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Academic integrity y is built upon
n strong person nal character. Honestly, trrust, fairness, respect and rresponsibilityy build and
sustaain character. Character is u
uniquely yourrs, cared for ov ver time and p preserved by eeach decision you make. Grrowing it is a
sign o
of personal strrength and emmpowerment. A lack of inteegrity is an actt of weakness and surrendeer.

Neuqqua Valley is co ommitted to uupholding thesse values even n as the tempttation is to livee something leess. The immeediate benefitss
of shoort‐cut thinkin
ng are enticing. They lead tthe way to poiints but land in n a place abseent of pride an
nd prestige.

Peopple of high personal chara acter demonstrate the following qualitties:

Hone esty
Making a daily com mmitment to trruthful though hts, words and actions. This bbrings honor tto you.

Believving, even with
hout evidence to support it, in the goodwilll of others.

Valuiing clear, consistent and reasonable expecctations for beh haviors and asssignments.

Havinng a high regaard for the well being of otheers and a tolera
ance of their vviews.

Holdiing yourself acccountable forr doing the righ
ht thing and obbserving an obbligation to taake action wheen others do no ot.
Maintaining individ dual authorship of your own n work.

The sshared goal off Neuqua Valleey students an nd teachers is tto achieve maastery of class content, the aachievement o of which reliess
on th
he mutual integrity of both tthe learner and the educator. To this end d, both will observe the folloowing guidelin nes.

Studeents Will:
 Understan nd the 5 values and their contribution bey yond the grad debook;
 Seek the aadvice of teach hers and guidaance counselors on everythiing from courrse selection to o specifics abo out how and
with whom m an assignmeent may be completed;
 Balance co ommitments tto academics, aathletics and aactivities to reeduce temptattions to take sshort cuts and d excuse
dishonesty y.

Teacchers Will:
 Support an n atmospheree that values academic integgrity by sharin ng clear expecttations for asssignments and d
assessmen nts;
 Specify wh hen and how ccollaboration is to be used;
 Develop m meaningful and d relevant assignments thatt promote classs goals and en ncourage studdents to invest their time
and talentt.

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