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No. ChE&N{/I?g00ill ,0 7 JAbt ?016


r . .,. lu.U i Sqqp Duty on Wo1li9. Contract Aqrecment,


'-;. , . Sqmp Dgtyipayable::to:Statq"Gow. on Contrect'Agreement and Ba;k
re.spect of agreementsidocuments lxecuted'for attwoiksi6ply yvitfr
-. , ,,
In view of.thB above, all Head of the Depu:;s; Medical qtiicaitsupdt. of Hospirats ancj
Deans of Medical'Colleges/Hospitals and Asstt. Commissio issioneis. are hereby informed to
comply the following':-
(i) To incoporate the following conditions
:, ln the-tender,doiuments for.tenders to be
invite/trenc.eforth : -

e.63 .&Artrtie S+, SctreOule I of Maharaslrtra

Stamp Act 2015, starnp duty is payable foi'lworks sonffii' that is to say, a contracr
' fo, works and labcfur or services'irluol,ring t an A, of property in gocids (whether as

0.5 per ce.q,Jr._fqr thg.amount securer! by sucir

deed;subje*t'.to;$e maximurn of .ten lakh
rupees :- '

Providsd ,lhatr 'w1lrie o11 an " instrument

exeputed'by a pq$or for wl:gp a persorr
stands-surety qn{,exegutes security bond or a
mortgage deed, duty has been paid under
article:40i then tbE.duty payable,.shall be one

trgm ,priyate .sub$ciiptions 'to,,a . charitable

suchadvances; . , i
(d) by officers of the Government or their I

sureties to secure ,f,. I*

""ttution I

office or due accotrnting for money or other I

property received by virtue thereof'

Articte 63 of Schedulc I of l\tahnrashtra Stamp Act'

moRKS CONTRACT, that is to sB)', a

l.ontru.t for rvorks and labour or services
linvoh,ing transfer of. property in goo{s
(rvhethei as goods or in some olher form) in
its execution and includes a sub-contract'
(a) Where the amount or value set fo(h in Five hundred ruPees.
such contract does not exceed rupees ten
(b) Where it exceeds rupees ten lakh. Five hundred rupees plus 0.1% of the amount
above.rupees ten lakh subject to maximum of
rupees twentY five lakhs.

sd/-2.9.15 sd/-3.11.15 sd/-s.10.15 sd/-9.12.12 Sd/-11.12,15

D1'.Ch.Engg. (BIt{) Ch. Engg. C.A. Diryglgr A.I}T.C.

(City; ' l (BM) (Finance) G S.& n) ovs)

Copy to :-
Copy fonvargea for informalign & neqessary action,rplease'
:. *;n4mm.wee# ffi &fffi ;t*l,,,
H*.m, ,ffillpffi-rsxtlt@ e paq*ed !n t1:* $pe*ial $emve reelf*t:
*3lffilm" &***rdtngly tulcfi&$ s}"raU pemai*
{Civil} }'l*. ?3?SB I ?#x? ;,*

=,# u[, ,ru* t..

* o,
#.xs,r,* ,ur,mffimfia fie pr*r*.educe. Yhe mppr*v*I {{} the t& g} *W*s{t"
Ma:mgen:eart Fleasa* ffi A*r eransp*rtation *{ C & $ v"'e"e*"e t# d#aignatr:Li


SI &'or Appxow* sf t€*w S & ffi wa**d u@ * a*

% ' M ar-iagm*nt ff epx-rtrme:: t
ff:** ifl m'.&fnlF-]9ryrynl]ififfi rt** pu*rp:s*-L... *r;3"tnrt*
1i'r .xltr eE**e -eperyff
,afun d,*m * s' t i-np ,,: r:
e ffi e ffis, ffi.qi fl,&
.'Y$_ s,tarym*?k* Ees" r#?*"
2. The.4pp}*cmt*erfi s&q,$ acfflffaBerly with
{il eropertf *srd/ c>r ?13? e*rtraef, Ex:*mtire*:* trlan. mc*t B<>"{$}dsr"a" rq'irt-"
Cottkq*s' ffiup* ftusffitity q:f # & ff waste wh{ch ary* be exr*s}da*i#d ;*r*
tiil Tit3e Rep*ri fi-oc"$ &dvCIcets in pracu$ce h*avirry S years tlf
imd$*arin6 ttw ffi of ap$i*ant" ,l

Thr sire wi$} t*il.l+?{xpqqt*d by fiery4} ffi.H (SWhd} ft:r ct* 'sLs

Bx?ffi$ftffi *ll# ll tx *t* ry x:,*.0 fr t*#st Ef srtt" ;s rnLrsff

kle accep*;xble,
-' 1@e Appi*va:
r-, siml k granred {t: rh* ffienff s*ee **


r' , j./' "
LdP-* **&*"
l*&#,ffi ry.:!:::ii1:::::: r::: r:::r::

{&w.w"I &.X#.#-; ffilil l;iill ..
@ED6.q'tg I
rstnarks for the
lor gcncrating tho nuto
SUII- EOD.]: ,ttcgrrtion of npplicntio.s
S\\fN'l tlcPnrrurcnt fls SWCS'
SLt'(civil) No. D2370812017 '
llcf - l) Su,n:rnc co,r1 .r'rnriin orclcr in
Cott l'eru*uce urcet iu gs.
disposal of
dt' 15/03/2018 as regards
Rcfcre*ce is requcstecl to order ol'Supreure Court
at designated
of construction of buildings
constructio, <.lebris n*d solid rvaste gen*ated by the activity
hns dirr:cte<1 to take cognizance of
following major issues'
sites. The llo1. Supre're Court
order shall be only after
I) A'y construction that is pemritted hereafter fbr the purpose of this
the air'
clispersal of particles through
adequate sat'eguards arr: ernployed by the builders lbr preventing

This shall be incorporated in the IOD, unless it is already so incorporated'
i.y 2) The Municipal corporation shall pennit a builder or
developer to carry on construction
permissiotl' that the construction
their sites by imposi.g the conditions i, the IOD or any such
in specific site inspected and
generated frorn this particular site, shall be transported and deposited

approved by the Municipal Corporation

meant for deposit of construction
3) The Municipal corporation shall specis such a site
permission or IOD. it shall also ensure compliance
by regular inspection of
debris in the buitding
breach will entail the cancellation of the
both, the construction site and the landfill sita Any
permit any construction whether in respect of
4) The Municipal corporation shall not
located a landfiu site a.d has obtained No objection
existing IoD or fresh IoD unless it has first
that such debris may be deposited on that particular site'
certification, or consent of the land owner
in the IoD trre condition that the construction is being
The Municipar corporation shail incorporate
is deposited'
Permitted only if such construction debris
5) In so far as the 'small generators' of Construction
and Demolition ["C&D"] Waste are

c&D waste shall be disposed of in accordance with the 'Debris on-Call scheme'
concerned, the

initiated by MCGM.
are concerned, the C&D Waste shall be
6) In so far as the 'large generatorsr of C&D Waste

disposed of as per the Waste/Debris Management Plan submitted by the owner/developer at the time

of applying for an IoD and as approved by the Solid Waste Managetnent department of Municipal

Corporation, wherein neither Deonar nor Mulund dumping sites shall

be includecl as clesignated

disposal sites as well as in accordance with the provisions of

Construction and Dernolition Waste

Management Rules,20 1 6.
?) In the event for any reason whatsoever tlte consent given by the disposal site
time lirnit during which the disposal site was
owner/authority is revoked and/or in the event the
available has expired, the relevant construction activity
will be stopped after issuance of a Show

Scanned bY CamScanner
Management Plan has been
Cause Notice and such the waste Management Plan/Debris
and is approved by
disposal site for durnping of c&D waste
appropriately amended to provide a,new
Municipal CorPoration.
which bank
upon the size projcct and mode of rlevelopment'
Rs.5 lacs to Rs.50 lacs depending
the Waste
for the purposo of ensuing compliancc of
guarantee shall remain in force solely
from timc to time'
Plar/Debris Management Plan approved by Municipal corporation
till the grant/issuance of the Occupation
of the Municipal
be entitled to inspect the record
9) The Monitoring Committee shall
to visit and inspect the
grant of IoDs and sha, also be entitled
corporation for pertaining to trre
notice of the Municipal
shall be entitled to bring to the i':"
randfiri sites. The Monitoring comrnittee
permission' The
breach in the permission or in the conditions of IOD of building
Corporation any month'
Municipal Corporation shall pass a

10) The Municipal corporation

order on such objections
submit a detailed
within a period of one
report to this court after
the expiry of ry
. ..--/ :

from today'
force for a period of six months
six months. This order shall remain in
and Mulund dumping
debris will be carried for disposal to the Deonar
i 1) No construction
along witb the repot t MuniciPal
i2) List the matter after six months

time. In this context various
reduction of the number of procedures and
DIpp & MoHUA regarding getting
are the required for
Traffic, Sewage, swD, HE and SWM deparlmEnt
NoCs from CFo,
throughthesystem'ThesiteinspectiondatawillbecapturedthroughGlS' with Various deptt viz'
plans linking
The task of integration
of Auto Scrutiny of Building

lnterfereoce of various
reducing the Manual
active participation in
directed CIIE (DP) to take
DataofallconcerndepartmentsarebroughtunderCentralizedGlsserver.TheGlsdatais NOC is
clearance system' Logic regarding generation of remark/
integrated with single window

develoPed in the aPPlication'

of lndia, the
with Secretary Ministry of Housing and Urban affairs Gorrt.
Recent meeting
required for the
auto generation of Renrark / NOC',s of various departments
status regarding

construction Permit was discussed' o[

had developecl the Auto DCR Module tbr a*to scrutiny
The M/S Sofltech Consultants, who
Moclule to geuerate
proposal plans have becrr entrusted the work to cleverop
Building swM deptt
without Manual interfcrence lbr s.p., H.8,,
swD, Trnffic (St' Light)'
. certificate/Remarks
parking Layout by incorporating DcR Regulations
and variotts
Module for Traffic
and auto scrutiny
Policies in

Scanned bY CamScanner

developed for swD'sP'
ln regards to auto generation of remarks / Noc' Logic is
(Street light) and HE departnrents .
generation of Auto
application for
ln view of Hon. Supreme Couft order dt. 15/03/2018,
UATs for the
dept in consultation with M/S Softtech'
remarks of SWM dept is prepared by SWM
After clue consent from
sarne is conducted in the various .reeting in the
office of Ch'E'(DP)'
SWCS to go live'
dept applicatiou is uploaded ou production of MCGM
individual application
that there is no further need to make separate
It is proposed to circulate
the remarks'
to tbe SWM departments for obtaining in IOD'
sr' No' I to 4 above
court order as stated in
As regards taking cognizance of suprelne
1to 4 above the cognizance
by ch.E.(DP). As regards balance issues other than
the sanre will be taken

of the sarue rvill be taken by Ch'E'(SWM)

per the table below' same

shall be submitted as I
As regards Bank Guarantee amount, the same
for new constructions permits
before t:l"' \
shall be deposited in the office of Ch.E.(SWM)
Hon: M'C's
l:: I
date of circulation of
ongoing constructions/ IOD issued site, within lgdays from the 1

Gross plot Area in SqMt sc'G5ffittGttn RS. Lakh

Upto 750 SqMt
Upto 1500 SqMt
ln case laYout with more
Upto 2000 SqMt
N thanone building, the B'G'
fpto 2500 SqMt be
B amount shali equaliY
Upto 3000 sqMt
3500 SqMt
-Upto oullultrts
Upto 4000 SqMt
t- 40
Upto 4500 SqMt
3, :: 45
Upto 5000 SqMt
Abo." 5b-00 dMt
theY oavs
E- (SWM)' tney nave PruPa
designared unroading
ror uproading c&D waste ar
,", ,rori'.,';K:[*)/AMC(EsyHon,MC . oita
the new unloading site'
---r ^^.tl-^

;;;;;;;t be followed for designating

of tlte same.
Submilted Please

Chief Engineer(DP)

(Slui. AjoY lr/ehta)

gon v/C \sr,,
Ir4uni ci P

iii) t ;:: ;: i)^};*;;);-* ;;*'**-^
., .,.' ;,1-:,,*,..... ..-.. -
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