दि.16.11.2022 विनियम 33 (5) चे खंड 2.1 मधील प्रस्तावित फेरबदलाबाबत

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rrdr{rq qrifrr6, a ;FIT Eril qfrf{qET,tiES

. sm qfuFrqqrt6f,q ?\e(q6-fi) urfrdqq{r.

. {ilrFg td-srq fu7uT e etNl-{{ trqqr+d -?otx i
fufr-qq aatqlt ds ?. q qqtd rRTB'-d +.fldrqrqd

rifl6q, lH;6oo o!Q,
mci6' - mfr-Y ??q/q.E.sc ho?t/ck-Cq

frqiq,:- QE **qr. r"qq

vns+Frutq: ffiq-fir q6rrq yr€-{rqr 3r{IIIIRUT rrqrrrd qfut< 6{oqrd qr+

qil-{]Eri {qqTd' qiq, snirTE€R q rTqE

.i utrft I
er+r qfoa, qErtrg ynff{
G) w.5e{i}uitwlrfu+.
(R) qr. rrqti* t <'n fuors I fi dq rrrzzro.
(1) qt{lr{fuq, T6fiIqlqfum, rt?Tmq, rjqi
(?) ong<,gEEidqET{,nqTksT.
(r) scl14t{, ETsr, r[6frqtur r++, eti g$, fr-lt.
(Y) {qrqro, qrR 1-r{r, qorwnq,:d.
(\) qqrsrrF, fl'rr#q$a-+ffTqun-dq, t-qi
1 r+iar ki$ *rn+ra ++ ut, +q-d-+ {s"rT rErrq trrc+ri ersrtmur 6qqr6 rlq-1 qt}
qfur< 6€{ erqr q-d+1 l" rfr q,rt fu-6rs frrnrr (afu-ls), ,iarmc,
ts{; qrgffi, {e{st
tqs, sq?aq{, Ersr, ,Ialrqfur rr++, qii efql, ,H qt, dqrtr+, TrR Er;n,
qErnq trq, grr q3rniqrmfi,;F-Rr={rT, T6;W qi{r qrufuuqm qrqrd.;
(S) sqTisl-d-6, ;rrr {tFIr, E5ajqt, RTEZ+.2, q5rqrkfir qrrf, IH- vooooq.
?l s({ qq+ Yrrfirqr frqis q1.q.1"qo t-sqr qfis-{sr#m fr+vrrgn e
em.ffir efraa qula ftt< ooq wrcre-o {-er on{qrt} or*
q) qT lT.i qrnfu*rghrnrr. Tdrdc,lE-.3i.
t) q1u5g1 foai+w ersqd ort dlFSrd
qfu++q€q PIIF{-fr
Y) FturflTfu-cqqt{ {65eTTdF?I{ITritrsrql-rTqei
) HiTnqzrd g6 T{rdI q qs {c'fi {ffrrrd
s) {fl,{rqrrs wqifrr* eqrqr {rqrn
\9) ffi+dT cfqr
.) oiureT 3{Rrsr-qr6-g qrne T6ftqtq u *1a l++rv
qrddrdqrq er srqidqri 4q q 6wi u-m clftrs-{urFrsrl
(te) st[ afu-rq. qi+ 6{Irq1il g++ frr+rrnqr
(.\ fuq-srd (rfu-qq)
Maharashtra llegional & Town l)lanning
Act, 1966.
Notice undcr scction 37 ( IAA) olthe said
Proposed modification in Clause 2.1 of
Regulation 33(5) of Development Control
and Promotion Rcgulations -2034 for
Greater Mumbai.

Urban Dcvclopmcnt Dcpartment,
Mantralaya. Mumbai 400 032.
Datcd :- l6'h November, 2022.


-f'l'll- l32llcR-79l2ll2li tiD-l I

Whereas, the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai is the Planning n uthority

for thc arca within its jurisdiclion (hercinaftcr rcfcrrcd to as "thc said Corporation ")as pcr
thc provision of Maharashtra Rcgional and'l'own Planning Act, 1966 (hercinafter relerred
to as "thc said Act")

And whercas. in cxercise of the powcrs confcrrcd by sub Section ( I ) of Scction

3 I of the said Act. thc State Govcrnmcnt vide Notillcation No.
'fPll-43 I 7 1629/CR-
118l20l7lDPlUD-ll, I)t. 08/05/2018 (hcreinafter relerred to as "the said Notilication")
has accorded sanction to thc Draft Dcvclopment Plan-2034 of Grcater Mumbai alongwith
the l)cvclopmcnt Control and Promotion Regulations -2034 for Grcatcr Mumbai
(hcrcinafter referred to as "the said [icgulations") with modifications shown in
SClllll)ULtr-A appcndcd lo the said Notification excluding thc substantial modifications
as shown in SCIlljtlLJI-lrB appended to the said Notification. And whereas, Govcrnment
has issued corrigendum of evcn numbcr dt. 22nd Junc, 2018 as per which the said
Regulations have camc into force lrom l/09/2018. And whcrcas. thereaftcr Govcrnmcnt
has issued a Corrigcndum and Addendum of even number dr. 29th June. 2018 to the said
Notification, which is publishcd in Govcrnmcnt Gazette dt. 30th June, 201 8:

And whereas. thc Government ol Maharashtra vidc Notification dt. 2l109/2018 has
sanclioncd EP-l to llP-168 (Excluding cerlain EP and provisions which are kept in
abeyancc) in the said llegulations; And whcreas. the (lovcrnment of Maharashtra vide
Notificarion dt. 12/1112018 has issued a corrigendum in rcspect of some typographical
errors and mistakes and also to clarily and co-relatc ccrlain provisions of thc said
Rcgulations lor its propcr intcrpretation:

And whercas, Govcrnment of Maharashtra vidc Notification dated 23'd May, 201 8
has permitted Maharashtra Flousing and Area Dcvclopmcnt Authority (MIIADA)
(hercinafter referrcd to as "MI{ADA") to cxercise the powcrs of Planning Authority under
the provisions of Chaptcr-lV of thc said Act in accordance with thc sanctioned
Devclopmcnt Plan and Dcvelopmcnt Control and Promotion Regulations and other
provisions of law. in respect of areas of lands of MIIADA's layouts under its jurisdiction
in Creater Mumbai area more specifically dcscribcd in the schedule appended thercto;

And whercas, Rcgulation 33(5) of the said Regulations stipulates about

" Development/Redevelopment of llousing Schemes oJ Maharashtra llousing & Area

Development Authority (MIIADA)"; And whcrcas, as per the provisions of clause 2.1( C)
of Rcgulation 33(5) of the said Regulations, in case of plots having area upto 4000 sq.
m., without insisting MI IADA's Share in the form of BLJA, MI IADA may allow
additional BIJA over and abovc cxisting BUA up to 3.00 FSI by charging premium;

And whcrcas, Government has received lettcr datcd 510912022 of Vice Presidcnt.
MIIADA; and whereas, it is stated in the letter of MLIADA that to encourage devclopment
ol MHADA plots of sizc morc than 4000 sq.mts., it is necessary to give option of
premium also in respect of plots of size more than 4000sq,mts.; thereby MI IADA has
accordingly requested the Government 1o modify aforesaid provision in clausc 2.1(C) of
Regulation 33(5) ol the said Regulations; and whereas, Government in Ilousing
Department has recommendcd thc proposal submitted by MHADA thereby requested
Government in Urban Development Deparlment to modify Regulation 33(5) of the said

And whercas, considering the request of the MIIADA and the recomme ndation of
the Governmcnt in Ilousing Departmenl, the Govcrnmcnt in Urban Dcvclopment
Dcpartmcnt is ofthc opinion that in the public interest it is cxpcdicnt to modify Regulation
33(5) of thc said Rcgulations. as specifically describcd in the Schedule attachcd
hcrcwithl (hcrcinaftcr rcfcrrcd to as " the proposed modification");

Now, thcrcforc, aftcr considering the above lacts and circumstances and in exercisc
of thc powcrs conlerred by sub-scction (lAA) of Section 37 of the said Act; and of all
other powcrs cnabling it in this behalf, Government hereby publishcs a Notice for inviting
objcctions/ suggestions lrom any pcrsons with respect to proposed modification, as
required by clause (a) of sub-section (1AA) of Section 37 ofthc said Act, for inlormation
of all persons likely 1o be affectcd thcrcby. Thc Government is further pleased to inform
that any objections/ suggestions in rcspcct of the proposed modification mentioned in the
Schedule attached herewith may be forwarded, before the expiry of one month from the
date of publication of this Notice in the Maharashtra Government Gazette, 10 the Dcputy
Director of Town Planning., Greatcr Mumbai, having his officc at ENSA Ilutments, E-
Block, Azad Maidan, Mahapalika Marg, Mumbai 400 001. Any objections or suggestions,
which may bc rcccivcd within thc said period will bc dealt with in accordance with the
provisions of sub-scction (lAA) ol Section 37 olthe said Act by the Dcputy Dircctor of
Town Planning, Greater Mumbai, who is hereby authorised under Section 162(l) of the
said Act as an "officer" on the behalf of Government to hear objections / suggestions
which are receivcd and say of the said Corporation, as the case may be and submit his
report to the Govcrnmcnt; mrN.
Further, the Governmcnt hcrcby issues directives under Scction 154(l) of the said
Act that, pending sanction to thc proposed modification undcr clause (c) of Section
37(lAA) of the said Act by the Government, the proposcd modification shall come into
force forthwith.
'l'his Noticc undcr suh-scction ( IAA) oI Scction 37 ol'thc said Act is also availablc
on the (lovl. ol'Maharashtra rvcbsitc : wr.vrv.maharashtra. gov. in ( Acls/llulcs )

By order and in thc namc of thc Governor of Maharashtra.

( Nirnralkunrar I'. Chaudhari )

+ ) lt Undcr Sccrcta rv to (;ovcrnmcnt.

Accompanimcnt lo lhe Govcrnmcnt in Urban l)cvckrpmcnt l)epartmcnl Noticc No. 'fPB-

432ltc.ll79l202l/UD-l t. rlatcd :- l6th November. 2022.

Pronoscd modification to Resulation 33(5) of the l)cvelorrment Control and l'romotion


Regu latiou Eristing I)ror ision Proposed Ilotlilication

Proviso in Providcd that in casc of plots up to Providcd that, Ml IAI)A without

Sub Clause 4000 sq. m, MIln DA without insisting MI{ADA's Sharc in thc lorm
2.1(C) ol insisting MI IADA's Sharc in the ol'IIUA, may allow additional UUA
Regulation fonn of BUA. may allow additional ovcr and abovc existing BUA up to 3.00
33(5) of the IIUA over and abovc cxisting BUA liSl by charging prcmium at the
Developmcnt up to 3.00 FSI by charging prcmium pcrccntage rate of ASR defincd in table
Control and at the perccnlagc ratc of ASR C I bclow:-
Promotion defined in tablc C I bclow:-


, *,,^m,.Chaurrhari )
., l.rl
Undcr Secretary to
, 1/
cEr{rg qefrrdF .[ ;trrt Er;IT afrfuat,11qq
. r;m qFlffi Ff,q i\e(t6q qr+"{ q{rr
. q6Tqii fosTs Fziz"r q ei-flTrr fi1qqr{d-1"1v i
fufr-qq rqttrl i31g 1.q qqtdq-flfu-ir+re-{ffqte-d

q.rrfifi-r€fian r
ri*oq,IH:xoo ol?,
frai6':- te**qr, qoqq

m. ffifr- x E c q/?.m. sV?
? Sf{A-t t
qrorfr, q6Rry rtifrm e qrr
r++ erftrkqq, ssss (sTga qrqr sds'sm
sTftrfrqe' 3rqT 6{o}f, sTrA-dT sTrt. ) ar orqfusp {t?N q-trarRqTfu-sT dii s{ftrsTt
ffidT CqrXa;qrqT sdu 'rm qarqrnqtksT" ersr etoi-a oTr-A-dT 3ilt. I fui-++ Nfrrowr

qpr"fi, sff qfufuqqrqr 6dq ?1, tz-raq tql s{-q} ytq qfrrrRiqT qFR 6-o-{

rrq vnsfli qfrrq{rT x'.ffifr-x1tig/q?319.6.tta/?"R\e&.qi.nfr'-st, fr.4.7"q71"qa gq}

qrqrsde -rm afugqqT" emTs{+d 3rT-a-mT sTrb iltT6{NlToqf:+anrszilsr+-?oax va
fusT'€ ftdrur e cl*r6{ fi1qqsfr-1"1v <qrg} qrqr sd'o "st fifficls-d " eru.r 6{+a
3rr+dT 3Trb ril rr eftrwffi qftftrq-q ctt E{iffi errTd s{qTA U-e-{d d.q}.)
EqEr rqfr eTftfif{ffi qftfyrq el cti <{ffi@i srr{tqgffi ffi 3nt snioT q3rqT
vrrrflt sfi qPrqdi€ qnrqiqrt Tdq-rs k * q+ iote tfr FTrtfr-d +d 3rW drTsn
Tfi frqqrddl R.q/"s/?ote qrq{ i}irmrd 3Trm1 Bilt. enlrr qrq?fi, ariri sm o{friqqfu
flTqrr+ {q-mqisTi Er<lrflo e gq.v-* R.tt g, ?o(z ffi qrkd Atd 3Tq{ s{r E<lr*+ q
sqqf rT6T'nv $-g{rqT 6qT{td ft 1 " 5, R o I z tt* qfu "< ortqro end erd;

qr3r$, rTrsfl-+ fr. ?q/"3/?otz rt'+qr efirW-m'sq frqqr+a] qtfl-6 qRTd

rffiqrt qc-d tqi s t tql-tec eT ( 6{rle-s iq} q frnlq?t lFikd sffiAcqr d{rh-s arEfr erd"qy
tnfr r<n i'ofr eG; eTrlor qrcrprT, :-dffi ffiqT orftrq-did BTrfur rrE{ ilEflc-n.*-dq<ratr
tE q g+r r$q s* tflcT{* cEtf, 6d dqEtqr eTei-qlqTq} s€dr s-ol $i,rfi 3nnTd
qrqfrdT {Tmili fr . I vt t/ ? o I e ri* y]tfuf,o tTrllq-d ad Bilt;

elriq qrsrprT, qonv vns<ri'fr. ?t/"qnoqe t-d-i srfrrqam s-<{ orfrrq{ffi

rgdetn a1i A+et Eea5*i qtfl ild ETcri 3rFrqrsrqd-d qlrT*n& 3q erfufuqqrq ym-{or
qR qqtf, tnlq-{ Hftrswn+ qFnrErqriqr v-qn1 rcnlE.lEttct"T a e}ifufl{ lrfrrs{'r GTga
qrqr Bdq'Erer eI{T s-rot'd edr+dr eTrf . I qi* q{{ fufl { q}q-rT q fusrq fi {anT q yt*T aq
tnmrsfrqd-f, d{Esl$R dQ-q siffird or€-+€r Fd{ sr?r<-qtqT ilqflT€T{ err{n-<t( vtrr{ri
qcqn frffiant;
enlq qr3rrfi, 3a6i ftFzpqr+dti frfiqq 111q; ,rd qrcrqT T6Hql"r qr-q<it fu+rg I
grffi il-$ sTra. eftr qTotpff, 3q fisqqffi frfuqq i11q; i ds-r.t,(fr) qfi-d
d-t-{-fr-{gr vooo q}.fr. qtsd ,flr,Tr} lefuqc artci 3nqd gqfr-sTq q-srqTd
f*sqn Ejtrq ffi qt l.oo q4i eja frffi-+rrfd EjFrq qffidr qiers m s€qrfr Ersrs
dT !-flrflTd n 6{dT orFrTgrfr srrsnufr ot= giar o-rwd dr-{< 3nt.

snfrr qrer$, sqr4q, Ersr qiis-+m k q/o q/R o ? ? t*i qr nrr<m cl.fr Hrd 3flt;
snlrr qaqT, qrsrt v< q-drd qTi oTrt sl, Ersri xooo itfr. iefl +dqT eln-dqT TTFni
fo+rsrs qrr+ tuqrsrg v o o o q).*. qHr +dqr q|*qr g{qrrlT u ffia qFrrlg erronvfrqr qqtq
Brr?f6.r E6-t=r toi enqr+* sTrA ErsTi dr$rr g< qenrt sm trqqrd-i fufrqq rr<q) i
Bqds-R.sGfr) cttqqR'n s-dqrc-d {lr€-{s fu+fr *-d eG; enlq qqql, yrr€" IEFTqtur
ftr1ffi q1-gT ] sr<r i*flr trRrqr+ frMTrR nrd a-q{ drflt sffi tflqrc-dt+ fufuqq 111\y
qtt srtrqt q;-{dmqd qrffi{ T.R fuEFrg frqFTq Eifr +d 3ilt.
enloT Affi fukfr erlfrr.loiTqlrT fuirrrd *Ad ftTEE.r(T E-dT{d +dT
ET3{d, Ersr+
emFqqr+trqrfr'fipq 111q; qtq€ffi qftRrErq"aHNs€rqqi {rffir6
ft-orsq ssr gtmnn floi orT.rl<tn 3r-€-flr*yrr+r{ qrn fu"sT€ EqTrTrfr qrfi Hrd 3rt.
1vr5a qTqT Edq " lsrkd +.+riT" 3r-qr m-{"id srd'mT 3rt I

enlq erqqT, sqtffi qft fr ffi snfr T eqRrtr fuqT{H tar enlq sm erFf+qqrqr ffi -mq
trg qr qk q-f,q (Rs-O orqi qq orFr*Tr qTfur er {EEld-d q'd {Tffitsr elq{ s..€=r, yrRf{
qTilt nmrfdd +rq<erffi rm slfrrkqqtqT 6f,c ?\e, qla *-oc <to-o deqry t 1gn
si,rdT6l q#sq{
Ersd / {qrq qrftrd dun=qT qfiffqr
TIsrT crrrErurTruld} d$q
qffi rs.< qq+ qft "< *-i-d 3TrA. {nqrsqa 3r-Sfi rdffif, i-d 3nt m}, €H qft fr rerd
q< rwrfa-a i;rc+erffi rt.itrrerfi rr+aY qq-rT qErry yrrFr {l.t.t,rki €-fl q-d{r qfut<
grsrqr iqqioTqrqn q+ qkqrqr sTfa 3q{iqttrm. TrR r!=rT. {6-{{{ qr# f+r fetes. S_
ef+, ergr< *<rq, rEIqIh"sT clri, 1ffi vooool qr qtqidqri qsrqt qlaftrqn qfqrd {r{t
uqn a-cofr / qrfle{{ilerfr fu au-u aq3fta dnqTtr} 3ffi TanrrqTffi Eopi t-$
m-*0-a errsrm vtrwm qr{{ s-{uq.r€ra} BftT erfrrFqqrqr req qE ?(q) orqi 3q{iqm6, r:rt
Eqr, q6;W qirT w{qr+ qdi "srftffift'xqa vrftrga+-<vuia ta erq{ eiqrs'g T<-cqr
erore"+d rTta 6iun-qr fr*frtqq+ qr-* cm erFrfuqqrqr 6f,c ? \e q1 qlg 6dq ls-fl srq+ 1

aQ-q sm g{FlH+rd s-mq t\y(l) e4q} fr{qT td ent o1, sm eiF{frqqri
rmrq qr*t
s?rEr i\e i +.{f,q 1qq.-*) i61g 0D e{qitrkrfu-dfi5qn6synsaqpq61 e-dkd 3rMn'
!-fi rkirff{q(dertd,Toic-drirtid.

sm qftrFflq? e-dq 1\s(16-s) erqi s< ifl-q-firsl q{r'r cErTE yir€-{rqr

qEmyTi {qrrTd qTq BrirTqqT{ q qTEd.

( fn+d$qrr{. q)Efl )
er+{qfu{, qErtrqyrrr;T
ursa <.n fu+,nr ffir.n-*eto qq-{r m. m. ffifr-xi?qif.m.s jhoRrrrE-st,
pa{6:- ss iidq{, rorr qt{d Enqr+qri qRfrrq.
Pronoscd modification to Rcsulation J3(5) of thc f)cvclopment Control rnd Promotion

Regulation Eristing Provision Proposcd \lodilication

Proviso in Providcd that in casc of plots up to Provided that, MIIADA wilhout

Sub Clause 4000 sq. m, MI IAI)A without IAI)A's Sharc in thc lorm
insisting Ml
2.1(C) ol insisting MI IADA's Sharc in the of BUA, may allow additional Bl.lA
Regulation lbnn of llUA, may allow additional over and abovc cxisting llUA up to 3.00
33(5) of the IIIJA ovcr and above cxisting l][JA I.'SI by charging prcmium at thc
Development up to 3.00 IiSl by charging prcrnirrrn percentagc ratc of ASR defined in table
Conlrol and at thc pcrccntagc rate ol' ASll C I below:-

Promotion dcllncd in table C I bclow:-


tu .\\
( fir465qrri ff )
ef,+rqfu{, qErrqvrr+rt

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