Test Diagnostyczny Z Języka Angielskiego - 4 Klasa

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Test diagnostyczny z języka angielskiego – kl.


Czas pracy: 30 minut

Nazwisko i imię ........................................ Klasa ............ Suma punktów ........../ 60

1.Wstaw a lub an: Punkty......./4

............. dog ............ orange .......... umbrella ............ cat

2.Wpisz liczby: Punkty: ..... / 4

example: 1 – one

8 - .................................

12 - .................................

20 - .................................

67 - .................................

3.Wpisz nazwy kolorów: Punkty: ..... / 4

example: lueb - blue

der - .................................

neerg - .................................

cklab - .................................

gerano - .................................

4.Uzupełnij literki: Punkty: ..... / 4

_ _ _ _ _ _ (mama)

_ _ _ _ _ _ (tato)

_ _ _ _ _ _ (siostra)

_ _ _ _ _ _ (rodzina)

5.Wpisz liczbę mnogą do podanych wyrazów: Punkty: ..... / 4

desk – ...................

baby - ...................

watch - ...................
child - ...................

6.Połącz pytanie z właściwą odpowiedzią: Punkty: ..... / 4

1. What’s your name? a) I’m fine. Thanks!

2.How are you? b) My name’s Oscar.

3.Who’s this? c) Yes. His name is Tom.

4.Is this your brother? d) That’s Eddy.

7.Uzupełnij zdania formami is, am, are: Punkty: ..... / 6

Where ........... you from?

......... Sylvia French?

They .......... from America.

We ........ from Canada.

I ....... a student.

He ........... a boy.

8.Uzupełnij zdania wstawiając his, her, their, my, your lub our: Punkty......./ 6

Dear Pedro,

(0) ...My... name is Alex and I’m 12 years old. I live in London with (1) ...........

parents. (2) ........... names are David and Karen and they are both teachers. I’ve got a sister too.
(3) ............ name is Sophie and she’s ten years old. My brother, John, is married. He has a nice house
with a garden I like (4) ........... dog, Rex. What about (5) .......... family? Please tell me about it. I’ll tell
you about (6) ......... life here.

9.Ułóż zdania z rozsypanych wyrazów: Punkty......./ 4

you / are / how / old / ? ........... How old are you?........

is / your / what / address / ? ........................................

telephone / your / is / number / what / ? ........................................

you / do / how / it / spell / ? ........................................

German / you / are / ? ........................................

10.Utwórz zdania używając konstrukcji there is / there are: Punkty......./ 4

.......There are....... four people in this room.

............................. a girl in the kitchen.

............................. three rooms and a hall downstairs.

............................. a dog in the garden.

............................. five windows in the room.

11.Uzupełnij zdania wpisując odpowiednio have got lub has got: Punkty: ..... / 4

I ................... a dog.

She ................... a cat.

They ................... a computer.

He ................... a brother.

12.Przeczytaj i wpisz zgodnie z prawdą yes lub no Punkty: ..... / 5

Hi, I’m Bob and this is my bedroom. It’s very big. There’s a table and a chair in my bedroom. There is
a nice vase on the table. It’s yellow! Look at my dog, Max! He’s under the bed.

Bob’s bedroom is very big. ................

There is a sofa in his bedroom. ................

There is a table in his bedroom. ................

There is a lamp on the table. ................

Max is on the bed. ................

13.Wpisz podane wyrazy do odpowiednich kolumn w tabeli: Punkty: ..... / 7

kitchen hamster table sofa rat bedroom bathroom spider bed fish sitting room parrot desk carpet

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