Physics Lab 3 Linear Motion

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Lab 3: Linear Motion

Date Performed: March 15th, 2022

Class: PHYS 217

Section: 07209

Group Members:

Justin Pedroza

Hang Nguyen

Jake Truong

Nathan Shroeder

Maria Estrada


In this lab test, we aim to discover the relationship between linear motion and various

equations by using the iOLab. Linear motion is the movement of an object in one dimension with

respect to time. In this case, the position, velocity, and acceleration of an object are used to

describe the object's motion. All of these quantities are termed vectors, and each one has a

unique relationship to the others in the set. We carried out two experiments for the purpose of

writing this lab report. In the first experiment, we performed a back-and-forth movement on a

horizontal surface using the iOLab software. In essence, by repeatedly hitting the iOLab, we

assumed that the velocity will remain constant, as demonstrated by the equations derived and the

graphs generated. In Experiment 2, we examine a motion down an incline with constant

acceleration throughout. For this section, we used the iOLab device to capture position, velocity,

and acceleration data after the device was released from its resting position at the top of the
incline. In this lab report, we explained and calculated the concepts of displacement, velocity,

and acceleration. It was possible to determine the acceleration by plotting the relationship

between velocity and time. Consequently, the rate of change indicated by these equations was

represented by the slope of the graph. In plotting a displacement vs. time, it produced an

exponential graph, where the slope represents the velocity. It was possible to calculate velocity

and acceleration, using the time and position/displacement data collected from the iOLab

software. The relationships between velocity, acceleration, and position can be represented by

derivatives obtained, which can be transformed to yield the linear motion equations.


Linear Motion

Kinematics is concerned with the aspects of motion mainly focused on the development

of definitions: position, displacement, velocity, acceleration and on the relationship between


Motion can be defined as the continuous change in the position of an object. In our daily

lives, we can see objects moving in a straight line. This type of motion is called motion in a

straight line or rectilinear motion. For example, a ball rolling on a horizontal surface.
Kinematics begins with the idea of position. A position like a length which is a basic

quantity being dependent only on the unit adopted.

But position involves also direction: in principle, the object could be to our right or to our

left, and to include the information of direction we use a vector.

Displacement differs from the position. In the interval of time between the events, the

object moves from one position to another.

For a moving object, two points are significant. One point is the start point of origin

wherefrom the object starts its motion and the other is the point where it reaches after a certain

interval of time. The length of the path followed by the object is called distance. In any motion,

an object gets displaced while it changes its position continuously. Basically, the change in

position of an object is called displacement (Dx), the shortest distance between the initial and

the final position of the object. Distance-Time graph of an object.

∆ x=x −x o

How fast the motion of an object is executed determines its velocity. Another quantity in

kinematics is the average velocity or the displacement of an object undergoes in one second of

elapse time. Thus, this velocity is the radio of length (displacement) divided by the time taken by

the object.
Displacement (m) m
velocity= ( )
Time(s) s


The velocity of the object may change with time. The velocity could decrease as a result

of a force of friction with the path. Or the velocity could increase if the path were not horizontal

and a component of the force of gravity acts on the object. The time rate of change of the average

velocity is called the average acceleration and the time rate of change of the instantaneous

velocity is called the instantaneous acceleration.

Change∈velocity ( )
s m
acceleration= ( 2)
Time interval (s) s

Position, velocity, acceleration over time (without air resistance)

Measurement and Observation

Part 1
Starting out in the lab we calibrated the iOLab device by pushing it back and forth between our

hands. We took the data collected and compared the graphs for the position, velocity, and

acceleration. When the velocity is zero we notice that the position stays constant and does not
increase or decrease. When the velocity is positive we can see that the position is increasing and

when the velocity is negative the position is decreasing. Since this is happening on a flat surface

we can say that the distance is going in the positive direction as the velocity is increasing and

going in the reverse direction as the velocity is negative. When the acceleration is zero we can

see that the graphs of velocity are constant well at the same time position is increasing.

Furthermore, we see that when acceleration is positive velocity is increasing while the position is

also increasing. We can see that when a position is a constant velocity is equal to zero. Also

when velocity is the constant acceleration is zero. Proving that each graph is a derivative of the


Part 2
All measurements during the 3 setups are performed by the iOLab device and software.

The iOLab software samples data once every hundredth (.01) of a second, providing a very

detailed and in-depth look at the activity of the iOLab device as it travels.

Our expectations are to see the Position curve upward, Velocity increase at a Linear rate,

and acceleration remain constant. This is because the only force acting to accelerate the IOLab

device should be gravity, and there are no other forms of propulsion present (no motors, no

significant wind or airflow, etc.).

In reality, though what we see when looking at our data charts is a slightly irregular

velocity increase, with occasional slow-downs and occasional surges, and very erratic

acceleration. Furthermore, acceleration decreases slightly in all 3 of the lab setups. This is

likely due to friction and drag caused by imperfections in the surface of the metal track and the

wheels of the iOLab device. Nevertheless, this acceleration remains nearly constant, causing an

imperceptible curve in the velocity trend.

Ultimately our findings generally follow what we would expect from an unpowered,

wheeled object traveling down a flat, downward slope. Velocity increases from 0 at a generally

linear rate, as evidenced by the linear formula for the trendline generated by our computer after

the data points are plotted on the Velocity graph.

Comparing the Velocity charts of the three-track configurations in the Data Analysis

section of this report shows the effect the steeper angle of the track has on the velocity of the

IOLab device. As the front of the track rises higher off the table, increasing the downward angle

of the track, the device’s velocity increases at a greater rate over a shorter span of time, shown in

the graphs as a steeper (closer to vertical) line of data points.

 Slope of the Velocity trend line with the track at 10 cm starting height: 0.2535

 Slope of the Velocity trend line with the track at 20 cm starting height: 0.7248

 Slope of the Velocity trend line with the track at 30 cm starting height: 1.0907

Another key difference we see when comparing our velocity graphs is the final velocity

achieved during each setup. As we increase the downward angle of our track, the iOLab device

not only accelerates more quickly but also achieves a higher final velocity when it reaches the

end of the track.

 Final velocity with track at 10 cm starting height: approximately 1.0 m/s

o Time elapsed from 0 velocity to final velocity: approximately 4.0 seconds

 Final velocity with track at 20 cm starting height: approximately 1.6 m/s

o Time elapsed from 0 velocity to final velocity: approximately 2.5 seconds

 Final velocity with track at 30 cm starting height: approximately 2.1 m/s

o Time elapsed from 0 velocity to final velocity: approximately 2.5 seconds

Acceleration exhibits similar effect as the track pitches upward. Looking at the

Acceleration charts in the Data Analysis section, we see that with the front of the track at 10 cm,

Acceleration measures at its lowest, increasing with each increase in starting height of the track.

 Average Acceleration with track at 10 cm starting height: approx. 0.1 to 0.2 m/s²

 Average Acceleration with track at 20 cm starting height: approx. 0.3 to 0.5 m/s²

 Average Acceleration with track at 30 cm starting height: approx. 0.5 to 0.7 m/s²

Looking at these average trends, it appears Acceleration changed equally as the starting

height of the track changed equally. In other words, for every 10 cm height increase at the start

of the track, acceleration appears to increase by about 0.2 m/s².

While the actual data points for Acceleration are erratic, in all 3 setups these points

appear to fall within about a 1 m/s² range, which would mean our acceleration during the entire

path of travel maintained a tolerance of about ±0.5 m/s². It is also interesting to note that the

fluctuations in data appear to be somewhat harmonic, a feature which becomes more visible as

the front of the track elevates higher.

Data Analyst & Discussion

Chart 1: Graphs of the 10cm- height ramp

Velocity Position
f(x) = 0.253460883340836 x − 0.0940209885001261
0.8 2
f(x) = 0.1274411294 x² − 0.0910355422 x − 0.0036752951
0.6 1.5
x (meter)
v (m/s)

0.4 1

0.2 0.5

0 0
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
t (s) t (s)
a(m/s2) 0.4
f(x) = − 0.0461541614845009 x + 0.375630181941913
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
t (s)

Chart 2: Graphs of the 20cm- height ramp

1.6 f(x) = 0.724751783786337 x − 1.85264032176923 2
1.4 f(x) = 0.3609738773 x² − 1.8327166795 x + 2.312230768
1.2 1.5
s (m)

v (m/s)

0.8 1
0.4 0.5
0 0
2.6 3.1 3.6 4.1 4.6 2.6 3.1 3.6 4.1 4.6
t(s) t (s)

a (m/s2)

f(x) = − 0.0816624223042403 x + 1.03574749197699

2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
t (s)
Chart 3: Graphs of the 30cm- height ramp

2 2
f(x) = 1.09071873013427 x − 0.8400391439194 1.8= 0.545982993 x² − 0.8315476746 x + 0.311743678
1.5 1.6
v (m/s)

1 1

s (m)
0.5 0.6
0 0
0.75 0.95 1.15 1.35 1.55 1.75 1.95 2.15 2.35 2.55 0.75 0.95 1.15 1.35 1.55 1.75 1.95 2.15 2.35 2.55
t (s) t (s)

a (m/s2)

1 f(x) = − 0.0688033645084856 x + 1.2065355038277

0.6 1.1 1.6 2.1 2.6
t (s)

Data Analyst

Using the iOLab device to gather data, the group conduct the time it takes for the device

to travel between 2 positions, point A is where the device is at rest, on top of the ramp (x= 0.00

m), and point B is when the device hits the bottom of the ramp (x= 2.00 m). Having the distance

and time to travel, we can calculate the average velocities and accelerations of the device from

rest until before hitting the stop at the end of the ramp in each given scenario which is shown in

the table below:

The Time at Time at Time to travel Distance Average Average

point A point B velocity acceleration
height (s) (m)
(s) (s) (m/s) (m/s2)
2.00 0.54
10 0.67 4.38 ∆ t=4.38−0.67=3.71 2.00 v= =0.5a=
4 =0.15
3.71 3.71
2.00 0.90
20 2.68 4.89 ∆ t=4.89−2.68=2.21 2.00 v= =0.90
a= =0.41
2.21 2.21
2.00 1.06
30 0.80 2.68 ∆ t=2.68−0.80=1.88 2.00 v= =1.06
a= =0.56
1.88 1.88

From this table, we have the same conclusion as what happens in the lab about the

changes of the device’s velocity and acceleration according to the ramp’s height. Both velocity

and acceleration of the device increase as the ramp becomes steeper and steeper, this is due to the

increase of gravitational force onto the device as the ramp is raised in each consecutive height.


In theory, the acceleration of the device should be constant, and the velocity should

always increase linear direction; but as we noticed in our lab experiment, our records showed

some variations in the data. For example, in the 10 cm rail height’s part, after transferring all the

data from an iOLab device onto Excel spreadsheet, the software gives the students equation of

acceleration over time as:a=−0.0462 t+ 0.3756. This concludes that throughout traveling, the

device’s acceleration drops at the rate of -0.0462 instead of being a constant variable. Like

mentioned in Measurements and Observations, air resistance and frictions are the main cause of

this trend. In order to have better data for other labs, the group suggests that the rail can be rinsed

with liquids with a low friction coefficient such as water to decrease frictions. The experiment

can be done in a vacuum environment to eliminate air resistance.

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