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Botanical Name - Oryza sativa

Family - Poaceae

C .N - 2n = 24 (diploid)

Origin place - South East Asia ( India )

India - Jaipur (Orrisa )

Area and distribution :-

1st 2nd

Area - India - China

Production - China - India

Productivity - USA - Japan

IN India:-

1st 2nd

Area - West-Bengal - UP

Production - West-Bengal - UP

Production - Punjab

Research Institute
 CRRI ( Central rice research institute ) cuttack (Odisha).
 IRRI ( International rice research institute ) Philippines.
 PDRR ( Project directorate of rice research )Hyderabad.


 Major crop of India - Paddy

 60% of population depend upon Rice ( Paddy ).
 Paddy is major crop of kharif season.
 Short day , C3 plant , cereal crops, self pollinated , herbaceous
 Among cereal ,rice is number one in both area and production.
 Rice are most water dependent plant.For producing 1kg of rice
grain 5000 litre of water is required.
 The main protein in rice is oryzenin.


 24 Species are found in paddy genus in which only two species are
(1) Oryza sativa ( Asiatic rice 2n = 24)
Its 3 subspecies
(a)Indica - Cultivated in India
(b) Japonica – Cultivated in Japan
(c)Javanica \Balu – Cultivated in Indonesia
(2) Oryza glaberrima (Africian rice)


S. N.o Varities Place Sowing Harvesting

time time
1 Aus Rice W. B, Bihar April - May Aug - Sept
2 Aman Rice Odissa June - July Nov. - Dec.
3 Boro Rice W. B Nov. - Dec. April - May

NOTE – Paddy is mainly kharif crop.


 C3 Plant , short day plant and required both and humid climate.
 Self pollinated crop.
 Hulling percentage in rice is 66%.
 PH range for rice cultivation is 4 – 6
 The grain of paddy is called caryopsis.
 Aerenchyma tissue is present in the leaves of paddy.
 Inflorescence of rice is called panicle.
 Rice stem is commonly called haulm or culm.


 Broad casting - 100 kg \ ha.

 Drilling - 60 kg \ ha.
 Dapog method - 1.5 – 3 kg \ m square
 Hybrid rice - 15 kg \ ha
 SRI method - 5 – 6 kg \ hec.
o Field requirement for sowing of 1 hec.=1/20th of 1 hec.
= 1000 into 1/20 =500m square

Paddy nursery and area ratio

👉 Dapog - 1 : 250 m. Sq.
👉SRI - 1:100 m. Sq.
👉Soaking - 1 :10 m. Sq.
 Methods of preparing paddy nursery
(1) Dapog method
 This method was invented in Manila , Philippines .
 By this method plants becomes plantable in the field in 12 days.
 In this method the nursery is soil free.
 One hectare farms requires 45-50 m square nursery.
(2) SRI Method ( System of rice intensification)
 This method was invented in Madagascar hence,It is also called
Madagascar method.
 In 1980 , S.J. Henry D. Lele developed this method.
 The age of the plant is 8-10 days at the time of planting.
 This method was first adapted by TNAU in India.
 Spacing = 25 multiply 25 Cm

3. Wet method

Area of nursery = total cropped area/ 10

 For planting paddy in one hectare field 0.1 ha or 1000 square


4. ARS ( Arobic Rice system )

 Paddy is grown directly in dry bed.

 Paddy is grown in segregated soil free from sludge – free

Processes in paddy cultivation

(i) Hulling – Removing of hull, dehusking of Grains

(ii) Pudding – Pudding is churning the soil with water.
 It reduces percolation losses of water.
 To reduce weeds infestations.
 To increase nutrients availability.
 It increase the bulk density of soil from 1.4 to 1.7 g/cc.
 It is done with puddler.
(iii) Miling – polishing of Rice grain
 After miling Rice are vit.B deficient and its deficiency can
caused Beri – Beri
 Aleulone and Embryo are removed.
(iv) Polishing of Rice – Removal of fine bran from milled Rice.
(v) Parboiling – hot water treatment. ( to store V-B12 )
(vi) Beushening – Cross ploughing the young crop 4-6 weeks after
 It is done to control weeds, optimize crop stand provide soil

Fertilizer Management

 NPK ratio
 Ammonium Sulphate is the most widely used fertilizer in paddy.
 Paddy plant absorbs Nitrogen in the form of ammonia.
 Methane gas (CH4) is released from the paddy field.
 Paddy plant has arenchyma cells which are used for respiration.
 The fertilizer utilization efficiency of paddy is 30 – 40 %

Biological Nitrogen Fixation in paddy

 Bio fertilizer can reduced 25 – 30 percent demand of Nitrogen

for paddy.
 In adding to BGA (Blue Green Algae), the association of the
water from Azolla with the blue green algae. Annabaena
azollae also help in biological Nitrogen fixation.
 Non –symbiotic Nitrogen fixation in paddy field is done by

NOTE – Azolla is an aquatic fern. BGA is found on its leaves.


 This disease is caused by the deficiency of Zinc at nursery stage.

 In this disease , the top of the leaf starts drying and turns yellow
and dries up.
 Its discovered by Y.L.Nere in 1966 at pantnagar.
 Foliar Spary of 0.5 % ZNSO4 should be done for it control.
 It is also called iron rust.

Browning of Rice

 Iron toxicity in rice is known as browning of rice.

 Phalguna variety is tolerance of Fe – toxicity.

 Reclamiation disease
 Caused by deficiency of copper.
 Akiochi Disease
 Caused by H2S toxicity
 White Eye
 Caused by the deficiency of Iron.
 Golden Rice
 It is a transgenic crop.
 It is made with the help of bacteria
 It colour is golden or yellow.
 B – carotin is found which is vit A.
 Discovered by Ingo – potikus and peter (Germany)

 It was discovered in India by Gurudev Khush Singh
 He was awarded world food prize in 1996.
 Lunishree variety is called Super Rice.

 Development of hybrid paddy by Y.L ping was first done in china
in 1970.
 The large area of hybrid paddy is in china about 50 %
 The area of hybrid paddy in India is 2.5 %
 Hybrid paddy in India in 1994.

Major Weeds

(1) Echinochola crysgalli (Barn yard grass )

(2) Echinochlor colonum ( wild paddy )

Weed Management

 By using Herbicides Propanil (stam F – 34 ) and Butachlor

 Imazapyr herbicide is also used.

Note –

(i) The aroma in rice is due to 2 acetyl – 1 – pyrroline.

(ii) Vyasi method is related to paddy, in this method the seeds are
sown in a dry field and those seeds germinate when it rain. It is
also called khuri sowing.
(iii) Beasi method is more prevalent in Chhattisgarh
(iv) Border method is also related to paddy and saves 25 %
fertilizer and seed.

Variety of paddy

1. TN-1 is the first dwarf variety of paddy.

Full name of TN is Taichung Native (1964 – 65 )
2. First high yielding dwarf variety developed in world is IR8
 Developed by crossing ( Peta multiply Dee – gee – woo – ger )
 IR-8 is developed by IRRI.
 TN -1 was first variety to be in introduced in India in 1964.
 IR -8 was the second introduced variety in India from the IRRI,
Manila (Philippines) in 1965.
3. Highly yield Dwarf variety which is developed in India for the first
time is Jaya in 1968.
 Jaya is also known as “ Miracle rice in India “
 It was evolved by Dr. shastry
 Jaya is developed by crossing TN – 1 multiply Type 141.
4. Mutant varieties (Dwarf) – Jagan nath and sattari
5. BLB (Bacterial leaf Blight ) Resistant :- TKM -6
- IRBB60
6. Submerged varieties – Jalmagan, Jaladhi, Jalpriya Pankaj
7. Fragrant varieties – Badshah Bhog , Kasturi, N-10 B, Pusa Basmati
8. Salinity tolerant – Lunishree, IR-8
9. Suitable for direct seedling – Bola, Cauvery , Pusa 2-21
10. PRH -10 – world first hybrid of Basmati
11. CORH-1 - India first hybrid rice.
12. World first Basmati varieties developed in India is Pusa
Basmati -1 by IARI.
13. Sub-mergence to lerance gene – Sub – 1 – gene
14. Other varieties – Kaveri , Ratna, Saket, Kanchan, IR -20
15. Hybrid varieties of rice made in India first time in 1994.
These are : APRH -1 , APRH – 2, MGR – 1, KRH -1

Major diseases

(1) Bacteria leaf Bligh (BLB) –

 Caused by Xanthomonas oryzae (Bacteria)
 In nursery this disease is known as ‘Kresek’ disease
 Yellowing bacteria ooze appears on the surface of legions
(2) Blast Disease
 Caused by pyricularia oryzae (fungus)
 Also called rich men’s disease
 Brown spindle eye or boat shaped lesion on leaf, and leaf
(3) Brown leaf spot
 Caused by Helmin thosporium Oryzae
 It is responsible for the great Bengal famine (1943)
 This disease is severe in potash deficient soil
(4) Tungro Disease
 Caused by rice Tungro virus
 Vector – Green leaf Hopper.
(5) Bakane Disease
 Caused by Gibberella fujkoral
 Also called “Folish seeding disease”
(6) Khaira Disease
 Caused due to deficiency of Zinc (Zn)
 Usually in nursery chloratic or yellow patches at leaf bases on
both sides of mid-rib.
(7) False smut – caused by claviceps – oryzae – sativae

Major Insects

(1) Gunghi bug (Leptocorisa acuta)

 Attack at the flowering stage
Flowering - Milking
(2) Yellow stem boren
 Dead plant symptoms because of this ear will be white.
(4) Brown plant happer (Nil pravata lugans)
(5) Army worm.


(1) Pendi methaline (2) Butachlor (3) Imazathapyr.

Important points

 Rice contains 6 – 7 % protein

 Hulling percent in rice is 66 %
 The optimum temperature for paddy cultivation is 30 – 32
degree C
 The critical stage of paddy irrigation is booting stage and
maximum water is required at the stage.
 Transplanting of paddy plants is done after 25 – 30 days. But
in de – pog method it has to be done within 12 days.
 5 cm of water is filled in paddy field.
 18 % silicon is found in paddy husks.
 (18 – 20)% Rice bran oil is found in rice husks.
 The test weight of paddy is 25 gm where as the test weight
of Basmati paddy is 21 gm.
 Nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) = 30 – 40 %
 Puddling stops percolation of water
 Gas resale seed from paddy field is CH4 (methane)
 Bio-fertilizer of rice is Azolla

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