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Submitted by

Iqra Faisal (0816-MBA-21)

Tehreem Babar (0814-MBA-21)
Saleena Saqib (0806-MBA-21)
Master’s in Business Administration
Business Research
Submitted to:
Sir Zeeshan

Department of Management Studies

1. Brainstorm your mind and identify a broad research problem. You can observe a
problem from:
✓ The courses/subjects you have studied so far in MBA (HRM, Marketing,
Finance, Supply
Chain etc.)
✓ Your daily life experiences
✓ University life
✓ Economic scenario of the country
✓ Political situation of Pakistan
✓ Global/international affairs

Identification of Broad Problem:

The unexplored problem of child labor in Pakistan is becoming persistent, Child
labor is a constitutionally declared crime in Pakistan yet one can see a little
progress in eliminating the scourge of child labor from Pakistan. The problem is
now at an all-time high and is not being addressed.

2. Once you have identified a problem, develop at least two research objectives from
your broad problem and then raise at least two research questions from the
research objectives.
Hint: Just recall the concept of choosing an academic perspective

Research Objectives:
 To identify the causes of Child labor in Pakistan.
 To determine the negative impact of child labor on children’s mental &
physical growth.
 To investigate the socio-economic background of child labor in the study area.
 To examine the working condition, income, health hazards of child labor.
 To study educational and health problems of child labor.

3. Whether the questions that you have raised above are of descriptive, exploratory, or
causal in nature? Provide a solid reason and justification of your answer

Explanatory Research:
Explanatory research is conducted in order to identify the extent and nature of cause-
and-effect relationships. This research can be conducted in order to assess impacts of
specific changes on existing norms, various processes etc. We’ll be doing a casual
research on this topic we’ll study the causes and effects of child labor on children’s
and focus on what is causing this issue to increase in Pakistan.

4. Keeping in view the nature of your research questions, do you need to develop
research hypothesis or not? If yes then why? If not then why not? Provide a logical
A hypothesis is a statement that can be tested by scientific research. If you want to
test a relationship between two or more variables, you need to write hypotheses
before you start your experiment or data collection. We can use Hypothesis in this
research to identify the causes and their relationships. The IV & DV of the
relationships. We can use hypothesis as follows;
1. Poor economic conditions of the family leads child laboring in the study area.
2. Poverty and large size of a family is the root cause of tribal child labor.
3. Children doing Child labor are suffering from psychological stress.

5. Identify the key terms/concepts from your research questions that you think should
be used for searching literature

Key Concepts:
1. What are the factors that cause child labor?
2. What are the effective consequences of Child labor on mental & Physical heath
of the childern’s?
3. Do Political, Economical & Social factors play a vital role in Child labor?
These will be the key concepts of our research questions and we will be conducting
the literature review based on the following concepts, this will help us identify the
deep issue or root issue causing child labor in Pakistan and look towards a possible
solution for it.

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