13 Colonies After

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13 colonies before 13 colonies after

won idependence from great britian

create a government
the united states
critical period new government/nation be strong
enough to survive?

A loose confederation of states with a weak central government

1776 john dickenson

Articles of confederation

ratification was delayed
ratified in 1781
unicameral 1 vote for each states
9 out of 13 states
unaminous vote amend
wage war, make treaties, send diplomatic representatives borrow money

collect taxes regulate commerce between the staes , enforce it own laws

treaty of paris 1783

western lands ,
public education
new states ,
self government

weak central government

finacial promblems
states and congress issued worthless paper money
to tax request the states to donate money
for national
foriegn nation
had little respect for a new nation that could not pay its debts

expanded their intrest in lands west of the new nations

domestic promblems
Shays rebellion
agaisnt high state taxes

imprisonment for debt and lack of paper money

stopped the collection of taxes and forced the closing of deb
tors courts
but the states militia broke it up
people realized the national government was pwerless to
stop such rebellions , convinced many of the need to meet to disscus

1786 the commercial relations between the states

another convention tp revise the articles
Shays rebellion attend the convention


Rhode island sent delegates 55

Ben franklin,alexander hamilton, gerorge mason, john jay, roger sherman,

presided over the convention
the father of the constitution
author of the constitution
notes on every debate and discussion

who said what and the reasoning behind their decision

george washington james madison

read and educated on democratic philosophies
thomas jefferson france
john adams
john hancock smell a rat in phili

patrick henry central government

thomas paine

manga carta
natural rights
english bill of rights
englad parliment bicameral

house of burgesses
could elect their own officials

mayflower compact
maryland tpleration act
pete zenger trail

power come from the people

do wha people give it permission to do
divided between seperate branches of government
power of each branch
a central government and local government
declare laws unconstitutional
marbury v. madison
they decide to crear a new document and worked in secret fro 4 months at independence hall
to create a new government .

virginia plan 3 branxhes of government

bicameral population
new jersey plan unicameral legislature
based on equal representation
the great compromise ct
bicameral legislature with the senate based on equal representation
and the house of represenative based on population

the great compromise


slaves would count as 3/5 a person for the house of represenatives and for tax

congress would not tax state exports and the slaves trade end in 1808

fugitive slave claws

congress can regulate interstate and foriegn trade, could put tariffs on imports

president with power of veto elected to a 4 year term (no term limit )

eclected by the electoral college , winner has most electoral vote, runner up becomes vice

U.S constituion is supreme law of the land

elastic clause
gives congress power to carry out the exprrssed powers listed in the constitution

approved a draft of the constitution

9 out of 13

anti federalist

george washignton mason

ben franklin henry
james madison winthrop
hamilton hancock

a strong national government was needed a strong central government would destroy
to maintain order and preserve the union the work of the revolution , limit democrazy
and limit states rights

strong learders , well organized appealed to popular distrust of government

constituiton was new and untied , lacked a poorly organized , slow to respond to
bill of rights federalist challenge
federalist papers 85 essays that gave reason for ratification

first ratify
adding bill of rights
9 out of 13 states eatified the constitution

last to ratify
new york city

anti federalist

sent to the states for ratification

10 dec 1791 as the bill
of rights

religion , speech, press, pettion , assembly

keep bear arms
in time of peace
searches or seizures
due process

speedy and public trial

right to trial by jury
cruel and unusaul punishment
reserve power to the people
power to the states

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