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12/8/22, 10:53 AM "Installation failed.

llation failed. Reason: Failed to connect to the module, or the connection was lost" error when installing database

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"Installation failed. Reason: Failed to connect to the module, or the connection was lost" Technical Level

error when installing database

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Solution ID sk108261

Technical Level

Product Quantum Security Management, Multi-Domain Security Management

Version All
Platform / Model All
Date Created 19-Oct-2015
Last Modified 09-Apr-2021

"Installation failed. Reason: Failed to connect to the module, or the connection was lost." error when installing database on Security Ga
/ Cluster.


Installing database on R77 compatible targets:

Installing Databases on: <NAME_of_CLUSTER_OBJECT>
Database installation failed for Security Gateway <NAME_of_MEMBER_OBJECT_1> (member of <NAME_of_CLUSTER_OBJECT>)...
Installation failed. Reason: Failed to connect to the module, or the connection was lost.
Database installation canceled for Module <NAME_of_MEMBER_OBJECT_2> (member of <NAME_of_CLUSTER_OBJECT>)...

Database installation debug (per sk108263) shows:

... ... ...

get_host_statedir : return state dir = /opt/CPsuite-R77/fw1/state/<NAME_of_INVOLVED_GW_CLUSTER_OBJECT>
... ... ...
get_cond_statedir : return state dir = /opt/CPsuite-R77/fw1/state/<NAME_of_INVOLVED_GW_CLUSTER_OBJECT>/CPDB
... ... ...
CPTA_GetPolicyDescriptor: reading new policy file descriptor from /opt/CPsuite-
... ... ...
CPTA_GetPolicyDescriptor: new policy file descriptor doesn't exist, using old one
... ... ...
PolicyInfo::LoadOldFormatFrom - can't open /opt/CPsuite-R77/fw1/state/<NAME_of_INVOLVED_GW_CLUSTER_OBJECT>/CPDB.tmp/
... ... ...
CPTA_GetPolicyDescriptor: Failed to get old policy map file from /opt/CPsuite-
R77/fw1/state/<NAME_of_INVOLVED_GW_CLUSTER_OBJECT>/CPDB.tmp: No such file or directory
... ... ...

$FWDIR/state/<NAME_of_INVOLVED_GW_OBJECT>/CPDB.tmp directory is missing on Security Management Server / Domain Management Server.

Follow these steps:

1. Connect to command line on the involved Security Management Server / Multi-Domain Security Management Server.

2. Log in to Expert mode.

3. On Multi-Domain Security Management Server, switch to the context of involved Domain Management Server (that manages the involved Security Gateway / Clu

[Expert@HostName:0]# mdsenv <Domain_Name>

4. Manually create the missing directory and file:

[Expert@HostName:0]# mkdir -v $FWDIR/state/<NAME_of_INVOLVED_GW_CLUSTER_OBJECT>/

5. [Expert@HostName:0]# touch $FWDIR/state/<NAME_of_INVOLVED_GW_CLUSTER_OBJECT>/CPDB.tmp 1/2
12/8/22, 10:53 AM "Installation failed. Reason: Failed to connect to the module, or the connection was lost" error when installing database

6. Restart Check Point services:

On Security Management Server:

[Expert@HostName:0]# cpstop ; cpstart

On Multi-Domain Security Management Server:

[Expert@HostName:0]# mdsstop_customer <Domain_Name> ; mdsstart_customer <Domain_Name>

7. Connect with SmartDashboard to Security Management Server / Domain Management Server.

8. Install the database onto the involved Security Gateway / Cluster object.

This solution has been verified for the specific scenario, described by the combination of Product, Version and Symptoms. It may not work in other scenarios.

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