Hs 2nd Year Science 2015 CHEMISTRY

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."'(fr.iv.; ,'. } -.^n " A'- ■ Total number of pages—16
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■> „■ :,b V


Full Marks : 70
'1^' '.^'v .-> Vt •\
Pass Marks : 21

Time : Three hours

."T'V.'-f; .

General Instructions :

(i) All questions are compulsory.

(it) Marks for each question are indicated against it.
(Hi) Question number 1 consists of eight very short answer type questions and
carry 1 mark each.

.»■ ' ■ ; *■ t'' /'T' A'l-

(iv) Question numbers 2 to 11 are short answer type questions and carry 2 marks
r* .s

(v) Question numbers 12 to 20 are also short answer type questions and carry
■ w 3 marks each.
' ' •• 'v.w'
. • - ■ ■ • • • •■ (vi) Question numbers 21 to 23 are long answer type questions and carry 5 marks
'-.A'*-" ' .
' "•*
'- *■'1
' a

25'[-ALTE Contd.
[161 120+
1, Answer the following : 1x8=8 (vi) Mention one use of tetrachloromethane.

\S(r|\C %

(i) Which point defect lowers the density of a ci-ystal ? (vii) Give tlie lUPAC name of the following compound


few lUPAC feit s

(ii) Liquid-liquid sols are known as
(Fill in the blank)
•' '' . .■ '-i (viii) Name one water soluble vitamin.
V5^-X5^ 5Gl"c.<lh<P ^-^rmi

>! • 2. State Hemy's law.
(Hi) Which metal foils are used for wrapping chocolates ?. . . , ; . . At the same temperature, hydrogen" gas is more soluble in water than helium gas.
Which one of them will have higher value of Kfj ? . 2

- ^'
(iv) In the first transition series of elements, which element shows highest oxidation
a^%hsi ItPRrm i c^wsr ^
state ?

• 7J
£h?m C2£f% w^?

3- Define molar conductivily of an electrolytic solution. How does molar conductivity

(v) Write the formula for the co-ordination' compound,: tetracarbonylnickel (q) vary with concentration for weak electrolyte ? 2
(o), wfl

25T CHEM [2] 25T CHEM [3] . Contd.

\ • Or/^^,

The liiTiiting molar conductances of sodium cliloride, hydrochloric acid and sodium
Explain the following : . 1+1=2
acetate arc 12645, 426T6 and 91-0 Scin-mol ^ respectively at 2Q8/<:. Calculate the- i
limiting molar conductance of acetic acid at 298J<:^. (i) Transition metals and their compounds can act as catalyst. .

(ii) In the titration of Fe504 with KMnO^ in acidic medium, dilute HCl is not used.
298i^^ ^

12645, 42646 91-0 Scm^inot^ 1 29SK ^ vsGl\s R^|c.<iR S

■n'Frt "WI ■ . . • ■ ■' ■ ,, , (i) ^^1 ■ ■

r>'? ■ (ii) "STf^s FbSOa^ ^*4^ KMn04^ ^ HCi 4r^ ^ ^1

4. Distinguish between calcination and roasting. ' " 2

7. Give-owe example each of the following 1+1=2

(i) lonisation isomerism

5. What are transition elements ? { (ii) Geometrical isomerism ?v

Give the general electronic configuration of transition elements.

■ (ii) ^srlrt^^ 71^-^ I ■

c41<4C<1W i
-'vi'! '
) l-i . ■

6. What are alloys,? Name the metals used for the fonnation of bronze.
Using valence bond theory, show that [M(CA04]- complex ion is diamagnetic in
nature. [Atomic number of M is 28].

cmm Wi(CN)4f'- i [Ni^

28] I

25T CHEM [4]

: -A 25T CHEM [5] . Contd.
8. Explain why :(Any Two) 1+1=2 (b) K}, value of aniline is less than that of methyl amine. Why ? .

(i) Phenols are acidic in nature. •: I. ;% -Jjl; ■' . ■ :.'\t

(ii) Ethers have lower boiling points than alcohols. (a) <fWH %
(Hi) Propan-2-ol is more basic than propan-l-ol.
• J
CH^NH^, (C//3X NH^ [CH^\N
vii ' .V"
^ 2 (!vc<PicHt ^)
lb) ^ ^ 1%^ ?
■ ■
(i) I

11. Give the fonnulae of A, B, C and D in the following reactions

(it) ^1 . , ■ ■ •.
. A, B, c ^ fer — ,
(Hi) -
cthanoiic NaCN
■ ■ . (i). CH^CH^-Cl
9. Complete the following reactions : 1+1=

fei ^s "4 • ' f ' *

(ii), C^H^NO, . )C. 273 - 298X
>D . 1+1=2

(a) CH.-CH = CTL 12. (a) For one mole close packed spheres, how many octahedral and tetrahedral voids
are present ? 1
.i ^
(b) CM - CH ^ O - CH + HI + ? + ?
(not in (b) Atoms of element X form hep lattice and those of element Y fonn" occupy jrd
excess) ■' ■ '/ S s' ':V 1> •
oftlie tetrahedral voids. Detennine the fonnula of the compound fonned by the
. ■ ■. ■.. f'-" ' ' ' »

elements X and F ? 2

Answer the following : 1+1=2 F5[ ^

(a) lij^,

(a) Arrange in increasing order of basic strength :

CHjNH^, [CH^)^NH, (in aqueous solution)

25T CHEM fr nY] ■■if 25T CHEM [7] Contd.

13.. (a)_ What is an ideal solution?. < : I 5. What are adsoiption and absoiption processes ? Give one suitable example to show the
distinction between the two. ■ ^ 2+1=3
(b) Urea forms an ideal solution in water. Calculate the vapour pressure sffelT 1% ? sfferR
of an aqueous solution containing 5% by mass of urea at 298^:. At 298^:, vapour %f l .
pressure of water is 23-75m?n Hg. 2 Or/^m, ■

Define homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis. Give one suitable example each of
■(a) 1%? the two catalysis. 2+'/2x2=3

(b) [{NH2)2C0'\ ^1 ^ 5%
1wf l ' ,
m 298A:^ ^I 298^:^ -=11% W 23-75mm Hg\

Or/'Simr, 16.' (a) Mention one use each of Argon and Helium gases.

The vapour pressures of pure liquids A and 5 are 450mm Hg and 700mm Hg (b) Name the noble gas that fonns majority of the known noble gas compounds.
respectively at 3507<:. If the total vapour pressure of the mixture of the two liquids
at 3507i: is 600mm Hg, calculate the mole fractions of the two components in the
solution. Also, calculate the partial pressures ■ of the two components in the
vapour phase. ■ 2+1=3 17. Complete the following equations 1x3=3

350A3S ^ A 45Qmm Hg 700/77m Hg \

350A:'^ ^ ^ 600mm Hg ^ •0"

OH + SOCI^ >? • W-

(b) CH^ = CH^ + Br^ ' >? ' >'•' j?' ... ■ ,
14. What is corrosion ? Give two measures for the prevention of corrosions of metals. ■) ■■;•

1+2=3 ,

25T CHEM [8] 25T CHEM [9] Contd.

18. What are carbohydrates? Give the general fonnula of carbohydrates. Why are 20. Give one example each of the following : F5<3-3

poiysaccharides called non-sugars ? 1+1+1—3

(a) A non-narcotic analgesic

(b) An artificial sweetner. , ^ ^

(c) A food preservative chemical. i

^ src^c^ fen %

IL- .
(a) fetftfliT feflW 1 ■ ■ ' ,■
What are proteins ? Give one example each of fibrous and globular proteins.

i%? 'srw^ +5111 . '. ■■ '►*»(«

19. (a) What are polymers ? ■ " '. >1

. (i). Mention one advantage of the use of synthetic detergent over soap. 1

, (b) Name the monomers of polythene. Teflon and Nylon '6, 1/2x4=2
. (ii) What is tincture of iodine ? Mention one use of tincture of iodine. 1+1+2

■ C6W 6^■5R'5ih
' i '

• *r I • .

21. Answer either (a) or (b) :

(a) (b) 1557?^^ #31-°

(a) What is vulcanisation of rubber ?

r-T-ji/;.- (a) (i) Define order of a reaction.

■Rfelt I

(b) What is the role of sulphur on vulcanisation of mbber ? 1

(n) For the reaction R—^P^ write the differential rate law.
•V! R—>P ^ I .

25T CHEM [10] 25TCHEM [11] Contd.

22. Answer either (a) and (b), or (c) and (d).
(in) For the reaction P, the rate becomes 4 times faster when the
concentration of the reactant R is doubled at a given temperature. What is .{a) Give reasons for the following : ' 1x3=3

the order of the reaction ? . ■ 2 (i) Nitrogen exhibits -t-5 oxidation state. B'utdt does not fonn pentahalide.

(ii) Sulphur vapour is paramagnetic.

■^"4 ^ ^ 1,
rii-^ (Hi) Moist chlorine is powerful bleaching agent. ■

(iv) Define activation energy of a, reaction.


(i) +5 ^ ^ I

(H) I .

(Hi) I
(b) (i) Show that the integrated rate law for the first ordei leaction i? -> /> is
,= 2^ tog Wo ',3'"
(b) Complete the following reactions ■•. '.:-t .V'l- 1+1=2
[/?] 't'

.HiV.' .. . .w .^ . 1 »' A V
Ii- ' i- .
(i) P^+3NaOH + 3Hp >?
2-303 /o^
r Wo
[^] . (ii) 2F {g)ir2Hp{l) >?

(ii) A first order reaction takes 40 minutes for 20% decomposition. Calculate its Or /

half life period. " 2

(c) Describe the manufacture of anunonia by Haber's process with favourable
. conditions. . 3
20% 40
^1 , . . .. .C^^m ^-^Uf ^

[A-' .': . .' 25T CHEM [13] Contd.

25T CHEM [12]
(d) Draw the sti-uctures of the following molecules : (c) Name one. biodegradable polymer. I

#?rt I

(i) XeF^ v (ii) H2,P02, ,

23. (a) How will you bring about the following conversions ? (Give chemical equations
only): ■ 2

(i) Toluene to benzaldehyde.

(ii) Ethanenitrile to ethanoic acid.


.• T.


(b) Identify A, B, C and D in the following reactions 2-

A, B, C D ° •

Cv H'
->A v. . ,
<•> Of Pd-BaSO^ i. > ' ' .■
■' -i'.
t .

„ . j


U • '

' I'.V
." \


Cone. NaOfj y CD • v-y g- ' V'"
(Hi) 2 <^;^CHO A

[14] .v. . 251 CHEM [15]


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