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<html> start of code

</html> end of the code
<head> start of the header section
</head> end of the header
<title> page description (tab)
</title> end of the title
<body> body of the web page
<body background=”......”> put an image on the background web page
<body bgcolor=……> change the color of the background web page
</body> end of the body
<h1>…… </h1> heading 1
<h2>…….</h2> heading 2
<h3>……..</h3> heading 3
<h4>……..</h4> heading 4
<h5>…….. </h5> heading 5
<h6>………</h6> heading 6
<font color= size= >…</font> change font color and size of the text
<b>…… </b> bold
<i>…….. </i> italic
<u>…….</u> underlined
<sup>……</sup> superscript
<sub>…….</sub> subscript
<br> new line
<table border= >...... </table> create table
<tr>….. </tr> table row
<th>…..</th> table header
<td>…. </td> table data
<a href=”…….”>…….. </a> external hyperlink
<a name=”…”>….</a> internal hyperlink
<a href=”#....”>….</a> internal hyperlink
<img src=”….” Width=…. height=…/> insert image in web page
<ol type=…. Start=….>…. </ol> ordered list
<li>…..</li> list item
<ul type=….>…..</ul> unordered list
<center>…..</center> <align=center> put the item in the center

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