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Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Individual Assignment
Title: Read about robots and compile a short note
Name: Nahom Habtamu

ID: ETS0505/12

Sec: C

Submitted to: Mr. Tesfaye M.

Submission Date: Dec 7, 2022

Read about robots and compile a short note
1. What is robot?
Before defining robot, first we need to define the field which is called Robotics. Robotics is the
intersection of science, engineering and technology that produces machines, called robots, that
replicate or substitute for human actions.

Next, we can define what Robot is. Robot is a programmable machine that can complete a
specified task. The word robot is derived from the Czech word “robota”, which means “forced

A robot can be defined as a machine with some sort of mechanical construction that needs
electrical components to control the mechanical part of the robot. And for the electrical
component to operate, we need a power source (battery). And also, for the electrical &
mechanical components to operate in a logical way, they need some type of computer
programming. This program can be loaded using microcontrollers.

Robots can do tasks better than humans, that is why in the modern world of production, robots
are dominating more than humans.

Some tasks robots can do better than humans:

• Automate manual or repetitive activities without any exhaustion.
• Work repetitive tasks precisely and consistently
• Produce greater result in a short amount of time
• Unless the working environment changes, they rarely make mistakes
• Work in hazardous conditions
2. Types of robots
It is hard to classify robots as they each have unique features and vary hugely in size, shape, and
capabilities. But here are some categories based on the tasks they provide.
• Aerospace: includes all sorts of flying robots.
• Consumer: robots that can be bought just for fun or to complete some home
chores. Eg. Roomba vaccum cleaner, robotic toys
• Disaster Response: robots that perform dangerous jobs which can endanger a
human worker. Eg. Robots inspecting damage of building after Tsunami
• Drones: can be categorized inside the above category called “Aerospace”. These are
unmanned aerial vehicles that can be used both for work and entertainment.
• Exoskeletons: these are used for physical rehabilitation and enabling of paralyzed
patient to walk again. Sometimes, these can have military application, which can
increase endurance, mobility & ability to carry heavy load.
• Industrial: traditional industrial robot with a manipulator arm that performs a
repetitive task. This is used mostly in the industrial level to produce goods which
need repetitive task.
• Military & Security: used for military purposes. These are robots that replace
human soldiers to complete the task of a human being which can be dangerous for
any human. Or to increase some aspects of the human body so that it performs
above average. Eg. Bomb defusing robots, exoskeleton robots
3. Application of robots
There are vast areas that use robots to complete their task. Some general applications of robots
are listed below.
• Space exploration: space is very dangerous for astronauts. Humans can’t simply go
around another planet and collect soil samples or do other tasks because other
planets don’t have the necessary air combination for a human being to roam around
without an oxygen tank. In these situations, robots are great use, because there will
not be any human loss. Eg. Mars Rover
• Entertainment: robots can be used in the entertainment world by being behind sets
and helping out in tasks like managing g cameras, providing special effects, etc. They
can be used for boring & repetitive tasks.
• Agriculture: agriculture is the main sector of a country. And by using robots, the
user can save on time, and labor. Some tasks that robots can perform in the
agriculture are seeding, weed control, harvesting, etc.
• Health Care: the health sector is the other important sector in the human society.
Robots can be used in the health sector to perform tasks that require absolute
precision (like operation that needs precision). They can be used as prosthetic limbs.
There are endless possibilities.
• Underwater Exploration: robots are better than humans to explore the underwater
area. Just like other planets human beings can’t roam the underwater world without
oxygen tanks. At this point, remote-controlled robots are best options for this type
of exploration.
• Manufacturing: robots can perform repetitive and common tasks with precision in
the manufacturing sector, saving on time & money. They can also do manufacturing
tasks that are dangerous for human beings.

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