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Are you work/ or student?

Well, currently I am a college junior at Petro Vietnam University which is one of
the top Universities in this country for people who are interested in the petro
I major in refining petro chemicals the reason why I opted for this major is
beacause I have loved chemistry ever since I was a kid and I thought that with this
major I could learn more about ….
Only thing I really enjoy about my study, and this is true I’m not lying is that the
lectures in my university are very supportive. If there’s anything that I do not
understand I can just ask them in person or send them an email and they’ll answer
me right away. Their teaching methods are also very engaging, most lectures in my
faculty are relatively young so they know how to relate to us young adults.
This is tough question, I love my study so much that I don’t have anything to
complain, but if there’s one thing that I’m not really fond of I think it is a huge
amount of homework and assignment that the teacher gives us they’re really
overwhelming sometimes.

Mock Speaking Test

BOOKS & READING -> Describe a book

Do you like reading?

Yes, I’m definitely a bibliophile (a person who loves to read)! I believe that
books are a way to not only escape, but also gain more knowledge. By the same
token, people who read tend to have a richer vocabulary and a higher level of
general knowledge, so they tend to have more to talk about, and are thus more
Describe a book.
Well, I’d like to tell you about a book called How to win friend and influence
people which is writen by Dale Carnegie. This book was first published in 1973. It
was an overnight hit, eventually selling 15 million copies.
Speaking of author, to be honest, I don’t know more details about Dale Carnegie
since it is not the key point for me, but I do know that he is a world-famous writer
and speaker.
This book is all about building relationships. Three thing that I achieved from this
book is.
Make friends quickly and easily
Become a better speaker
Get out of a mental rut, think new thoughts

Well, I’d like to talk about a journey that I took when I came to HCM city for the
first time in 2018. Together with my father, I went to the Thao Cam Vien, which is
a popular tourist attraction. It’s a famous zoo which is located in the district one of
HCM city.

 The first thing that impressed me, as we entered the zoo, was its size and beauty. I
could hardly believe that a zoo could be so large. In beauty too it was one of the
best places that I had ever seen. I saw many kinds of plants and flowers all round.
There are also have a wide range of wild animal such as elephant, monkey, lion
tiger, ostrich, and some of them scared me like python, snake. Out of all the
animals at the zoo, my favorite is the giraffes. Giraffes are the world's tallest
mammals, thanks to their towering legs and long necks. A short mane runs down
the length of their long necks, and their coat is covered with a blotched/blocky
pattern. Their base color is light cream, and their spots range from dark brown to
burnt orange in color. Their primary diet is the leaves of trees and bushes, but they
will also eat branches, bark, twigs, and some fruit.

Do people in your country usually use public transportation.
Well, my country is still developing and not a lot of people can afford to own a car,
so I believe a lot of people are rellying on using transportation- I guess more than
half of the population.
What is the most popular mode of transportation in your home town.
My hometome is really remote so it’s expected that we don’t have plenty of
choices in terms of public transportation, so basically people in my hometown own
vehicles. It’s common in every household have at least one motobike that is the
main means of transportation there.
Do people in your country drive to work
It depends. If we talk about people in cities, they normally use the public
transportation since the system is incredibly convenient. Our government invested
so much on transportation in cities because the business is centered in those places.
However, If we talk about the rural area just like where I come from, we definitely
drive to work because there’s no any other way, unless you’re patient enough to
spend so much time wating for the bus.

ANIMALS -> Describe your favorite wild animal/ Describe a zoo

1. Do you like animals?

2. What’s your favourite animal? Why?

3. Are people in your country fond of animals?

4. What kinds of animals as a pet do the people have in your country?

5. Do you think cities are suitable places for keeping a pet?

6. Do children in your country like animals?

7. What kind of animals do you think children like?

8. What was your favourite animal when you were a child?


1. Do you like watching TV programs about wild animals?

2. Did you learn something about wild animals at school?

3. Where can you see wild animals?

4. In which country do you think you can see a lot of wild animals?

5. Have you ever seen any wild animals before?

6. What wild animal do you like the most?

7. Do you like to go to the zoo?

8. Have you ever kept a pet?

TOWN & CITTY -> Describe a journey/ a city

You’ve asked me to describe a city that I would like to live in. And to that aim,
I’ve decided to talk about Da Lat, a small city located in the highlands of Vietnam.
Da Lat is quite far from Ho Chi Minh City, about 6 to 7 hours of travelling by car
through fruit plantations and windy mountain roads. And because of its location in
the high mountains, the city’s temperature can drop down to 15 degrees Celsius,
which is much cooler than where I am from. Besides the atmosphere, its scenery,
the spectacular waterfalls for example, also contribute to make Da Lat one of the
most famous tourist attractions in Vietnam. Some people told me that I’m out of
my mind, but it’s my life goal to own a cosy house in Da Lat and move there
permanently when I’m older. The dream house that I have in mind will be located
on a upper hill far from the centre so I can see the beauty of the whole city. As I’ve
mentioned above, the weather, the scenery and also the culinary specialties are the
reasons why I want to live in Da Lat. Moreover, unlike Saigonese people like
myself, Da Lat and its people have a very calm and relaxed way of enjoying life.
And that’s basically what we all need when we grow older!

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