TCP For Oral Hygiene

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Saint Louis University School of Nursing S.Y.


A Teaching Plan

Submitted by: Igama, Enrico Raphael R. SLU BSN IV-E3

Submitted to: Sir Balay-odao

June 28,2011

TEACHING CARE PLAN FOR ORAL HYGIENE DESCRIPTION OF THE LEARNER: The patient is a 74 year old female who's chief complaint was a head ache accompanied by a tooth ache. Patient was admitted to a local hospital and was transferred to BGH for further care and management. The patient reportedly is a smoker and smokes one pack for a day. She prefers Ilokano as a medium of instruction but can understand and speak Tagalog. LEARNING NEED: Total oral care LEARNING DIAGNOSIS: Knowledge deficit: oral hygiene and management of condition related to lack of information LEARNING GOAL: The patient will be aware of how to manage present condition and how to prevent it from recurring. TIME ALLOTMENT AND RESOURCES: 20 minutes

OBJECTIVE After 20 minutes of health teaching the patient will be able to: I. Patient/family can state at least two risk factors of dental abcess: Diseases, such as diabetes, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), or diseases that weakened the immune system Dry mouth smoking drinking alcohol II. Patient/family can state in own words: a. The importance of total oral hygiene III. Patient/family can state at least two ways of maintaining good oral hygiene a. Tooth brushing b. Flossing c. Aseptic gargle/ Mouth Wash d. Eating a balanced diet




I. Different causes that may increase the risk for developing a dental abcess

One-on-one Lecture discussion

Instant oral feedback

One-on-one Lecture discussion II. Importance of oral hygiene One-on-one Lecture discussion III. Different aspects of maintaining good oral hygiene

Instant oral feedback

Instant oral feedback

Learning Content What causes a dental abscess? A dental abscess may be caused by different bacteria (germs). The bacteria usually enter when the tooth enamel (outer cover of the tooth) is broken by tooth decay. Decay usually occurs with poor mouth care or hygiene. Bacteria may also enter after an injury to the tooth, such as when a tooth is broken or chipped. Procedures that are done on the tooth or gums may also cause a dental abscess. Food particles that are stuck between the teeth for a long time may also lead to an abscess. The following conditions may increase your risk of having a dental abscess: Diseases, such as diabetes, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), or diseases that weaken the immune system. The immune system is the part of the body that fights infection. Dry mouth, decreased saliva (spit), smoking, or drinking alcohol. Alcohol may be found in beer, wine, liquor (such as vodka or whiskey), and other adult drinks. Having radiation therapy of the head and neck. Taking certain medicines, such as steroids or medicines for allergies and blood pressure.

What is Good Oral Hygiene? Good oral hygiene in the mouth, if you can see and feel in the mouth, means that the teeth are clean and free of dirt; gums are pink and don't hurt or bleed; and bad breath is not a constant problem. If your gums, when brushing teeth, bleed or often have bad breath; this may mean that the problem is in the mouth. Why is oral hygiene important? Here are some reasons why you should have a good oral hygiene: Prevent Oral Cancer: When you have your dental cleaning, your dentist is also screening you for oral cancer, which is highly curable if diagnosed early. Prevent Gum Disease: Gum disease is an infection of the gum tissues and bone that keep your teeth in place and is one of the leading causes of adult tooth loss. If diagnosed early, it can be treated and reversed. Prevent Plaque and calculus: Dental plaque is a soft whitish deposit that forms on the surface of teeth. It forms when bacteria (germs) combine with food and saliva. Plaque contains many types of bacteria. You can remove plaque by good oral hygiene. Calculus, sometimes called tartar, is hardened calcified plaque. It sticks firmly to teeth. Generally, it can only be removed by a dentist or dental hygienist with special instruments. Prevent Tooth Decay (Caries): Tooth decay is the gradual breakdown of the tooth's enamel and interior tissue that can cause cavities and, eventually, the death of the tooth. A main cause of tooth decay is due to a build up of plaque. The bacteria in the plaque consume sugar from food residue in the mouth and excrete lactic acid, which becomes part of the plaque layer. If plaque isn't removed, the acid dissolves the tooth's enamel and inflames the gum tissue. Help Maintain Good Physical Health: Recent studies have linked heart attacks and strokes to gum disease, resulting from poor oral hygiene. Prevent Bad Breath: Bad breathe, also known as halitosis, is caused by poor oral hygiene. Good oral hygiene prevents cavities: One of the most obvious reasons to practice good oral hygiene is to prevent cavities. Have a Bright and White Smile: Your dental hygienist can remove most tobacco, coffee and tea stains. During your cleaning, your hygienist will also polish your teeth to a beautiful shine.

TAKING CARE OF YOUR TEETH Teeth for a Lifetime Thanks to better at-home care and in-office dental treatments, more people are keeping their teeth throughout their lives. Some diseases and conditions can make dental disease and tooth loss more likely. But most of us have a good deal of control over whether we keep our teeth into old age. The most important thing you can do is to brush and floss your teeth each day. Most mouth woes are caused by plaque. Plaque is a sticky layer of bacteria, bits of food and other organic matter that forms on your teeth. The bacteria in plaque make acids that cause cavities. Plaque also leads to periodontal (gum) disease. This can become a serious infection. It can damage bone and destroy the tissues around your teeth. The best defense is to remove plaque before it has a chance to build up and cause problems. Brushing removes plaque from the large surfaces of the teeth and from just under the gums. Flossing removes plaque from between your teeth. You also can use other tools to keep your mouth and teeth clean. Brushing Brushing your teeth with fluoride toothpaste is essential to good oral health. Not only does brushing your teeth help prevent tooth decay, it also helps prevent gum disease, which is one of the leading causes of tooth loss in adults and has been linked to heart attacks and strokes. Removing tooth stains and avoiding bad breath are added benefits of brushing your teeth. Flossing Many people dont realize the importance of flossing. Flossing in between your teeth is essential for avoiding periodontal disease as well as preventing tooth decay. Periodontal disease is one of the main causes of tooth loss in adults and can be easily prevented by flossing. Studies have even shown that flossing can also help prevent heart attacks and strokes. Other Ways To Clean Between The Teeth To supplement your at-home brushing and flossing, Mouthwashes and rinses When we talk of oral care, we cannot forget the mentioning of mouthwash. It is a solution which helps in warding off bad breath by preventing the formation of plaque and other oral problems like gum diseases and infections. A proper oral hygiene is when along with regular brushing and flossing, we pay equal importance to mouthwash.

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