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Gen. Luna St., Brgy. Bayan-Bayanan, Malabon City
S.Y. 2022 - 2023


Business/Product Name: ____________________________________

Strand and Section: ________________________________________
Group Members:


Business/Product Idea (20) Idea is original and realistic, well
planned, and each part of the business
plan fully developed
Organization of Plan (20) Information is very organized with well-
constructed paragraphs and
Paragraph Construction (20) All paragraphs include introductory
sentence, explanations or details, and
concluding sentence.
Quality Information (20) Information clearly relates to the main
topic. It includes several supporting
details and/or examples.
I. Title/Cover Page
II. Introduction
III. Executive Summary
IV. Marketing and Distribution
V. Production/Operation Plan
VI. Financial Study
Overall Impression Provide a concise and convincing plan
and creativity on presentation in each
part of the business plan




Page No.
I. Introduction
II. Executive Summary
III. Company Overview
IV. Marketing Analysis
a. S.W.O.T
b. Market Strategy
V. Production/Operation Plan
a. Management
b. Business Model
c. Operation
d. Policies
VI. Financial Projection
Helping Paws is a cafe and dog adoption establishment located in Malabon City.
It expects to catch the interest of regular customers and dog lovers with its broad variety
of drinks and pastry, and dog products. The business plans to build a strong market
position in the town, due to tight competition in the food industry in the city. Helping paws
aims to offer its products at a customer-value based price to encourage everyone to
become a regular customer.

Executive Summary
The Company

Helping Paws is equally owned and managed by Ms. Angelika Depaz is assigned
in the marketing, Mr. Daniel, and Ms. Kathryn will be in quality control.

The company intends to hire two full-time pastry bakers two full-time and two part-
time baristas, a dog expert or part-time resident veterinarian, and the board members as
an adoption team to handle customer service and day to day operations such as
processing of adoption.

Our services

Helping Paws is available for everyone, especially the dog lovers and those
possible people who will adopt, to advocate dog adoption instead of buying. This business
offers a variety of services that both clients and the dogs can enjoy such as:

• It helps more rescues find homes.

• A great outlet for community education about dogs.

• Engaging with dogs can be emotional support.

The Market

Almost any type of food business is available in Malabon. As the local government
focuses more on tourism, competition in the food industry became tight. Helping paws is
different as it also prioritizes animal care. The business will not only help tourism but it
will also help rescued dogs as the target market are the possible people who may adopt.
Company Overview
Dogs are adorable and entitled as the "Man's Best Friend" for multiple reasons.
Dogs are loyal and can be brave when needed. However, people also tend to fear and
hate them. There are even places where dogs are treated as delicacies. The
management desires to establish a place where dogs can be appreciated and cared for
as well as provide amusement and advice for its patrons, thus the Helping Paws Cafe.
Cafes and the lately emerging tea houses have recently gained significant
popularity. Both are popular among younger generations. One of the goals of the cafe is
to influence. If younger audiences are targeted, the chance of the idea selling would be
Dogs tend to be maltreated due to oblivious owners. People tend to feed dogs food
that is bad. Other times, people are unaware that certain actions are stressful for dogs.
The cafe intends to inform people of proper handling and managing of dogs to avoid
accidents that could lead to injury or worse, death of dogs.
The Helping Paws Cafe is a program and establishment designed to assist in all
of these goals. In partnership with the local government, the management desires to
make improvements to the relationship between dogs and people.
To make an ideal world into reality. To ensure the safety of animals, not just dogs,
and not just inside the cafe but also in the homes and the presence of people. We aspire
of every human who care and appreciate the ideas of dogs not just as properties, but as
To provide a safe, protective and welcoming environment for dogs of varying ages,
breeds and conditions.
To provide information to people, not just owners, about the proper handling and
managing of animals.
To stay true to its ideals, the Helping Paws staff and management will continuously
perform its duty as dog-lover, owner, and a human being.
To advocate pet, especially dogs, adoption instead of buying.
Competitive Advantage
The cafe resembles cat cafes from other countries. Instead of cats, the cafe
focuses dogs as an attraction. There a lot of good things to describe a dog such as cute,
fluffy, and adorable. These factors are what attract humans to like dogs. By emphasizing
these factors, the cafe can attract customers.
The choice of making a cafe allows the management to attract the younger
generations as well as to keep the noise levels to a minimum as the animals can get
stressed if the environment is noisy.

Product or Service
• Facility

Dining area
Counter (food
and dog treats)
Comfort room
Stock room
Dog play area
Dining table
Dogs’ area
Stock room for
Cleaning area

Helping Paws promises that

will give customers comfortable, relaxing, and clean surroundings. The establishment is
divided into where customers can relax and eat, and where interaction with dogs can take
place. The cafe area has tables where people can enjoy food alone, with friends, and
meet new friends as well. In the area of dogs, there is a place that serves as a playground.
There is also a fence where the dogs can rest. Also, this part is soundproof so that it can
reduce the noise that can cause by the pets. Regular cleaning of the place is required to
maintain the sanitation requirements.
• Staff

Professionalism and compassion are among the top traits to look for in any
staff of Helping Paws. Knowledgeable enough about pet care so that the customers will
be confident about their pet’s safety.
• Emergency Services

Emergencies are unpredictable, it is best to prepare ahead of time. Helping

paws will have contact with a veterinarian that will surely help and know the proper things
to do in case of an emergency.
• Dog service/Adopt area
As part of the advocacy of Helping Paws, the company aims to provide
services to further provide quality content for dogs and owners. Services include but is
not limited to foods, playthings, necessities as well as medicine. Should owners decide
to adopt, documents would be prepared on stand-by so as to make adoption quick and
efficient. Criteria that would observe for adoption would include but would not be limited
to income, living conditions, experience, and profession.
Product/Service Strategy
Helping Paws has well-trained staff, consistent quality control for all products, and
superior customer service. Helping paws staff must have the following:
• Good communication skills
• Effective management skills
• Goal setting and accomplishing skills
• Superior customer service skills
Uniqueness will attract more customers. The following are the product/service
strategies that will help in encouraging people to adopt dogs:
• Have clear signages for the profile of dogs
• Dog themed designs everywhere
• Fun and exciting playground that will make both dogs and customers enjoy
• It offers relaxing ambient in the dining area while having a livelier ambient in the
area of dogs.
Helping paws can especially benefit from developing a wide, customer-pet-friendly
suite of service. Dogs will benefit because it can increase the opportunity to exercise and
socialize. Pets can help manage loneliness by giving us companionship while taking care
of them. In customers, it will help to reduce the stress and it would be grateful for a family
bonding. Helping paws has the ability and freedom to create a venue that reflects your
values. Customers can be a way to show friends and other relatives the advocacy of dog
adoption. It is an opportunity to encourage more people to eat in ways that are consistent
in their values.
Stage of Development
Helping Paws Café is currently at the design stage. Compared to products relative
to its surroundings, Helping Paws provides a unique and refreshing perspective due to
the presence of dogs. The café still has a long way to go since it needs to hire the right
personnel that can properly handle dogs, bake pastries, and brew coffee. There is still no
actual date of construction of the establishment due to the location and availability of the
workers. Funds must be secured as well as the recipes to surely satisfy its potential
customers. The formal opening of the café will be done after the necessary procedures.
Industry and Market Analysis
Strengths Weaknesses
Hope - The dogs, which are the attractions Cleanliness - A filthy place is unpleasant
of the business, are all rescued dogs and for any business. Since it includes dogs,
are currently looking for their new owners. therefore cleanliness especially, the smell
of the place and dogs’ wastes must be
regulated. Dogs are high maintenance
creatures. Dogs are to be cleaned, fed, and
groomed to maintain attractive qualities.

Advocate – The goal of the café is not just Safety - All animals including dogs, even if
to promote dog adoption and rescue they are trained, are unpredictable
instead of buying and breeding. The café creatures. They might attack other people
also promotes “breed equality” or equal or staff. On the other side, the dog’s safety
treat to any type of dog. is also a priority since the business
promotes dog caring.

Health - Releasing stress is one of the top Liability - The business owners are liable
priorities of the business. Spending time to anything that may happen to both dogs
with dogs, and even more petting them and customers. Dogs can also be
and cuddling them, increases your levels unpredictable, and as such, may cause
of oxytocin. Oxytocin, also known as the issues regarding the safety of the
“love hormone”, is a neurotransmitter that customers.
calms your nervous system down, relaxes
you, whilst also increasing your trust.
Reinvention – The café reinvents the way Policy - Not developing or not following
people connect with shelter pets as they policies may cause further harm to anyone
can interact and observe longer. involved and to the business itself.

Protection– The business ensures the Health - People with allergies will not
security of dogs as the patronize the business.
team with the dog expert analyzes first the
possible environment of the dog to
be adopted.
Threats and Opportunities
• Threats

Banning of certain dog related products Negative rumors that can ruin the
and/or services that may be available in reputation of dogs
the store
Price hike of dog related products Development of a better alternative

• Opportunities

Laws that would further support the Positive view on dogs
welfare of dogs
Lowering of prices for dog related Development of better dogcare products
Market Strategy (Segmentation)
• Demographic
• Age: 18-45
• Gender: All
• Language: Tagalog/English
• Income: At least minimum wage earner
• Life Cycle Stage: Teen-Adult
• Geographic

• City: Malabon
• Climate: Tropical
• Psychographic:

• Attitude: Dog Lover

• Behavioural:

• Interest: Dogs, Coffee

• Benefits Sought: Quality Time with Dogs and Coffee
Product/Service Strategy
• Slogan: Helping one dog at a time
• Logo:
Pricing Strategy
• Price Skimming Strategy: The management intends to release new products
periodically to keep people engaged with the cafe.
• Product Line: The management will release variants of a product, in this case,
coffee, milk tea, and bread. The pricing will be the same for most of the
products, with only minor changes.
• Prices

Drinks Price range Cakes Price range

Espres Small Mark- Large Mark- Cakes Slice Mark- Whole Mark-
so up up up up
80 40 100 50 60 30 300 150
Iced 90 45 110 55 Cup 40 20 450 225
coffee cakes
Frappe 100 50 120 60 Crepe 50 25 250 125
Milktea 100 50 110 55
Milk 105 52.5 125 62.5

Manufacturer Consumer

Distribution Strategy
The café will directly sell the products to the consumers with no intermediary. The
business will use selective distribution as the café has one specific location with specific
target customers.

Advertising and Promotional Strategy

• Loyalty Card: The customers can get their loyalty card once they have reached
a single total purchase worth Php 150.00. Rewards may vary as time goes by.
• Poster: There are different posters inside and outside the cafe to gain and

attract more customers. There are specific posters for the cafe, dogs, and dog

• Social Media: The posters and other pictures will also be available on the social
media accounts of the cafe.
Organizational Chart
Type and Form of Business
Helping Paws is a partnership business equally owned by Angelika B. Depaz
(Partner D)
the four board members. The owners have equal responsibility for
the partnership's goal and other obligations. The cafe is a hybrid
business as it offers different products, mainly coffees, and
pastries. It also offers services such as interaction with dogs, and dog adoption.

Board Members:
• Mr. Daniel Padilla

• Ms. Kathryn Bernardo

Angelika B. Depaz

Business Model
Value Customer Customer
Key Partners Key Activities
Propositions Relationships Segments

Rules &
A café with dog
Dog Pound Employees
Key Resources adoption services Channels
Investors Dog lovers
and interaction
Dogs Physical Café
People Social media
Brand page
Cost structure Revenue Stream
Maintenance Product
People Adoption Services
• Registration in the Securities and Exchange Commission of Business permits
and licenses would be done in order to ensure the validity of the business.
Other documents such as Tax Identification Number (TIN), and Registration
with the Bureau of Internal Revenue. To ensure customer and environmental
safety, the location would be accessed by the Department of Labor and
Employment (DOLE) Intellectual Property protocols would be followed so as
to avoid complications. Building permit is also needed for the construction of
the establishments. For the adoption services, the recent ordinance will be
Personnel Requirements
• Personnel are required to be at least be 20-45 years old, high school graduate,
no issues involving past companies , has knowledge about service industry or
is willing to learn , loves dogs and is passionate about the company.
Inventory and Supplies
• Stocks are to be refilled monthly or weekly, depending on the demand. The
expiry date of the products are to be listed so as to avoid health and safety
issues. Storage is to be checked weekly to avoid pest infestations and others.
Daily Operations
• Employees are to work daily from Mondays to Sundays, 2:00 PM to 10:00 PM.
They are to arrive to the workplace at 1:00 PM to conduct cleaning and leave
the premises at around 10:30 PM. Tasks include but is not limited to; cleaning,
preparation of products or services, dog care, and customer assistance.
Adoption Services
• Adoption services will open during Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, but
customers can opt to “reserve” dogs so as to avoid conflicts.The cafe will
partner with the Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) to make the
adoption services available for the other places outside Malabon.
● No outside food
● No alcoholic beverages
● No loud instruments
CLAYGO — CLean As You GO
Please maintain cleanliness
● The management WILL NOT be responsible for personal damages caused by the
mishandling of utensils.
● The customer WILL be held responsible in case of a dog’s injury if proven.
● In case of any emergency, the management will investigate and will always help in the
best way they could.
● To prevent problems please adhere to the following guidelines:
1. DO NOT give food to the dogs, these foods include but is not limited to the following:
● Xylitol
● Avocados
● Onion
● Garlic
● Grapes
● Dairy Products
● Bones
● Chocolates
● Caffeine Product
2. If you still want to feed the dogs, please choose from our ”feed me” section so as to
avoid complications.
3. If you are to bring your own dog, please put a collar on them with their name and the
name of the owner.
Financial Projections
Costs 1,500,000
Account Receivables 450,000
Inventory: Raw Materials 80,000
Inventory: Finished Goods 89,900
Total Current Assets 2,119,900
Property and Equipment 300,000
Accumulated Depreciation 20,000
Total Assets 2,399,900

Account Payable 1,296,000
Total Liabilities 1,296,000
Share Capital 1,296,000
Retained Earnings 192,100
Total Liabilities and Shareholder’s 2,399,900

Sales 1,660,000
Cost of Goods Sold 830,000
Gross Margin 830,000
Selling and Administrative 547,500
Net Income before Tax 282,500
Income Taxes 90,400
Net Income 192,100
Product: Food (Drinks and Pastries)
Helping Paws Café Sales Budget*

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total

Expected Sales 3000 4500 4500 2400 14400

Unit Sales per Price 100 100 100 100 100
Total Sales 300,000 450,000 450,000 240,000 1,440,000

* The store opens from Mondays – Sundays, 8 hours per day

Product: Dog Related Products

Helping Paws Café Sales Budget*

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total

Expected Sales 800 400 400 600 2200

Unit Sales per Price 100 100 100 100 100
Total Sales 80,000 40,000 40,000 60,000 220,000

* The store opens from Mondays – Sundays, 8 hours per day

Total: 1,660,000

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