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Question Answer Comment

1 a This is the sqrt(n) factor in the denominator of the standard error.

2 d This is the Empirical Rule in the regression context.
3 b See Class 13 notes , slide 7.1.
4 a A 99.7% CI would have width +/- 3 std.err, whereas a 95% CI would have width +/-2 std.err.
5 e Definitional.
6 d 10 * 0.2 + 20 * 0.5 + 30 * 0.3 21
7 c Note the tracking in the residual plot.
8 a Definitional.
9 e Collinearity is correlation between the x-variables. It says nothing about the distribution of the x-variable.
10 b Log transforms reduce right skewness of positively valued data.
11 a Simply parse the output.
12 a The t-stat is (3.946 - 3.5)/0.1459 = 3.05. The p-value must be less than 0.003. 3.056888
13 a Both residual plots look good.
14 b Find the 95% CI for the slope, then multiply both ends by 5. 111.916 227.674
15 e Find the 95% CI for the slope and see if 35 is in there. (It is). 22.3832 45.5348
16 c Multiply the slope by 5 and interpret. 169.7975
17 c The log-log model has percent change in x to percent change in y, interpretations for the slope.
18 b Create a prediction interval on the log scale, then exponentiate both ends. 15480.32 99454.2
19 e You can't spot leverage from a multiple regression residual plot.
20 c West. They are the reference group. Both other regions have negative coefficients, so smaller predicted values.
21 d The partial-F test in the Effects Tests table answers this question.
22 a Definitional. Answer c would require a three-way interaction.
23 c The interaction term isn't significant. And we would never remove Region and keep the interaction.
24 c Use the marginal probability to back out W, then the fact that probabilities add to 1 for Z.
25 b Identify the two-simple events that make up this more complex event: 0.2 + 0.1.
26 d This is a conditional probability: 0.1/0.2.

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