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1. Menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi dengan guru, teman sebaya
dan orang lain dalam berbagai macam situasi dan tujuan.. 
2. Menggunakan dan merespon pertanyaan dan menggunakan strategi untuk
memulai dan mempertahankan percakapan dan diskusi.

Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari selalu ada kegiatan berkomunikasi dengan orang lain.
Kegiatan berkomunikasi bisa berupa percakapan dengan keluarga, teman, atau atasan,
tak jarang pula kita bertegur sapa dengan orang yang baru kita kenal. Pada kegiatan
belajar 1 ini kalian akan mempelajari beberapa frasa yang digunakan untuk
percakapan sehari-hari dalam bahasa Inggris. Pada kegiatan belajar 1, kalian akan
mempelajari tentang Greeting ( Salam), Farewell atau LeaveTaking ( ungkapan
berpisah ) serta Introduction ( Perkenalan), Selain itu, kalian akan berlatih
mendengarkan pengucapan bahasa inggris yang benar .


( Link :

Listen to the audio from the link or given by your teacher, pay attention to the
underlined words or phrases in the text, then find the meaning of them.

What is greeting?
Greeting is an act of communication of human beings intentionally to make they
know or show attention to each other. We can say that Greeting is simply a way of
saying hello to others. Someone usually use greeting when she or he meets someone
else. There are two kinds of Greeting, they are Formal and Informal Greeting.

Link :

Listen to the audio from the link or given by your teacher and Write the Formal
Greeting Phrase and Responses that you hear from the audio in the table below!

Formal Greeting Responses

Link :

Listen to the audio from the link or given by your teacher and Write the Informal
greeting phrase and its responses that you hear from the audio in the table below!
Informal Greeting Responses

Link :

Listen to the audio from the link or given by your teacher and write some other phrases to
greet someone that you hear from the audio in the table below!

Some other ways to say Hello or some other ways to Greet someone

1. The Phrase “How do you do” is used to greet someone that you haven’t known before.
The response is “ How do you do”
2. How’s/ What’s = How is / What is
3. I’m = I am
4. “Sup” = “What’s up


Link :
Listen to the audio from the link or given by your teacher about Farewell, pay
attention to the underlined words or phrases in the text, then find the meaning of

What is a Farewell speech?

A Farewell speech or Farewell address is a speech given by an individual leaving a
position or place. One of the synonyms of Farewell speech is Leave-Taking
Leave-Taking is the act of saying Goodbye, or exiting or departing

Link :
Listen to the audio from the link or given by your teacher and write farewell phrases
and responses.

Farewell / LeaveTaking Responses of Farewell/ LeaveTaking

“Good night” hanya digunakan untuk Farewell / Leave- Taking Tidak digunakan
untuk Greeting.


Link :
Listen to the audio from the link or given by your teacher about Farewell, pay
attention to the underlined words or phrases in the text, then find the meaning of

Introducing yourself is giving some information about yourself to others. The

information is about your name, nationality, job, address, phone number, family ect.
Introducing others is giving some information about others to others.

Link :

Listen to the audio from the link or given by your teacher and write phrases of
Introducing oneself and others

Introducing oneself Introducing others

Listen to the audio from the link or given by your teacher. Then complete the
dialogues below.

Link :

Mat : Good morning.
Max : ………………………(1).?
Mat : Just fine, thanks. How are you?
Max : ……..(2)..

Link :

Informal Greeting

Don : ……………..(3)?
Val : Nothing much. What’s new with you?
Don : Not too much. ………………(4).
Val : Me too. Seems like all I do is eat and sleep
Don : Gotta go. Call me tonight.
Val : Okay. Check you later.

Link :

Formal Greeting & Farewell

Paul : Hello. How are you?

Don : Fine, thank you. How are you?
Paul : Fine, thanks. Oh… excuse me, here is my bus. ………(5)
Don : Goodbye..

Link :

Informal Greeting & Farewell

Dic : Hi! How are you?

Hal : ………………………(6)?
Dic : Just fine. Where are you going?
Hal : To the library.
Dic : O.K. ……………..(7).
Hal : So long

Simple Greeting & Goodbye

Link :
John : Good Morning
Alex : Good Morning
John : How are you?
Alex : I am good……………………………………….(8)?
John : I am fine, thank you. My name is Johnson. You can call me John.
Alex : I am Alex. Well… what do you do?
John :...............(9). I work at Harvard University. ……………..(10)?
Alex : That’s nice. I work at a government agency.
John : It is such a pleasure to meet you today..
Alex :.......................................(11) John..
John : Goodbye..
Alex : Goodbye…

Link :

Informal Introduction
Andrew : Good morning.. I am Andrew, …………………(12).
Evan : Morning Andrew, nice to see you here. I am Evan.
Andrew : Hi Evan.. I just ………(13) in here yesterday.
Evan : Where did you live before?
Andrew : I lived in New York before.

Link. :

Formal Introduction

John :...................................(14)?
James : Yes I am. Can I help you?
John : May I introduce myself? I am John, from a job fair organizer.
James : Hello John……………..(15).
John : How do you do? I am here.. to offer you a prime stand for your company at
our job fair.
James : It is nice to hear an offer from you. Can you give the proposal to my
John : OK. I will give the proposal to your secretary.

Link :

Introducing - Informal

James : What’s up bro?

Jack : Very good…………….(16)?
James : Fine. Who is with you?
Jack : Oh, meet my cousin Jimmy, he ……..(17)here for vacation.
James : Hello Jimmy, nice to meet you. I am James.
Jack : ……………………………(18)
Introducing - Formal
Link :

Edward : Mr. Bill,...................(19).

Bill : How do you do, Mr. Smith.
Smith : How do you do, Mr. Bill.
Edward : Mr. Smith is a director at Walmart company. Walmart works on
various speech synthesizer projects.
Bill : Oh..that is our field too. I work for Apple company, as technical
director. Our company works on human computer interaction also.
Smith : I have heard of your company. ……………..(20)

Write what have you learned in learning activity 1
( Tulislah apa yang sudah kalian pelajari pada kegiatan belajar 1)
1. Menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi dengan guru, teman sebaya
dan orang lain dalam berbagai macam situasi dan tujuan.. 
2. Menggunakan dan merespon pertanyaan dan menggunakan strategi untuk
memulai dan mempertahankan percakapan dan diskusi.

Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari selalu ada kegiatan berkomunikasi dengan orang lain.
Kegiatan berkomunikasi bisa berupa percakapan dengan keluarga, teman, atau atasan,
tak jarang pula kita bertegur sapa dengan orang yang baru kita kenal. Pada kegiatan
belajar 1 ini kalian akan mempelajari beberapa percakapan bahasa inggris dalam
beberapa topik diantaranya family, restaurant, book, friends, hobbies, at school etc.
Selain itu, kalian akan berlatih mendengarkan pengucapan bahasa inggris yang benar
serta berlatih berbicara.

Listen to the dialogues from the link audio or given by your teacher , then write the missing
words , phrases or sentences.

Link :
Woman: …………………………………………..?
Man : …………….. five people in my family my father, mother, brother, sister, and me
Woman: Does your family ………….. a house or an apartment?
Man : We live in a house in the ……………….
Woman: …………………………?
Man : My father is a doctor he …………. at the local hospital
Woman: ………… your mother?
Man : She is 40 years old one year …………….my father
Woman: Do you have any siblings? What's his or her name?
Man : Yes, I do I have one…………. brother David and one younger sister Mary
Woman: Are you …………. among your brothers and sisters?
Man : No, I'm not. I'm the second child in my family
Woman: …………………………..?
Man : My father ……………….and my mother ………………
Woman: Do your parents …………………..
Man : Of course, not they always ………………….. before 10 p.m. each night
Woman: Do you stay with your parents?
Man : Right now, no but ………………..
Woman: Do your family usually have dinner together
Man : Yes, we do my mom always………………. delicious meals for us

A School
Speaker 1 : …………………………..?
Speaker 2 : …………………… millennium high school founded in 1999
Speaker 1 : ……………………………. ?
Speaker 2 : …………………in New York City United States
Speaker 1 : ……………….. the architecture of the school
Speaker 2: Yes I do the architecture is not …………………but I like it that the building's
architects left plenty of space for lounging
Speaker 1 :……………………………?
Speaker 2 : ………………….there are …………….and …………I especially like Mr. Mike
my physics teacher
Speaker 1 : …………………………..?
Speaker 2 : I have spent three years of ………………………………there
Speaker 1 :Is that a single-sex school ?
Speaker 2 : No it isn't this is a unisex school
Speaker 1 : Do you like………………?
Speaker 2 : …………………uniforms at school actually
Speaker 1 : Why do you enjoy the time there?
Speaker 2 : ……………………………….I enjoy the relaxing atmosphere when hanging out
with friends in the cafeteria there
Speaker 1 : …………………………..did you learn from school ?
Speaker 2 : I learned ………………… a group in which there are many friends coming
from different cultures that's the lesson of cooperation
Speaker 1 : ……………………………that school to others?
Speaker 2 : Yes of course ……………………millennium high school …………..who is
searching for a good place to learn

Link :
A Teacher
Speaker 1 : Who is your favorite teacher ?
Speaker 2 : I like mr. ………………..he is my English teacher.
Speaker 1 : ……….a foreign teacher ?
Speaker 2 : Yes …………………. the US
Speaker 1 : What do you like about his lessons?
Speaker 2 : I ………………. with his American accent and he always shows us something
new about the world outside of textbooks
Speaker 1 :……………………..?
Speaker 2 : He's ………….knowledgeable …………...very friendly he always treats us like
friends not students
Speaker 1 : What does he usually wear ……………… class?
Speaker 2 : He usually wears …………………when he comes to class
Speaker 1 : Do you love his subject?
Speaker 2 : Yes I enjoy English a lot
Speaker 1 : ……………….in your class like him
Speaker 2 : Yes ………………admire him
Speaker 1 : Do you want to be a teacher like him?
Speaker 2 : No although I am like him my dream is not to become a teacher
Speaker 1 : Have you ever …………………….him?
Speaker 2 : No he…………… punishes anyone
Speaker 1 : Do you want to see him again? Of course he's a great man?

Link :
A Friend
Speaker 1 : Who’s your best friend?
Speaker 2 : It’s Jenny. She’s my best friend.
Speaker 1 :………………………..?
Speaker 2 : She has ……………………hair. I just love her………………..
Speaker 1 : …………………did you meet?
Speaker 2 : I first met her when we were in high school.
Speaker 1 : ……………… you see this friend?
Speaker 2 : I see her every day. ……………in the same class.
Speaker 1 :…………………..?
Speaker 2 : She’s not only thoughtful but also very understanding. She’s always …………to
cheer me up whenever I’m in trouble.
Speaker 1 : Do you and her share anything in common?
Speaker 2 : Yes, a lot. We both love ………………………sports.
Speaker 1 : What do you and her do together?
Speaker 2 : We usually do homework and read books together.
Speaker 1 : Have you and her ever…………………….?
Speaker 2 : Yes, but we …………..quarrel………………….., afterwards we seem to
understand more about each other.
Speaker 1 : Does she know how to cook?
Speaker 2 : Yes, but she’s not a great cook.
Speaker 1 : Do your parents like her?
Speaker 2 : Yes, a lot. They always ask Jenny to………………………..
Speaker 1 : Why is a friend important in life?
Speaker 2 : A good friend can make your life …………in many ways. I don’t think anyone
can stand loneliness.

Link :
A Hotel
Speaker 1 : What is your favorite hotel? Where is it located?
Speaker 2 : It’s the Sheraton, a five-star hotel located in Saigon, Vietnam.
Speaker 1 : How do you know that hotel?
Speaker 2 : ………………….to Vietnam for traveling , I ……………….the Internet. It’s
one of the best hotels in Vietnam.
Speaker 1 : Why do you choose to stay in that particular hotel?
Speaker 2 : I like the architecture there, and online all the reviews about the hotel are
Speaker 1 : Is it………………….?
Speaker 2 : No, Saigon is not………………………..
Speaker 1 : Does it…………….. many tourists?
Speaker 2 : Yes, I guess. When I stayed there, it was………………………….
Speaker 1 : ……………….did you stay in and what facilities did you get from the hotel?
Speaker 2 : I stayed in a…………………… The room is ……………..with an air-
conditioner, a flat-screen TV, wardrobe, etc.
Speaker 1 : What do you like about that hotel?
Speaker 2 : A gymnasium, swimming pool, and BBQ area……………... I also love the green
space surrounding the hotel.
Speaker 1 : Are all the staff friendly and helpful?
Speaker 2 : Yes,……………... They all are professional.
Speaker 1 :…………………………….?
Speaker 2 : ………………me around $250/night.
Speaker 1 : Do you recommend that hotel to friends?
Speaker 2 : Yes, if they come to Vietnam. I love everything there.

Link :
Speaker 1 : Who…………… the letter to you?
Speaker 2 : My dad wrote a letter to me when he was on a business trip.
Speaker 1 : Did you keep the letter?
Speaker 2 : Yes, I put it in a folder. Whenever I’m down, reading his letter
Speaker 1 : What was the letter about?
Speaker 2 : He told me about his new workplace and…………………………...
Speaker 1 : How did you feel about the letter?
Speaker 2 : I was glad to know that he was fine in another city.
Speaker 1 : Do you have a letter collection?
Speaker 2 : Yes. I collect all the letters from family and friends. It’s one of my hobbies.
Speaker 1 : ………………………..letters or emails?
Speaker 2 : I ………………………….paper letters.
Speaker 1 : Do people in your country usually write letters?
Speaker 2 : Years ago they did. Now people prefer emails.
Speaker 1 : What’s ………………………emails and hand-written letters?
Speaker 2 : Emails are much more convenient than letters because they’re free to send and
they get there instantly. However, letters are much more special.
Speaker 1 : Why should we write letters to friends or relatives?
Speaker 2 : It’s …………… show love to people you ………………….

Link :
Speaker 1 : What is your hobby?
Speaker 2 : …………………sports, especially swimming.
Speaker 1 : Is your hobby common in your country?
Speaker 2 : Yes, kids, adults, and senior citizens all …………………in my country.
Speaker 1 : Is your hobby …………………when you were a child?
Speaker 2 : Yes, …………………………..when I was a little girl.
Speaker 1 : When did you ………………..that hobby?
Speaker 2 : I started swimming when I was 5 years old.
Speaker 1 : Is there anybody in your family who you share your hobby with?
Speaker 2 : My dad taught me how to swim.
Speaker 1 : ………………………do you spend on your hobby?
Speaker 2 : I usually go to the swimming pool………………………….
Speaker 1 : …………………do you get from it?
Speaker 2 : Swimming is a really good workout. ………………….fit and chill out after a
long day working.
Speaker 1 : Have you ever ………………..someone having a very unusual hobby? What was
Speaker 2 : Yes, …………………………vehicles. He puts stickers everywhere on his car.
Speaker 1 : What do you think about someone having ………….hobbies?
Speaker 2 : I don’t think any hobby is weird. It’s just what you like to do, so I don’t judge

Link :
Speaker 1 : ………………… do you like?
Speaker 2 : I’m ……………….Pop music.
Speaker 1 : Is that the …………music preferred in your country?
Speaker 2 : It varies. Normally the youth enjoy Rock and Pop while middle-aged citizens
prefer country music.
Speaker 1 : Who is your favorite singer?
Speaker 2 : I’m a big fan of Miley Cyrus, a talented US singer, songwriter, and actress.
Speaker 1 : ……………… you like? Who sang that song?
Speaker 2 : My favorite song is Jolene, sung by Miley Cyrus.
Speaker 1 : ……………………….do you spend listening to music?
Speaker 2 : I usually listen to music all day with an MP3 player.
Speaker 1 : Do you …………………listening to music?
Speaker 2 : Sure. I feel like there are no more worries in the world.
Speaker 1 : Why is music important to us?
Speaker 2 : Music has …………………….our life.
Speaker 1 : Do you usually go to bars or clubs?
Speaker 2 :……………………. I sometimes go there on weekends.
Speaker 1 : What do you think about the teenagers’ music style?
Speaker 2 : …………………tend to choose loud and fast music like Rock or Rap. Everyone
has their own taste of music though.
Speaker 1 : Have you ever thought of forming a music band?
Speaker 2 : ………………………………….
Speaker 1 : ………………… you read books?
Speaker 2 : I read books ……………………..before I go to bed.
Speaker 1 : What’s your favorite type of book?
Speaker 2 : I love …………………….different cultures.
Speaker 1 : What can you learn from books?
Speaker 2 : Books can broaden my horizon about thousands of things around the world, and
books are also my best friends.
Speaker 1 : Where do you read books?
Speaker 2 : I read books at home, sometimes in the library.
Speaker 1 : What’s …………………….you have ever read?
Speaker 2 : I think that would be Nepal, a book written about the country of Nepal, published
in 1999.
Speaker 1 : ………………does it take you to finish a book?
Speaker 2 : Well, it ……………the length of the book, but it usually takes me a week to
finish a 300-page book.
Speaker 1 : Do you usually bring books with you when you travel?
Speaker 2 : Yes, I do. When I’m at the airport or bus station, I read books to…………….
Speaker 1 : Is there any bookstore or library in your area?
Speaker 2 : Unfortunately, there are none near my house. ……………….one is 3 kilometers

Link :
Speaker 1 : Where did you go for holiday?
Speaker 2 : Last year I went to Singapore, a Southeast Asian country.
Speaker 1 : Why did you choose that destination?
Speaker 2 : I ………………to Asian countries and Singapore was my best
Speaker 1 : ……………..did it last?
Speaker 2 : I stayed there……………...
Speaker 1 : …………….went with you?
Speaker 2 : I traveled to Singapore……………………….
Speaker 1 : ………..did you travel?
Speaker 2 : We flew there of course. During the time there, we moved ……………….
Speaker 1 : …………….did you pack up?
Speaker 2 : I only brought ……………………..such as money, clothes, medicine, a map and
a digital camera.
Speaker 1 : ………………during the holiday?
Speaker 2 : We ………………….like Marina Bay Sands, Merlion Park, Art science Museum,
Singapore Flyers. We also enjoyed local cuisine there.
Speaker 1 : ………………….holidays today and 20 years ago?
Speaker 2 : Well, it has changed a lot. People now can afford holidays outside their countries
while 20 years ago, traveling abroad seemed hard.
Speaker 1 : ……………….do people in your country usually go on holiday?
Speaker 2 : It ……………….what job people have. When they have a break from work, they
will find somewhere to travel.

Link :

Speaker 1 :……………………………..?
Speaker 2 :…………….. I love animals.
Speaker 1 : ………………….any pets?
Speaker 2 : Yes, I have a Pitbull puppy at home.
Speaker 1 :…………………..?
Speaker 1 : My puppy is……………………………………………... He always waves his
and licks my hand to welcome me home.
Speaker 1 :………………………………….?
Speaker 2 : He’s…………………………………………………...
Speaker 1 : What are its…………..?
Speaker 2 : My Pitbull puppy……………………………….. When he plays, he plays to win.
Speaker 1 : What do you usually do with it?
Speaker 2 : We usually play tennis together. My puppy helps me ………… balls.
Speaker 1 :…………………………….?
Speaker 2 : He loves beef, chicken and……………………….
Speaker 1 :……………………………?
Speaker 2 : He teaches me loyalty. An adult Pitbull may make me………...
Speaker 1 :……………………….?
Speaker 2 : They ………………pets as their loyal companions which make their life better.
Speaker 1 : Are pets …………….in your country?
Speaker 2 : Yes. People ……………………love pets.

Find the meaning of the missing words, phrases or sentences from Task 1!
Write some questions that start with “Question Words” from those dialogues above!
Write some questions that start with `` to be'' from those dialogues above!
Write the verbs in those dialogues above!

1. To be terdiri dari : be, is, am, are, was, were, been
2. Be, is, am, are, was, were, been bisa berarti : ada, adalah, berada
3. Jika is, am, are, was, were, diletakkan didepan kalimat tanya , maka artinya menjadi

1. Question words atau disebut kata tanya terdiri dari : Who, What, Where, When,
Why, How, How many, How much, How far, How often dll.

a. Write 10 questions and answers using “To be”
b. Write 10 questions and answers using “Question words”
c. With your friend, Make a conversation as in the conversation above. Then
demonstrate it.

Write what have you learned in learning activity 1
( Tulislah apa yang sudah kalian pelajari pada kegiatan belajar 2)
1. Siswa mampu membaca dan merespon berbagai macam teks seperti recount,
deskripsi, prosedur, eksposisi.

2. Siswa mampu membaca untuk mempelajari sesuatu atau untuk mendapatkan


Dalam kegiatan belajar 3, kalian akan mempelajari berbagai jenis teks diantaranya :
recount text, deskriptive text, procedure text, exposition text.
a. Recount text adalah sebuah teks yang menceritakan kembali peristiwa-peristiwa
dimasa lampau secara berurutan. Tujuannya adalah memberikan kepada pembaca
atau gambaran mengenai apa yang terjadi dan kapan terjadi di masa lampau secara
berurutan. Struktur recount terdiri dari tiga bagian yaitu : 1) orientation, 2)
events in time order, 3) reorientation.
b. Descriptive text adalah sebuah teks yang menggambarkan seseorang/ sebuah benda
/ sebuah tempat tertentu apa adanya baik secara fisik dan karakter
benda/orang/tempat tersebut.Tujuannya adalah untuk memberikan gambaran
kepada pembaca / pendengar ciri-ciri fisik maupun karakter seseorang / sebuah
benda atau sebuah tempat. Struktur teks (generic structure) dari descriptive text
terdiri dari dua bagian yaitu : 1) Identification/pengenalan, 2)
c. Procedure text adalah sebuah teks yang memberikan panduan mengenai tahapan
sesuatu dilakukan. Tujuannya adalah ; (a) untuk menjelaskan / menceritakan
kepada pembaca langkah-langkah membuat/ mengoperasikan atau melakukan
sesuatu. Struktur bahasa ( generic structure ) dari procedure text terdiri dari
tiga bagian yaitu : 1) aim / goal, 2) ingredient, 3) steps / methods.
d. News Item adalah sebuah teks yang memberikan informasi kepada pembaca atau
pendengar mengenai peristiwa-peristiwa penting yang terjadi pada hari itu.
Tujuannya adalah untuk menginformasikan peristiwa-peristiwa penting yang
terjadi pada hari itu. Struktur bahasa ( generic structure ) dari news item
terdiri dari tiga bagian yaitu : 1) Newsworthy events, 2) Background event, 3)
e. Exposition text adalah sebuah teks yang menjelaskan pengetahuan atau informasi
berdasarkan fakta untuk meyakinkan audiens atau lawan bicara.


Read The passages carefully, then write some Verbs 1, Verbs 2 and Verbs 3 along
with their meaning.

Passage 1

On Wednesday, my family and I went to Lombok. We stayed at Novotel

Lombok and villas which are not far from Mandalika.
There are a lot of spots in Mandalika. They are Merese Hill, Tanjung Aan beach ,
Kuta Mandalika beach , Baru Berang beach and so on. They are really amazing. We
visited only Merese Hill and Kuta Mandalika beach.
On Friday morning we went to Sade and Ende village to look at the
manufacturing process of songket woven fabric. We spent about two hours there. We
were lucky because we were led by a smart and friendly guide. Then we continued
our journey to culinary. We took lots of breaks and sat in cafes along the beach. We
ordered traditional food. They are sate bulayak, nasi balap buyung, and sambal
beberuk terung.
I think it was a wonderful holiday.  I never wanted it to end.

Passage 2

Mandalika is such a legendary place that locals will always treasure. Believe
that it has a long history and its name has become one of the best reasons people
should visit this tourist destination. The history of Mandalika itself is about a princess
of Tonjang Beru Kingdom, led by the wise and powerful king Tonjang Beru and his
wife Dewi Serinting. They had a daughter named Mandalika, a young and beautiful
princess. Mandalika was a gentle and graceful young lady who was blessed with
ethereal beauty. Not only stunning from the outside, she was also a kind and a warm
young lady. Her beauty and kindness made her the respected princess of this
Mandalika beauty was well-known, from the east side of Lombok all the way
to the west side of the Island. Princes from different kind of kingdom were
infatuated by her beauty and grace. Every day, these young men tried their luck to
ask Mandalika to be their queen. Shame on these princes, Mandalika showed no
interest and refused their proposals with such kind and soft spoken words. However,
there were two princes who were furious after being rejected. Prince Datu Teruna
and Prince Maliawang weren’t pleased with her attitude, and sent their general to
threaten the Mandalika kingdom. Each one of them proposed that if Mandalika
refused their proposals, the kingdom would be destroyed.

Passage 3
Jakarta (ANTARA) - The official name of Indonesia's MotoGP event in Mandalika will be
the Pertamina Grand Prix of Indonesia to drive national economic growth through the
international motorcycle racing championship
Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati expressed optimism that the motorcycle race
would be able to bolster national economic recovery, boost the tourism potential, upgrade the
motorcycle racing sports ecosystem, and become Indonesia's pride and spirit to rise from the
COVID-19 pandemic.
"The Pertamina Grand Prix of Indonesia can strengthen Indonesia's branding as a resilient
country amid the global pandemic crisis," She noted in a statement here on Wednesday
To this end, Pertamina inked a cooperation agreement with Dorna Sports as the commercial
rights holder of MotoGP.

Passage 4

School Uniform, Another Good Lesson

School uniform is special clothes worn by all students of a particular school. The
uniform of a school may differ from others.
Why should schools use uniforms? Below are some reasons.  First of all, Notre
Dame’s Department of Sociology produced a study in 1998 concerning school
uniforms. Their findings using 10th grade students showed that uniforms have no
direct effect on “substance abuse, behavioral problems or attendance.” It also claimed
a negative effect on student achievements for those students considered ‘pro-school’.
Secondly, uniform helps to create a strong sense of school ethos and a sense of
belonging to a particular community. As such it promotes discipline and helps to drive
up academic standards, which is why a uniform is often adopted by schools which are
being reopened with a fresh start after being classified as failing. Finally, uniform acts
as a social leveler, under which all students are equal in the eyes of the school and of
each other. In institutions without uniform students are often competitive and worry
endlessly about their appearance and the clothes they should wear. Pupils without
expensive designer clothes and trainers may be singled out as social outcasts, or
stigmatized as being from poor backgrounds.
For these reasons many parents prefer uniforms as they save them money on buying
clothes for school wear. Considering the findings, schools should implement the
uniform as their identity. The government should also publish some kind of rule
which makes uniforms compulsory for schools.

Passage 5

Picasso was one of the most outstanding and important artists of the 1900’s. He was
best known for his paintings. Almost every style in modern art was represented in
Picasso’s works.

Picasso was born in 1881 in Malaga, Spain, as the son of an art teacher. He studied
painting with his father and also in Madrid.
From 1895 to 1901, he painted realistic works in a traditional style. Then he entered
what was called the Blue period. During this time, he only used shades of blue in his
paintings to show poverty in Barcelona.
After 1907, he entered the style of cubism. Among his well-known cubist paintings
are “The Three Musician” and “The man with a guitar” which depicted the
destruction of a Spanish town. Picasso died in France in 1973.

Passage 6

How to Make a Computer Animation

Just like a flip-book, computer animation is made up of many slightly different pictures.
When these are played back quickly, it gives the illusion of movement. The animation
software needed for this activity can be downloaded for free from the internet. You will need:

- Computer or laptop with animation software

- Digital camera
- An item for animation (a toy car or modeling clay)
- Tripod


1. Prepare an object for animation such as a toy car or modeling clay that you have
changed into an object
2. Start up the animation software on your computer. Attach your camera on the tripod
to the computer via cable
3. Place your object for animation such as a toy car on a flat surface and frame it so that
the front part of the toy car is just peeking into the left hand side of the picture. Check
the image on the computer screen and snap your picture
4. Move the toy car just a little bit so that more of it is in the shot. Your animation
software should show a faint outline of the last picture, making easier for you to line
5. Repeat. Keep moving the object to the right until it disappears out of the shot. Check
your progress to make sure everything is going smoothly and reshoot if you make a
6. Playback and enjoy your magical moving toy car. Most animation programs also
allow you to add sound and visual to your film.

Passage 7

Everybody must know Alffy Rev. He is a famous Youtuber which has 2,57 millions
subscribers. He is also a music composer, producer and Cinematographer. His youtube
Channel has become viral since August 17th 2021, coincided with our 76th independence day
entitled " Indonesian Wonderland "
His real name is Awwalul Rizqi Al-Firori. He was born in Trawas Mojokerto East
Java on June 18th 1995. His career started when he was at nine, he learned to play guitar, he
had become a guitarist of the rock genre. The uniqueness of Alfyy Ref that he had ever won
the call to prayer- which in Indonesian meant adzan).
Had graduated from elementary, he continued his study at Madrasah Tsanawiyah, it is
an Islamic Junior high school, then continued his study at classic music subject at SMK 9
Surabaya, which has been merged with SMKN 11 Surabaya , and now become SMKN 12
Surabaya. Then he continued at STM which stands for Sekolah Tinggi Multimedia but
dropped out in the third semester. In 2019 he married Linka Angelia.
At 17 he failed in IMB ( Indonesia Mencari Bakat 3) as a guitarist.His other great
works is ``Spirit of Papua" and on 17th of August 2022, he released "Indonesian Wonderland
2" in his Channel. All of his music works combine Folksongs and EDM , which stands for
Electronic Dance Music. along with Traditional music instruments. His dream is bringing
Indonesia to the World through his great works.

Passage 8

You can prevent tarnish by storing silver jewelry in felt away from jewelry made of
other metals. Felt can help prevent tarnish and moisture build-up. When it is time to clean,
follow these steps. For cleaning it we need tinfoil, pan, Baking soda, Salt, Boiling water,
Lint-free cloth.

After you got the material, then follow the steps below :
❖ Line a pan with tinfoil, shiny side up. Line a pan with tinfoil with the shiny side
facing up. Choose a pan that’s on the small side because you’ll fill it with water in a
later step. (A smaller pan requires less water to cover the jewelry.)
❖ Place jewelry on the tinfoil. Make sure silver touches the tinfoil.
❖ Sprinkle baking soda and salt on the jewelry. Sprinkle baking soda and salt on top of
the jewelry. You’ll need 1 tablespoon of each for every 1 cup of water that you pour
into the pan.
❖ Pour boiling water into the pan. Pour boiling water into the pan, covering the jewelry.
The baking soda and salt will dissolve in the water, creating a solution that removes
❖ Let the jewelry soak in the solution. The tarnish will disappear as the jewelry soaks in
the solution. Once it’s gone, take the jewelry out and pat it dry with a lint-free cloth.

Passage 9

A blinding shimmer of light struck my eye as I walked through the music store. I found it.
The guitar of my dreams was standing before me, sticking out like a lonely star in a mid-night
sky. It was a jet, classic, black electric with glistening chrome hardware with the reflections
dancing around the room. After what seemed a long moment of gazing, a store worker asked
if I wanted to give it a try. Very carefully, I clasped the guitar. The weight was surprisingly
heavy; it was solid mahogany wood. Its neck was as soft as a silk blanket. The body was
smooth shaped with no sharp edges. The clean, crisp sound of the guitar blasted from the amp
as I struck my very first chord. I knew this guitar would be for me. I reached to the back of
the headstock to find the dangling tag. As I flipped it open, the price leaped from the paper,
shattering all of my hopes….

Read The passages below in front of the class with good pronunciation!

Based on the Passages in Task 1, answer the questions correctly!

Passage 1
Answer the following questions based on passage 1!

1. What is the topic of the passage?

2. What is the type of the passage?
3. Write the synonym of amazing, spot,
4. Write the antonym of lucky, friendly, wonderful
5. Identify the generic structure of each paragraph
Passage 2
Answer the following questions based on passage 2!

1. What is the topic of the passage?

2. What is the type of the passage?
3. Write the synonym of treasure, graceful, ethereal
4. Write the antonym of legendary, gentle
5. Identify the generic structure of each paragraph

Passage 3
Answer the following questions based on passage 3!

1. What is the topic of the passage?

2. What is the type of the passage?
3. Write the synonym of resilient, upgrade, strengthen
4. Write the antonym of optimism, commercial
5. Identify the generic structure of each paragraph

Passage 4
Answer the following questions based on passage 4!

1. What is the topic of the passage?

2. What is the type of the passage?
3. Write the synonym of particular, compulsory, achievement
4. Write the antonym of expensive, appearance
5. Identify the generic structure of each paragraph

Passage 5
Answer the following questions based on passage 5!

1. What is the topic of the passage?

2. What is the type of the passage?
3. Write the synonym of outstanding, important
4. Write the antonym of outstanding, important
5. Identify the generic structure of each paragraph

Passage 6
Answer the following questions based on passage 6!
1. What is the topic of the passage?
2. What is the type of the passage?
3. Write the synonym of slightly, movement, quickly, different, place
4. Write the antonym of quickly, different, place
5. Identify the generic structure of each paragraph

Passage 7
Answer the following questions based on passage 7!

1. What is the topic of the passage?

2. What is the type of the passage?
3. Write the synonym of famous, released, viral
4. Write the antonym of started, unique, traditional
5. Identify the generic structure of each paragraph

Passage 8
Answer the following questions based on passage 8!

1. What is the best title for the procedure text above?

2. What do the solutions contain?
3. What will happen when the jewelry soaks in the solution?
4. Why does it need the smaller pan?
5. Why does it require boiling water?

Passage 9

Answer the following questions based on passage 9!

1. What was his dream?

2. What time did the writer walk through the music store?
3. Why was the guitar heavy?
4. Where was the price tag of the guitar?
5. Why did the writer think his hopes was shattered?

Based on the passages above, write some sentences of “ Simple Present Tense” of every

Based on the passages above, write some sentences of “ Simple Past Tense” of every


a. Simple berarti Sederhana
b. Present berarti Sekarang
c. Tense berarti Waktu
d. Simple Present Tense adalah kalimat sederhana yang menjelaskan mengenai suatu
kejadian/kegiatan yang terjadi atau dilakukan pada waktu sekarang.
e. Pola kalimat Simple Present Tense :
⮚ Simple Present Tense Dengan verb 1 ( s/es)
❖ Subject + Verb 1(s/es)
❖ Subject + do/does + not + Verb 1 Or Subject + Don’t/doesn’t + Verb 1
❖ Do/does + Subject + Verb 1?

⮚ Simple Present Tense Dengan tobe ( is, am, are )

❖ Subject + tobe ( is, am, are)
❖ Subject + is/am/are + not + compliment Or Subject + isn’t/aren’t +
❖ is/ am/ are + Subject + Complement ?


a. Simple berarti Sederhana
b. Past berarti lampau
c. Tense berarti Waktu
d. Simple Past Tense adalah kalimat sederhana yang menjelaskan mengenai suatu
kejadian/kegiatan yang terjadi atau dilakukan pada waktu lampau yang sekarang
tidak terjadi/ tidak dilakukan lagi.
e. Pola kalimat Simple Past Tense :
⮚ Simple Past Tense dengan verbs 2
❖ Subject + Verbs 2
❖ Subject + did + not + Verb 1 Or Subject + Didn’t + Verb 1
❖ Do/does + Subject + Verb 1?
⮚ Simple Past Tense dengan to be ( was, were )
❖ Subject + tobe ( was were )
❖ Subject + was/were + not + compliment Or Subject + wasn’t/ weren’t +
❖ was/were + Subject + Complement ?

a) Keterangan waktu yang digunakan pada kalimat “Simple Presents Tense “
biasanya “ always, usually, seldom, never, sometimes, often, frequently,
generally, habitually, occasionally dll.

b) Keterangan waktu yang digunakan pada kalimat “Simple Past Tense “ biasanya :
yesterday, the day before, ago, last week/month/year

a) Choose the best answer baked on each passage above!

Passage 1
Choose the best answer based on passages 1!

1. The text above mainly discusses…..

a. the writer’s trip to Mandalika
b. the writer’s first visit to Merese Hill
c. the writer’s impression about the guide
d. the writer’s experience at Lombok
2. The text is written in the form of a……..
a. Recount
b. Narrative
c. Report
d. Descriptive
3. The purpose of the text is to………
a. tells past events
b. entertain readers
c. describe the smugglers
e. inform readers about events of the day

4. What is the famous beach in Mandalika?

a. the Merese Hill, the Tanjung Aan beach , the Kuta Mandalika beach , the Baru
Berang beach
b. the Tanjung Aan beach , the Kuta Mandalika beach , the Baru Berang beach
c. the Merese Hill, the Tanjung Aan beach , the Kuta Mandalika beach
d. the Merese Hill and the Kuta Mandalika beach.

5. ”They are the Merese Hill, the Tanjung Aan beach , the Kuta Mandalika beach, …”
They refers to …
a. The beach
b. The spots
c. The hill
d. The writer and family

Passage 2

Choose the best answer baked on passages 2!

1. What is the text about ?
a. about the story of Dewi Serinting
b. about the story of Tonjang Beru
c. about the story of Mandalika
d. about the history Local people of Mandalika
2. What’s kind of text that you have already read?
a. Historical recount
b. Personal recount
c. Imaginative recount
d. Fantastic recount
3. What is the social function of the text …
a. To entertain the reader about fairy tale
b. To explain the process of how the people get the freedom
c. To inform about last historical story
d. To tell the reader about a historical event
4. Where did it happen?
a. Mandalika kingdom
b. Tonjang Beru kingdom
c. Datu Teruna kingdom
d. Maliawa kingdom

5. ”Not only stunning from the outside, ….”

The word stunning has the closest meaning to …
a. Tedious
b. Dull
c. Boring
d. Extraordinary

Passage 3
Choose the best answer baked on passages 3!
1. What is the text about?
a. Indonesia’s MotoGP event in Mandalika
b. International motorcycle racing championship
c. Pertamina President Director
d. Dorna Sports as the commercial rights holder of MotoGP.

2. What is the purpose of the text above?

a. To entertain the reader
b. To inform readers about the event of the day which are important
c. To inform about last historical story
d. To tell the reader about a historical event

3. What kind of text that you have already read?

a. Historical recount
b. Narrative
c. Exposition
d. News Item

4. “Nicke Widyawati expressed optimism that the motorcycle race would be able ….”
The underline word has the closest meaning to ….
a. Hopefulness
b. Pessimist
c. Worrier
d. Skeptic

5. She noted in a statement here on Wednesday evening.

She refers to ….
a. MotoGP
b. Pertamina Grand Prix
c. Nicke Widyawati
d. Dorna Sports

Passage 4
Choose the best answer baked on passages 4!
1. What is the text about?
a. The school rules  d. The importance of school uniform
b. The school identity  e. The equally among students
c. What we should wear at school

2. In institutions without uniform students, one will be regarded poor because he/she
a. does not wear a school uniform d. posse a bad academic record
b. cannot afford to buy a school uniform  e. has a bad attitude at school
c. wears no expensive designer clothes

3. “As such it promotes discipline and helps to drive up academic

standards ………..”  (Paragraph 3).     What does the underlined word refer?
a. Community  c. Research finding  d. Uniform
b. School ethos  e. A study

4. The last paragraph is about ……….

a. The writer’s suggestion  d. The writer’s general statement
b. The writer’s arguments  e. The writer’s thesis
c. The writer’s reasons

5. “……. Substance abuse, behavioral problems or attendance.” (Paragraph 2) The

antonym of the underlined word is ……..
a. Arrival  c. appearance  e. absence
b. come up  d. Presence

Passage 5
Choose the best answer baked on passages 5!
1. Picasso used shades of blue in his painting during the Blue Period, because ….
A. He was sad to live in a traditional Barcelona
B. The blue was to show poverty in Barcelona
C. The blue represented modern art of this paintings
D. Blue was Picasso’s favorite color in his paintings

2. What is the main idea of paragraph three?

A. Picasso used shades of blue in his paintings
B. Picasso died in France on 1973
C. Picasso was taught by his father
D. Picasso was taught by his father

3. “… which depicted the destruction of Spanish town.” (Paragraph 2). The word “depicted” has
the same meaning as ….
A. Drawed
B. Described
C. Painted
D. Presented

4. . From the text, we know that …

A. Picasso used his paintings to describe his environment
B. Picasso loved listening to the music and playing guitar
C. Picasso was born, raised, and died in Malaga, Spain
D. Picasso only used blue paint in all his paintings

5. ”Among his well-known cubist paintings are “The Three Musician” and “The man with a guitar”
(Paragraph 2). The underlined word above is the antonym of…
A. Famous
B. Acclaimed
C. Outstanding
D. Unpopular

Passage 6
Choose the best answer baked on passages 6!

1. What is the purpose of the text?

a. to inform the reader how to make a computer animation and the steps of the methods.
b. to place your object for animation such as a toy car on a flat surface and frame
c. to start up the animation software on your computer
d. to move the toy car just a little bit so that more of it is in the shot.
e. to playback and enjoy your magical moving toy car

2. What is the toy car or modeling clay for?

a. It’s Just like a flip-book
b. It’s An item for animation
c. It’s as an object for the animation
d. It’s a computer or laptop with animation software
e. It’s an object for animation such as a toy car or modeling clay that you have changed

3. How many steps do we need to do in making the computer animation?

a. four steps
b. six steps
c. five steps
d. three steps
e. seven steps

4. Where did the computer animation probably take place?

a. In the toy car
b. In digital camera
c. in the animation software
d. It’s probably taken in a room or office
e. It keeps moving the object to the right until it disappears out of the shot

5. What thing do we need to download the computer animation?

a. We need the illusion of movement
b. We need to prepare an object for animation such as a toy car
c. We need to check the image on the computer screen and snap your picture
d. We need an application or software and the final project of animation you've made
e. We need to show a faint outline of the last picture, making easier for you to line up and

b). Write 10 sentences of “Simple Present Tenses” and their meaning

c) Write 10 sentences of “Simple Present Tenses” and their meaning

Write what have you learned in learning activity 1
( Tulislah apa yang sudah kalian pelajari pada kegiatan belajar 3)


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