Revenue Sharing Coordination in Reverse Logistics

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Journal of Cleaner Production 59 (2013) 185e196

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Revenue sharing coordination in reverse logistics

Fereshteh Mafakheri a, Fuzhan Nasiri b, *
Department of Systems Management and Strategy, University of Greenwich, London SE10 9LS, United Kingdom
Bartlett School of Graduate Studies, University College London (UCL), London WC1H 0NN, United Kingdom

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A reverse supply chain, as a post-consumption activity, aims at extracting value from products at the end
Received 3 December 2012 of their life cycle. It could be comprised of reusing, refurbishing, remanufacturing, and recycling activities.
Received in revised form In this paper, we revisit the issue of revenue sharing in reverse supply chains to formulate the decision
4 April 2013
problems of coordinating parties, manufacturer and retailer. The coordination is formed in a dynamic
Accepted 17 June 2013
Available online 29 June 2013
setting, where a feedback relationship exists between the return incentive policy of the retailer, and the
revenue sharing incentive strategy of the manufacturer. To model this process, we have adopted the use of
a system dynamics (SD) approach. SD is well suited for studying the behavior of complex systems over
Reverse logistics
time, and where internal feedbacks and delays exist. We first identify Pareto-optimal solutions, for in-
Coordination dividual players, and from environmental perspectives of landfill diversion and carbon offset. We then
Revenue sharing focus on revenue sharing, as a widely practiced coordination scheme in reverse supply chains. It resembles
System dynamics a leaderefollower (Stackelberg) strategic decision-making game, with an equilibrium solution that yields
Game-theory lower performance for environmental criteria. In this context, we investigate if/how a revenue sharing
Supply chain management mechanism can be coordinated to achieve a higher environmental performance.
 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction in performance of reverse supply chains because the benefits,

economic, social or environmental, are noticeable only if the
Public awareness and pressure from governments are attracting collected quantity is sufficiently large (Vachon and Klassen, 2006;
increasing attention toward environmental protection. Hence, Bai, 2009). In this sense, a well-performing reverse supply chain
companies aiming to be the leaders of industry are adopting various requires effective product acquisition through organized efforts
sustainable business practices. A reverse supply chain (Prahinski and actions from all involved members (Galbreth and Blackburn,
and Kocabasoglu, 2006; Pokharel and Muth, 2009) is one way of 2006). This is a challenging task, as each member, rationally, is
pursuing sustainability. Reverse supply chains seek to recover value seeking profit by optimizing certain individual objectives.
from products at the end of their life cycle through recycling, Research is also beginning to emerge that integrates analysis and
remanufacturing, refurbishing, and reusing (El Korchin and Millet, design of supply chains with better environmental outcomes (e.g.,
2011). Estimates show that the total value of the returned prod- Azapagic and Clift, 1999; Faruk et al., 2001; Norris et al., 2002; Geyer
ucts in the United States is worth $100 billion per year (Stock et al., and Jackson, 2004; Browne et al., 2005; Seuring and Muller, 2008;
2002). Adding a reverse process to supply chains can also create new Chaabane et al., 2012; Mafakheri et al., 2011). Objectives, in a
jobs in the manufacturing sector. Thus, design of reverse supply context where environmental goals are salient, can include targets for
chains is considered a positive move from both environmental and landfill diversion and mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions. To align
social points of view, as well as a potential source of revenue for the each member’s objectives with the overall environmental perfor-
businesses involved (Sarkis, 2003; Srivastava, 2007). mance of the supply chain, a means of coordination contract among
There are five major processes in a typical reverse supply chain: the members is required (Corbett and Decroix, 2001; Debo et al.,
product acquisition, tests, inventories, reprocessing and remar- 2004; Vachon and Klassen, 2006). There are several contracting
keting. Research shows that product acquisition plays a critical role mechanisms to ensure shared economic benefits from reverse supply
chain activities, including buy-back, quantity flexibility, cost sharing,
revenue sharing and sales rebate (Cachon and Lariviere, 2005; Calcott
* Corresponding author. and Walls, 2005; Shi and Bian, 2009; Su, 2009; Jacobs and
E-mail address: (F. Nasiri). Subramanian, 2012, Yan, 2012).

0959-6526/$ e see front matter  2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
186 F. Mafakheri, F. Nasiri / Journal of Cleaner Production 59 (2013) 185e196

In this paper, we review the coordination strategy of revenue perspectives, initiating a Stackelberg (leaderefollower) game. With
sharing in reverse supply chains. Revenue sharing incentives are delays in logistical activities, decisions made in each stage, serve as
common arrangements in waste management practices (Walls and a feedback, influencing the decisions in subsequent stages. Thus,
Palmer, 2001; Calcott and Walls, 2005; Yao et al., 2008). We revenues earned (and shared) at a given stage (i.e. manufacturer’s
formulate decision problems of the coordinating parties in a decision) will impact the incentive offerings (i.e. retailer’s decision)
manufacturereretailer reverse supply chain. In reality, there could in subsequent stages and vice versa.
be a feedback relationship between the revenue sharing incentive We further analyze the impact of such dynamic (and delayed)
strategy of a manufacturer and the return incentive policy of a feedbacks by comparing the solutions obtained for the above
retailer. This is the case when the amount of incentive a retailer is Stackelberg game, with Pareto-optimal solutions from the per-
offering to consumers for their returned products, is set according spectives of individual players’ profitability and collective envi-
to, and inline with, the amount of (reselling and recycling) revenue ronmental objectives (landfill diversion and carbon mitigation). Not
shared by a manufacturer. This creates a dynamic feedback, from surprisingly, there is a clear trade-off between individual players’
the manufacturer’s decision on revenue sharing incentive, to the profit and supply chain environmental performance. The results
retailer’s decision on the amount of incentive to consumers for point to the fact that a first mover advantage preserves manufac-
product returns, in which a change in the former can trigger a turer’s profit, at the expense of a reduction in cartridge recovery.
change in the latter and vice versa. This shows why a sequential decision making, with the manufac-
To model this process, we adopt the use of a system dynamics turer as a leader, is a preferred coordination practice (Savaskan
approach. System dynamics (SD) is a modeling approach developed et al., 2004; Savaskan and Van Wassenhove, 2006). Comparing
in the early 1960s (Forrester, 1961) for analyzing and simulating the the Stackelberg outcome with Pareto-optimal solutions also con-
behavior of complex problems over time. We have chosen this firms that a revenue sharing coordination strategy could become
modeling approach as it emphasizes the importance of feedbacks more environmentally friendly, if each player abandons an
and delays in dynamic systems and is well suited for understanding approach based solely on profit maximization for a collective
how systems respond to change. SD modeling applications in environmental goal, such as maximizing total quantity of returned
supply chain management have mainly focused on inventory de- cartridges (i.e. landfill diversion) or mitigation of carbon emissions.
cisions, time compression, demand amplification, international This, however, may not be in the best interest of each player,
supply chain management, and the impact of environmental and leading to an example of prisoner’s dilemma.
technological drivers (Angerhofer and Angelides, 2000; Zhang and In the light of the above findings, we then investigate whether
Dilts, 2004; Georgiadis et al., 2005). In recent years, the complexity (or not) this typical leaderefollower reverse supply chain can be
of reverse logistics processes has persuaded researchers to employ coordinated to achieve higher environmental performance. In do-
SD modeling to analyze various strategies and policies in order to ing so, we first turn to external drivers, studying the impact of
integrate forward and reverse supply chains (Kumar and Yamaoka, environmental regulations and policies such as a carbon tax or a
2007; Vlachos et al., 2007; Georgiadis and Besiou, 2008; Qingli cap-and-trade mechanism. The analysis points to the fact that a net
et al., 2008). SD modeling is also increasingly used in environ- carbon saving can be achieved through a used ink cartridge reverse
mental research and policy analysis (Hannon et al., 2001). supply chain driven by profitability of returns, and a carbon tax or a
The proposed model is built on the basis of a reverse supply cap-and-trade mechanism does not have a significant impact on
chain of used printer ink cartridges, where a dynamic leaderefol- further improving this performance. In this context, however, we
lower (Stackelberg) game is played. Game-theory applications in show that a carbon tax, if set appropriately, would be more effective
supply chain coordination aim at modeling and analyzing the in triggering higher levels of carbon mitigation and cartridge re-
supply chain agents’ decision problems who are acting non- covery. We then focus on the structure of manufacturereretailer
cooperatively or cooperatively (Cachon and Lariviere, 2005; coordination, to see if a reversal of leader and follower roles could
Grimes-Casey et al., 2007; Hennet and Arda, 2008; Nagarajan and contribute to an improvement in environmental performance
Sosic, 2008; Nasiri and Zaccour 2009). In a reverse logistics of used criteria. In this new setting, a retailer can offer an incentive to
printer cartridges, and in case of a revenue sharing arrangement, consumers in exchange for returned cartridges, in anticipation of
the retailer optimizes its payoff, using a cartridge return incentive shared revenues from participating manufacturers. Here, the
offered to consumers as a decision variable, subject to collection retailer acts as a leader with a decision on the amount of incentive
costs, which is comprised of inventory and transportation costs, and the manufacturer follows by sharing a certain share of the
and the expected revenue to be shared by the manufacturer. The revenues. The outcome shows that, with a revised coordination
manufacturer in turn anticipates this behavior and will adjust its structure, a considerable improvement of environmental criteria is
revenue sharing strategy so as to maximize its own payoff. This expected with almost no lessening of players’ profitability. We
sequential decision-making process resembles a Stackelberg further elaborate on how to encourage the formation of such a
(leaderefollower) game. This type of games is taking place where reversed coordination scheme.
one player has a strategic advantage either as a function of time; To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to employ
such as having faster/easier access to information (Simaan and an SD approach to model and analyze reverse supply chain de-
Cruz, 1973a), or as a function of the state of the game; such as a cisions, in a dynamic setting, where the coordination follows a
greater size, market share, etc. (Simaan and Cruz, 1973b). This Stackelberg game. At the same time, this research aims to
player, as the leader of the game, can impose its preferred solution contribute to the integration of operations research and environ-
to other players who are playing the game passively as a follower. mental analysis by adding detail and granularity to the character-
This is the case in a reverse supply chain process. Although, it is ization of internal and external drivers of environmental
physically initiated with retailer’s inventory of collected cartridges, performance and their impact in the context of reverse logistics.
there are several subsequent stages including transportation to the
manufacturer’s collection centre, sorting, manufacturing in- 2. Methodology
ventories, refurbishing and recycling processes, and reselling. As a
result of such a lengthy process, the manufacturer would become In the North America, each year more than 350 million printer
aware of the extent of the revenues ahead of the retailer. This gives cartridges end up in landfill (Preton, 2010). In addition to landfill
the manufacturer a leading position from information and timing diversion benefits, reclaiming used printer cartridges is a value-
F. Mafakheri, F. Nasiri / Journal of Cleaner Production 59 (2013) 185e196 187

added process and can generate revenue and mitigate carbon + Retailer's Pay-off +
Reinforcing Influence
emissions. The remaining value of a used ink cartridge can be +
Retailer's Incentive to -
recovered by refilling, reusing, remanufacturing, or by recycling its - Balancing Influence
Consumers Retailer's Revenue
materials to be used in making new cartridges or other products. In Retailer's Cost Decision Influence
average, 97 per cent of the weight of a printer cartridge is composed +
of recoverable materials; mainly plastics, metals, foams, and rubber + Revenue Sharing Ratio
(CDGS, 2009). The refillability, reusability, and refurbishability of
printer cartridges, as well as their high recycling potentials and - +
large economies of scale, make them an appealing choice for Used Cartridge
reverse logistics. However, a major challenge for manufacturers is Manufacturer's Pay-off
the collection of used cartridges from end consumers. The mail-in- + Manufacturer's
return programs, introduced by many manufacturers of printer Cost
cartridges, have not been very attractive for consumers due to the Manufacturer's +
need for postage. Alternatively, manufacturers can rely on retailers Revenue
to collect these returned products (Savaskan et al., 2004). For
Fig. 2. Causal loop diagram of used ink cartridge reverse supply chain.
instance, Staples, a major office supply retailer, has collected more
than 67 million printer cartridges for participating manufacturers
in 2011 (Staples, 2012). In doing so, a retailer is to offer some form
of incentive to consumers to encourage returns of the used car- cartridges. These returns are sent to the manufacturer, refurbished
tridges, and in exchange, manufacturers will often share part of the for resale, or recycled for materials recovery to create revenue. With
revenues coming from the recycling or resale of remanufactured respect to its payoff (i.e. the net earnings), the manufacturer shares
cartridges. A typical reverse supply chain for used ink cartridge is part of the earnings with the retailer to compensate the collection
shown in Fig. 1. incentive and costs. In doing so, the ratio of revenue shared with
In this process, consumers return their used ink cartridges to the retailer is a decision variable for the manufacturer, while, on
retailer stores. Once the inventory has reached to a certain quantity, that basis, the retailer decides on how much incentive should be
cartridges are transported to a distribution centre and from there to put forward for returned used cartridges.
manufacturer. All used cartridges go through a sorting process, and Fig. 2 consists of four causal loops, one reinforcing and three
based on their conditions, they will be either remanufactured or balancing, where the sign of each loop is the algebraic product of
considered for recycling of their material contents. In this paper, for the signs of its relations. Offering incentives and sharing revenues
the sake of simplicity, we assume that a collecting retailer is not increase the costs of retailer and manufacturer, respectively, while
responsible for reselling of the remanufactured cartridges. later on, these moves encourage the returns, and consequently,
In the sequel, we will follow a four-step process to analyze the create more revenues for both parties. Fig. 2 also reflects the fact
revenue sharing coordination in a manufacturereretailer reverse that a retailer with higher earnings is more encouraged to offer a
logistics of the used printer cartridges. First, the relationships higher incentive to consumers, while a manufacturer with a higher
among the key objectives, variables, and parameters of the involved payoff is more willing to share revenues.
parties are explored through a causal loop diagram. This would
provide a basis for construction of a detailed model to formulate the 2.2. Model
decision problems of the manufacturer and the retailer, while
capturing their linking elements. The model is utilized to obtain the Understanding the elements and causal relationships that form
optimal (and equilibrium) solutions for both parties under various decisions of manufacturer and retailer in a reverse supply chain of
coordination scenarios. Then, we will perform a sensitivity analysis used printer cartridges, we can construct a model to formulate this
to investigate the impact of external and internal drivers of envi- process. An SD model using VENSIM Professional 5.9e platform
ronmental performance. In the realm of external drivers, the (VENSIM, 2010) is built with stock and flow elements (Fig. 3), rep-
impact of introducing an emission tax or a cap-and-trade mecha- resented by boxes and double line arrows, respectively. Stock vari-
nism, as the main alternative carbon emission policies, will be ables monitor the state of a system, and flow variables represent the
explored. The analysis of the internal drivers will focus on the rates of change in these stocks. We also have exogenous parameters,
impact of the players’ leader/follower roles on improving the car- as well as internal decision variables that influence flow variables. In
bon saving performance of this reverse logistics. our case, inventories of manufacturer and retailer are the stocks to
monitor, with their rates of increase and decrease as flows. There are
three types of inventories; inventory of collected cartridges held by
2.1. Causal relationships
the retailer as well as manufacturer’s inventories for recycling and
refurbishing. The model is also comprised of decisions on revenue
A causal relationship diagram representing a typical used ink
sharing and return incentives, and other influencing parameters
cartridge reverse supply chain is shown in Fig. 2. The arrows
such as inventory, sorting and transportation costing.
represent the relationships among variables. The direction and sign
The model is thus optimized, subject to return and revenue
of each influence line explain the direction and sign of respective
sharing incentive offering strategies (as decision variables of retail
effects. A plus sign means a reinforcing effect while a negative sign
and manufacturing entities, respectively). The results vary on the
represents a balancing effect. The reverse supply chain process
basis of the choice of objective function(s) (presented in blue in
begins from the upper left corner of Fig. 2. By offering an incentive
Fig. 3). The Pareto-optimal solutions are obtained when we maxi-
to consumers, a retailer encourages them to return their used ink
mize (1) the payoff of a retailer, (2) the payoff of a manufacturer,
and (3) a collective environmental objective such as quantity of
Transport Resell reclaimed cartridges or quantity of mitigated carbon, and (4) the
Consumer Retailer Manufacturer Market
Center collective payoff, which is the sum of players’ payoffs. In addition, a
Stackelberg equilibrium solution is identified when, through a
Fig. 1. Reverse supply chain of printer ink cartridges. backward induction (Simaan and Cruz, 1973a), where the retailer’s
188 F. Mafakheri, F. Nasiri / Journal of Cleaner Production 59 (2013) 185e196

<Revenue Coordination Scope
Sharing Ratio> Retailer's Unit + Retailer's Payoff +
Payoff Before <Retailer's
<Time> + Before Incentive Revenue>
Incentive Offered Incentive <Return Rate of
by Competition - -
+ + Used Cartridge>
<Cumulative <Retailer's Incentive
Incentive + Retailer's Cost to Consumers>
Reclaimed -
Ratio + - -
Retailer's Incentive +
Unit Refilling Price
+ to Consumers
by Competition +
+ Retailer's Unit Retailer's Retailer's
Incentive Retailer's Unit Retailer's Immediate Gain Payoff
Transportation Cost
Retail Price of - Attractiveness + Inventory Cost Inventory Cost
New Cartridge + +
Retailer's <Manufacturer's
Cumulative Cumulative Retailer's Inventory of Used Transportation Cost Payoff> Manufacturer's
Gross Carbon Reclaimed Return Rate of Cartridge Delivery Rate of Coordination Scope
Emissions Cartridges Used Cartridge Used Cartridge + +
+ + + +
Manufacturer's Unit
+ New Cartridge + + <Time>
Retailer's Delivery + Transportation Cost Retailer's
Gross Carbon Sale
Emissions Batch Size Revenue
<Refurbishable Manufacturer's +
Carbon Emission Cartridge Delivery +
Sorting Cost + Market Price of +
+ per New Cartridge Rate> Manufacturer's Unit
Cost of Sorting + Refurbished
<Delivery Rate of Cartridge
- Transportation Cost
Used Cartridge> + Revenue
+ Recycler's Sharing Ratio
Inventory of Returned Cartridge for +
Purchasing Price
Recyclable Recycling Selling Rate for +
Cartridge Delivery Recycling
+ Revenue -
Rate Unit Inventory Cost Carbon
Carbon Mitigation Cumulative +
(for Recycling) + + + + Tax Ratio
per Recycled +
Carbon Mitigation Manufacturer's + Manufacturer's Manufacturer's
+ Unit Inventory Cost <Refurbished
+ + + Inventory Cost Cost Immediate
- Gain Carbon
Carbon (for Refurbishing) Cartridge Selling Credit Price
Carbon Mitigation Mitigation + Rate> + +
per Refurbished + + + + + - Carbon
<Refurbishable Emission Tax
Inventory of Refurbishable Returned +
Cartridge Refurbished Cartridge Delivery Manufacturer's <Carbon
Refurbishable + Mitigation>
+ Cartridge Selling Rate> Payoff
Cartridge Delivery - Net Carbon
Rate Unit Refurbishing -
Rate Carbon Emissions
<Delivery Rate of Cost + Emission Credit
+ Ratio of Emission Cap +
Used Cartridge> +
+ Refurbishables Cap Regression + <Gross Carbon
Rate - Cumulative Net
<Time> Emissions> Carbon Emissions

Fig. 3. System dynamics model of used ink cartridge reverse supply chain (VENSIM, 2010).

payoff, as a follower, is maximized with respect to the manufac- 2.3. Equations

turer’s potential choices on revenue sharing incentive. From this, a
return incentive to revenue sharing response (relation) function is Here, we rigorously describe variables and parameters of our
constructed. It is expected that the manufacturer, as a rational model, along with details of the above-discussed objective func-
leader, anticipates this response relationship. Therefore, to obtain tions (a full description of the equations is provided in the
an equilibrium solution, we can proceed with maximization of the Appendix).
manufacturer’s payoff, while incorporating the retailer’s response The “Cumulative Reclaimed Cartridges”, which reflects the
into it. It is also expected that a rational consumer will return the landfill diversion, is identified as the total number of cartridge units
used cartridge to the retailer when there is an incentive offered for reclaimed during the course of coordination (Note that we
the returns. We introduce an indicator called “incentive attrac- communicate the element of “Time” by ‘t’ and per Month):
tiveness” to capture this phenomenon.
To calculate the players’ payoffs, we need to subtract ZT
the sum of their costs from their revenue. As presented in Q ðTÞ ¼ qðtÞdt; (1)
Fig. 3, the retailer’s cost is comprised of inventory cost, and cost t¼0
of transporting collected cartridges to the manufacturer’s distri-
bution centre. The manufacturer’s cost includes cost of trans- where
porting collected cartridges from the distribution centre to a
manufacturing facility, cost of sorting (i.e. to identify if a cartridge qðtÞ ¼ rðtÞ$sðtÞ; (2)
should be refurbished or recycled), inventory costs, and rema-
nufacturing process costs. The manufacturer’s revenue originates and T: Modeling Scope (Month), q(t): Return Rate of Used Car-
from two sources; selling of refurbished cartridges and selling of tridges (Unit/Month), r(t): Incentive Attractiveness (Dimension-
collected cartridges for recycling. When shared, it also creates less) e see Eq. (3), s(t): Cartridge Sale (Unit/Month).
revenue for the retailer. Eq.(2) captures the fact that the quantity of returned cartridges is a
The details of equations governing this model are provided in function of demand for printer cartridges and attractiveness of return
the following section. Data from a coordination case of Hewlette incentives. The higher is the sale of printer cartridges, the higher is the
Packard (a major manufacturer of printers and printer cartridges) potential for higher returns. If this potential is met with an attractive
and Staples is used to support the analysis. For the sake of return incentive it generates higher returns. We have defined
simplicity, we will focus on a particular cartridge, HP-02 Color Ink “Incentive Attractiveness” as a value between 0 and 1, representing
Cartridge, incorporating its selling and refilling prices. consumer’s willingness to return a used cartridge to retailer, which is
F. Mafakheri, F. Nasiri / Journal of Cleaner Production 59 (2013) 185e196 189

increasing in “Retailer’s Incentive to Consumer” and “Unit Refilling gR ðtÞ ¼ VR ðtÞ  CR ðtÞ  aðtÞ$qðtÞ; (9)
Price by Competition”, and is decreasing in “Retail Price of New Car-
tridge”. These attributes can be captured and fulfilled by the following and
equation (assumed to be linear for the sake of simplicity): 
8 aðtÞ 0 gM ðtÞ  0
<1  1; VR ðtÞ ¼ ; (10)
Pnr Prc u$VM ðtÞ gM ðtÞ > 0
rðtÞ ¼ (3)
: aðtÞ
Pnr Prc otherwise
where gR(t): Retailer’s Immediate Gain ($/Month), where
(gR(t ¼ 0) ¼ 0), VR(t): Retailer’s Revenue ($/Month) e see Eq. (50) in
where Prc: Unit Refilling Price by Competition ($/Unit), Pnr: Retail the Appendix, CR(t): Retailer’s Total Cost ($/Month) e see Eq. (41) in
Price of New Cartridge ($/Unit), a(t): Retailer’s Incentive to Con- the Appendix.
sumer ($/Unit) e see Eq. (11). Assuming that an incentive of i is offered by competition for
Refilling is an alternative way for consumers to recover old each returned cartridge, a retailer who is willing to establish a used
cartridges. In reality, however, manufacturers have been acting ink cartridge collection coordination with the manufacturer, has to
against the idea of cartridge refilling. Refilling of used cartridges is put forward a competitive incentive. Given that the cap value for
conducted by a third party. The price incorporated in the above, Prc, this incentive would be the retailer’s net payoff per unit of collected
is what consumers are charged for refilling. From the perspective of cartridge (i.e. the payoff before incentive), we have:
brand value, it is worth mentioning that the consumers have
already decided about the brand at the time of buying a printer. > PR ðtÞ PR ðtÞ
Once the printer is bought, the consumer could only buy the same > Q ðtÞ l þ i$ð1  lÞ
> Q ðtÞ >i
brand (and type) of cartridge. PR ðtÞ ðtÞ
aðtÞ ¼ Q ðtÞ
l 0 < PQRðtÞ  i; (11)
The “Cumulative Carbon Mitigation”, or the total carbon savings >
as a result of cartridge reclamation, is calculated as follows: >
:0 PR ðtÞ
Q ðtÞ 0
EðTÞ ¼ eðtÞdt; (4) where

t¼0 Zt
PR ðt ¼ tÞ ¼ ðVR ðtÞ  CR ðtÞÞdt; (12)

eðtÞ ¼ e1 bðtÞqðtÞ þ e2 ð1  bðtÞÞqðtÞ; (5)

and PR(t): Retailer’s Net Payoff ($), l˛½0; 1: Return Incentive Ratio
and e(t): Carbon Mitigation (Ton/Month), e1: Carbon Mitigation per
In case of a carbon tax, the manufacturer’s payoff would be
Refurbished Cartridge (Ton/Unit), e2: Carbon Mitigation per Recy-
modified to:
cled Cartridge (Ton/Unit), b(t): Ratio of Refurbished Cartridges
(Dimensionless). ZT
It is expected that e1 > e2, and thus, a reverse supply chain with a pM ðTÞ ¼ ½gM ðtÞ  y$3 ðtÞdt (13)
higher rate of cartridge refurbishing (b(t)) is associated with a
higher carbon mitigation capacity. This requires a careful collection
and remanufacturing system that minimizes damage to returned where
Now turning to individual players, the “Manufacturer’s Payoff” 3 ðtÞ ¼ 3 $sðtÞ  eðtÞ (14)
per ($) is captured by:
and y: Carbon Tax Rate ($/Ton), 3 (t): Net Carbon Emissions (Ton/
ZT Month), 3 : Carbon Emission per Sold Cartridge (Ton/Unit).
pM ðTÞ ¼ gM ðtÞdt; (6) Alternatively, with a cap-and-trade policy3 in place, which allows
t ¼0 emissions up to a certain limit, the above payoff is rewritten as:
pM ðTÞ ¼ ½gM ðtÞ þ hðkðtÞ  3 ðtÞÞdt (15)
gM ðtÞ ¼ ð1  uÞVM ðtÞ  CM ðtÞ; (7) t¼0

and gM(t): Manufacturer’s Immediate Gain ($/Month), u˛½0; 1: where

Revenue Sharing Incentive Ratio (Dimensionless),1 VM(t): Manu-
facturer’s Revenue ($/Month) e see Eq. (29) in the Appendix, CM(t): kðtÞ ¼ 3 $sðtÞ$ð1  kÞ (16)
Manufacturer’s Total Cost ($/Month) e see Eq. (24) in the Appendix.
The “Retailer’s Payoff” per ($) is also obtained as follows: and h: Carbon Credit Trading Price ($/Ton), k(t): Carbon Emissions
Cap Ton/Month), k: Regression Rate of Carbon Cap (Dimensionless).
ZT In the sense of Eq. (15), if emissions exceed the cap, the differ-
pR ðTÞ ¼ gR ðtÞdt; (8) ence poses the number of carbon credits that should be purchased

Retailer’s decision variable.
where 3
By placing a cap (limit) on emissions, a cap-and-trade mechanism creates a
market for emission allowances trading. To avoid a penalty, companies exceeding
this emissions cap buy allowances from those who have managed to stay below the
Manufacturer’s decision variable. limit.
190 F. Mafakheri, F. Nasiri / Journal of Cleaner Production 59 (2013) 185e196

by the manufacturer. If emissions are within the limit, the manu- We proceed, then, by replacing the retailer’s response (i.e. the re-
facturer sells the remaining carbon credits on market, creating an tailer’s choice of return incentive for given revenue sharing ratios)
extra source of income. Here, we assume a regressing rate for car- in the leader’s (manufacturer’s) problem to compute its optimal
bon cap, which is practiced in cap-and-trade mechanisms in order choice of revenue sharing ratio. This is done using a lookup func-
to impose a gradual move toward emission reduction targets tion, incorporating (u, l(u)) pairs, where the manufacturer’s payoff
(Keohane, 2009). is maximized over a decision variable u.
Based on carbon emission and mitigation coefficients estimated
3. Results and analysis through life cycle assessment of new and remanufactured HP
printer ink cartridges (CRR, 2010), data on the carbon cap, pricing,
The model is simulated with a monthly time step over T ¼ 48 and taxation mechanisms (IMF, 2007, 2008), and using supply chain
months (i.e. long enough to capture the effect of delays), moni- data from Bai (2009), parameters of the used ink cartridge reverse
toring manufacturereretailer coordination performance. First, we supply chain model are summarized in Table 1. The information on
need simulation runs to obtain the first four Pareto-optimal solu- carbon price estimations (ranging between $15 and $60 per ton of
tions, considering Eqs. (1), (4), (6) and (8) as the individual objec- carbon) and the expected annual carbon cap (2% for the United
tive function of the model to be maximized. We then obtain the States) are adopted from the International Monetary Fund report
collective payoff solution by maximizing the sum of manufacturer on fiscal implications of climate policies (IMF, 2008). We measure y,
and retailer’s payoffs (sum of Eqs. (6) and (8)). This resembles a carbon tax ratio in $/Ton, and h, carbon credit trading price in $/Ton,
perfect union or merger of manufacturer and retailer. There are as policy parameters, which means that we change these param-
further simulations performed to identify the equilibrium for eters and monitor their impacts and sensitivities, so as to identify
Stackelberg coordination, which are (1) with no carbon mitigation the choices that direct the manufacturereretailer coordination to-
policy, (2) under a carbon tax regime and (3) under a cap-and-trade ward a better environmental performance.
framework, optimizing Eqs. (6), (13) and (15) as the manufacturer’s The optimal values for decision variables and their associated
objective function, respectively. The retailer responds to the man- objectives (i.e. the terminal values at Time ¼ 48 Months) are re-
ufacturer’s strategy by optimizing its own payoff (Eq. (8)). These ported in Table 2. We then use these optimal values to simulate the
three Stackelberg scenarios provide insight about the impact of behavior of our reverse supply chain (Fig. 4). The simulation results
carbon mitigation policies (as the external drivers) on the envi- for various carbon tax ratios and carbon credit prices are also
ronmental performance of the reverse logistics. Under all these presented in Tables 3 and 4, respectively.
scenarios, revenue sharing and return incentives (i.e. u; l˛½0; 1) According to Fig. 4(a), when collecting used ink cartridges, the
serve as decision variables of manufacturer and retailer, respec- retailer has to put forward a competitive return incentive. Moving
tively. As mentioned before, the solution approach of this leadere forward from this point, the cap for this incentive would be the
follower coordination game is founded on the recognition of the retailer’s net payoff per unit of returned cartridge. As simulation
fact that the manufacturer, as a leader player, can anticipate the shows, at the beginning the retailer offers an intermittent incentive
response of the follower (i.e. the retailer’s choice of a return to attract returns by consumers. Once a steady flow of returned
incentive) to its strategic choice (i.e. revenue sharing ratio). Thus, cartridges is established, the amount of incentive will reach an
using backward induction, we start from the retailer’s decision equilibrium level. Fig. 4(b) reveals that as the process moves toward
problem, optimizing its payoff over a decision variable l, with an equilibrium level for the return incentive, the return rate of used
respect to potential revenue sharing ratios (ex. 0, 0.1, 0.2, ., 0.9, 1). cartridges (q(t)) will also reach an equilibrium level. Consequently,

Table 1
Parameters of the used ink cartridge reverse supply chain.

Description Value Dimension

Carbon Emission per New Cartridge 0.0012 Ton/Unit

Carbon Mitigation per Refurbished Cartridge 0.0004 Ton/Unit
Carbon Mitigation per Recycled Cartridge 0.0002 Ton/Unit
Regression Rate of Carbon Emissions (Carbon Cap) 2% Per Year
Cartridge Sale (for the sake of simplicity we assume [4500, 5500] Units/Month
a uniform distribution for demand volatilities)
Manufacturer’s Unit (levelizeda) Cost of Sorting 0.3 $/Unit
Manufacturer’s Unit (levelized) Transportation Cost 0.01 $/Unit
Market Price of Refurbished Cartridge 6 $/Unit
Price of Recyclable Materials 0.5 $/Unit
Ratio of Refurbished Cartridges (for the sake of simplicity we assume [65%, 75%] Dimensionless
that the variations in quality of returned cartridges are uniformly distributed)
Retail Price of New Cartridge (for HP-02 Color Ink Cartridge) 11 $/Unit
Retailer’s Delivery (to distribution centre) Batch Size 2000 Unit
Retailer’s Unit (levelized) Inventory Cost 0.05 $/Unit
Retailer’s Unit (levelized) Transportation Cost 0.02 $/Unit
Unit (levelized) Inventory Cost (for Recycling) 0.05 $/Unit
Unit (levelized) Inventory Cost (for Refurbishing) 0.05 $/Unit
Unit Refilling Price by Competition (Refilling Shops) 6 $/Unit
Unit (levelized) Refurbishing Cost 1 $/Unit
Retailer’s Payback Scope (a rational retailer expects to gain a positive payoff 3 Month
within this payback period and if it takes more than that, the retailer is not entering the coordination)
Manufacturer’s Payback Scope (a rational manufacturer expects to gain 6 Month
a positive payoff within this payback period, if it takes more than that, the
manufacturer is not entering the coordination)
Return Incentive Offered By Competition 1.1 $/Unit
A levelized unit cost aggregates the share of fixed and variable costs per each cartridge unit over the simulation period.
F. Mafakheri, F. Nasiri / Journal of Cleaner Production 59 (2013) 185e196 191

Table 2 total quantity of cartridges diverted from disposal (Q(t)) will

Objectives and decision variables in Pareto-optimal, collective and Stackelberg cases. steadily increase at a fixed rate. Turning to players’ payoffs, pre-
Solution Objective Objective values Decision variables sented in Fig. 4(c) and (d), it is recognized that due to the existing
scenario functions
pR(t) pM(t) Q(t) E(t) u* l* time lag between spending for cartridge collectionereclamation
and the receipt of income from the sale of reclaimed cartridges (and
Pareto- p*
R(t) 86,176 41,131 86,711 28.45 0.634 0.371
revenue sharing), both payoffs go negative at the beginning. For the
optimal p*
M(t) 19,090 99,062 81,371 26.45 0.449 0.838
Q (t) 15,246 51,521 107,727 35.20 0.634 1.000 retailer, it takes some time to reach out to consumers and offer the
E*(t) 15,257 52,094 107,630 35.20 0.634 1.000 incentives before used cartridges start to pile up. Once the retailer
Collective pR* (t) þ pM
(t) 46,470 79,447 87,009 28.46 0.525 0.571 establishes a steady flow of returns, its payoff starts to grow. The
Stackelberg p*M(t) / p*R(t) 21,216 89,813 66,155 21.82 0.417 0.537
manufacturer’s payoff also becomes negative at the beginning as
the income from resale of refurbished cartridges (or recycled ones)

Fig. 4. Simulation of manufacturereretailer coordination outcomes in terms of (a) Retailer’s Return Incentive [$/Unit], (b) Cumulative Reclaimed Cartridges [Unit], (c) Retailer’s
Payoff [$], (d) Manufacturer’s Payoff [$], (e) Cumulative Carbon Mitigation [Ton].
192 F. Mafakheri, F. Nasiri / Journal of Cleaner Production 59 (2013) 185e196

Table 3 a carbon tax or credit can improve the environmental performance

Stackelberg equilibrium for various carbon tax rate scenarios. of the reversed supply chain only if it can motivate the manufac-
Carbon tax ($/Ton) Equilibrium values turer to offer a higher share of revenue to retailer, which in turn,
p*R(t) p*M(t) Q*(t) E*(t) u* l* increases the quantity of returned cartridges. In this context, a
carbon tax outperforms a cap-and-trade approach. With a tax in
20 21,212 84,575 66,155 21.82 0.417 0.537
place, the manufacturer is willing to share more revenue with the
30 21,212 83,265 66,155 21.82 0.417 0.537
40 24,965 77,728 68,538 22.49 0.433 0.510 retailer (up to a 43.3 per cent rate) to increase cartridge returns
50 24,855 75,350 68,434 22.48 0.432 0.511 (and thus carbon mitigation), in order to pay less tax. This moti-
60 21,224 74,006 66,159 21.82 0.417 0.537 vation does not exist with a cap-and-trade policy, as the carbon
mitigation through cartridge recovery is large enough to meet any
realistic cap. Although the cap-and-trade system can provide extra
lags behind the accumulation of transporting, storing, sorting, income for the manufacturer (from trading of carbon credits), it is
refurbishing, and recycling costs. relatively very small compared to that earned from cartridge resale
Reviewing the results presented in Table 2 and Fig. 4 also cap- and recycling. Overall, the best outcome comes with a carbon tax of
tures the fact that although it is in the best interest of manufacturer around $40 per ton of carbon, which increases cartridge recovery
to bring down the revenue sharing ratio, it certainly cannot go and carbon mitigation by three per cent.
below 41.7 per cent, otherwise the coordination will be terminated With a limited influence from the external carbon policy drivers,
by the retailer due to lack of profitability. On the other hand, the we now investigate if a reversal of leaderefollower roles can
retailer wishes to establish coordination with manufacturer while improve the environmental performance of this reverse supply
offering a minimum return incentive to consumers. But to create a chain of printer ink cartridges. In doing so, using backward in-
steady income through a steady supply of used cartridges, it has to duction, we now start from a manufacturer’s decision problem,
put forward a competitive incentive (i.e. not less than an equilib- maximizing its payoff over a decision variable u, with respect to
rium level of $1.37/Unit, which is obtained at an incentive ratio of potential return incentives (ex. 0, 0.1, 0.2, ., 0.9, 1). We proceed,
0.537). As presented in Table 2, a cooperative (Pareto-optimal) then, by replacing manufacturer’s response (i.e. the manufacturer’s
strategy of maximizing the total quantity of returns/total carbon choice of revenue sharing for given return incentives) in the
mitigation is associated with a smaller payoff for manufacturer and leader’s (retailer’s) problem to compute its optimal choice of return
retailer (compared to their own Pareto-optimal solutions). Such a incentive. We thus end with a lookup function, incorporating
compromise will create a more effective collection system in terms (l,u(l)) pairs, in which the retailer’s payoff is maximized over a
of total returns (or landfill diversion) and carbon mitigations, decision variable l.
placing the environmental performance of this reverse supply The results, presented in Table 5, show a significant increase in
chain ahead of individual players’ interests. According to Table 2, environmental performance of the process with this new setting
even a collective payoff (merger) strategy can yield higher envi- (i.e. retailer as leader), compared to a conventional setting with the
ronmental performance compared to Stackelberg coordination. manufacturer as the leading entity. In comparison with outcomes of
This also poses a better payoff for the retailer. However, such a the original Stackelberg setting, the quantity of accumulated car-
collective solution is merely a hypothetical case, as reaching tridges and the volume of mitigated carbon could increase by 15 per
a perfect union is not in the best interest of manufacturer from a cent in exchange for just over one per cent reduction in the man-
profitability perspective, and will impose revenue sharing com- ufacturer’s payoff. This equilibrium also poses a better payoff for
plexities in the case of working with several retailers. In reality, the the manufacturer compared to a collective payoff case. The
manufacturer seeks a leader advantage, pursuing a higher payoff reversed Stackelberg coordination also shows a far better envi-
with a lower revenue sharing ratio, which yields a much lower ronmental performance compared to carbon tax and cap-and-trade
cartridge recovery and carbon mitigation performance. policies. The main rationale behind this performance improvement
Although the relative carbon footprint of a printer cartridge is is the empowering of the retailer, as a leader, that generates a far
small, the overall carbon inventory of this stock is considerable, as more competitive incentive for consumers at $1.65/Unit for an
we are dealing with a large stock of them. In terms of carbon equilibrium incentive ratio of 0.794. This improvement, in turn, can
mitigation policies, however, the simulation results, as presented in considerably increase the quantity of returned cartridges and the
Tables 3 and 4, shows that neither carbon tax nor cap-and-trade amount of mitigated carbon.
mechanisms have a significant impact on further improving the In reality, however, the retailers may hesitate to act as a leader in
environmental performance of the process. In a reverse supply this process. This is due to the fact that the motivation to assume a
chain of used ink cartridges, the emission mitigation is a function of leader role in such a sequential decision-making process (i.e.
cartridge recovery. The carbon saving, due to refurbishment and Stackelberg game) relies on the ability to anticipate the decisions of
recycling of printer cartridges, far exceeds the amount of carbon other parties, whereas the others do not have the same ability
emitted in this reverse supply chain. As a considerable net carbon (Simaan and Cruz, 1973a,b). This ability is either a function of time,
saving is already embedded in this process, the impact of carbon as a result of having faster/easier access to information, or a func-
policies would be minimal. In this sense, as shown in Tables 3 and 4, tion of the state of the game; as a result of players’ differences in

Table 4
Stackelberg equilibrium for various carbon credit pricing scenarios Table 5
Equilibrium values in the revised Stackelberg setting
Carbon credit Equilibrium values
price ($/Ton) Objective Objective values Decision variables
p*R(t) p*M(t) Q*(t) E*(t) u* l*
pR(t) pM(t) Q(t) E(t) u* l*
20 21,212 89,974 66,156 21.82 0.417 0.537
30 21,212 90,055 66,156 21.82 0.417 0.537 p*R(t) / p*M(t) 23,355 88,674 76,112 25.19 0.459 0.794
40 21,212 90,131 66,156 21.82 0.417 0.537 Deviation from the original
50 21,225 90,179 66,159 21.82 0.417 0.537 Stackelberg values
60 21,225 90,256 66,159 21.82 0.417 0.537 10.1% 1.3% 15.1% 15.4%
F. Mafakheri, F. Nasiri / Journal of Cleaner Production 59 (2013) 185e196 193

size, market share, etc. In a reverse logistics, there are several an incentive to encourage the return of used cartridges by con-
reasons why a retailer will have difficulties in either anticipating sumers. As the quantity of returns increases, the manufacturer has a
the manufacturer’s revenue sharing decision or being able to better chance to increase the resale of refurbished products and/or
dictate a preferred outcome. First, there is a considerable delay achieve higher recycling targets, leading to higher shared revenues.
between the collection of returned cartridges by the retailer and This process is carried out against a backdrop of various costs
the receipt of shared revenue from the manufacturer. Also, there including collection, sorting, holding, processing, and trans-
are uncertainties about the quality of returned cartridges, which portation costs. In this sense, revenue sharing and return incentive
are later evaluated in the manufacturer’s facility. This affects the variables could reach an equilibrium level where no player can
refurbishability and recyclability of the collected products, leading obtain a higher net payoff by deviating from it. Such a sequential
to uncertainties in the expected revenues. In addition, waste coordination, which is repeated over time, was formulated as a
management regulatory frameworks generally emphasize the Stackelberg (leaderefollower) game and was simulated using an SD
manufacturer’s responsibility in this process, with no immediate model with feedback and delay components. We identified and
incentives for the retailers (Grimes-Casey et al., 2007). As a result of analyzed Pareto-optimal and equilibrium solutions for manufac-
the above challenges, the retailer prefers to play the reverse lo- turereretailer coordination. The initial results pointed to a clear
gistics coordination game passively following the strategies trade-off between individual players’ profit and supply chain
announced by the manufacturer. environmental performance. The obtained solutions also captured
There are several strategies that, if adopted, could encourage the the logic behind a sequential decision-making in manufacturere
retail entity to assume a leadership role in reverse logistics decision retailer coordination. The first mover advantage preserves manu-
making. First, the regulator could place a higher emphasis on facturer’s profit. However, this does not work to the best interest of
shared responsibilities through specific incentives for retailers. An the retailer as it lowers the revenue sharing ratio, which conse-
incentive to retailer could be in form of a municipal tax relief as a quently, caps the retailer’s incentive to consumers and reduces the
result of participation in solid waste reduction. Also, the retailer rate of cartridge returns.
could be authorized to charge a refundable deposit when selling a Reflecting on manufacturereretailer (leaderefollower) coordi-
new cartridge, which makes it similar to the case of refillable bot- nation, the main research question was to see if/how we could
tles (Grimes-Casey et al., 2007). This could serve as an additional improve the environmental performance of a reverse logistics. We
incentive for consumers to return their used cartridges (Lifset, have analyzed two main drivers of performance improvement
1993). Such strategies place the retailer in a stronger strategic po- namely external policy interventions and internal structural
sition with respect to manufacturer’s revenue sharing decision. In changes. In the first case, we monitored the impact of emission
addition, if a retailer works with multiple participating manufac- polices, such as a carbon tax or a cap-and-trade mechanism. It was
turers it can diversify its sources of income from shared revenues, revealed that these drivers of carbon mitigation have limited in-
easing the concerns about revenue sharing uncertainties. Also, fluence on improving the environmental performance of used
adopting efficient collection, inventory and transport strategies, to cartridge reverse supply chains. This is due to the fact that there is
reduce processing costs and delays and to increase the quality of sufficient profit from the resale of returned cartridges to trigger
returns, will again reduce the uncertainties about the revenues, and high level of environmental benefits. However, in comparison, a
thus, increases the ability of the retailer to anticipate the manu- carbon tax policy performed better than a cap-and-trade approach
facturer’s outputs. For instance, a decentralized reverse supply in terms of cartridge recovery rates and carbon mitigation. More
chain, where retailers can evaluate and sort the return products importantly, we have shown that a reversal of leader and follower
locally, could remarkably speed up the process while lowering the roles, as an internal driver of change, could remarkably improve the
overall costs (Blackburn et al., 2004). Establishment of a long-term environmental achievements. According to our findings, this role
relationship between the retailer and the consumers also contrib- reversal results in a more balanced revenue sharing practice, and
utes to maintaining a higher (and steady) return rate of used car- thus, a higher return incentive for consumers. We elaborated more
tridges (Grimes-Casey et al., 2007). This, however, not only relates on the practical implications of such a reversal, and the strategies to
to the extent of the incentives offered to consumers by the retailer encourage retailers to assume a leading role in establishing reverse
but also reflects consumer satisfaction toward the retailer in logistics coordination with manufacturers.
general. As one could conclude from this study, the analysis of the
In summary, the retailer not only face systematic challenges in environmental performance of the reverse logistics of used prod-
anticipating the manufacturer’s decision but also lack a strong ucts is subject to the availability of life cycle carbon emission data.
strategic position to dictate a preferred decision mainly due to the This requires transparency and openness from both manufacturer
lack of regulatory incentives as well as process (mainly sorting) and retailer in capturing and sharing data on collection, sorting,
inefficiencies in manufacturer’s facility. Strengthening the strategic refurbishment, and recycling processes. In addition, the environ-
position of retailer through external incentives or internal effi- mental performance of a reverse logistics is linked to quality of
ciency gains and/or reducing the process uncertainties (in terms of returned used products. This is due to the fact that the quality of
costs and delays) could strategically put the retailer in a leader returns determines their recycle-ability and refurbishability, and
position. In doing so, the retailer initiates the coordination by of- consequently, the extent of carbon recovery from the reverse lo-
fering incentives for returned products in anticipation of sharing gistics. It highlights the importance of careful collection and
the manufacturer’s revenue from resale of refurbished/recycled handling of the used products to preserve materials and carbon
materials, parts, and products. recovery potentials. In this sense, the sorting cost of used printer
cartridges accounts for a significant share of pre-processing costs
4. Conclusions (see Table 1). The issue of quality is also influencing the environ-
mental performance of a reverse logistics from the perspective of
This study was a first attempt to employ an SD approach to refurbished products. It is commonly believed that refurbished
model and analyze reverse supply chains, in a dynamic setting, cartridges are not as well performing as the new ones. To increase
where the coordination follows a Stackelberg decision-making the sale of remanufactured cartridges, which was linked to a higher
process. A manufacturer’s decision on sharing the foreseen reve- revenue sharing potential, we require an improved remanufactur-
nues with the participating retailer persuades the retailer to offer ing process and a greater emphasis on remarketing. Many
194 F. Mafakheri, F. Nasiri / Journal of Cleaner Production 59 (2013) 185e196

manufacturers might be reluctant to follow upon these steps, as the (18) Incentive Attractiveness ¼ MIN (Retailer’s Incentive to Con-
first one could increase their processing costs and the latter could sumers/(Retail Price of New Cartridge  Unit Refilling Price by
be considered as a threat and competition for their new products. Competition), 1), Units: Dimensionless
This study has focused on revenue sharing in a reverse logistics (19) Incentive Offered by Competition ¼ 1.1, Units: $/Unit
with one manufacturer, one retailer and one particular used
product. As a future direction, a more complex reverse supply chain (20) Incentive Ratio ¼ WITH LOOKUP (Revenue Sharing Ratio,
with multiple products and retailers can be examined. Also, we can ([(0,0)e(1,1)], (0,0.566), (0.1,0.566), (0.2,0.566), (0.3,0.566),
further analyze other forms of manufacturereretailer coordination (0.4,0.566), (0.5,0.397), (0.6,0.52), (0.7,0.262), (0.8,0.566),
contracts such as buy-back contracts (Yan, 2012). The estimation of (0.9,0), (1,0.566))), Units: Dimensionless
life cycle energy and water savings associated with the recovery of
used cartridges could also be of interest to policy makers and can be (21) Inventory of Refurbishable Returned Cartridge ¼ INTEG
explored through an SD framework. (Refurbishable Cartridge Delivery Rate  Refurbished Car-
tridge Selling Rate, 0), Units: Unit

(22) Inventory of Returned Cartridge for Recycling ¼ INTEG
(Recyclable Cartridge Delivery Rate  Selling Rate for Recy-
The idea of this paper was initiated and evolved when the first
cling, 0), Units: Unit
author was a visiting researcher at Yale University. Therefore, the
authors are very much grateful to Mr. Reid Lifset, Associate Director
(23) Manufacture’s Transportation Cost ¼ Manufacturer’s Unit
of the Industrial Environmental Management Program at Yale
Transportation Cost * Delivery Rate of Used Cartridge, Units:
University, for his insightful advice, suggestions and helps. We are
also very much grateful to four reviewers of this paper, whose
careful comments and suggestions were very helpful in improving
(24) Manufacturer’s Cost ¼ Manufacturer’s Inventory
the manuscript.
Cost þ Manufacture’s Transportation Cost þ Manufacturer’s
Sorting Cost þ Refurbishable Cartridge Delivery Rate * Unit
Appendix. Glossary of equations, variables, parameters, and Refurbishing Cost, Units: $/Month
their units as defined in VENSIM platform (in alphabetical
order) (25) Manufacturer’s Immediate Gain ¼ Manufacturer’s
Revenue * (1  Revenue Sharing Ratio)  Manufacturer’s
(1) Cap Regression Rate ¼ 0.02, Units: Dimensionless Cost  Carbon Emission Tax þ Carbon Credit Price * Emission
(2) Carbon Credit Price ¼ 0, Units: $/Ton Credit, Units: $/Month
(3) Carbon Emission Cap ¼ Gross Carbon Emissions * (1  Cap
Regression Rate * (1 þ INTEGER (Time/12))), Units: Ton/Month (26) Manufacturer’s Inventory Cost ¼ Inventory of Refurbishable
(4) Carbon Emission per New Cartridge ¼ 0.0012, Units: Ton/Unit Returned Cartridge * “Unit Inventory Cost (for
(5) Carbon Emission Tax ¼ Net Carbon Emissions * Carbon Tax Refurbishing)” þ Inventory of Returned Cartridge for
Ratio, Units: $/Month Recycling * “Unit Inventory Cost (for Recycling)”, Units:
(6) Carbon Mitigation ¼ Carbon Mitigation per Recycled $/Month
Cartridge * Recyclable Cartridge Delivery Rate þ Carbon
Mitigation per Refurbished Cartridge * Refurbishable Cartridge (27) Manufacturer’s Payback Scope ¼ 6, Units: Month
Delivery Rate, Units: Ton/Month
(7) Carbon Mitigation per Recycled Cartridge ¼ 0.0002, Units: (28) Manufacturer’s Payoff ¼ INTEG (Manufacturer’s Immediate
Ton/Unit Gain, 0), Units: $
(8) Carbon Mitigation per Refurbished Cartridge ¼ 0.0004, Units:
Ton/Unit (29) Manufacturer’s Revenue ¼ Refurbished Cartridge Selling
(9) Cartridge Sale ¼ RANDOM UNIFORM (4500, 5500, 0), Units: Rate * Market Price of Refurbished Cartridge þ Selling Rate for
Unit/Month Recycling * Recycler’s Purchasing Price, Units: $/Month
(10) Carbon Tax Ratio ¼ 0, Units: $/Ton
(11) Cumulative Carbon Mitigation ¼ INTEG (Carbon Mitigation, 0), (30) Manufacturer’s Sorting Cost ¼ Delivery Rate of Used
Units: Ton Cartridge * Manufacturer’s Unit Cost of Sorting, Units: $/Month

(12) Cumulative Gross Carbon Emissions ¼ INTEG (Gross Carbon (31) Manufacturer’s Unit Cost of Sorting ¼ 0.3, Units: $/Unit
Emissions, 0), Units: Ton
(13) Cumulative Net Carbon Emissions ¼ INTEG (Net Carbon (32) Manufacturer’s Unit Transportation Cost ¼ 0.01, Units: $/Unit
Emissions, 0), Units: Ton
(14) Cumulative Reclaimed Cartridges ¼ INTEG (Return Rate of (33) Market Price of Refurbished Cartridge ¼ 6, Units: $/Unit
Used Cartridge, 0), Units: Unit
(15) Delivery Rate of Used Cartridge ¼ IF THEN ELSE (Retailer’s (34) Net Carbon Emissions ¼ Gross Carbon Emissions  Carbon
Inventory of Used Cartridge >¼ Retailer’s Delivery Batch Size, Mitigation, Units: Ton/Month
INTEGER (Retailer’s Inventory of Used Cartridge/Retailer’s
Delivery Batch Size) * Retailer’s Delivery Batch Size, 0), Units: (35) Ratio of Refurbishables ¼ RANDOM UNIFORM (0.65, 0.75, 0),
Unit/Month Units: Dimensionless
(16) Emission Credit ¼ Carbon Emission Cap  Net Carbon Emis-
sions, Units: Ton/Month (36) Recyclable Cartridge Delivery Rate ¼ Delivery Rate of Used
(17) Gross Carbon Emissions ¼ Carbon Emission per New Cartridge  Refurbishable Cartridge Delivery Rate, Units: Unit/
Cartridge * New Cartridge Sale, Units: Ton/Month Month
F. Mafakheri, F. Nasiri / Journal of Cleaner Production 59 (2013) 185e196 195

(37) Recycler’s Purchasing Price ¼ 0.5, Units: $/Unit (57) Selling Rate for Recycling ¼ DELAY FIXED (Recyclable Cartridge
Delivery Rate, 1, 0), Units: Unit/Month
(38) Refurbishable Cartridge Delivery Rate ¼ Ratio of
Refurbishables * Delivery Rate of Used Cartridge, Units: Unit/ (58) “Unit Inventory Cost (for Recycling)” ¼ 0.05, Units:
Month $/(Unit * Month)

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bishable Cartridge Delivery Rate, 1, 0), Units: Unit/Month $/(Unit * Month)

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