ryhme

or reason in the events that happen to us. Oftentimes, people despair, and
the modern alienation articulated by Henry Thoreau may be true for
many----"The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.”

2. In order to make sense of the world, people write. In order to create a

semblance of order and understanding of one's experiences people write.
Often enough, they write a measured response to what has happened to
them. This takes on various forms, but for the purpose of this textbook, the
forms, but for the purpose of this textbook, the forms we will explore are the
review and the reaction paper.

3. Of course, some may consider a diary entry to be a reaction paper to the

world.However, diary entries are personal in their significance, while the
reaction paper's significance os societal. The reaction paper is written for the
enlightenment pf one's fellow human beings; a diary entry is written for the
enlightenment of the self. Both have their significance, however, only the
reaction paper is considered significantly valuable for the academe.

4. There is also a difference in form: the reaction paper is more formal, more
descriptive, and often uses the rhetorical devices of description and narration
in order to prove a point; while the diary entry is less formal, less descriptive,
and does not endeavor to persuade or to make another person understand;
hence, there is no real effort in using rhetorical devices. Oftentimes, the
diary entry is a way to rage against petty insults and grievances.

5. When one reads a reaction paper, one expects to be informed and

amused. Reaction papers help us in our everyday decisions: from what movie
we should watch, to the clothing that we should wear, and the causes that
we should believe in. It tells us that we are not alone in experiencing the
world, and that there are others before us who care to tell us what to watch
out for, and how to best experience what we are about to go through.

6. Modern interations of the reaction paper are the movie, review, gadget
review, trip advisor post, and other travel reviews, restaurant reviews , and
essays that discuss a social phenomenon or a common experience. Many
editorials can be considered reaction papers, if not, position papers. Many of
them are written in newspapers, magazines, and weblogs.

7. Although the modern world can be a lonely and alienating place, the
reaction paper can reach put and tell us that we are not alone. It helps to
know that the other person is going through the same experience as well,
and that this person has something to tell you about how to survive, what to
avoid, and where to seek pleasure. A reaction paper, when done right, can
help us process our own experience, and help us see things that we weren't
able to see on on our own.

8. Im today's multimedia world, this stretches across countries and over

territorial borders, where a housewife from Manila can tell a tourist from
Tokyo how to best survive Manila's hot summer. We reach out to one another,
in order to make the world a better place, by mapping the world for others,
and letting them know where beauty and darkness reside.

1. Do you agree with the essay? Why or why not?

2. What are the instances when you felt that you were doing or
believing something wrong, but was not able to fully explain or say why you
felt that way?
3. What issues do you think are important in your life? Why is it
important to analyze them?
4. Why is it important for citizens of the nation to be able to
analyze argument?

IV. Evaluation
The teacher will ask for volunteers to share their answers.

V. Assignment

VI. Reflection
English for Academic and Professional Purposes


Quarter II: Writing a Position Paper

Week 11-14, Day 3

I. Objectives
Performance Standard- The learner presents a convincing
position paper based on properly cited factual evidence.
Content Standard- The learner understands the principles and
uses of a position paper.
LEARNING COMPETENCY- Identifies situations in which a position
paper may be effectively used in our present society

A. Instructional Objective : Identifies situations in which a position

paper may be effectively used in our present society

II. Subject Matter: Position Paper

A. Topic: Identify situations for position paper

B. References:

Valdez, P. N. (n.d.). English for Academic and Professional Purposes for

Senior High School. Phoenix pp. 66-71

C. Teaching Materials:

III. Procedure:

A. Presentation:
Fast Talk:
Students will be asked to answer questions quickly.
1. Are you in favor of death penalty?
2. Do you allow your parents to interfere with the course you are
going to pursue?
3. Are you in favour of lowering the age of criminal liability?
4. Do you think implementing dress code in school would
improve students’performance?
5. Are you in favour of the inclusion of ROTC in our K-12
B. Teaching/Modelling:
The teacher will explain why students give different answers. There
are many issues in our school or community wherein we have to
make our stand. The position paper is devoted to a discussion of
one side of an issue for the author to convince the reader to take his
side by presenting credible evidence.
The following list of topics can be the source of issues for subject of
a position paper.

Topic issue

Death Penalty Implementation of death penalty

Chosen Course Interference of parents
Criminal Liability Lowering the age of Criminal
Dress Code Implementation of dress code
ROTC Inclusion of ROTC in the K-12

C. Practice ( Give more exercises- group, dyad, collaborative)

An issue is developed into an argumentative thesis that states the
stand of the author on the issue.
The establishment of commercial buildings especially poultry near
school should be prohibited because of the risks it poses to the
health of our students and the discomfort it brings to the

Claims- These are statements that support the author’s stand.

The author cites risks to the health of the students and the
environment as well to strengthen his point or stand.
Evidence- These are proofs to strengthen the author’s claim.
1. Evidence from survey, library research, and experiments.
2. Evidence from informant interviews ( those who have direct
experience related to the problem or issue).
3. Evidence from expert interviews.
D. Independent Practice ( once the skill is mastered , can also be
the evaluation)

Given the issue , stand,and claims, write a thesis statement.

Issue: Cycling to commute to work or school
Stand: In favour
Claims: Health benefits, saves money, environment-friendly
Thesis statement: Cycling as a mode of transport should be
promoted since it has several health benefits. It can help save non-
renewable resources and can be financially rewarding.
1. Issue: Implementing K to 12 education system in the Philippines
Stand: Against
Claims: Lack of facilities, inadequacy of teacher training,
increased expenses of parents
Thesis statement:______________________________
2. Issue: Political dynasties
Stand: Against
Claims: Monopolized power in public office, possibility of
corruption, crowding of democratic choices
Thesis Statement:____________________________

IV. Evaluation:

Below are claims for the issue” Implementing a no private policy for
two days a week along major highways in Metro Manila” Think of
counterclaims for each and draft a short paragraph to reflect these.

Claims Counterclaims/Claims of the

Reduction of traffic volume
Reduction of pollution
Increased use of public transport

V. Assignment (Optional)

VI. Reflection (After teaching the lesson)

English for Academic and Professional Purposes

Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan

Quarter II - Day 4

Rowela S. Basa

I. Objectives (Based on the LC): The learner gathers manifestoes and

analyzes the arguments used by the writer/s LC Code:
A. Instructional Objective: Identify the different criteria in analyzing
a position paper and practice analyzing a text

I Subject Matter: Writing a Position Paper

A. Topic: Criteria in Analyzing Position Paper

B. References: “English for globalized Classroom Series: English for

Academic & Professional Purposes” pages 189 - 192

C. Teaching Materials: powerpoint presentation and projector

I Procedure

A. Presentation

The teacher will make use of the strategy “Activating Prior

Knowledge” in the presentation of the lesson. He/she will ask the
learners what usual questions do they have in mind whenever they read an
essay. Possible answers would be: what is the purpose of the writer in writing
this? Who are the intended reader? What are the points presented? etc.

B. Teaching/Modelling

The teacher will have a direct discussion of the criteria that are
usually used in analyzing a text.
Content includes the following:
Paper clearly states the position of the writer.
Opening statement captures the reader’s interest.
Issue is debatable, fresh, relevant, and somehow original.
Arguments reflect higher level of thought.
Paper considers all possible counterarguments.
There are sufficient pieces of evidence to support the
Paper refutes the opposing arguments logically.
Paper aligns the arguments to the target reader’s beliefs,
attitude, values, and motivations.
Paper employs appropriate method in presenting arguments.
Paper appropriately applies logical, ethical and/or emotional
Paper is free from logical fallacies.
Conclusion restates the position of the writer.
Conclusion presents feasible course of action.
Closing statement is powerful.
Organization includes the following:
Paper uses organizational pattern and structure appropriate for
the genre.
Cohesive devices are effectively used.
Ideas are correctly placed which improves the paper’s
Flow of ideas is smooth and easy to read.
Style includes the following:
Paper showcases the writer’s voice.
Paper uses variety of sentence structures.
Paper eliminates sexist language.
Paper uses language appropriate to text.
Paper eliminates wordiness.
Grammar and mechanics include:
Grammar is accurate.
Spelling, capitalization, and punctuations are correctly used.
Word choice is appropriate.
Sentences are well-structured.
Documentation and sources includes:
Paper uses citation and reference format.
Sources are reliable.
Sources used are relevant to the topic.

The teacher will also discuss in class the questions that may be
used for in-depth analysis of a position paper: What is the purpose of the
writer? What is the writer’s persona? Who are the intended readers?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the paper? What are the possible
revisions needed to make it better?

C. Guided Practice

The teacher will ask the learners to choose their own partner for
this dyad analysis activity. The learners will be given a sample position paper
that they have to analyze using the criteria (content, organization, style,
grammar and mechanics, and documentation and sources). The text is below
followed by the rubric.


Topic: Innovative measures to improve

the social and political status of the stateless people

The Kingdom of Netherlands expresses it deep concern of the rising

problem with the stateless people all over the world. The Netherlands fully
supports all international efforts for solving this major humanitarian matter,
reaffirms its readiness for a continuation active role and declares its position
for a needable openness, cooperation and pragmatism that the international
community can assist in a satisfactory conclusion to this problem.

Due to our willingness for an open progressive dialogue and actions in

satisfactory conclusion, The Kingdom of Netherlands is calling upon other
states for a full respect and observation of the Convention relating to the
Status of Stateless Persons, adopted by the United Nations organization and
full cooperation in developing innovative measure to improve the social and
political status of the stateless people. The Kingdom of Netherlands believes
that there are three major points on which the international community
should focus its attention in solving the matter of stateless people and which
should be a focus of further development. Firstly, the prevention of
statelessness; secondly, the reduction of statelessness; and thirdly, the
protection of stateless people. The outlined three objectives form the core of
the problem and introduce the path to the creation of working solutions. The
Kingdom of Netherlands is convinced that the first and most important
initiative should be the prevention of statelessness by improving bilateral,
regional and international cooperation. This should include sharing “best
practices” in areas such as registration and documentation in order to
prevent people of falling between “the cracks” and becoming accidental
victims of statelessness due to discrepancies in law and legal systems.
Possession of nationality is essential for full participation in society; many are
unable to exercise a full range of social and political rights, as a result of
their statelessness or ‘national minority’ status in many countries. This is
why the Kingdom of Netherlands is convinced that the efforts to develop
common law principles with regard to nationality and legislation of this status
are essential part of the prevention of the occurrence of statelessness. The
Kingdom of Netherlands expresses its position of the need of improvement
and facilitation of the legislation path and nationality questions where
applicable, in full respect of the stateless person’s private matters and the
legal system of the state required. Such improvement of the status should
include reasonable attention to the questions of deportation; also working
practices in integration of stateless people by providing them with all
possible levels of education, health care and household; aiming to work
closely at national, regional and international levels to develop new policies
and strengthen existing laws, consultation – and development of policies – in
specific areas such as strengthening the rights and individual identities and
the matters of integration by both local and international working
mechanisms. The Kingdom of Netherlands calls upon the other states to
work upon an improvement of the mutual work in order to develop a better
social and political status of the stateless people, where as countries should
mutually share the responsibility for the stateless.
The Kingdom of Netherlands would like also to draw attention to
problems that have occurred in matters concerning the stateless women and
children and expresses its desire for the creation of working mechanisms in
which a guiding principle should be the best interest of the standard of
children- the usual least protected victims of the statelessness. By focusing
its attention on the matter of the protection of the stateless people in
general, the Kingdom of Netherlands believes that the international
community should join its efforts in developing the existing practices in
protection and help for people with a stateless status all over the world by
exchanging working mechanisms and involvement in problems with full
cooperation in order to solve a pressing matter wherever it has occur. As far
as the Human Rights Commission is concerned it should place a greater
emphasis on assisting countries that face problems. In return, these
countries should demonstrate openness for dialogue with the UN human
rights mechanisms. The Kingdom of Netherlands affirms its position to work
towards a better life and living conditions for all displaced people.

The learners will evaluate the text using the rubric below:


(5) (4) (3) (2) (0)

Content 35%

Paper clearly states the position of the writer.

Opening statement captures the reader’s interest.

Issue is debatable, fresh, relevant,a nd somehow


Arguments reflect higher level of thought.

Paper considers all possible counterarguments.

There are sufficient pieces of evidence to support the


Paper refutes the opposing arguments logically.

Paper aligns the arguments to the target reader’s

beliefs, attitude, values, and motivations.

Paper employs appropriate method in presenting


(5) (4) (3) (2) (0)

Paper appropirately applies logical, ethical and/or

emotional appeals.

Paper is free from logical fallacies.

Conclusion restates the position of the writer.

Conclusion presents feasible course of action.

Closing statement is powerful.

Organization 25%

Paper uses organizational pattern and structure

appropriate for the genre.

Cohesive devices are effectively used.

Ideas are correctly placed which improves the

paper’s organization.

Flow of ideas is smooth and easy to read.

Style 20%

Paper showcases the writer’s voice.

Paper uses variety of sentence structures.

Paper eliminates sexist language.

Paper uses language appropriate to text.

Paper eliminates wordliness.

Grammar and Mechanics 10%

Grammar is accurate.

Spelling, capitalization, and punctuations are correctly used.

Word choice is appropriate.

Sentences are well-structured.

Documentation and Sources 10%

Paper uses citation and reference format.


(5) (4) (3) (2) (0)

Sources are reliable.

Sources used are relevant to the topic.


Legend: VGE - to a very great extent; GE - to a great extent; SE -

to some extent; LE - to a little extent; N- Not at all.

D. Independent Practice

The teacher will ask the learners to independently answer the

following questions using the table below.

Question Answer

What is the purpose of the


What is the writer’s persona?

Who are the intended readers?

What are the strengths of the


What are the weaknesses of the


What possible revisions needed to

make it better?

II. Evaluation

The teacher will ask the learners to individually write a summary

of the position paper they have read which includes the
arguments, number of pieces of evidences, and analysis.

III. Assignment
The teacher will ask the students to review all the criteria of
analyzing a rubric in preparation for the next days’

IV. Reflection

English for Academic and Professional Purposes

Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan

Quarter II - Day 5

Rowela S. Basa

I Objectives (Based on the LC): The learner gathers manifestoes and

analyzes the arguments used by the writer/s LC Code:

B. Instructional Objective: Analyze the given position paper.

I Subject Matter: Writing a Position Paper

A Topic: Analyzing Position Paper

D. References: “English for Globalized Classroom Series: English for

Academic & Professional Purposes” pages 189 - 192

E. Teaching Materials: powerpoint presentation and projector

I Procedure

A Presentation
The teacher will ask the students to share in class the different
criteria used in analyzing a position paper as a form of a

E. Teaching/Modelling

The teacher will discuss in class the connection of the text from
the previous day and the text that the learners will analyze for
this day. The text from the previous day and todays’ text are both
representing the State of Netherlands and it somehow touches the social and
political status of the country.
C. Guided Practice
The teacher will ask the learners to choose their own partner for
this dyad analysis activity. The learners will be given a sample
position paper that they have to analyze using the criteria (content,
organization, style, grammar and mechanics, and documentation and
sources). The text is below followed by the rubric.


Topic: Situation of Mexican National Human Rights Commission

The Kingdom of Netherlands expresses its deep concern in relation of

the present situation in the Mexican National Human Rights Commission and
strongly believes that this wide ranging problem should be of a great concern
by The United Nations Human Rights Council and the international
community in the present moment.

According to last reports by Human Rights Watch, we regretfully

determine, that less has changed on the matter of human rights in the region
since the crucial events, that marked not only Mexico, but the whole Latin
America area in the 1960’s and 1970’s of the 20 century. It is obvious that
besides the democratic social and politics structure in Mexico, basic human
rights, discrimination based on racial, political and other matters, still occur
not only by separated groups of people, but in the whole country and on all
its political and social levels. This is why The Kingdom of Netherlands
believes that in such unstable situation the role of the Mexican National
Human Rights Commission is of a crucial meaning where a clear violation of
basic human rights is obvious. We express our deepest concern regarding
the Mexican National Human Rights Commission and its inability to face the
situation in an adequate way, acknowledging of what is in best interest of the
harmed people.

The Kingdom of Netherlands recognizes as major problems on the

behalf of the Commission the huge influence of the local state political
authorities in its work, which seriously endangers the fairness and openness
of the commission’s work, and violates not only the international law, but
also founding chapters of the Charter of The United Nations organization;
lack of publicity of cases brought to the attention of the Commission which
practically makes its work useless. The Kingdom of Netherlands are calling
upon fast and effective measures on the matter on the behalf of the
international community and reaffirms its readiness to play an active role in
it. We are calling upon the establishment and development of a working
collaboration in the field of practices between the international community
and with the Commission, whereas to improve publicity level of all cases that
are in concern of the Commission and the creation of a working mechanisms
for abolishing the precarious influence of the local political authorities over
the work of the Commission. The Kingdom of Netherlands calls for the
introduction of legislation reforms in order to harmonize Mexican law with
international human rights regulations especially the promotion of
guaranteed opportunity of public access to information regarding the work of
the Mexican National Human Rights Commission. This should be a step closer
towards the idea the state initiations to remedy human rights abuses.

The learners will evaluate the text using the rubric below:


(5) (4) (3) (2) (0)

Content 35%

Paper clearly states the position of the writer.

Opening statement captures the reader’s interest.

Issue is debatable, fresh, relevant,a nd somehow


Arguments reflect higher level of thought.

Paper considers all possible counterarguments.

There are sufficient pieces of evidence to support the


Paper refutes the opposing arguments logically.

Paper aligns the arguments to the target reader’s

beliefs, attitude, values, and motivations.

Paper employs appropriate method in presenting


(5) (4) (3) (2) (0)


Paper appropirately applies logical, ethical and/or

emotional appeals.

Paper is free from logical fallacies.

Conclusion restates the position of the writer.

Conclusion presents feasible course of action.

Closing statement is powerful.

Organization 25%

Paper uses organizational pattern and structure

appropriate for the genre.

Cohesive devices are effectively used.

Ideas are correctly placed which improves the paper’s


Flow of ideas is smooth and easy to read.

Style 20%

Paper showcases the writer’s voice.

Paper uses variety of sentence structures.

Paper eliminates sexist language.

Paper uses language appropriate to text.

Paper eliminates wordliness.

Grammar and Mechanics 10%

Grammar is accurate.

Spelling, capitalization, and punctuations are correctly


Word choice is appropriate.

Sentences are well-structured.

Documentation and Sources 10%


(5) (4) (3) (2) (0)

Paper uses citation and reference format.

Sources are reliable.

Sources used are relevant to the topic.


Legend: VGE - to a very great extent; GE - to a great extent; SE -

to some extent; LE - to a little extent; N- Not at all.
D. Independent Practice
The teacher will ask the learners to independently answer the
following questions using the table below.

Question Answer

What is the purpose of the


What is the writer’s persona?

Who are the intended readers?

What are the strengths of the


What are the weaknesses of the


What possible revisions needed to

make it better?

V. Evaluation

The teacher will ask the learners to individually write a summary

of the position paper they have read which includes the arguments,
number of pieces of evidences, and analysis.

VI. Assignment
The teacher will ask the students to review all the criteria of
analyzing a rubric in preparation for the next days’ tasks.

VII. Reflection

English for Academic and Professional Purposes

Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan

Quarter II - Day 7

Rowela S. Basa

I Objectives (Based on the LC): The learner gathers manifestoes and

analyzes the arguments used by the writer/s LC Code:

C. Instructional Objective: Analyze the given position paper.

I Subject Matter: Writing a Position Paper

A Topic: Analyzing Position Paper

F. References: “English for Globalized Classroom Series: English for

Academic & Professional Purposes” pages 189 - 192 and the
sample text from
taylor retrieved on June 22, 2017

G. Teaching Materials: powerpoint presentation and projector

I Procedure

A Presentation

The teacher will ask the students to share in class their answers
from the previous days’ independent task.
F. Teaching/Modelling

The teacher will discuss in class the topic of the text for today,
the “Taylor Swift’s Open Letter to Apple’s Music Streaming
C. Guided Practice
The teacher will ask the learners to choose their own partner for
this dyad analysis activity. The learners will be given the copy
of the position paper that they have to analyze using the
criteria (content, organization, style, grammar and mechanics, and
documentation and sources). The text is below followed by
the rubric.

To Apple, Love Taylor

I write this to explain why I’ll be holding back my album, 1989, from
the new streaming service, Apple Music. I feel this deserves an explanation
because Apple has been and will continue to be one of my best partners in
selling music and creating ways for me to connect with my fans. I respect the
company and the truly ingenious minds that have created a legacy based on
innovation and pushing the right boundaries.

I’m sure you are aware that Apple Music will be offering a free 3 month
trial to anyone who signs up for the service. I’m not sure you know that
Apple Music will not be paying writers, producers, or artists for those three
months. I find it to be shocking, disappointing, and completely unlike this
historically progressive and generous company.

This is not about me. Thankfully I am on my fifth album and can

support myself, my band, crew, and entire management team by playing live
shows. This is about the new artist or band that has just released their first
single and will not be paid for its success. This is about the young songwriter
who just got his or her first cut and thought that the royalties from that
would get them out of debt. This is about the producer who works tirelessly
to innovate and create, just like the innovators and creators at Apple are
pioneering in their field…but will not get paid for a quarter of a year’s worth
of plays on his or her songs.

These are not the complaints of a spoiled, petulant child. These are the
echoed sentiments of every artist, writer and producer in my social circles
who are afraid to speak up publicly because we admire and respect Apple so
much. We simply do not respect this particular call.

I realize that Apple is working towards a goal of paid streaming. I think

that is beautiful progress. We know how astronomically successful Apple has
been and we know that this incredible company has the money to pay
artists, writers and producers for the 3 month trial period… even if it is free
for the fans trying it out.
Three months is a long time to go unpaid, and it is unfair to ask anyone
to work for nothing. I say this with love, reverence, and admiration for
everything else Apple has done. I hope that soon I can join them in the
progression towards a streaming model that seems fair to those who create
this music. I think this could be the platform that gets it right.

But I say to Apple with all due respect, it’s not too late to change this
policy and change the minds of those in the music industry who will be
deeply and gravely affected by this. We don’t ask you for free iPhones.
Please don’t ask us to provide you with our music for no compensation.


The learners will evaluate the text using the rubric below:


(5) (4) (3) (2) (


Content 35%

Paper clearly states the position of the writer.

Opening statement captures the reader’s interest.

Issue is debatable, fresh, relevant,a nd somehow original.

Arguments reflect higher level of thought.

Paper considers all possible counterarguments.

There are sufficient pieces of evidence to support the claim.

Paper refutes the opposing arguments logically.

Paper aligns the arguments to the target reader’s beliefs,

attitude, values, and motivations.

Paper employs appropriate method in presenting


Paper appropirately applies logical, ethical and/or emotional


Paper is free from logical fallacies.

Conclusion restates the position of the writer.


(5) (4) (3) (2) (


Conclusion presents feasible course of action.

Closing statement is powerful.

Organization 25%

Paper uses organizational pattern and structure appropriate

for the genre.

Cohesive devices are effectively used.

Ideas are correctly placed which improves the paper’s


Flow of ideas is smooth and easy to read.

Style 20%

Paper showcases the writer’s voice.

Paper uses variety of sentence structures.

Paper eliminates sexist language.

Paper uses language appropriate to text.

Paper eliminates wordliness.

Grammar and Mechanics 10%

Grammar is accurate.

Spelling, capitalization, and punctuations are correctly used.

Word choice is appropriate.

Sentences are well-structured.

Documentation and Sources 10%

Paper uses citation and reference format.

Sources are reliable.

Sources used are relevant to the topic.

Legend: VGE - to a very great extent; GE - to a great extent; SE -
to some extent; LE - to a little extent; N- Not at all.
D. Independent Practice
The teacher will ask the learners to independently answer the
following questions using the table below.

Question Answer

What is the purpose of the


What is the writer’s persona?

Who are the intended readers?

What are the strengths of the


What are the weaknesses of the


What possible revisions needed to

make it better?

VIII. Evaluation

The teacher will ask the learners to individually write a summary

of the position paper they have read which includes the
arguments, number of pieces of evidences, and analysis.

IX. Assignment

X. Reflection
English for Academic and Professional Purposes

Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan

Quarter II - Day 6

Rowela S. Basa

I Objectives (Based on the LC): The learner gathers manifestoes and

analyzes the arguments used by the writer/s LC Code:

D. Instructional Objective: Analyze the given position paper.

I Subject Matter: Writing a Position Paper

A Topic: Analyzing Position Paper

H. References: “English for Globalized Classroom Series: English for

Academic & Professional Purposes” pages 189 - 192 and the
sample text from http://veritas899.weebly.com/my-
resources-for-the-Philippines retrieved on June 22, 2017

I. Teaching Materials: powerpoint presentation and projector

I Procedure

A Presentation

The teacher will ask the students to share in class their answers
from the previous days’ independent task.

G. Teaching/Modelling

The teacher will discuss in class the topic of the text for today,
the “Position Paper on the RH Bill” by the Christian Pro-life
Resources of the Philippines. The idea or concept of “RH Bill”
will be discussed through the use of a semantic web. The learners will
be asked to share in class the words that they think are
associated with the given word.
C. Guided Practice
The teacher will ask the learners to choose their own partner for
this dyad analysis activity. The learners will be given the copy of the position
paper that they have to analyze using the criteria (content, organization,
style, grammar and mechanics, and documentation and sources). The text is
below followed by the rubric.


by Christian Pro-life Resources for the Philippines

These are the reasons why we say NO to the RH bill:

1 The RH bill carries with it an oppressive punishment for people who will
not comply with it, making disagreeing with it and teaching something
contrary to it a crime. Section 21 of the RH bill says that “the ff. acts
are prohibited: any health care service provider, whether public or
private, who shall knowingly withhold information or impede the
dissemination thereof, and/or intentionally provide incorrect
information regarding programs and services on reproductive health
including the right to informed choice and access to a full range of
legal, medically-safe and effective family planning methods” BUT- who
defines what is correct or incorrect here? The RH bill and its
proponents. If the RH bill proponents says that an IUD is not
abortifacient, and abortion is not wrong, and that life does not begin at
conception, all of which are totally wrong and against Christian
principles, so when Christian health workers will teach about the
sanctity of life and that life begins at conception, and that sex should
only be between married couples, we will be violating the RH bill and
committing crimes once it becomes law.

2. The RH Bill undermines the institution of marriage. As Christians do not

have any doctrine prohibiting ligation, you may think it may not be of
concern to many Christians, but the RH bill considers a prohibited act
(Sec 28) if a health worker ” refuses to perform voluntary ligation and
vasectomy and other legal and medically-safe reproductive health care
services on any person of legal age on the ground of lack of spousal
consent or authorization”. The Catholic and Muslim nurses and doctors
who refuse to perform ligation or vasectomy, will be committing a
crime. We do not malign or disdain Catholics on this matter. It is
against their doctrine. BUT, for us, the RH bill terribly undermines
marriage : the Bill puts into law that a woman or man does NOT have
to have spousal consent or authorization to have a ligation or
vasectomy. And if a health worker refuses to perform this procedure,
on this particular ground of lack of spousal consent, he or she will be
committing a crime. Christian, Catholic and Muslim marriages will be
affected by this.

3 The RH bill undermines parental authority and undermines the family,

which are against Christian principles. The RH Bill will punish those
health workers (Sec. 21) who “refuse to provide reproductive health
care services to an abused minor, whose abused condition is certified
by the proper official or personnel of the Department of Social Welfare
and Development (DSWD) or to a duly DSWD-certified abused
pregnant minor on whose case no parental consent is necessary”.
What does it mean by “reproductive health care services to an abused
pregnant minor”? Pregnant young women all the more need parental
guidance and consent is necessary for whatever “reproductive health
services” will be done on these young abused women! Why doesn’t the
bill specify what “reproductive health services” will be done on such
minors, who are already pregnant? Is this bill trying to hide the use of
abortion or the use of abortifacient chemical contraceptives like the
“emergency contraceptive” as “solutions” offered to an abused minor
who is already pregnant? And all without a parent’s consent, which is
totally unacceptable to Christian doctrine.

4 The RH bill has a conscientious objection provision, BUT, it negates it

by REQUIRING by law “that the conscientious objector shall
immediately refer the person seeking such care and services to
another health care service provider within the same facility or one
which is conveniently accessible”. (Sec. 21) So even if a Catholic or
Muslim doctor refuses to perform a ligation, they are required to refer.
People who conscientiously object must NOT be required to refer. They
are already objecting.

5 The RH Bill will require Christian churches and schools to provide

reproductive health care services to its employees. All abortifacient
forms of birth control, those that prohibit the conceived embryo from
implanting in the uterine wall, are unacceptable to Christian teachings.
The RH Bill will require employers to provide “reproductive health care
services, supplies and devices to all workers, more particularly women
workers.” The RH bill will punish employers for not following section 17,
which states: “all Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBAs) shall
provide for the free delivery by the employer of reasonable quantity of
reproductive health care services, supplies and devices to all workers,
more particularly women workers. In establishments or enterprises
where there are no CBAs or where the employees are unorganized, the
employer shall have the same obligation.” So employers are required
to provide reproductive health care to its employees! Remember, this
will become a law. This will affect Christian, Catholic and Muslim
employers, even Christian churches and schools, because our churches
and schools have employees. Remember, intrauterine devices and
some birth control pills are abortifacient, meaning they prevent
implantation of an already-conceived embryo. Life begins at
conception, therefore anything that kills an embryo or prevents it from
implanting causes an abortion or death of the human embryo. As
Christians, we know that life begins at conception. We reject any form
of any birth control that kills a conceived life.

6 Contrary to claims by RH bill proponents in Congress that abortion is

not mentioned, the bill specifically mentions abortion in Sec. 4 in its
definition of terms: It lists as the fourth element of reproductive health
care the “prevention of abortion and management of post-abortion
complications”. You may say, but it prevents abortion, what’s wrong?
But why must “management of post-abortion complications” be part of
reproductive health? Abortion is a crime. Why must the RH bill
specifically mention management of post-abortion complications? It
specifies “abortion” as the cause of the complication. What this does is
that it sets apart induced, illegal, morally wrong, criminal abortion as a
procedure or cause necessitating management. Why not just make it a
more general “provision of emergency obstetric care to everyone who
needs it”? The very fact that abortion is specified as the cause of the
complication means that the RH bill condones abortion and gives it
special treatment. Abortion is murder of the unborn baby and a
grievous sin before God. It is the shedding of innocent blood. It is a
crime under Philippine laws.
7 The RH bill will teach the entire nation, especially the young people, its
definitions of human sexuality, sex, sexual identity, interpersonal
relationships, affection, intimacy and gender roles. They will also
define contraception and abortion. In Section 4, the RH bill defines
“Reproductive health education” as “the process of acquiring complete,
accurate and relevant information on all matters relating to the
reproductive system, its functions and processes and human sexuality;
and forming attitudes and beliefs about sex, sexual identity,
interpersonal relationships, affection, intimacy and gender roles. It also
includes developing the necessary skills to be able to distinguish
between facts and myths on sex and sexuality; and critically evaluate.
and discuss the moral, religious, social and cultural dimensions of
related sensitive issues such as contraception and abortion.” Once
again, who decides what is correct and What are facts? The Bill and its
proponents determine that. And once it is a law, whatever they (the
proponents and the Population Commission) define these things to be,
will be what is correct and anyone who teaches otherwise will be
committing crimes. And once again, abortion is mentioned. Abortion
has nothing to do with “responsible parenthood” and “family planning”.
8 We reject the RH Bill It will teach our children and the entire country a
sex education curriculum which its proponents have formulated. The
RH Bill says in Sec. 12, “Mandatory Age-Appropriate Reproductive
Health Education.”– “Reproductive Health Education in an age-
appropriate manner shall be taught by adequately trained teachers
starting from Grade 5 up to Fourth Year High School….The POPCOM, in
coordination with the Department of Education, shall formulate the
Reproductive Health Education curriculum, which shall be common to
both public and private schools and shall include related population
and development concepts in addition to the following subjects and
standards : Reproductive health and sexual rights; Reproductive health
care and services; Attitudes, beliefs and values on sexual
development, sexual behavior and sexual health; Proscription of the
hazards of abortion and management of post-abortion complications;
Responsible parenthood.. Use and application of natural and modern
family planning methods to promote reproductive health, achieve
desired family size and prevent unwanted, unplanned and mistimed
pregnancies; Abstinence before marriage; Prevention and treatment of
HIV/AIDS and other, STIs/STDs, prostate cancer, breast cancer, cervical
cancer and other gynecological disorders; Responsible sexuality; and
Maternal, peri-natal and post-natal education, care and services.”
While prevention of AIDS and STDs, abstinence before marriage and
responsible parenthood are good, there is nothing good with the
government teaching “Attitudes, beliefs and values on sexual
development, sexual behavior and sexual health” to our children! Plus,
once again they have managed to insert “abortion” again. What will be
taught about the “hazards of abortion” ? Abortion is 100% fatal and
100% hazardous to the unborn baby who has been aborted! Why must
“management of post-abortion complications” be taught in sex

9 We reject the RH bill because it’s really about money for contraceptive
manufacturers and suppliers. The RH bill puts into law that
contraceptives will be made into essential medicines. Sec. 10 says
“Hormonal contraceptives, intrauterine devices, injectables and other
allied reproductive health products and supplies shall be considered
under the category of essential medicines and supplies which shall
form part of the National Drug Formulary and the same shall be
included in the regular purchase of essential medicines and supplies of
all national and local hospitals and other government health units.”
The RH bill only lays the groundwork for government purchases of
contraceptives, including some contraceptives that are abortifacient,
which we reject.

10 We reject the RH bill because it encourages a two-child policy. In Sec.

16, “Ideal Family Size” it says: “The State shall assist couples, parents
and individuals to achieve their desired family size within the context
of responsible parenthood for sustainable development and encourage
them to have two children as the ideal family size. Attaining the ideal
family size is neither mandatory nor compulsory. No punitive action
shall be imposed on parents having more than two children.” While it
says that it is not mandatory or compulsory, it will still become a law,
meaning, the law will encourage this two-child policy. If it is written in
the law, it will be part of legislated health policy. Previous versions of
the RH Bill (the past HB 3773) even had a provision that government
scholarships will only be extended to the first two children in a family.
Surprisingly, it is no longer in the present bill. But what if this is put
into the implementing rules and regulations? And people who will have
large families will be stigmatized even if they are not punished.

Whatever is good in the bill is already legal and is being done.

Yes, women who aborted/killed their children must not be refused
emergency obstetric care. But RA 8344, already penalizes the refusal
of hospitals and medical clinics to administer appropriate initial
medical treatment and support in emergency and serious cases.
Women who have aborted/killed their babies are already given
emergency obstetric care through this act. HIV-AIDS programs are
already in place through RA 8504,the “Philippine AIDS Prevention and
Control Act of 1998″. The RH bill tries to encompass so many health
issues under it such that people who reject the RH bill are viewed as
anti-women, anti-health, anti-HIV prevention and anti-development.

But now we have shown you what is definitely worth rejecting in

the RH bill-it is the hidden agenda tucked into the RH bill, the
oppressive nature of the bill toward those who reject it, the values it
undermines and the questionable “values” it will try to teach.

The learners will evaluate the text using the rubric below:


(5) (4) (3) (2) (0)

Content 35%

Paper clearly states the position of the writer.

Opening statement captures the reader’s interest.

Issue is debatable, fresh, relevant,a nd somehow


Arguments reflect higher level of thought.

Paper considers all possible counterarguments.

There are sufficient pieces of evidence to support the


Paper refutes the opposing arguments logically.

Paper aligns the arguments to the target reader’s

beliefs, attitude, values, and motivations.

Paper employs appropriate method in presenting


Paper appropirately applies logical, ethical and/or

emotional appeals.

Paper is free from logical fallacies.

Conclusion restates the position of the writer.

Conclusion presents feasible course of action.


(5) (4) (3) (2) (0)

Closing statement is powerful.

Organization 25%

Paper uses organizational pattern and structure

appropriate for the genre.

Cohesive devices are effectively used.

Ideas are correctly placed which improves the paper’s


Flow of ideas is smooth and easy to read.

Style 20%

Paper showcases the writer’s voice.

Paper uses variety of sentence structures.

Paper eliminates sexist language.

Paper uses language appropriate to text.

Paper eliminates wordliness.

Grammar and Mechanics 10%

Grammar is accurate.

Spelling, capitalization, and punctuations are correctly


Word choice is appropriate.

Sentences are well-structured.

Documentation and Sources 10%

Paper uses citation and reference format.

Sources are reliable.

Sources used are relevant to the topic.


Legend: VGE - to a very great extent; GE - to a great extent; SE -

to some extent; LE - to a little extent; N- Not at all.
D. Independent Practice
The teacher will ask the learners to independently answer the
following questions using the table below.

Question Answer

What is the purpose of the


What is the writer’s persona?

Who are the intended readers?

What are the strengths of the


What are the weaknesses of the


What possible revisions needed to

make it better?

XI. Evaluation

The teacher will ask the learners to individually write a summary

of the position paper they have read which includes the
arguments, number of pieces of evidences, and analysis.

XII. Assignment

XIII. Reflection


WEEKS 11 to 14 , DAY 8
Michelle Grace B. Delgado

I. Objectives
The learner understands the principles and uses of a position
The learner presents produces an insightful statement of
principles and reasons for establishing a student organization,
coming up with a group exhibit of creative works, etc.
The learner defends a stand on an issue by presenting
reasonable arguments supported by properly-cited factual

Instructional Objective
The learner cites and identify text-based evidence that
provides the strongest support to defend his stand.

II. Subject Matter

D. Topic : Citation of text-based evidence
E. References :
How to write the Argument essay.pdf
Ways to support an argument. pdf
C. Teaching Materials
Manila Paper , markers

III. Procedure

Have a short review of the body of the Position paper. Definition

of Citation and its purposes.

E. Activity ( Refer Activity 1)

The activity is Called CITATION SCAVENGER HUNT . Group the
learners and present the Article “Kids in conflict with the law and
lowering of criminal liability”. Let the learners cite support and
evidence from the article and jot down with the corresponding
paragraph numbers. Write their output in a manila paper. (10

F. Analysis (Refer Discussion)

From the group’s citations let them post and show their work
outcome. Let the the teacher present the types of support and
evidence and learners will identify the types of their outputs
List of some types of support and evidence that might be
present on learner’s citations.
  Statistics
  Dialogue /Relevant Personal Testimony
  Definitions
  Examples
  Anecdotal Evidence
  Contrast and comparison
  Cause and effect
 Expert Opinions
 Visuals
 Quotation
 Factual Data

The teacher will explain /add details about the types of

evidences gathered by the learners.The Teacher may discuss
the numbering of paragraph as example of citing.

G. Abstraction (Refer Activity 2)

How will you gather support and evidence for
Articles and other sources?

H. Application (Refer Activity 3)

How will you convince your audience to take your sides
on the following debatable issues:
1. It is a must for the SHS students to wear complete uniform
2. Implementation of ROTC in Senior High School
3. Use of mobile phones inside the classroom.
IV. Evaluation:
Each group member will present their previous work with the use
of the transitions for citing textual evidence.

V. Assignment
The learner will choose a topic from LESSONDAY 3 and able to plan
ahead how to gather evidences, use Sandwich Quote organizer and
present it on Day 10& 11 (Defending Stand)

VI. Remarks:___________________
VII. Reflection (After teaching the lesson):_____________________
WEEKS 11 to 14 , DAY 9
Michelle Grace B. Delgado

VII. Objectives
The learner understands the principles and uses of a position
The learner presents produces an insightful statement of
principles and reasons for establishing a student organization,
coming up with a group exhibit of creative works, etc. LEARNING
The learner defends a stand on an issue by presenting
reasonable arguments supported by properly-cited factual

Instructional Objective
The learner organizes gathered evidence for each body paragraph
Using the Quote Sandwich organizer.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic Quote Sandwich Organizer
B. References
C. Teaching Materials graphic organizer
III. Procedure

A. Presentation

Introduce some examples of signal phrases and maker verbs to

introduce your quotes. Then use Quote Sandwich organizer and
explains the guidelines for Quotation. Show the picture of a
sandwich and further discuss the guidelines.

Some examples of Signal Phrases and Marker Verbs


 According to … Acknowledge Writes Admits

 In her article … Agrees Adds Asserts
 In the opinion of … Believes Argues Comments
 (Author’s Name) Compares Claims Declares
shows that … Denies Confirms Emphasizes
 (Author’s name) Endorses Disputes Illustrates
argues that … Implies Grants Notes
 (Author’s name)+ (a Observes Insists Reasons
marker verb) Refutes Point out Reports
Responds Rejects Thinks

The “quote sandwich” is a method that aids you in

effectively adding quotes. See below for a further

Introduce It!

Quotation + Citation!
Explain It

B. Teaching/Modeling

Introduce It!

Before adding your quote introduce it with a signal phrase or a marker

verb (see the marker verb handouts).
Ex: House Speaker Pantaleon D. Alvarez and Rep. Fredenil H. Castro
of the Second District of Capiz explain …

Quotation + Citation!

After you have introduced your quote with a signal phrase or

marker verb add in your quote.

Ex. House Speaker Pantaleon D. Alvarez and Rep. Fredenil H. Castro of

the Second District of Capiz explain that “It is the policy of the state to
ensure that the Filipino youth shall be taught to accept
responsibility for their words and deeds as early as possible, and
not to unduly pamper them with impunity from the criminal
responsibility upon reaching the age of 9 years.”

Explain It!

Now that you’ve added in your quote, explain why the quote is
important. What do you think it means? How does it connect to your
topic sentence and thesis? (Your explanation should be at least as
long, or longer that the quotation itself.

Ex. When a child before reaching the age of 9, he/she has already
understand the consequences of committing crime. Proper education and
discipline are imprinted. One way to educate them is letting the children
learn and understand student’s handbook in school and abiding them will
guide them to be law abiding citizen.

C. Guided Practice (Refer Activity 1 Day8)

Let the students go to their previous groupings and they will apply
the signal and marker verbs on their output from Citation Scavenger

D. Independent Practice
From the Article “ Is Bad language Unacceptable on TV?”,
Let the learner cite a quotation and use the Sandwich
Quote Organizer.

IV. Evaluation
Read the whole article “ Is bad Language Unacceptable on TV?” and
choose 3 quotations organized by Sandwich Quote that may explain your
V. Assignment
Continue working on the selected topic and use Sandwich
Quote organizer

VI. Reflection (After teaching the lesson)


WEEKS 11 to 14 , DAY 10
Michelle Grace B. Delgado

I. Objectives
The learner understands the principles and uses of a position
The learner presents produces an insightful statement of
principles and reasons for establishing a student organization,
coming up with a group exhibit of creative works, etc. LEARNING
The learner defends a stand on an issue by presenting
reasonable arguments supported by properly-cited factual

Instructional Objective
The learner appropriately uses a visual component to
clarify, support, and emphasize the content of my speech.
The learner presents claims and findings in a focused,
coherent manner (use relevant evidence, sound reasoning,
and well-chosen details).
The learner uses effective speaking techniques (appropriate
eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation).

II Subject Matter
A. Topic : POSITION SPEECH Presentation
B. References :
Common Core ELA Curriculum • G8:M4:U2:L17 • First Edition
C. Teaching Materials
Position Speech Rubric, projector , TV,Realia
III Procedure
A. Presentation
Before Adapting a Speech, let the learner understand what is
“visual component” included in the Position Speech Rubric. Explain
that the use of a visual component is necessary to meet the needs
on certain criteria to show whether or not they have met the
- aims to clarify, support, and emphasize the content of my
speech.It is something that they show in their speeches to
support their ideas.


SPEAKER 4 3 2 1
P A claim is
A A strong made but
A claim is
R claim is it doesn’t
made in
T made in respond
I response directly
Makes a to the There is
C to the to the
strong claim question no claim
I question question,
to open made.
P to open or it isn’t
A the presente
N presentat d at the
T ion. beginning
Two clear Two
One No
reasons reasons
reason reasons
Provides clear have have
has been have
reasons for been been
provided been
making that provided provided
for provided
claim for for
making for
making making
that making
that that
claim. the claim.
claim. claim.
At least
At least
two No
two There is
pieces of evidence
pieces of at least
P Provides strong is
evidence one piece
A strong evidence provided
have of
R supporting have to
been evidence
T evidence for been support
provided to
I reasons provided the
to support
C to reasons
support each
I support presente
each reason.
P each d.
A reason.
N Provides a There is a There is a There is There is
T counterclaim clear countercl some no
and responds countercl aim and evidence countercl
to it with aim and response of a aim or
evidence response supporte countercl response.
supporte d by aim and
d by evidence. response.
contact is
contact is
with a
many Eye
number Eye
Eye contact different contact is
of people contact is
with multiple people in not made
in the made
points in the the with
audience with one
audience audience anyone in
througho or two
througho the
ut, people.
ut, audience.
Speaking Speaking Speaking
is paced
is paced is paced is too
well for a
perfectly well rushed
Speaks clearly majority
througho some of and not
and slowly of the
ut—slow the time clear
enough for time—
and clear —slow enough.
everyone to slow and
enough and clear It is very
hear and clear
for enough difficult
understand enough
everyone for some for most
for most
to people to people to
people to
understa understa understa
nd. nd. nd.
Volume is
Volume is Volume is Volume is
Appropriate te for
appropria appropria challengi
volume everyone
te for te for ng for
to hear—
most some most
not too
people to people to people to
loud and
hear. hear. hear.
not too
Every Most Some Very few
word is words are words are words are
Correct pronounc pronounc pronounc pronounc
pronunciation ed clearly ed clearly ed clearly ed clearly
and and and or
correctly. correctly. correctly. correctly.
SOURCE: Common Core ELA Curriculum •
G8:M4:U2:L16 • First Edition

Presentations to be continued the next day.
WEEKS 11 to 14 , DAY 11
Michelle Grace B. Delgado

I. Objectives
The learner understands the principles and uses of a position
The learner presents produces an insightful statement of
principles and reasons for establishing a student organization,
coming up with a group exhibit of creative works, etc. LEARNING
The learner defends a stand on an issue by presenting
reasonable arguments supported by properly-cited factual

Instructional Objective
The learner presents claims and findings in a focused,
coherent manner (use relevant evidence, sound reasoning,
and well-chosen details).
The learner uses effective speaking techniques (appropriate
eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation).

II Subject Matter
A. Topic : POSITION SPEECH Presentation
B. References :
Common Core ELA Curriculum • G8:M4:U2:L17 • First Edition
C. Teaching Materials
Position Speech Rubric, projector , TV,Realia

III Procedure
Present the Rubrics again,Learners (audience) share
Feedback and give suggestions.
Continue to individual presentations.

Evaluation based on Position Speech Rubrics

English for Academic and Professional Purposes

Quarter II- Writing a Position Paper

Week 11-14 , Day 12

II. Objectives
Performance Standard- The learner produces an insightful
statement of principles and reasons for establishing a student
organization, coming up with a group exhibit of creative works, etc.
Content Standard- The learner understands the principles and
uses of a position paper.
LEARNING COMPETENCY- Writes various kinds of position paper

A. Instructional Objective : write an outline of a position paper

II. Subject Matter: Position Paper

A. Topic: Outlining a position paper

B. References: English for Academic and Professional Purposes for Senior

High School by Jessie Saraza Barrot, Ph.D. , Philippe John Fresnillo
Sipacio pp.186-187

C. Teaching Materials

III. Procedure

E. Presentation: Brainstorm on controversial or arguable topic in the

school . Let the students take their stand on the issue.
F. Teaching/Modelling:

Sample of Position Paper Outline

TOPIC Have CPs and Social Media made families

closer or not?

STAND/POSITION No, I believe that CPs and Social Media have NOT
made families closer.

EXPLANATION There is less talk and more text nowadays; less

touch and more tweets.

EVIDENCE The report, entitled Bringing Families Closer

Together, provides a snapshot of the impact of
communication technology on families…

CONCLUSION Einstein has predicted, “I fear one day that

technology will surpass our human interaction. The
world will have a generation of idiots.” Cellular
phones and Social Media have made a rift in the
relationships among family members.

( Source- PPT Krismelleh D. Belaro)

The teacher will discuss the parts of an outline.

1.Parts of an outline

a. An Introduction

 Identification of the issue

 Statement of the position

b. Body

 Background information
 Supporting evidence or facts
 A discussion of both sides of the issue
c. Conclusion
 Restate your position
 Suggested course of action
 Possible solutions

G. Guided Practice ( Give more exercises- group, dyad, collaborative)

Students will be grouped into five and read the sample of
position paper entitled “Paper Bags and Their Effects on the
Environment” written by Audrey Chua-Unsu on page 72 of
English for Academic and Professional Purposes by Paolo Nino M.
Valdez, Ph D.
With the guidance of the teacher, the students will make
an outline of the position paper using the structure above.
H. Independent Practice ( once the skill is mastered , can also be
the evaluation)
Read and comprehend the following outline of a position paper.
Then, decide what issue you are going to write. After that, fill up the
parts of the paper using the template below. Your reasons or
opinions should be concretized by facts.
I. Introduction- One Paragraph
A. Background and relevance of the issue
B. Thesis statement ( Use prior knowledge on how to write
thesis statement)
C. Reasons you believe what you do
II. Body- Three paragraphs
A. explanation of reasons you believe what you do and its
opposing viewpoints.

III. Conclusion:
A. Restate your thesis in different words
B. Provide a suggestion or a call to action.

IV. Evaluation: Do the independent practice, this will serve as an

evaluation part.

V. Assignment (Optional)

VI. Reflection (After teaching the lesson)




Quarter II: Writing a Position Paper

Week 11-14, Day 13
I. Objectives
Performance Standard- The learner produces an insightful
statement of principles and reasons for establishing a student
organization, coming up with a group exhibit of creative works, etc.
Content Standard- The learner understands the principles and
uses of a position paper.
LEARNING COMPETENCY- Writes various kinds of position paper
CS EN11/EAPP-II a-d-5

A. Instructional Objective : write a position paper ( 2 days )

II. Subject Matter: Position Paper

A. Topic: Writing a position paper

B. References: English for Academic and Professional Purposes

for Senior High School by Jessie Barrot, Ph. D., Philippe
Sipacio, pp. 187-197

C. Teaching Materials:

III. Procedure:

a. Presentation:
Presentation of some written outline of the students
b. Teaching/Modelling:
1. Read the Sample Position Paper entitled “Innovative measures to
improve the social and political status of the stateless people”
on pages 193-194 . English for Academic and Professional
Purposes for Senior High School by Jessie Saraza Barrot,
Ph.D., Philippe John Fresnillo Sipacio , pp. 193-194.
2. The teacher will discuss that the sample follows guidelines in
writing a position paper
Reference: English for Academic and Professional Purposes for
Senior High School , pp. 187-18

C.Guided Practice ( Give more exercises- group, dyad,


Briefly reread the given position paper and pay special attention to
the structural features by answering the questions below. Then,
discuss your observations in pairs for 15 minutes.
1. How does the position paper begin?
2. What organization does the position paper follow? How it is
3. How would you describe the style and approach of presentation
of ideas?
4. How are supporting details presented? Are the explanations
5. What cohesive devices were used to improve the flow and clarity
of ideas?
6. How would you describe the conclusion? How is it organized?

D.Independent Practice ( once the skill is mastered , can also

be the evaluation)

Read the following scenarios below . Pick one and write a

position paper based on the scenario you choose.
A. The student council is petitioning to prepare an arts festival in
your school, but the administration is reluctant to agree to the
plan because it involves taking two days off the students’
normal classes. As one of the organizers, you are tasked to write
a position paper which argues your stand for the establishment
of the activity to the administration.
B. You would like to establish a new student organization for a
hobby or sports you share with a hundred students in your
batch. However the head of the club organizations think that
establishing a student organization is unnecessary because you
all talk about your interest outside school anyway. So you write a
position paper to outline your arguments so that the head can
see your stand on the issue.
C. You and the teenagers in your community would like to organize
a concert as a fund-raising activity for the street children in your
city. The community elders disapprove because it would eat up
much of your time for school and that what you are planning is
a job for adults. As a leader of the group, you are tasked to
write a position paper addressed to the community elders to
show your arguments in favour of organizing the concert.

IV. Evaluation: The independent practice will serve as an evaluation
part. Students will be given ample time to plan their paper by
generating more ideas by brainstorming and clustering with their
V. Assignment (Optional)-Conduct a preliminary research by getting the
sources that you might need for writing your position paper. Be sure that
your sources are taken from reliable sources.

VI. Reflection (After teaching the lesson)

English for Academic and Professional Purposes



Quarter II: Writing a Position Paper

Week 11-14, Day 14

I. Objectives
Performance Standard- The learner produces an insightful
statement of principles and reasons for establishing a student
organization, coming up with a group exhibit of creative works, etc.
Content Standard- The learner understands the principles and
uses of a position paper.
LEARNING COMPETENCY- Writes various kinds of position paper

A. Instructional Objective : write a position paper ( continuation - 2nd day


II. Subject Matter: Position Paper

A. Topic: Writing a position paper

B. References: English for Academic and Professional Purposes

for Senior High School , pp. 187-197

C. Teaching Materials:

III. Procedure:


Presentation of some well- written output of the students, if there

are any.
Note: Some students will also be given ample time to finish writing
their position paper.


3. Read some well – written position paper of the students.

4. The teacher will discuss some guidelines observed in the paper.
5. The teacher will extend assistance to students who may need
help in writing their position paper.

C.Guided Practice ( Give more exercises- group, dyad, collaborative)

 Peer Critiquing – Students will exchange work with their

partner and do the peer critiquing using the following guide
questions below. ( Use a blue or green-inked pen in
evaluating your partner’s work? Focus on :
c. Does the paper clearly state the position of the writer?
d. Does the opening statement capture the reader’s interest?
e. Is the issue debatable, fresh and relevant?
f. Do the arguments reflect higher level of thought?
g. Does the paper use evidence from reputable sources?
h. Are there sufficient pieces of evidence to support the claim?
i. Does the paper consider all possible counter arguments?
j. Does the paper refute the opposing arguments?
k. Does the paper align the arguments to the target reader’s
beliefs, attitudes, values and motivations.
l. Does the paper employ appropriate method in presenting
m. Does the paper consider logical, ethical, or emotional appeal?
n. Does the paper eliminate logical fallacies?
o. Does the conclusion present feasible course of actions?
p. Is the closing statement powerful?
q. Does the paper use organizational pattern and structure
appropriate for the genre?
r. Are cohesive devices effectively used?
s. Are the ideas correctly placed which improves the paper’s
t. Is the flow of ideas smooth and easy to read?
u. Does the paper showcase the writer’s voice?
v. Does the paper use a variety of sentence structure?
w. Is the paper free from sexist language?
x. Does the paper use language appropriate to context?
y. Is the paper free from colloquial word expressions?
I. References: English for Academic and Professional Purposes
for Senior High School , p.195-196

1. The teacher will do the checking of the students’ work.

D. Independent Practice ( once the skill is mastered , can also be

the evaluation)
1. Students will do the revision of their written work.

IV. Evaluation: Students will continue revising their final output

V. V. Assignment (Optional)
VI. Reflection (After teaching the lesson)
English for Academic and Professional Purposes


QUARTER II: WEEK 11-14, DAY 15-16

III. Objectives
Performance Standard- The learner produces an insightful
statement of principles and reasons for establishing a student
organization, coming up with a group exhibit of creative works, etc.
Content Standard- The learner understands the principles and
uses of a position paper.
LEARNING COMPETENCY- Writes various kinds of position papers
CS EN11/EAPP-IIa-d-5

A. Instructional Objective : writes various kinds of position paper ( 2

days )

II. Subject Matter: Position Paper

A. Topic: Writing various position paper

B. References: English for Academic and Professional Purposes
for Senior High School by Jessie Saraza Barrot,Ph.D.,
Philippe Sipacio, pp. 187-197

C. Teaching Materials:

III. Procedure:

J. Presentation:
Presentation of some well- written output of the students
Note: Some students will be given ample time to finish revising their
final output of position paper.
K. Teaching/Modelling:
6. Read some well – written position paper of the students.
7. The teacher will reinforce or clarify some common errors
committed in writing the position paper.

L. Guided Practice ( Give more exercises- group, dyad, collaborative)

Students will do editing and proofreading for final submission
M. Independent Practice ( once the skill is mastered , can also be
the evaluation).
Students will be grouped into three and write various kinds
of position paper.
ABM- create a brochure on provision of internet connection
in the school premises.
ICT- make a convincing advertisement or video clips on
the advantage of developing reading habits than playing video
HUMSS-make a letter to the school principal on the
implementation of “ No Trash Can Policy” in the classroom.
Food and Beverage- make a comic strip on the policy of
not selling softdrinks and junkfoods in the school canteen.
STEM- make a position on allowing the Senior High School
students to have field trips or outside exposure as avenues for
IV. Evaluation: The independent practice will serve as an evaluation
part. Students will be given ample time to work on their output
observing the given rubrics below.
Criteria - 25%
Content - 25%
Organization 25%
Style- 25%
TOTAL- 100%

V. Assignment: Make researches on your given task to come up with

effective output for final presentation before the class the next day.
VI. Reflection (After teaching the lesson)

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