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Hoërskool Overkruin

Natuurwetenskap: Biologie/ Natural Sciences: Biology

Werkkaart: Son en planete
Worksheet: Sun and planets

Bestudeer die diagram en beantwoord die vrae wat volg.
Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow.


1.1 Benoem A tot I.

Label A to I
1.2 Waaruit bestaan A?
What does A consist out of?
1.3 Watter reaksie vind in A plaas?
Which reaction happens in A?
1.4 Verduidelik die reaksie in VRAAG 1.3
Explain the reaction in QUESTION 1.3

1.5 Wat word die swart kolle op A genoem?
What are the black dots on A called?
1.6 Teken ‘n tabel wat die volgende voorstel vir B tot I. Temperatuur, Tydperk van
omwenting om son, Tydperk van asomwenting, Hoeveelheid mane
Draw a table that illustrates the following for B to I. Temperature, Time for orbit
around sun, Time for axis orbit, Amount of moons.
1.7 Waaruit bestaan die atmosfeer van C?
What does the atmosphere of C consist out of?
1.8 Watter planet is baie droog?
Which planet is very dry?
1.9 Watter planeet word ook die rooi planeet geoem?
Which planet is also called the red planet?
1.10 Watter planeet is die grootste?
Which planet is the largest?
1.11 Waaruit bestaan G?
What is G made up of?
1.12 Watter planeet is die ligste in die sonnestelsel?
Which planet is the lightest in the solar system?
1.13 Watter planeet is die enigste planeet wat lewe kan onderhou?
Which planet is the only planet that can sustain life?
1.14 Hoe verskil H se rotasie om sy eie as?
How does H orbit differ around its own axis?
1.15 Wat kom in die atmosfeer van I voor?
What is present in the atmosphere of I?

Hoërskool Overkruin
Natuurwetenskap: Biologie/ Natural Sciences: Biology
Werkkaart: Son en planete
Worksheet: Sun and planets

1.1 A: Son/ Sun

B: Mercuries
C: Venus
D: Aarde/ Earth
E: Mars
F: Jupiter
G: Saturnus
H: Uranus
I: Neptunus/ Neptune
1.2 74.5% Waterstof/ Hydrogen
24.5% Helium
1% Ander stowwe/ Other substances
1.3 Kernfusie/ Nuclear fusion
1.4 Waterstof en Helium/ Hydrogen and Helium
1.5 Sonvlekke/ Sun spots
Tabel wat verskillende eienskappe van planete toon
Table showing different characteristics of planets
Naam/ Termperatuur/ Son Asomwenteling/ Mane/
Name Temperature omwenteling/ Axis rotation Moons
OC Sun rotation
B Mercuries -180 - 430 88d 59d 0
C Venus 467 225d 243d 0
D Aarde 14 365.2d 24u/h 1
E Mars -8.7 - 17 687d 24.6u/h 2
F Jupiter -125-17 4332d 9.8u/h 63
G Saturnus -185 29.5 j/y 10.5u/h 53
H Uranus -221 84j/y 17u/h 27
I Neptunus -218 164.8 j/y 16u/h 13

1.7 Koolstofdioksied/ Carbon dioxide

1.8 C-Venus

1.9 E- Mars
1.10 F-Jupiter
1.11 Waterstof en Helium/ Hydrogen and Helium
1.12 G- Saturnus
1.13 D- Aarde/ Earth
1.14 Roteer skuins om sy eie as/ Rotates sideways around its own axis
1.15 Groot wit wolk wat beweeg/ Large white cloud that moves

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