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Final Project

Facility Management

Tumaneng, James Michael A.


January 31, 2022

Prof. Alejandro Tamundong

Issues and Trends in Facility Management Case Study

The world is already experiencing global warming, and indeed we start to feel
its consequences. One possible recommendation related to facility
management is vertical gardening, and planning to implement in the city of
Manila. It is one of the many projects of the current city mayor, Mayor Isko

Answer the following questions

1. Do you believe that this project will become successful and to be

accepted of every business?

Yes I agree to this project, because vertical garden, it can help global
warming reduce and lessen the pollution in the city of Manila, it can be
better city as well as to the citizens of it. This project will be accepted,
somehow we suffering from extreme heat sometimes it means our ozone
layer is already holed. The project vertical gardening is the way to decrease
the heat that we suffering right now by means of planting plants to the

2. What factors must be considered of every business once the project


This project is to be considered for our community and to the city of Manila,
without hesitations or doubt on it. We all know that, we suffering heat
because of global warming not just to Manila, but in our whole country must
had this project for the sake of our forest, lakes, rivers and mountains,
because rivers and lakes become dry someday, especially forest, and most of
our mountains are already exhausted as well as us too.
Approaching the future, technology nowadays really turned into something
that changed the way people live. Process automation, e-commerce, and
virtual meeting are some of the results of this new era. As part of the Facility
Management aspect, these improvements help businesses towards operational
efficiency and profitability. 

Answer these questions!

1. What is your interpretation of the given statement about technology?

In technology nowadays, utilizing technology to this era is actually is very

often because of the pandemic crisis. Technology is used today to work even
at home and that's what companies do now, especially in operational
efficiency and profitability.

2. What are the possible scenarios that might happen to a business relying
alone on the technology?

A company utilize technologies to fasten the works as well as less human

When technologies is broke, what happen next? Buy another technologies
like computers and for documents is printer, to work for the company? And
spending lot of company’s income just for technology.

For me, as well as for companies also that uses technology overuses for
work, look for the value of the employees and other staff not just for
technologies. When the glitches, bugs and power failures come, the
company unable to accomplish a simple business task because they relying
on the technology.
3. Do we need to depend 100% on the technology, knowing the presence of
Artificial Intelligence?

No, because when we relying on the technologies, companies will become

dependent on it, as human we have all potentials, and skill that the
technologies haven’t. Sometimes technologies bugging as well as having
technical problems, usually always and rather sometimes. We don’t need
100% relying on technologies, but we should use our big brains to do the
work and use our human efforts.

Covid-19 is still around. Each country continues to manage and control the
virus. The businesses are still ongoing despite the current situation using the
latest technology. 

Answer these questions!

1. What do you think will be the new set-up of businesses if Covid-19 cases
still increase?

The business that I think is selling face mask, face shield and disinfectant
products. Nowadays, online businesses is more often like: live streaming,
posting of business product on the social media, in that case all people will
buy because this is what the community needed.

2. What if we survived the Covid-19 pandemic, what challenges,

opportunities, and adjustments might businesses encounter? Cite your

As we survived Covid-19 pandemic crisis, we should sell and invest more

products of facemasks and other disinfectant needed for the virus. Even
when we survived on that pandemic crisis, we must still maintain the social
distancing, and especially quarantine for the person who feel the symptoms
of the virus.
The businesses is ongoing, however we have the opportunity to get a high
income for this thing, because all of the people need it, like food business
that required online order of the products, and mostly the products of
disinfectants. Still we have the opportunity to sell, and encounter a new
business, but be sure that we caught the interest, attention and the needs of
the people.

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