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(in accordance with the updated Code of doctoral studies)

This procedure takes into account the changes of the Code of doctoral studies brought by the
Romanian Government Decree no. 134/2016, and by the Regulation on the organization and
functioning of CNATDCU approved through order of the ministry no. 3482 from 24.03.2016.

Preliminary operations, which prepare the submission of the doctoral thesis at the
secretariate of the Institute for Doctoral Studies (ISD)

1. The supervisor or the doctoral student delivers the final version of the doctoral thesis in digital
format to the person in charge from the doctoral school to do the analysis of similarities (in 5
working days from the submission of the thesis). At the same time, the student registers a request
pre-defense, at the doctoral school, with the approval of the doctoral supervisor, regarding the start
of procedures for the analysis of similarities, and the start of the thesis evaluation by the guidance
committee. The doctoral school carries out the analysis of similarities in accordance with the UBB
Antiplagiarism procedure. The length of the verification can’t more than 30 days from thesis

2. The Similarity Report is handed out to the doctoral supervisor (in 5 working days from the
generated date of the similarity report), who will draw up the Doctoral supervisor’s resolution
regarding the Similarity Report. After the similarity report, it is not allowed to make any other
changes to the thesis, only if the pre-defense committee asked for modifications. If the student
needs to make changes to the thesis, he/she must repeat the procedure for the similarity report
and the pre-defense in front of the committee.

3. The pre-defense is the presentation of the doctoral thesis by the doctoral student in front of the
guidance committee from that doctoral school. The pre-defense can be public. A minute (proces-
verbal) will be drawn up at the pre-defense proceedings, which will include the decision of the
doctoral supervisor, and of the members of the guidance committee regarding the official
submission of the thesis, and their decision regarding the organization of the public defense. The
minute (proces-verbal) will comprise the doctoral supervisor’s agreement regarding the public
defense of the doctoral thesis, the agreement of each member of the doctoral committee, the
decision regarding the official submission of the thesis, and regarding the organization of the public
defense. The minute (proces-verbal) will be accompanied by the doctoral supervisor’s acceptance
review. The length of thesis evaluation by the guidance committee can’t exceed 30 days.

4. The doctoral student delivers to the Institute for Doctoral Studies the following documents (if the
decision of the doctoral supervisor, and of the members of the doctoral committee, regarding the
official submission of the thesis, and regarding the organization of the public defense, has been

Documents required for the official submission of the doctoral thesis

at the Institute for Doctoral Studies, for the public defense


1. the doctoral thesis acceptance review, from the doctoral supervisor (1 copy);
2. the request for pre-defense, signed by the doctoral student, registered at the doctoral school
and approved by the doctoral supervisor, regarding the start of the similarities analysis
procedures and of the thesis evaluation by the guidance committee; (the form it is available
on the website of the Institute for Doctoral Studies, 1 copy)
3. the Similarity Report in digital format on the CD/DVD;

4. the doctoral supervisor’s resolution regarding the Similarity Report (the form it is available
on the website of the Institute for Doctoral Studies, 1 copy);

5. the minute (proces-verbal) from the pre-defense in front of the guidance committee, which
will comprise the doctoral supervisor’s agreement regarding the public defense of the
doctoral thesis, the agreement of each member of the guidance committee, and the decision
regarding the official submission of the thesis and the organization of the public defense (the
form it is available on the website of the Institute for Doctoral Studies, 1 copy);

6. the doctoral thesis and its annexes (2 printed copies, final version, bound and hard covered);

7. the long/extended summary of the doctoral thesis, in Romanian language, and in a widely
spoken language, comprising the thesis’ table of content, keywords, and synthesis of the
main parts of the doctoral thesis (on the CD/DVD);

8. declaration signed by the doctoral student, and by the doctoral supervisor, in which they
assume responsibility for the doctoral thesis, and regarding the observance of the legal
provisions from art. 143 paragraph (4) and art. 170 of the National education law no.
1/2011, and from Art. 65 paragraphs (5)-(7) and Art. 66 paragraph (4) of the Code of
doctoral studies, modified by the Government Decision no. 134/2016 (the form it is
available on the website of the Institute for Doctoral Studies, 1 copy)

9. Curriculum Vitae (Resume) of the doctoral student (printed, 2 copies);

10. Copy of the public defense fee invoice (only for tuition paying doctoral students);
11. The Clearance form signed by all parties:

12. the doctoral supervisor’s proposal concerning the members of the doctoral committee,
approved by the council of the doctoral school (the form it is available on the website of the
Institute for Doctoral Studies, 1 copy)

13. Curriculum Vitae of each member of the doctoral committee.


Two compact-discs (CD/DVD-Read only) with the following content

A. the doctoral thesis and its annexes (one PDF file with the whole text of the doctoral thesis,
including the table of content, and the bibliography);
B. The similarity report generated by the doctoral school;

C. the long summary of the doctoral thesis in Romanian language, with the thesis’ table of
content and keywords (one PDF file);
D. the long summary of the doctoral thesis in a widely spoken language, with the thesis’ table
of content and keywords (one PDF file);

E. Curriculum Vitae of the doctoral student;

F. scanned copies of the publications resulted from the scientific research of the doctoral
studies program, published or accepted for publication, in PDF format;

G. a list of 5-10 keywords in Romanian and English, and a short abstract (1000-1700
characters) in Romanian and English, written in the document provided by us (the form
named „Keywords and short abstract”); (the form it is available on the website of the
Institute for Doctoral Studies)

IMPORTANT NOTE: The documents submitted in PDF digital format will have the main text
presented as a text, not as images; the audio, video, and graphic illustrations are exempt from this
rule; in the PDF document, one should be able to use the “search” function.
Therefore, the copies of the doctoral thesis and of the summaries will be submitted in printed form
(A4 format), and in digital form (pdf searchable, included on the above-mentioned CDs).

If all documents listed under this section are being submitted, the secretariat of the Institute
for Doctoral Studies issues the registered certificate confirming the official submission of the
doctoral thesis for the public defense (according to Art. 4 paragraph a) from the Doctoral
theses evaluation methodology Annex 1).

Documents required for the commencement, by the Institute for

Doctoral Studies, of the doctoral thesis public defense procedure

will be submitted to the Institute for Doctoral Studies at least 23 calendar days prior to the date
proposed for the public defense


1. the reviews from the officially appointed members of the doctoral committee, signed by them (1

2. request for scheduling the doctoral thesis public defense date, signed by the doctoral supervisor,
by the director of the doctoral school, and by the president of the doctoral committee; this request
can be registered only if all documents listed up to this point are submitted to the Institute for
Doctoral Studies; (the form it is available on the website of the Institute for Doctoral Studies, 1

3. list of the publications resulted from the scientific research of the doctoral studies program,
published or accepted for publication, if applicable, signed by the doctoral student and by the
doctoral supervisor (1 copy);

4. doctoral student’s declaration regarding his options for the publication of the doctoral thesis (the
form it is available on the website of the Institute for Doctoral Studies, 1 copy)
5. doctoral student’s request for the issuance of the diploma. The document must be written on
the computer (1 copy, signed by the doctoral student, and by the doctoral supervisor); (the form it
is available on the website of the Institute for Doctoral Studies)
6. passport copy (valid)

Previous studies and identity

• High School graduation diploma (certified copy, if the original is written in English, French,
or Romanian; if the original is written in any other language, a certified translation in Romanian or
English is required, together with a copy of the original document)
• Bachelor degree diploma with the transcript of records or diploma supplement (certified
copies, if the originals are written in English, French, or Romanian; if the originals are written in
any other language, certified translations in Romanian or English are required, together with copies
of the original documents)
• Master degree diploma with the transcript of records or diploma supplement (certified
copies, if the originals are written in English, French, or Romanian; if the originals are written in
any other language, certified translations in Romanian or English are required, together with copies
of the original documents)
• Birth certificate (certified copy, if the original is written in English, French, or Romanian; if
the original is written in any other language, a certified translation in Romanian or English is
required, together with a copy of the original document)
• Marriage certificate (if the name changed subsequent to marriage) or any other document,
relevant as a proof of current name (certified copies, if the originals are written in English, French,
or Romanian; if the originals are written in any other language, certified translations in Romanian
or English are required, together with copies of the original documents) At this point, we are
interested in getting a document relevant for the transition from the birth certificate name to the
passport name (a certificate from the population registry, for example, showing how and why the
name has changed)

The organization of the doctoral thesis public defense meeting can be started by the
secretariat of the Institute for Doctoral Studies only subsequent to receiving the thesis reviews
from the doctoral supervisor/supervisors and from all the official reviewers. The public
defense is subject to approval by the CSUD director. Following the director’s approval, the
secretariat of the Institute for Doctoral Studies posts the public defense notice on the website at least 20 calendar days prior to the proposed defense date. It also sends
the printed notice to the doctoral school, for posting on the school notice board.



The CSUD director approves the organizing of public defense of the doctoral thesis only after
submission of all documents mentioned in the list of documents required for the doctoral thesis
public defense procedure, and after submission of all the thesis reviews, written by the
supervisor/supervisors, and by all official reviewers, members of the doctoral committee.

The interval between the public defense approval date, and the date of the public defense
meeting must be at least 23 days.

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