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Group Assignment 1: Database Architecture and UML Diagrams

Name: ________________________________ Student ID: ___________

Name: ________________________________ Student ID: ___________
Name: ________________________________ Student ID: ___________
Name: ________________________________ Student ID: ___________

Course: Multimedia Database Course Code: STIV3033

Semester/ Session: Semester A221 Group: B
Submission Date: 29/11/2022 Percentage: 15%

Lecturer’s Name: Room:

Task descriptions:

You are designing a database system for an online video-on-demand (VoD) application. You may refer to Netflix
as a design guideline. To start, you need the part of the system that will allow a customer to purchase a
yearly/monthly membership, which allows them to watch videos/movies anytime they like. The system also
allows any guest (non-member) customer to purchase a single or a group of videos and receive an invoice that
lists them along with the cost and the date they expire.

Please study the attached Netflix dataset. Take note that the Netflix dataset is incomplete and not inclusive of
all entities for a VoD system.

Model the information provided by completing the following steps.

1. Start by giving an appropriate name for your VoD application.

2. Then, discuss and identify appropriate entities for this VoD application. This is following a top-down
design where you first model all the objects in an enterprise and then you determine how they
3. Continue by drawing the UML class diagram by drawing the classes, but avoid filling in the attributes
for now; just name the classes. Include association classes if required.
4. Next, determine what relationships exist between the classes you identified. Draw each association in
the diagram, including the multiplicity constraints, to make sure you’ve correctly modelled the
information given.
5. Now complete each class by filling in the attributes and their corresponding data type.
6. Map the UML class diagram to the relational schema and the entity relationship diagram (ERD). Be sure
to model all constraints, such as any non-null attributes, primary key, and foreign key.
7. Draw the rest of the UML diagrams (Use-Case Diagram, Activity Diagram, Sequence Diagram).
The submission of this assignment must include:
1. Database architecture (5%)
a. The VoD MMDB architecture (see example):

b. Relational schema (see example):

c. ERD (see example):
2. UML Diagrams (10%) (Use-Case Diagram, Activity Diagram, Sequence Diagram, Class Diagram)
a. Class Diagram (see example):

b. Use-Case Diagram (see example):

c. Activity Diagram (see example):

d. Sequence Diagram (see example):

Convert your document into PDF file and upload your submission into our Learning Portal.
I, hereby, acknowledge that this report is the team’s original work and any citation from copyrighted works
has been stated clearly its source. Lecturer has right to deduct marks or reject entirely our work in case of
rules obstruction.

Date of Submission:

Rubric – Database Architecture

Exceptional Excellent Satisfactory Poor

4 pts. 3 pts. 2 pts. 1 pts.
External All critical Most critical Some critical The external
level views are views are views are view is poorly
relevant and appropriately appropriately proposed
appropriately proposed. proposed.

Conceptual Fully describes Most structures Some structure The database

level the structure of of the whole of the whole structure is
the whole database are database is poorly described
database described described

Internal level Fully define the Most physical Some physical The physical
physical storage storage storage storage structure
structure of the structures of the structures of the is poorly defined
whole database whole database whole database
are defined are defined

Relational Full examples of Most examples Some examples Few examples of

Schema data schema are of data schema of data schema data schema are
provided are provided are provided provided
ERD Mapping of Mapping of Mapping of Mapping of
database entities, database entities, database entities, database entities,
attributes, and attributes, and attributes, and attributes, and
relationships is relationships is relationships is relationships is
complete mostly complete fairly complete incomplete
TOTAL (20) =

TOTAL 5% =
Rubric – UML

Data Modelling with UML Diagram Criteria 0 1 2 3 4 5 Comments

Quality of Class Diagram
● knowledge of a Class, attribute, relation and
● All classes are named with descriptive names.
● Data members including constants are well
described and include their data types for all classes.
● All methods including constructors are well
described and include their data types and returns for
all classes.

Quality of Use-Case Diagram

● Both the use case diagram and description are
● The use cases accurately represent the main
functions of the system including the appropriate
● Use cases are clear and easy to understand with
very few syntactic errors (diagramming errors).
● All actors and interactions well-thought out.
● Clear descriptive summary of interactions between
all actors explained.

Quality of Sequence Diagram

● Summary of sequence importance.
● Sequence diagram included.
● Chain of events starts and end with customer.
● Clear descriptive summary of chronological event
between all actors explained.

Quality of Activity Diagram

● Summary of activity importance.
● Activity diagram included.
● Decisions explain who/where/what type/how
● Clear descriptive summary of decisions and possible
outcomes explained.

Originality of Each Solution

 The solutions show considerable originality and
 The content and ideas are presented in a unique
and interesting way

Overall /25

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