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A Research paper

Presented to the

Faculty of Asia Technological School of Science and Arts

City of Santa Rosa Laguna


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of HUMSS for the course

Practical Research 2


Sulit, Fhel Alejandra A.

Absalon, Louise Kate M.

Belardo, Jamilah V.

Cruz, Rosevenz D.

Tapay, Justin Harvy C.

                          Quintos, Jade Jewel F.

  Alvarez, Tyron Accel I.



Chapter I



      Even now and then, people are still experiencing stereotyping. Although

stereotype can be either positive or negative, they rarely provide true

information about the others. People learn stereotyping through parents,

significant others and the social media. People get stereotyped on their sex,

gender identity, race and ethnicity, nationality, socioeconomic, status,

language and other factors. A profiled view or assumption about the

attributes, characteristics of women and men, as well as the roles they

should play, is known as a gender stereotype. When it restricts women's and

men's ability to develop their personal skills, pursue professional careers, or

make life-altering decisions, a gender stereotype is destructive (Office of the

High Commissioner for Human Rights 2014). Gender stereotyping is the

practice of assigning specific roles, characteristics, or traits to a single

woman or man based solely on their membership in the social group of


women or men. When it leads to a violation of human rights or fundamental

freedoms, gender stereotyping is catastrophic (Office of the High

Commissioner for Human Rights 2014).

Traditionally in gender stereotyping people experience things such as

girls and women is to marry and have children. She is also to put her

family's well-being before her own; be loving, compassionate, caring,

nurturing, and sympathetic; and find time to be sexy and feel beautiful and

expected to dress in typically feminine ways, be polite, and

accommodating. Men are to be the financial provider. He is also to be

assertive, competitive, independent, courageous, and career‐focused; hold

his emotions in check; and are generally expected to be strong, aggressive,

and bold, because of these, gender stereotyping is a big issue within

our society, it can affects people in many ways. That is why the researchers

conducted this study to know the effects in the behaviourof those students

who experience gender stereotyping. This is the researcher’s research topic:

Gender Expectations: Effects of stereotyping in the behavior among Grade

12 students at Asia Technological School of Science and Art SY. 2022 -

2023. It is all about the effects of gender stereotyping in the


students behaviours. Extreme gender stereotypes are harmful because they

forbid individuals from completely expressing their thoughts and feelings.

Men who feel that they aren't allowed to cry or exhibit sensitive feelings,

for instance, suffer from this. Additionally, it is bad for women to believe

that they are independent, intelligent, or ambitious (Plant Parenthood Care

2022). Hence, a gender stereotype is bad when it restricts the ability of both

men and women to advance their personal qualities or professional skills

and to make decisions about their lives and objectives (Iberdrola 2022).

Gender stereotypes affects both genders around the world, because of this,

children at a very early age reducing their aspirations and limiting their

career options, it can also affect with their learning and academic


    Gender Stereotyping affects people's clothing, hobbies and perspective,

Moreover it gives a negative repercussions to people's self esteem,

relationship and influence to other people. Gender stereotyping is

detrimental because they may influence us to perceive things differently.

The pursuit of true gender equality is seriously hampered by gender

stereotyping, which also contributes to discrimination against gender. First

and foremost, the researcher’s objective is to know and to gather useful


knowledge that will help the researchers in the future. The second goal is to

help people define, and to determine what is gender stereotyping, what are

the causes of stereotyping in the students life. The third goal is to help the

readers to discover new ideas and ensure that students make the best use of

existing good information and finally to gain experience that the researchers

desperately need. The researchers selected this issue because gender

stereotyping affects a large number of people, and the researcher wants to

know how it influences the learners.

Background of the Study

     Stereotype referred as an excessive belief connected to a category. By

understanding stereotypes as distinctly cognitive phenomena, this definition

distinguishes them from other types of intergroup bias based on Allport

(1979, p. 191). Stereotypes are beliefs and assumptions individuals hold

about someone based on that person's perceived membership in a particular

social group (Fiske, Cuddy, & Glick, 2007). Stereotyping refers to putting

someone into a predetermined mold and denying their uniqueness. The

word is derived from a copying technique developed by William Ged in

1725. Furthermore, in 1922 book, Lippman was the first who coined the

term stereotype in order to characterize the perceived qualities of a social

group to determine the social group's perceived characteristics (Hewstone,

Glick & Esses, 2010).

There is frequently broad agreement regarding gender stereotypes, which

are generalizations about how men and women behave. The unequal

distribution of men and women in social roles at home and at work,

according to social role theory, is the source of gender stereotypes (Eagly,

1987, 1997; Koenig and Eagly, 2014). In foraging societies as well as more

socioeconomically advanced ones, there has long been a division of work

based on gender (Wood and Eagly, 2012). There has apparently been

discrimination against citizens based on their gender for many years.

According to Plous, 2003; Whitley & Kite in year 2006, it appears that mass

media, which includes movies, television, and ads, is replete with

stereotypes and is a key source of stereotypes people learn as a result of the

globalization of media coverage over the previous few decades. Despite the

fact that the media did not invent stereotyping, it has a significant impact on

its creation and maintenance (Cooke-Jackson & Hansen, 2008). Every day,

stereotypical pictures are presented in the media, and these portrayals may

lead to prejudice against out-groups, resulting in people having unfavorable


and emotional reactions toward members of these groups

(Ramasubramanian, 2005).

As a result of how boys and girls are raised and taught, research shows that

gender disparities emerge over the course of a person's life. In this process,

biological variations pave the way for common conceptions of the

distinctive qualities and capacities of men and women. The findings of the


However, indicate that it is not biological differences between men and

women but rather the many cultural roles and power positions that men as

economic providers and women as homemakers occupy that exacerbate and

magnify initial inequities. Social roles have been discovered to have a

gender-neutral impact on the regulation of hormones, self-control, and

social behaviour, which ultimately results in diverse thoughts, feelings,

and behaviours in men and women (Eagly & Wood 2013).

Given the cited information above, it is reasonable to infer that gender

stereotyping has a significant effect on how an individual behaves. In order

to understand the issue of gender stereotyping effects on an individual,

numerous researchers have conducted studies. For instance, according to

Institute of Physics (2018) they demonstrated how gender stereotypes


impact how people view themselves, how they view others, and how they

participate in the workforce. They may have an effect on a student's

wellbeing, academic performance, preferred subject matter, and classroom

experience in a school environment. People might be biased against boys

and girls, whether consciously or unconsciously, which could result in

students being given less opportunities or receiving different treatment

based on their gender.

In the present study, researchers sought to determine the will be encounter

problem and effects of gender stereotyping among Grade 12 students at

Asia Technological School of Science and Arts. This study aims to raise

public awareness of the damaging effects gender stereotyping has on

society, a person's sense of self-worth, mental health, and daily life.

Furthermore, comprehending the relevance of gender stereotyping entails

having information about femininity and masculinity, allowing their

emotions to express themselves, knowing how to be true to themselves, and


Theoretical Framework

    This review is upheld by the theory of Performance among men and

women can be affected by gender concepts and the judgment of members of

a community based on their behavior and way of life as individuals, due to

the contrast of a person's behavior with what they expect by Lips (2001)

In the theory presented above, the connection of the study related to the

theory is women and girls are more likely than men to experience situations

that threaten stereotypes when evaluating the behavior they have been

affected by it, according to a study by the American Sociological

Association (ASA). The ASA study looks at how people use language

labels, gender appearance conventions, and how, because people have

different and high expectations, they use it to judge someone who doesn't

meet their standards. (Bigler & Liben, 2007). 


Conceptual Framework 

 Figure 1 present the Conceptual Framework of the study. The effects of

stereotyping is the independent variable and the behavior among Grade 12

students is the dependent variable. However, the gender is the moderator


variable of the study. These three varieties are directly related based on the

research’s descriptive analysis.

Statement of the Problem 

    This study aims to determine the problem encountered and the effects of

gender stereotyping among Grade 12 students at Asia Technological School

of Science and Arts.

The researchers frequently look for answers to the following queries:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age;

1.2 Gender;

1.3 Strand;

2. What problems could gender stereotype cause to in terms of;

2.1 Behavior

2.1.1 Personality;

2.1.2 Attitudes

2.1.3 Clothing

3. What are the effects of stereotyping on the behavior of Grade 12 students

in terms of;

3.1 Mental Health

3.1.1 Self-esteem

3.1.2 Social well-being

Scope and Limitations of the Study

     This study will be conducting to determine the effects of gender

stereotyping among the Grade 12 students at Asia Technological School of

Science and Art S.Y 2022-2023. The researcher wants to know the effects

of gender stereotyping in terms of behaviour and mental health, specially to

those students who are experiencing this.

     The researchers will focus on Grade 12 students at Asia Technological

School of Science and Art. Due to the fact that it is vital to collect data or

acquire information for the reason that researchers has varied experiences

when it comes to this.

    Furthermore, the collection of all data and information will be the Grades

12 student, since researchers do not have a certain strand, it is more


convenient if the researchers include the other strand, which are the


Significance of the Study 

    This study conducted to determine the effects of stereotyping in the

behavior among grade 12 students at Asia Technological School of Science

and Art and what actions did the students to overcome the behavioral

problem based on gender difference.

To readers. This study will provide those who might experience the same

situations and information on how they can obtain this kind of situation.

To students. this study can influence the reader for their additional

knowledge about stereotyped on the basic of sex, gender identity,

nationality, socio-economic status, language, etc.

To teachers. This study can help for their teaching process and for their

studies about the terms and how they respect the roles that should be

performed by men and women.

To researchers. This study can provide for their advance knowledge about

their research proposal.

To the future researchers. This study can help them to gain information and

can be a basis for their future researchers. 


Definition of Terms

To facilitate vivid understanding, the following terms were defined operationally

and conceptually as to how the following words were used and applied in the study.

Academic Performance.

Academic performance is the measurement of student achievement across various

academic subjects. Teachers and education officials typically measure achievement

using classroom performance, graduation rates and results from standardized tests.

This term in this paper pertains to the level of competency a student has to offer.


Femininity describes qualities or attributes regarded as characteristics of women. This

term pertains to the actions or speech conduct that is supposed to display feminine or

womanly charm.

Gender Identity.

An individual's personal sense of having a particular gender. This term that is utilized

in this study describes how individuals see themselves in a particular gender.


Gender Equality.

Gender equality happens when people of all genders have equal rights,

responsibilities and opportunities. This term in the study emphasizes that both men

and women's interest, needs, and priorities are considered, recognizing the diversity

of various groupings of men and women.

Gender Stereotyping.

Gender stereotyping is a generalized view or preconception about attributes, or

characteristics that are or ought to be possessed by women and men or the roles that

are or should be performed by men and women. This term in the research refers to

how society ascribe or assign roles to an individual man or woman, assigning specific

attributes, traits, or roles to people depending on their gender.


Masculinity describes qualities or attributes regarded as characteristic of men. This

term contrary to femininity, in the paper describes traits and behavior that is

supposedly masculine or manly.

Power Position.

Power position is a concept from Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese practice of studying

one's position within one's surroundings. In Feng Shui, the Power Position or "Dragon

Seat" is the physical position in the room for a business meeting, which supposedly

has the most power. This phrase in the study refers to the position of power and

authority which is mostly occupied by men in our modern society as described in this



Stereotype is a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular

type of person or thing. This term pertains to the perspective or the implied general

views of the society towards a certain place, event, people.


There are many types of social issues in our society today but the most problematic is

gender stereotyping. It is said that stereotype is the criteria of the people who

determine whether a person is appropriate for their gender or not. Gender stereotypes

that exaggerate the real physical, social, and psychological differences between the

sexes have resulted from the concept of opposites. Gender Stereotyping is a

predetermined set of attitudes and behaviors that are one-sided and exaggerated

images of men and women that are deployed repeatedly in everyday life.

In gender stereotyping people experience discrimination and it can also affect how

men and women define themselves. It is confirmed that men and women behave

following their stereotypical gender roles to conform to society's expectations.

In today's society, gender stereotypes are widespread even though many things

have changed everyone still holds the same beliefs about how we should expect men

and women to behave, dress, and present themselves. People thought stereotyping is

natural because of their interaction with family, media, peers, etc.; and unconsciously

they have adopted those attitudes and expectations.

Stereotypes in the Philippines are heavily influenced by western cultures, the

stereotypical man is the breadwinner who provides for their family, whereas the

stereotypical woman is the stay-at-home mother. Stereotypes are problematic because

they ignore the true diversity of genders and sexualities in the human population.

Above all and beyond ideas, literature, and studies about stereotype simply state

that gender stereotype is very harmful in our society because it gives negative effects

on people's self-esteem, behaviors, and mental health. Gender Stereotyping always

results in prejudice in both sexes, it also gives exaggerated expectations to everyone.

Moreover, the difference between other people's conducted studies and the

literature evaluated in this chapter for the current study were useful in providing

deeper insights and new information about the effects of gender stereotyping on the

behavior of grade 12 students. The researchers were able to learn new things about

this study, it also gave the researcher more useful knowledge that can help in our

future studies. Additionally, those individuals or cited people have contributed

amazing ideas and big information that will help to improve the current study.

Chapter III

Research Methodology

The methods used throughout the investigation are described in this chapter. In

this, the research design, methods, participants, instrumentation, sampling strategy,

data collection process, and statistical analysis employed in the study were


Research Design

This study used descriptive design research as its methodology due to the fact that

descriptive studies are typically the most effective methods for gathering information

that will demonstrate relationships and describe the world as it currently exists. The

goal of descriptive research is to accurately and thoroughly describe a population,

situation, or phenomenon. (Shona McCombes, 2022)

This design aims to identify gender stereotypes and their effects on behavior

among Grade 12 students at Asia Technological School of Science and Arts.

Descriptive Research design was used due to the fact that the researchers' study is

looking for an answers of a repercussions in a specific situation or a phenomenon

which is gender stereotyping is under to this research design.


The researchers chose Grade 12 students at Asia Technological School of Science

and Arts. Sy. 2022-2023 as their respondents for the reason that they have enough

knowledge to answer the problems posed in their study and they have varied

experiences when it comes to the problem.

Researchers selected 15 respondents in each strand in their study. So the

researchers will be conducting a survey and ask some information about their

experiences when it comes to gender stereotyping.


The researchers devised a researcher-made questionnaire. Three specialists in the

field of language were asked to face validate and content validate the test in order to

maintain validity and reliability.

The survey questionnaire has a total of 30 items excluding the demographic

profile. The survey questionnaire is composed of four essential parts. The first part

consists of the demographic profile of the respondents. The second part is composed

of 10 items, a Yes or No question to measure respondents' motivation. The third part

consisted of 10 items, Agree or Disagree questions. The last part is composed of 10

rating scale questions to measure which among the Grade 12 students of Asia

Technological School of Science and Arts has experienced the effect of gender


Sampling Technique

The researchers will use Purposive Sampling wherein all Grade 12 students who

experience gender stereotyping were the respondents of the study. Based on


Crossman (2020) A purposive sampling is a non-probability sample that is selected

based on characteristics of a population and the objective of the study. The

respondents were chosen on the basis of their knowledge and experience of the

information desired.

Data Gathering Procedure

The following procedures will be followed by the researchers to determine

the Effects of Gender Stereotype on Behavior Among Grade 12 Students in

Asia Technological School of Science and Arts School Year 2022-2023.

1. The researcher created survey questionnaires to determine the effects of

gender stereotype in the behavior of grade 12 students. 

2. The researchers will provide the survey questionnaire in printed

questionnaires paper. 

3. Teachers will be ask for face and content validate the questionnaire. 

4. The researchers will present the letter of request to the school's principal in

order to conduct the surveys. The survey will be conducted once the request

has been approved by the Principal.

5. During respondents' second subject break, the researchers will distribute the

survey questionnaire. The printed survey questionnaire will be given to

respondents for 30 minutes to answer.


6. The survey questionnaire will be collected and checked by the researchers.

Survey Questionnaire

There will only be a Yes or No answer to this questions.

1. Do people often perceive you as weak when you’re emotional?

2. Is gender stereotyping have impact on your personality?

3. I have a hard time getting along with other people, since I'm afraid of

what they might say and think about me.

4. Would gender stereotyping can affect how your mindset work?

5. In terms of how they act or make conversation with individuals of the

opposite sex, gender stereotyping has an equal impact on men and


There will be only a Agree and Disagree answer to this questions.

1. Everytime i go out with my friends who are the opposite sex to me,

everyone thinks im gay/lesbian.

2. After experiencing gender stereotyping, my motivation decreased on

doing something to myself.

3. Because of gender stereotyping I learned to self-defeating talk myself;

(ex., sabotaging you success, lower your potential, reduce your

confidence, and etc.)


4. After experiencing gender stereotyping, I gained the fear of failure and

making mistakes, i unconsciously became perfectionist.

5. They will recognize men as gay if they cry, because they believe men

are too strong to cry.

Rating scale will provide to answer this questions.

o Always

o Sometimes

o Neutral

o Rarely

o Never

1. Whenever I wear clothes that don't agree with the standards of

femininity and masculinity clothing, people think I am gay/lesbian.

2. Did gender stereotype affect your social well-being?

3. I feel uncomfortable whenever someone noticing my clothing style.

4. I isolate myself from people, who think differently about my actions

that are not according to their point of view.

5. My daily life is affected by how other people view me and how they

expect me to behave.

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