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Strategy First University

Higher National Diploma in Business

Unit 11: Research Project

A Study of the Effect of Globalization on Preference of Korean

Instant Noodles among Myanmar Teenagers

Submitted by
Nan Shi Noon

No. Description Page No.
Abstract 4
1 Introduction 5
2 Literature Review 6
2.1 Concept of globalization 6
2.2 Media exposure 6
2.3 Personal experience 7
2.4 consumer preference on food 7
3 Methodology 8
3.1 Conceptual Model of the effect of Globalization on 8
preference of Korean instant noodle among Myanmar
3.2 Hypothesis development 9
3.3 Questionnaire design 9
3.4 Sample design 10
4 Empirical Study 10
4.1 Profile of respondent 10
4.2 Teenagers’ average time of spending social media 11
4.3 Teenagers’ weekly consumption of Korean instant noodle 11
compared with gender
4.4 Reliability and validity of measurement scale 12
5 Results 16
5.1 Media exposure (mean and standard deviation) 16
5.2 Personal experience (mean and standard deviation) 17
5.3 Preference of Korean instant noodle (mean and standard 18
6 Hypothesis 19
6.1 Correlation between media exposure and preference of 19
Korean instant noodle
6.2 Correlation between personal experience and preference of 20
Korean instant noodle
6.3 Simple linear regression analysis 21

7 Findings 23
8 Discussion and Marketing Implications 24
9 Limitation and Needs for Further Study 26
10 Conclusion 26
References 27
Appendix 29

List of Table
Table No. Description Page No.
4.1 Respondent’s Demographic Characteristics 10
4.2 Teenagers’ Average Time of Spending Social Media 11
4.3 Teenagers’ Weekly Consumption of Korean Instant Noodle 12
4.4.1 Reliability and Validity of Media Exposure 13
4.4.2 Reliability and Validity of Personal Experience 14
4.4.3 Reliability and Validity of Preference of Korean Instant 15
5.1 Media Exposure (Mean and Standard Deviation) 16
5.2 Personal Experience (Mean and Standard Deviation) 17
5.3 Preference of Korean Instant Noodle (Mean and Standard 18
6.1 Correlation between Media Exposure and Preference of 20
Korean Instant Noodle
6.2 Correlation between Personal Experience and Preference of 20
Korean Instant Noodle
6.3.1 Simple Linear Regression Analysis on Media Exposure
6.3.2 Simple Linear Regression Analysis on Personal Experience 22

List of Figure
Figure Description Page No
1.1 A conceptual model of the relationship between media 9
exposure, personal experience and consumption of Korean
instant noodle
6.2.3 Conceptual Framework with Results 23

A Study of the Effect of Globalization on Preference of Korean
Instant Noodles among Myanmar Teenagers

The research is carried out on the topic of how globalization affect the preference of
Korean instant noodle among Myanmar teenagers. The higher consumption of Korean instant
noodle is globalized through the media exposure and personal experience. These variables
drive consumers preference towards Korean instant noodle. For the required data to carried out
the research, one hundred and four students were sampled from Strategy First institute.
Probability sampling was used as a technique and sample size was collected with simple
random sampling method. The study uses deductive approach. The study uses Pearson
Correlation with two-tailed and simple linear regression. The study has found that media
exposure has strongly positive relationship with consumption and preference of Korean instant
noodle and also have significantly positive impact on it. The personal experience also has
significantly positive relationship and positive impact on consumption and preference of
Korean instant noodle. The study suggests that organizations should apply more effective
media for advertisements and create more experiential marketing by having customers sense,
feel, think, act and relate to its organizations and brands.

Keywords – Globalization, Korean Instant Noodle, Media Exposure, Personal Experience

1. Introduction
Globalization is an on-going phenomenon that has affected virtually every aspect of
human life, including food and its mode of consumption. The rapid movement of goods,
people, resources, ideas, technology are characteristics of globalization which has influenced
and shaped food.
Consequently, consumption patterns of people have been changed gradually due to
globalization. People also perceived globalization from both positive and negative
perspectives. Myanmar is also one of the countries that have been affected in most of the factors
such as social factors, cultural factors, economic factors and even in political factors as it has
become developing country in South East Asia. Among these factors, consumption patterns are
also one of the factors that have been affected Myanmar.
Although most of Myanmar families usually do not eat out and cook by themselves, the
consumption patterns have been changed during these years. Instant food and fast food that has
witnessed a steady growth owe the last decade also have been entered the market and changed
consumer’s consumption patterns and their preferences in Myanmar.
The rapid distributions and promotions of instant foods and noodles are also attracting
the customers’ attentions and the growth and demand in convenient stores, supermarkets and
other food retailers of them become higher in market. The major target of these products are
also young adults and children by the use of social medias, advertisements and promotions to
draw attention of their market segment. As Korean culture waves become affected Myanmar
teenagers’ lifestyles nowadays, Korean instant noodles become popular in market. These
noodles become more popular in recent years with challenges through social medias and
become hit all around the world. These Korean brand noodles are currently selling with higher
price than local brands and even sell as a new menu in some restaurants. As these conditions,
the study shows the effective investigation on major factors affecting teenagers’ food
consumption and preference.

2. Literature Review
2.1 Concept of Globalization
According to World Academy of Science (2016), Globalization has occurred in the
entity of human activities; e.g. Europeans travel to Africa for tourism, phones made in China
are sold in the US, while Australians eat food imported from America. Many scholars have
been defined globalization in different ways and from different perspectives. Allison (2004)
described globalization as the increasing global independence of societies which tend to reduce
the significance of borders and stats. According to Ukpere and Silabert (2009), globalization
can be defined as an intensified geographical and social connectivity which increases the
movement of people, goods, capital, technology and cultural symbols. The world cultural
theory describes globalization as a process by which people understand the world as a society
with fused culture. According to United Nation Organization (2005), globalization has offered
many opportunities, improved quality of life and provides choices, efficient production and
availability of goods and services. A lot of arguments have existed on whether globalization
should be applauded or condemned, support or reversed. However, because of globalization,
is cultures and societies can be ruined, causing exploitation and spread of disease for poor in
developing countries. Therefore, globalization is the factor that includes positive or negative

2.2 Media Exposure

The term ‘Web 2.0’ was also first used around the time to describe the new use of the
internet as a platform where content is no longer created and published by individuals, but is
continuously modified by many users in a particular and collaborative manner (Kaplan and
Hoenlein, 2010). Social medias can be categorized into: collaborative projects (Wikipedia,
blogs), content categories (YouTube), social networking (Facebook), virtual game works
(World of Warcraft), and virtual social worlds (Second Life) (Kaplan and Hoenlein, 2010).
Online or electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) is a form of WOM where internet users provide
reviews and ratings to all kinds of products, brands and services on review sites (Bronner and
Hoog, 2010). It is defined as any positive or negative statements made by potential, actual, or
former customers about a product or company, which is made available to a multitude of people
and institutions via the internet (Henning-Thurau et al., 2004). The impact of internet varies on
the various stages of decision-making. Initially, the internet supported only the information
stage (Karimi, 2013), but recent trends in social media, online decision aids and

recommendation systems have extended the internet’s influencing role to the decision stages.
Several authors have recently studied the influence of social media on consumer behavior,
although generally not from the point of view of the decision process (e.g., Xie and Lee, 2015;
Chu and Kim, 2011). Consumer uses social medias for the benefit of immediate access to
information at the convivence (Mangold and Faulds, 2009), helping them to decide what to buy
or to know about new products or bands, when and where they want (Power et al., 2012). Social
media with its sheer amount of information have led consumers to a state of analysis paralysis,
making it difficult to navigate all the available information (Power et al., 2012). There is no
doubt that social media are now important sources of information for consumers in the purchase
decision-making, especially in instances of complex by using behavior.

2.3 Personal Experience

According to Berry, Carbone and Haeckel (2002), experience is defined as the act of
living through and observation of events and also refers to training and the subsequent
knowledge and skill acquired. Product and personal experience often provide only ambiguous
information from which to make a good decision. Schmitt (1999) has explored how companies
create experiential marketing by having customers sense, feel, think, act and relate to a
company and its brands. Int this way they can create personal experience for customers which
is even more effective than advertising. Meyer and Schwager (2007) stated that the customer
experience originates from a set of interactions between a customer and a product, a company,
or part of its organization, which provoke a reaction. There is no doubt that personal experience
is also the driven force that make customers buy certain product or service again.

2.4 Consumer Preference on Food

Chang and Mak (2010) stated that food preference is the selection of a particular food
over another. Food choices can be defined as a person’s set of prioritizing, negotiating,
managing and balancing personal values about food according to Hauser and Nussbeck (2013).
According to Davis (2012), foods that primarily deals with the quick preparation, packaging
and service of food to customer are defined as instant food. Kaynak and Aksoy (2006) observed
that the growth in food consumption outside the home is more apparent in instant food industry.
The rate of people that eat outside their homes are the signals of globalization impacts on food
consumption patterns. Although people have been already having enough knowledge about
instant food and their drawbacks, the rate of consumption have never been fallen down. The
increasing rate at which people eat outside their house is an indication of the changing global
patterns in food consumption; as the quick service system outstrips the traditional dining
system. Among instant food, Korean brands instant noodle are also one of the popular trends
among teenagers.

3. Methodology
The research is be carried out with explanatory approach which attempts to clarify why
and how there is a relationship between two variables or more aspects of a situation or
The research is be used quantitative data which seeks to investigate numerical numbers
such as students’ buying frequencies of Korean instant noodle. Freshly collected primary data
are be collected as there is no previous study for Korean instant noodle by using well-designed
Computer software named IBM statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) of
version 25 is be used for analyzing quantitative data. The software is easy to operate, quick in
operating and it can also analyses data effectively. Most of the researchers have also used this
software in analyzing data.
The survey results were firstly checked for reliability using Cronbach’s Alpha to
evaluate the reliability of the scales and the KMO (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin)’s measure of sampling
adequacy. In the survey, the data necessary data were gathered with questionnaire with rating
scale. The reliability of data was checked with reliability tests which is Cronbach’s Alpha
value, 0.6. The research uses statistical methods such as correlation analysis to investigate the
relationship among variables and regression analysis to investigate the influences and impacts
among variables.

3.1 Conceptual Model of the effect of Globalization on preference of Korean instant

noodle among Myanmar teenagers
A conceptual framework which describes the main issue of the study, phenomenon,
variables and relationships will be shown in graphic. Imenda (2014) defined it as connecting
several concepts to give a wider understanding, predict or explain all about research. The
conceptual framework for the research presented in Figure (1.1) is the simple illustration on
how globalization effects on preference and consumption of Korean instant noodle among
Myanmar teenagers. This research paper is going to investigate whether the acceptance and

consumption of Korean instant noodle is rated to factors such as media exposure and personal
experience of consumers.

Media Exposure

Preference of
Korean Instant

Figure (1.1) A conceptual model of the relationship between media exposure, personal
experience and consumption of Korean instant noodle

3.2 Hypothesis Development

The framework was developed into two parts. The first part is to test the correlation
between the media exposure and the consumption of Korean instant noodle. The second
correlation between personal experience and consumption of Korean instant noodle.
H1: The media exposure is related to the consumption of Korean instant noodle (The higher
the media exposure, the higher the preference of Korean instant noodle)
H2: Personal experience is related to the consumption of Korean instant noodle (The higher
the personal experience, the higher the preference of Korean instant noodle)

3.3 Questionnaire Design

The questionnaire design is developed into three parts: media exposure, personal
experience and teenagers’ preference towards Korean instant noodle. The questionnaire
demographic factor is related to those of respondents’ gender, age and work status. There will
be questions about how respondents spend their time on social media and weekly consumption
of Korean instant noodle. the last three parts of the question is measured by five-point Likert-
scale: (1) Strongly disagree, (2) Disagree, (3) Neutral, (4) Agree and (5) Strongly Agree. The
questionnaire will be delivered to the respondent who are willing to help in the research for the
reliability and validity of data.

3.4 Sample Design

This study was carried out in the Strategy First Institute, Myanmar. Sample were randomly
selected to represent the study population to avoid being bias. To study the effect of
globalization on preference of Korean instant noodles among Myanmar teenagers, students
were selected because they are mostly influenced by the trends and Korean instant noodle due
to their age and environment. The sample size for the research is determined by using the
Slovin’s formula [n=N/(1+N*e2)] where n =sample size, N = the population size, e = the
acceptable sampling error, * = 99% confidence level and p = 0.01 are assumed. By using this
formula, 104 students were sampled to carried out the research project. Probability sampling
will be used as a technique and sample size will be collected with simple random sampling

4. Empirical Study
4.1 Profile of Respondents
Table 4.1 shows the demographic data of the respondents. It reveals that an equal
number of males and females were sampled. Among them 27.9% of the respondents were under
17 years old and 72.1% were 17 to 19 years old. This data is an indication that most universities
students fall within the ages of 17 to 19 years. 87.5% of the respondents were currently non-
working and while only 12.5% were currently working.

Table (4.1) Respondents’ Demographic Characteristics

Characteristics Frequency Percentage
Male 52 50.0%
Female 52 50.0%
Total 104 100.0%

Under 17 29 27.9%
17 to 19 75 72.1%
Total 104 100.0%

Work Status:
Working 13 12.5%
Non-working 91 87.5%
Total 104 100.0%

Source: Survey Data (January, 2019)

4.2 Teenagers’ average time of spending social media
Table (4.2) shows the average time of teenagers spending internet. According to the
results, 31.7%of the respondents spend social media more than 5 hours a day and 28.8%of them
spend 4 to 5 hours a day. 19.2% of the respondents use 3 to 4 hours a day while 9.6% of
respondents use 1 to 2 hours a day. The rest of 10.6% of the respondents use social media less
than 1 hours. The results show that most of the teenagers spend their time on social media More
than 5 hours out of 24 hours.

Table (4.2) Teenagers’ average time of spending social media

Frequency Percentage
Less than 1 hour 11 10.6%
1 to 2 hours 10 9.6%
3 to 4 hours 20 19.2%
4 to 5 hours 30 28.8%
More than 5 hours 33 31.7%
Never 0 0%
Total 104 100.0%
Source: Survey Data (January, 2019)

4.3 Teenagers’ Weekly Consumption of Korean Instant Noodle Compared with Gender
Further analysis was carried out through a cross tabulation of teenagers’ weekly
consumption of Korean instant noodle and gender in Table 3 to investigates the differences in
fast food consumption in male and female students.

Table (4.3) Teenagers’ weekly consumption of Korean instant noodle compared with
Everyday 1-3 Days a 4-6 Days a Occasionally Total
Week Week
Gender Male 2 22 8 20 52
Female 1 17 9 25 52
Total 3 39 17 45 104
Source: Survey Data (January, 2019)

A total of 22 male respondents consumed Korean instant noodle 1-3 days a week which
is higher than their female counterparts who scored 18 times a week. For those who consume
it every day male respondents also scored slightly higher than female respondent. A total of 8
male respondents consume Korean instant noodle 4-6 days a week and on the other hand there
was total of 9 female respondents in this option. Total of 20 male respondents consume Korean
instant noodle occasionally and 25 of female respondents consumed Korean instant noodle
from time to time. From this result, about an equal amount of both male and female respondents
consume Korean instant noodle.

4.4 Reliability and validity of measurement scales

The result from questionnaire were checked for reliability and validity as mentioned in
methodology. The reliability of responses related to media exposure is shown in Table (4.4.1)
along with Cronbach alpha value and KMO (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin).

Table (4.4.1) Reliability and Validity of Media Exposure
No Statement Cronbach’s Alpha Factor loading
value = 0.830 (KMO = 0.773)
1 Awareness of Korean instant 0.690
noodle because of Korean Drama
2 Awareness of Korean instant 0.883
noodle because of advertisements
on Television
3 Awareness of Koran instant 0.853
noodle because of advertisements
on YouTube
4 Awareness of Korean instant 0.697
noodle because of bill board
5 Awareness of Koran instant 0.944
noodle because of actors and
6 Awareness of Korean instant 0.931
noodle because of advertisements
on Facebook
Source: Survey Data (January, 2019)

According to Table (4.4.1), the coefficient alpha value of awareness of Korean instant
noodle because of actors and actresses is 0.944 that is considered to be highly reliable for this
variable, and is highest value among these six variables. And the results show that the
coefficient alpha values of three variables which are awareness of Korean instant noodle
because of Facebook, YouTube and television have 0.931, 0.853 and o.883 respectively which
means that variables are have good reliability. The coefficient alpha value of the rest two
variables which are awareness of Korea instant noodle because of billboard and Korean drama
series have above 0.600 which fall between fair reliability. Therefore, all these variables are
able to be assumed as being consistent and reliability according to Zikmund and Bahin (2010).
The overall Cronbach’s Alpha value have 0.830 which means that variables for media exposure

have high reliability. The factor loading of variables is 0.773 which means data are mediocre
according to Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin.

The reliability of responses about the personal experience is shown in Table (4.4.2)
along with Cronbach’s alpha values and KMO (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin).

Table (4.4.2) Reliability and Validity of Personal Experience

No Statement Cronbach’s Alpha Factor loading
value =0.739 (KMO = 0.643)
1 Overall quality of Korean 0.730
instant noodle is good
2 Staffs who sell Korean Instant 0.802
Noodle are friendly and helpful
3 Speed of service while buying 0.808
Korean instant noodle is good
4 Organization takes fully 0.688
responsible upon the complains
or problems of customers
5 My purchase experience of 0.806
Korean instant noodle is good
Source: Survey Data (January, 2019)

According to Table (4.4.2) the coefficient alpha value of No (2), (3) and (5) have above
0.800 respectively which are good reliability. The result show that the coefficient value of the
rest two variables; No (1) and (4) have 0.730 and 0.688 have fair reliability according to
Zikmund and Bahin (2010). The overall Cronbach’s alpha value of variables for personal
experience have 0.739 which means variables have good reliability. The factor loading of
variable is high which is 0.643. This means that data are mediocre according to Kaiser-Meyer-
The reliability of responses about the preference of Korean instant noodle is shown
in Table (4.4.2) along with Cronbach’s alpha values and KMO (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin).

Table (4.4.3) Reliability and Validity of Preference of Korean Instant Noodle
No Statement Cronbach’s Alpha Factor loading
value = 0.682 (KMO = 0.683)
1 Korean instant noodle has good 0.685
quality compared to local
instant noodle
2 Korean instant noodle taste 0.854
better than local instant noodle
3 Still prefer Korean instant 0.722
noodle even though they have
higher price compared to local
instant noodle
4 Decision of buying Korean 0.685
instant noodle is right
5 I will buy Korean instant 0.760
noodle when I step inside
convenience store
6 I refer to my friends to buy 0.635
Korean instant noodle
Source: Survey Data (January, 2019)
According to Table (4.4.3), the coefficient alpha value of No (2) is 0.854 that is
considered as high reliability and high consistency, and is highest value among six variables.
And the results show that the coefficient alpha values of two variables; No (3) and No (5) have
above 0.700 respectively. The coefficient alpha value of the rest two variables; No (1) and No
(6) have above 0.600 respectively which means variables have fair reliability. This means that
all variables can be assumed as reliable, according to Zikmund and Bahin (2010). The overall
Cronbach’s alpha value of the preference of Korean instant noodle was 0.682 which can be
assumed as fair reliability. The KMO value is 0.683 which mean data are mediocre according
to Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin.

5. Results
In the analysis of mean value of media exposure, personal experience and preference
of Korean instant noodle are shown in the following tables. According to Bowling (1997), the
mean values of five-point Likert scale items were interpreted as follows:
The score among 1.00 – 1.80 means strongly disagree.
The score among 1.81 – 2.60 means disagree.
The score among 2.61 – 3.40 means neither agree nor disagree.
The score among 3.41 – 4.20 means agree.
The score among 4.21 – 5.00 means strongly agree.

5.1 Media Exposure (Mean and Standard Deviation)

The following Table (5.1) describe the mean values and standard deviation of media
exposure. There are total of six factors in media exposure.

Table (5.1) Media Exposure (Mean and Standard Deviation)

No Statement Mean Standard
1 Awareness of Korean instant noodle 4.57 0.571
because of Korean Drama Series
2 Awareness of Korean instant noodle 3.83 0.756
because of advertisements on Television
3 Awareness of Koran instant noodle 4.32 0.643
because of advertisements on YouTube
4 Awareness of Korean instant noodle 4.13 0.678
because of bill board
5 Awareness of Koran instant noodle 4.40 0.549
because of actors and actresses
6 Awareness of Korean instant noodle 4.38 0.543
because of advertisements on Facebook
Overall Mean 4.27

Source: Survey Data (January, 2019)

According to the results of Table (5.1), the overall mean values 4.27 of all media
exposure factors show the agree level. Therefore, according to the result, respondents have
high exposure with medias that advertise about Korean instant noodle. Among the six factors,
‘I become aware of Korean instant noodle because of Korean drama series’ has the maximum
mean value with 4.57 at agree level. The factor for ‘I become aware of Korean instant noodle
because of advertisements on television’ has the minimum mean value with 3.83 at agree level,
in comparing with other media exposure factors. The other factors such as ‘awareness of
Korean instant noodle through bill board, Facebook, YouTube, actor and actresses also have
the agree level.

5.2 Personal Experience (Mean and Standard Deviation)

The following Table (5.2) describe the mean values and standard deviation of personal
experience. There are total of five factors in personal experience.

Table (5.2) Personal Experience (Mean and Standard Deviation)

No Statement Mean Standard
1 Overall quality of Korean instant noodle is 4.29 0.664
2 Staffs who sell Korean Instant Noodle are 3.55 0.637
friendly and helpful
3 Speed of service while buying Korean 4.11 0.520
instant noodle is good
4 Organization takes fully responsible upon 3.81 0.698
the complains or problems of customers
5 My purchase experience of Korean instant 4.22 0.653
noodle is good
Overall Mean 3.99

Source: Survey Data (January, 2019)

According to Table (5.2), the overall mean for the factors of personal experience have
3.99 which show the agree level of respondents. Therefore, it can be assumed that respondents
have good past experience in purchasing Korean instant noodle. The factor about the overall
quality of Korean instant noodle is good have maximum mean value of 4.29 which shows agree
level among other four factors. The factor about staffs who sell Korean instant noodle are

friendly and helpful have the minimum mean value of 3.55 which show neither agree nor
disagree. The factor deals with purchase experience have the second highest mean value of
4.22 at agree level. The other factors such as speed of service, organizations’ responsibility on
complains or problems also showed agree level of respondents with mean values of 4.11 and
3.81 respectively at agree level.

5.3 Preference of Korean Instant Noodle (Mean and Standard Deviation)

The following Table (5.3) describe the mean values and standard deviation of personal
experience. There are total of five factors in personal experience.

Table (5.3) Preference of Korean Instant Noodle (Mean and Standard Deviation)
No Statement Mean Standard
1 Korean instant noodle has good quality 4.13 0.678
compared to local instant noodle
2 Korean instant noodle taste better than 4.40 0.531
local instant noodle
3 I still prefer Korean instant noodle even 4.27 0.595
though they have higher price compared to
local instant noodle
4 Decision of buying Korean instant noodle 4.24 0.661
is right
5 I will buy Korean instant noodle when I 3.87 0.639
step inside convenience store
6 I refer to my friends to buy Korean instant 4.14 0.547
Overall Mean 4.17

Source: Survey Data (January, 2019)

According to the results of Table (5.3), the overall mean values 4.17 of all preference
of Korean instant noodle factors show the agree level. Therefore, according to the result,
respondents have high preference towards Korean instant noodle. Among the six factors,
‘Korean instant noodle taste better than local instant noodle’ has the maximum mean value

with 4.40 at agree level. The factor for ‘I will buy Korean instant noodle when I step inside
convenience store’ has the minimum mean value with 3.87 at agree level, in comparing with
other factors. The factor, ‘I Still prefer Korean instant noodle even though they have higher
price compared to local instant noodle’ has the second highest mean value of 4.27 at agree
level. The factor, ‘Decision of buying Korean instant noodle is right’ has the third highest mean
value of 4.24 at agree level. The remain two factors about ‘referring friends to Korean instant
noodle’ and ‘Korean instant noodle have good quality compared to local instant noodle’ have
mean value of 4.14 and 4.13 at agree level respectively.

6. Hypothesis Testing
6.1 Correlation between Media Exposure and Preference of Korean Instant Noodle
H1: The media exposure is related to the consumption of Korean instant noodle (The
higher the media exposure, the higher the preference of Korean instant noodle)
To test the media exposure is related to the preference and consumption of Korean
noodle, the research is applied by the simple correlation method (Pearson Correlation with two-

Table (6.1) Correlation Between Media Exposure and Preference of Korean Instant

No Independent Variables P-Value
Coefficient a

1. Media Exposure 0.753** 0.01

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

a = Dependent variable (Consumption and preference of Korean instant noodle)
Source: Survey Data (January, 2019)

The tested correlation result is showed in Table (6.1), media exposure has strong
positive correlation with consumption and preference of Korean instant noodle (0.753) at the
0.01 level (2-tailed). Therefore, the hypothesis that the media exposure is related to the
preference of Korean noodle cannot be rejected.

6.2 Correlation Between Personal Experience and Preference of Korean Instant

H2: Personal experience is related to the consumption of Korean instant noodle (The
higher the personal experience, the higher the preference of Korean instant noodle)
To test the correlation between personal experience and preference of Korean instant
noodle, the same method used in previous hypothesis is applied.

Table (6.2) Correlation Between Peer Influence and Preference of Korean Instant

No Independent Variables P-Value
Coefficient a
1. Personal Experience 0.603** 0.01

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

a = Dependent variable (Consumption and preference of Korean instant noodle)
Source: Survey Data (January, 2019)

The tested correlation result is showed in Table (6.2), personal experience has moderate
positive correlation with consumption and preference of Korean instant noodle (0.603) at the
0.01 level (2-tailed). Therefore, the hypothesis that the personal experience is related to the
preference of Korean noodle cannot be rejected.

6.3 Simple Linear Regression Analysis

Simple linear regression analysis is conducted to test the proposed objectives of the
relationship between independent variables (media exposure and personal experience) and
dependent variable (consumption and preference of Korean instant noodle). The results are
shown in Table (6.3.1).

Table (6.3.1) Simple Linear Regression Analysis on Consumption and Preference
of Korean Instant Noodle
Unstandardized Standardized
Model Coefficients a Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 1.529 0.230 6.651 .000
Media Exposure 0.620 0.054 0.753 11.574 .000
Source: Survey Data (January, 2019)
a = Dependent variable (consumption and preference of Korean instant noodle)
P < 0.01

The results of simple linear regression analysis provide that media exposure have
significant and positive impact on consumption and preference of Korean instant noodle
(b=0.620, t=6.651, p<0.01).
Thus, the study estimates the following model:
y = 1.529 + 0.620x
where, y= dependent variable (consumption and preference of Korean instant noodle)
x= independent variable (media exposure)
According to above results, if there is no media exposure, the amount of preference of
Korean instant noodle is 1.529. One additional unit of media exposure increases 0.620 in
preference of Korean instant noodle. This mean that the higher media exposure of teenager can
leads to the higher consumption of Korean instant noodle.

Table (6.3.2) Simple Linear Regression Analysis on Consumption and Preference

of Korean Instant Noodle
Unstandardized Standardized
Model Coefficients a Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 2.122 0.271 7.839 .000
Personal Experience 0.514 0.067 0.603 7.632 .000
Source: Survey Data (January, 2019)
a = Dependent variable (consumption and preference of Korean instant noodle)
P < 0.01

The results of simple linear regression analysis provide that personal experience have
significant and positive impact on consumption and preference of Korean instant noodle
(b=0.514, t=7.632, p<0.01).

Thus, the study estimates the following model:

y = 2.122+ 0.514x
where, y= dependent variable (consumption preference of Korean instant noodle)
x= independent variable (personal experience)
According to above results, if there is no personal experience, the amount of preference
of Korean instant noodle is 2.122. One additional unit of media exposure increases 0.514 in
preference of Korean instant noodle. This mean that teenagers that have high past experience
about Korean instant noodle, there will be higher rate of consumption of Korean instant noodle.
Thus, media exposure and personal experience are important factors to increase
preference and consumption of Korean instant noodle at 0.01 significant level according to
above statistical results. The results of this study are illustrated with the proposed conceptual
framework shown in Figure (6.2.3)

Figure (6.2.3) Conceptual Framework with Results

Independent Variables Dependent Variable

Media Exposure

Preference of Korean
Instant Noodle
Personal Experience

Source: Survey Data (January, 2019)

According to Figure (6.2.3), it is seen that media exposure and personal influences
influence on preference of Korean instant noodle. This can show that both of the factors have
positive significant impact on preference of Korean instant noodle at 0.01 significant level.

According to the result, the higher media exposure and personal experience can lead to higher
consumption and preference of Korean instant noodle.

7. Findings
The study states the two factors; media exposure and personal experience of
globalization that have an impact on the consumption and preference of Korean instant noodle
among teenagers. In the hypothesis, the two factors and preference of Korean instant noodle
have relatively positive relationship. The relation between two factors and preference of
Korean instant noodle is also positive correlation and strong positive relationship. The
objectives of the study are to analyze the impact of globalization on the consumption and
preference of Korean instant noodle among Myanmar teenagers. Exposure of social media and
personal experience are found to explore preference and consumption of Korean instant noodle.
In media exposure, the effect of Korean drama series is the highest factor for teenager
to consume Korean instant noodle. Because of globalization, Korean culture have been
spreading around the world and teenagers become interested in Korean culture. Along with the
Korean culture, the spread of Korean drama, Korean variety shows and Korean fashion are
changing lifestyle and consumption pattern of Myanmar teenagers. The results show that
promoting Korean instant noodle through drama series is the most effective way to draw
teenagers’ attention and most encouraging factor to buy and consume Korean instant noodle.
Because of globalization, buying and consumption of Korean instant noodle become
through personal experiences. In analyzing the personal experience of teenagers about buying
and consumption of Korean instant noodle, all the respondent agreed that the overall quality
and purchase experience of Korean instant noodle is good which leads them to consume more
Korean instant noodle in future.
In analyzing the preference of Korean instant noodle, all respondent’s response
preference of Korean noodle with agree level. The study found that teenagers even prefer
Korean instant noodle compared to local instant noodle. The consumption of Korean instant
noodle become more and more higher because of globalization. In future, the demand for
Korean instant noodle will even become higher if exposure with media become higher, and
personal experience of consuming Korean instant noodle become higher among Myanmar

8. Discussion and Marketing Implications
The empirical study states the factors such as media exposure and personal experience
is supported to the consumption and preference of Korean instant noodle among Myanmar
teenagers. To analyze the objective of the study, factors (media exposure and personal
experience) are explored and reliability analysis, correlation analysis and simple linear
regression analysis are conducted. In analyzing teenagers’ media exposure, Korean drama
series reaches maximum mean value at the agree level, and television is found with minimum
mean value at agree level. In analyzing teenagers’ personal experience, ‘overall quality of
Korean instant noodle is good ‘reaches maximum mean value at the agree level, and
helpfulness and friendless of staff is found with minimum mean value at agree level. In
analyzing the preference of Korean instant noodle, ‘Korean instant noodle taste better than
local instant noodle’ has the maximum mean value and ‘will by Korean instant noodle when
step inside Korean instant noodle’ has minimum mean value.
According to correlation analysis, media exposure and personal experience have
positive correlation with consumption and preference of Korean instant noodle. According to
simple linear regression analysis, media exposure and personal experience also have positive
impact on preference and consumption of Korean instant noodle.
Firstly, teenagers’ perception on overall media exposure shows agreed level. This
means that teenagers have high exposure with medias that frequently advertise about Korean
instant noodle. The most encouraging factor for them to buy and consume korean instant noodle
is korean drama series and the least encouraging factor is advertisement on televisions and
billboards. This mean that most of the teenagers doesn’t spend their time much on television
advertisements. Therefore, as an organization, media of advertising should be changed to social
media such as Instagram, YouTube and Facebook to reach target consumers. By doing these,
organization can get more customer awareness.
Secondly, teenagers’ perception on the overall mean value of personal experience
shows agreed level. This means that teenagers have positive past experience in buying Korean
instant noodle. But according to the research, teenagers are neither agree nor disagree with the
statement that staff are friendly and helpful. Therefore, form the organization point of view,
there is weak point in providing services to customers. Organization also should take effective
action on handling of complains and problems of customers according to the research. Thus,
services providing system and handling complains of customers should be restructured to

maintain the popularity and image of Korean instant noodle. By taking these actions,
organization can maintain relationship with customers effectively.
Lastly, overall mean value teenagers’ preference towards shows agreed level. This
means that preference of Korean instant noodle among Myanmar teenagers is good. However,
according to the result, there is no high chance of buying Korean instant noodle when they step
inside convenience store. Although they would prefer Korean instant noodle over local instant
noodle, if there is no strong intention to buy, there can be brand decay in the long run.
Therefore, organization should fix marketing strategy to maintain the current consumers and
attract new ones for profitability in the long run.

9. Conclusion
The main purpose of the research was the effect of globalization on the preference of
Korean instant noodle among Myanmar teenagers. It provides findings and discussions for
Korean instant noodle to emphasize the effect of globalization on it. The study shows three
parts. The study that the consumption of Korean instant noodle occurred because of media
exposure and personal experience which are the effect of globalization. When higher media
exposure and higher personal experience, there will be higher consumption and demand of
Korean instant noodle in Myanmar.

10. Limitation and Needs for Further Study

This study focuses on the media exposure and personal experience of teenagers. The
respondents of the study are sampled in Strategy First Institute. The study does not cover the
other universities in Myanmar. The study also focuses on media exposure and personal
experience of the respondent. In addition, the samples size is too small to reflect the preference
of Korean instant noodle among Myanmar teenagers. The study highly recommends to use the
different factors that affect the preference of Korean instant noodle. The limitations and needs
for further research are also clearly described to fulfill the gap of this study and to do further
research which can provide the better results to find out the preference of Korean instant noodle
among Myanmar teenagers.

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The questionnaires are being carried out on the title ‘The effect of globalization on preference
of Korean instant noodle among Myanmar teenagers’ for the research paper of Higher
National Diploma in Business. Any information you present will be kept absolutely
confidential and will be used only for research purpose. Your cooperation and response will be
highly appreciated.
Part (1): Demographic Information
1. Have you ever eaten Korean instant noodle?
2. Gender
3. Age
Under 17
17 to 19
4. Work Status
Part time
5. On average, how much do you spend on social media?
Less than 1 hour
1 to 2 hours
3 to 4 hours
4 to 5 hours
More than 5 hours
6. Frequency of eating Korean instant noodle
1-3 days a week
4-6 days a week

Part (2): Media Exposure of Teenagers
(1) = Strongly Disagree, (2) = Disagree, (3) = Neutral, (4) = Agree, (5) = Strongly Agree
Media Exposure

1. I become aware of Korean instant noodle because of Korea 1 2 3 4 5

drama series
2. I become aware of Korean instant noodle because of 1 2 3 4 5
advertisements on television
3. I become aware of Korean instant noodle because of YouTube 1 2 3 4 5

4. I become aware of Korean instant noodle because of Bill Board 1 2 3 4 5

5. I become aware of Korean instant noodle because of actors and 1 2 3 4 5

6 I become aware of Korean instant noodle because of Facebook 1 2 3 4 5

Part (3): Personal Experience of Teenagers

Based on your past experience of buying Korean instant noodle, please rate your
satisfaction with Likert-scale for each of the following.
(1) = Strongly Disagree, (2) = Disagree, (3) = Neutral, (4) = Agree, (5) = Strongly Agree
Personal Experience

1. I think overall quality of Korean instant noodle is good 1 2 3 4 5

2. I think staff who sell Korean instant noodle are friendly and 1 2 3 4 5
3. I think the speed of service while buying Korean instant noodle 1 2 3 4 5
is good
4. I think the organization takes fully responsible upon the 1 2 3 4 5
complains or problem of customers
5. I think my purchase experience of Korean instant noodle is good 1 2 3 4 5

6 I think overall quality of Korean instant noodle is good 1 2 3 4 5

Part (4): Teenagers’ Preference towards Korean Instant Noodle
(1) = Strongly Disagree, (2) = Disagree, (3) = Neutral, (4) = Agree, (5) = Strongly Agree
Teenagers’ Preference Towards Korean Instant Noodle

1. Korean instant noodle has good quality compared to local instant 1 2 3 4 5

2. Korean instant noodle taste better than local instant noodle 1 2 3 4 5

3. I still prefer Korean instant noodle even though they have higher 1 2 3 4 5
price compared to local instant noodle.
4. My decision of buying Korean instant noodle is right 1 2 3 4 5

5. I will buy Korean instant noodle again when I step inside 1 2 3 4 5

convenience store
6 I refer to my friends to buy Korean instant noodle 1 2 3 4 5

If you have some comments, please leave below.

(Thank you for your precious time)


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