Research Project - Truong Thi Hong Trinh - Madilyn

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Table of Contents
1. Research Proposal............................................................................................................................5
2. Literature Review............................................................................................................................7
3. Research Methodology....................................................................................................................8
4. Conduct Research..........................................................................................................................10
5. Analytical Tools for Data collection & Analysis...........................................................................11
6. Data Analysis & Presentation (Outcomes).....................................................................................15
7. Recommendations as a result of research......................................................................................18
8. Research Reflection.......................................................................................................................19
9. Reflection (Lesson Learnt)............................................................................................................20


This study aims to identify challenges when changing workplaces through field surveys,
especially in the education sector. Its topic is "The workplace performance and job satisfaction of
remote workers as compared to their peers and how workplaces are using these insights to
transform operations of the education industry in Vietnam."

There will be four primary sections to the research endeavor. To outline how you will support
your research, you must first do a literature review. Create a study proposal next with
predetermined research goals. The goals and procedures for the research must be made clear. To
ensure that the study progresses as planned, create a list that includes an activity plan and
specific deadlines. When survey questions are used to gather data for research and the data is
presented as spreadsheets, the results are then analyzed. After the analysis is completed, a report
is produced that includes sound advice.

The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted worldwide education two years ago this March, according to
Robert Jenkins, Head of Education at UNICEF. In essence, there is a gap in educational
attainment. ” According to the research and survey, even wealthy and developing nations are
affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, and pupils from minority groups experience more
difficulties. Opportunities for online learning are severely constrained in areas with slow
Internet. Due to a lack of qualified faculty and funding, colleges and universities in low-income
countries struggle to offer high-quality distant learning programs. Teachers' performance and
competitiveness deteriorate as a result of having to put in more work than usual with the
classroom and assignments.


Instructor: Mr Ananta Kar (University lecture)


Purpose - The survey aims to investigate organizational challenges when working remotely and
how employee‘s performance and job satisfaction to working with their colleagues and how
workplaces use these insights know to transform the operation of the education sector in

Methodology: - Data for this paper were collected by distributing self-completed surveys with
107 young people in Quang Nam and Da Nang city.

Figure 1: Saunders onion model

Saunders’s research onion is defining that in case of the completion of the research project with
the proper format there is the requirement of covering all the steps that are related to the research
project. In the development of the research project, the researcher has to involve all the stages
with a clear description. According to Tissot (2016), the research onion is presenting all the
stages that are related to the research and this process also analyses that the researcher can
complete the research with a successful context by maintaining all the stages in the research.

Findings - The research results significantly indicate that investigating organizational challenges
when working remotely and how employee‘s performance and job satisfaction to working with
their colleagues and how workplaces use these insights know to transform the operation of the
education sector in Vietnam.

Practical implications - This study helps markers better understand the behaviors and job
satisfaction to work of employees with their colleagues when working remotely, thereby
providing company optimal recommendations to build and capture profitable but long-term
relationships with their employees.

Originality - This paper contributes insights to the understanding of the transformation of the
workplace with the consideration of how it affects employees in the education industry at the
same time. Moreover, it suggests practical recommendations that suit the service well.

Keywords - Transformation, Education, Employees Satisfaction, Workplace, Changes

Paper type - Research


From 2020 onwards, the whole world faced with a COVID-19 pandemic, which is considered
one of the largest pandemics on the planet. Vietnam also cannot avoid the destructive power of
this pandemic. This study is created to deep into the impact of the global pandemic on hastened
workplace transformation, especially in the Education industry. This research aims to make
readers understand the skills required for research into a key area of business. The research
project is a critical task that requires, independent research and investigation to meet the
appropriate business goals and objectives.

As an assistant researcher, this article will include the data collected to study and investigate
transformation in the workplace in Vietnam and how Vietnamese companies respond to this. The
requirements for research into a key area of business are setting the project goals and time
frames, then conducting small-scale research to find information and collect data. Finally,
appropriate tools and techniques will be used to analyze the collected data.

1. Research Proposal

Research Topic - How remote workers are surpassing their peers in the office in both job
satisfaction and productivity and how workplaces are using these insights to transform

1.3. Research Title:

Research Title: The work performance and job satisfaction of remote workers as compared to
their peers and how workplaces are using these insights to transform operations of the education

1.4. Research Background

The research problem of the essay is on the topic of education during the pandemic, to study how
employees do not outgrow their colleagues in the process of working, along with satisfaction and
productivity levels work as well as how workplaces work in workplace transformation.

The COVID-19 has resulted in schools shutting all across the world. Globally, over 1.2 billion
children are out of the classroom. As a result, education has changed dramatically, with the
distinctive rise of e-learning, whereby teaching is undertaken remotely and on digital platforms.
Research suggests that online learning has been shown to increase retention of information, and
take less time, meaning the changes coronavirus have caused might be here to stay. With this
sudden shift away from the classroom in many parts of the globe, some are wondering whether
the adoption of online learning will continue to persist post-pandemic, and how such a shift
would impact the worldwide education market.

In response to significant demand, many people in this industry have changed the way they
teach/work online. To increase productivity and adapt to today's circumstances, many
people/organizations are bolstering capabilities to provide a one-stop shop for teachers and

For example, Lark, a Singapore-based collaboration suite initially developed by ByteDance as an

internal tool to meet its own exponential growth, began offering teachers and students unlimited
video conferencing time, auto-translation capabilities, real-time co-editing of project work, and
smart calendar scheduling, amongst other features. To do so quickly and in a time of crisis, Lark
ramped up its global server infrastructure and engineering capabilities to ensure reliable

1.5. Research AIM/Objectives


RO1: To identify the effect of Covid-19 on the Education industry in Vietnam

RO2: Understanding how the education industry has been impacted by the epidemic

RO3: To point out what measures the education industry has taken to maintain during the
epidemic situation

RO4: To identify the benefits of workplace transformation

RO5: Concluding and proposing solutions to the problem of changing workplaces for teachers
and students

1.6. Research Questions

RQ1: How does Covid-19 affect the Education industry in Vietnam?

Many parents in Vietnam must take time off work to care for their children. Also, working from
home while at the same time taking care of children may reduce productivity. In addition, the
complicated evolution of the epidemic has been causing many private schools and private
educational institutions to face the risk of permanent closure and bankruptcy. This will cause the
loss of jobs of thousands of workers, and millions of students may have their education
disrupted. For public educational institutions, the uncertainty will cause a delay in fee payments
of the students, which will affect the salary flow of teachers and staff...

RQ2: What are the consequences of the epidemic for the education industry?

The pandemic and school closures not only jeopardized children’s health and safety with
domestic violence and child labor increasing, but also impacted student learning substantially.
The report indicates that in low- and middle-income countries, the share of children living in
Learning Poverty – already above 50 percent before the pandemic – could reach 70 percent
largely as a result of the long school closures and the relative ineffectiveness of remote learning.

RQ3: What measures has the education industry taken to cope with the epidemic situation?
- The State has implemented solutions to organize safe teaching, respond to the COVID-19
pandemic, and identify core and basic requirements and contents in the teaching program.
- Vaccination against COVID-19 for elementary, junior high, high school, and vocational
education students (under 18 years old).
- Issue guidelines on cultural, physical training and sports activities in education and training
institutions in accordance with the epidemic situation.
- The country has worked to upgrade the infrastructure for online education through the “Internet
and computers for students” program, which has provided more than 1 million computers to

RQ4: What are the advantages and disadvantages of changing workplaces in the education


 Increase Employee Engagement

 Improve Communication
 Attract and retain talent
 Increase Revenue
 Tools have become smarter


 Loss of interpersonal communication skills

 Dependency
 Employee resistance to change
 Data Security
 Remote collaboration with others

RQ5: What are the potential effects of Viet Nam education satisfaction continuing to work

 Better work-life balance

 Reduce stress when moving from home to work
 Save a lot of costs such as tuition, gas money, money spent on each school session
 Positive environmental impact
2. Literature Review

The best strategies to attract and satisfy employees of workplace transformation in the education

This analysis is about going into detail about the best strategies to attract and satisfy employees
in the workplace transformation. How does the education industry attract and satisfy the best
employees in the pandemic period? “Educational gaps are almost irreparable to children’s
learning,” said Robert Jenkins, Head of Education at UNICEF, that situation - applying
workplace transformation to the education sector. Nearly 20 million children, pupils, students
and more than 1 million teachers had to temporarily stop going to school, switch to online
teaching, and teach via television for many consecutive months; more than 70,000 students could
not graduate on time ( Thanks to education organizations adopting new approaches
to working remotely in the pandemic period, the challenges have been greatly reduced and are
less likely to occur in the workplace.

As the response to COVID-19 moves from a short-term response to a long-term shift in how and
where people work, organizations that optimally support the new ways of working can thrive.

The discussion around employee experience and digital tools has rapidly intensified; moving
beyond attracting and retaining talent to enabling and supporting a fully remote workforce with
capabilities and technologies that are becoming one of the most pressing concerns for human
resource managers and their businesses all over the world. Organizations that succeed in the new
remote workplace should plan for the entire workplace ecosystem, equip the employee, and
support critical business operations. Organizations can rapidly adapt to the new workplace by
developing personas to understand how employees want to work and journey maps that highlight
critical business touchpoints throughout the employee experience. This article examines some of
the tactics and procedures that businesses are employing to address this problem, as well as the
results of recent research that have evaluated the efficacy of various approaches. Developing
this capability begins with the realization that effective human resource management underpins
the competitiveness of organizations in the pandemic period (Hiltrop, 1999).

It also looks at how the workplace transformation affects to accommodate different kinds of
work, workers, and technology and how it may be used to improve a company's corporate
identity. It then examines what types of benefits employees appreciate the most, and how the
physical environment may be aligned to assist form a company's organizational culture and
enhance communication, teamwork, and creativity that are necessary to sustain a culture of
continual innovation (Earle, 2003).

With the global spread of COVID-19, social distancing and self-isolation tactics are being
recommended or mandated by health officials, forcing companies to redefine how they conduct
business. Many organizations have reacted quickly, doing what’s required to keep the lights on
and their employees working safely. Moving forward, as more of the workforce discovers they
can be effective working remotely, organizations need to evolve their capabilities to best support
their employees and business operations. As organizations support the new ways of working,
focusing on employee experience is essential to keep workers connected, engaged and
productive. Organizations must consider all three elements of the employee experience and
determine what actions they can take now. Staff feels appreciated when they share their ideas,
improve technology apply for their work, and participate in work in the workplace
transformation during the pandemic period.

3. Research Methodology
 Quantitative Research

The procedure of data collection and analysis is known as quantitative research. Finding mean
values and testing relationships and hypotheses are further uses for quantitative research. In the
natural sciences, quantitative research is employed (Waston, 2015).

After gathering data, i.e., survey data must be transformed into digital form, statistical analysis
techniques must be used to provide answers for the research (Lazaraton, 2005).

 Research design

- Research Philosophy: Positivism

The growth of knowledge taken by researchers in their research is referred to as research

philosophy (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2009). In other words, it is the theory that guides a
researcher through the research design, research strategy, questionnaire design, and sampling
procedures (Malhotra, 2009). It is critical to have a good knowledge of the research philosophy
so that we may assess the assumptions about our worldview that are contained in the research
philosophy we adopt and determine whether they are acceptable or not (Saunders, Lewis and
Thornhill, 2009). Three important approaches of thinking about research philosophy are
investigated by Saunders, Lewis, and Thornhill (2009): ontology, epistemology, and axiology.
Each of them has distinct characteristics that will influence how we think about research
processes. While ontology is concerned with the nature of reality, epistemology is concerned
with what constitutes acceptable knowledge in a field of study, and axiology is concerned with
value judgments (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2009, p110, p112, p116). The goal of this
study is to generate some "facts" from the volunteers' objective assessments.

- Research Approach: Deductive

A research strategy is a plan and technique that includes everything from general assumptions to
specific data collecting, analysis, and interpretation methods. As a result, it is determined by the
nature of the study problem. a method of data analysis or deductive reasoning
Three approaches, quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methodologies, are formed by combining
these world views. The quantitative approach encompasses positivism and post-positivism, the
qualitative approach encompasses constructivism and transformative thinking, and the mixed-
method approach encompasses pragmatism (Jhoan Stumpfle, 2020).
- Research Strategies:
A Research Strategy is a step-by-step plan of action that guides your ideas and actions, allowing
you to do research in a methodical and timely manner to deliver high-quality data and detailed
reporting. This allows you to maintain concentration, minimize frustration, improve quality, and,
most significantly, save time and resources. The Research Strategy is the meat and potatoes of
your application, detailing the reason for your research as well as the experiments you'll conduct
to achieve your objectives. This essay will focus on defining your research approach, which is a
very crucial step in the process (Jenny, 2014).
- Time Horizon:
A time horizon refers to the length of time you want to keep an asset before selling it. A time
horizon can also refer to the amount of time it takes you to reach a financial goal, such as
retirement. The time horizon is significant since it determines how much you need to save or
spend in order to achieve a specific objective (Zimmermann, 2022).
Cross-sectional studies are observational in nature and fall under the descriptive research
category as opposed to causal or relational research, therefore they cannot be used to determine
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the cause of a disease. A population's data is noted by researchers, but they don't alter the factors.
For instance, while studying groups of persons of different ages, developmental psychologists
might make their selection. It is likely that any variations between the age groups result from age
differences rather than anything that developed over time as a result of this.
4. Conduct Research
The survey question is design by Google Form, include more than 100 question around changing
workplaces in the education industry.

- Cost: A research project is a scientific undertaking that aims to address a specific research
issue. Case studies, case-control studies, cohort studies, randomized controlled trials, and surveys
are all examples of research initiatives. • Secondary data analysis, such as decision analysis, cost-
benefit analysis, and meta-analysis. The project cost was not too big, about USD 500

- Access: Data, Information (Literature: Books, Journals, Data Collection: Survey)

 Sampling strategy and sample size

- Sample size: 100+

o Nonprobability Sampling
o Convenience Sampling
o Snowball Sampling
o Judgement Sampling

- Distribution of Questionnaire

o Any online platform

o Social media
o Email, Text and personal communication

- Data Collection:

The initial stage was to conduct research on the project's theme the questionnaire for research. A
questionnaire is a type of research tool that consists of a list of questions asked of respondents in
order to collect data. These tools have an interview-style format and include both written and
spoken questions. Then, construct them using the information that has been discovered, and ask
the teacher for assistance in fixing mistakes in the lessons to obtain the finished product. The
distribution of the questionnaire is the next step primarily from students of the same age or class,
a small number of close friends or family, and various social networking sites. It cannot seem
dense and varied because the scale is insufficient.

- Research Ethics, Reliability and Validity:

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The University of Stirling asserts that fundamental ethical standards must be followed when
doing research, including study design and implementation, respect for society and others,
resource utilization and research results, scientific misconduct, and research regulation. When
conducting research, there are several ethical issues to take into account. Important
considerations include safeguarding human participants, taking good care of animal subjects,
handling personal data, and preserving intellectual property. Ethics should guide research
practices. You ought to point out that your data collection practices were moral. Using literature
reviews is moral (sources are authenticated). Research must also be valid (similar results may be
obtained from a similar sample) and reliable in order for the report to be successful (the research
measures what it aims to measure).

Reliability: The degree to which the findings can be duplicated when the research is carried out
under the same circumstances.

Validity: How closely the results correspond to what they were intended to correspond to.

5. Analytical Tools for Data collection & Analysis

Data gathering does not always refer to computers, big data, or the internet, despite the fact that
it sometimes connotes high-tech and digital features. You may gather information through a
telephone survey, a mail-in comment card, or just a man with a clipboard asking people on the
street a few questions.

There are two methods for collecting data. Depending on who uses them, many terminologies,
including approaches, methods, and types, can be used interchangeably.

Primary: This is the first step in the information gathering process before any additional or
related studies may begin. If the researcher gathers the data appropriately, primary data can
produce very accurate conclusions. A drawback of first-hand research is that it can be time-
consuming and expensive.

Secondary: Information that has already undergone statistical analysis and has been gleaned from
other sources is known as secondary data. This data either comes from information the
researcher has gathered through research or information the researcher has trusted others.

Google Form

The creation of data collection forms is made possible via a web-based tool called Google
Forms. Google Forms is often used to create registration forms, surveys, and other forms. The
data from surveys is often collected using spreadsheets. The greatest alternative for conducting
online surveys is Google Form because it is cost-free and easy to use (Simanjuntak & Limbong,
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Survey responders will always get the best experience possible thanks to Google forms. Because
of these distinct capabilities, researchers consistently use Google Forms to collect data for
project research (Mardiana & Pumanto, 2017).


Excel is a spreadsheet tool used for storing and reviewing numerical data. Excel can be used to
construct spreadsheets, and it offers a number of features and capabilities that allow users to
calculate data relatively quickly and accurately (Microsoft, 1999).

Excel software is frequently used by experts in a variety of fields, including accounting, human
resources, administration, teaching, and even students.


The application can be used by Minitab users to analyze data. The initial target market for this
technology was Six Sigma professionals. A simple and effective piece of software is Minitab.
Currently, a lot of businesses use Minitab software (Minitab, 2013).

Minitab makes it simple to satisfy the challenge's requirements. Minitab has found solutions to
the data entry and interface problems that other software has.

One of the most commonly used tools to display activities (tasks or events) is displayed in a
sequence. In project management, it is the most often used term. The acts in the left row are
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described. The next column displays performance, with the location and length of the bar
reflecting the activity's start, duration, and termination dates. A serial is a time scale that can be
placed along the edges of a picture.

Distribution of the Questionnaires

The questionnaires will be designed, delivered and stored via Google Forms. By using Google
Forms, researchers do not have to worry about raising costs and time-consuming. Compared with
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a face-to-face questionnaire delivered on-site, over the phone, or by post, there are no labor,
paper, printing, phone or postage expenses to worry about with the online questionnaire, making
it a much more cost-efficient and timely manner approach (McGuirk & O’Neil, 2016).

a. Project Scope

- Research and comprehend best practices in the field of transformation in the workplace
(mention your industry sector)

- Conducting a literature review according to the research questions and goals

(Milestone/Deliverable 1)

- Putting together a project plan

- Creating survey questionnaires and gathering information from participants

- Data for Analysis (Milestone/Deliverable 2)

- Project Reflection (Milestone/Deliverable 3) - Presenting the project's outcomes to the project's


Timeline: 25 March, 2021 - Start the project

20 May, 2021 - Collecting data and analyzing data

01 June, 2021 - Making presentations

29 June, 2021 - Project completion

Research Ethic

According to the University of Stirling, research ethics entails applying fundamental ethical
principles to research activities such as study design and implementation, respect for society and
others, resource utilization and research outputs, scientific misconduct, and research regulation.
When conducting research, there are numerous ethical issues to consider. Human participant
protection, animal subject care, personal data processing, and intellectual property respect are all
important considerations.

Research Plans

A research plan is a short document that logically and concisely lays forth initial thoughts on a
research project. It's a concept paper that can be discussed with peers and possible collaborators
in confidence. Before a study plan can be regarded as complete, it may need to go through
several iterations (Aslam, 2010).

Project Planning (Gantt Chart): Attach in Appendix

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It would take a whole week to finish collecting and summarizing all the responses. Then, 3 to 4
days are required to come up with the data analysis and conduct hypothesis. A literature review

will also be written by the time all the data has been collected. Gradually, the report will be
fulfilled and it is guaranteed to be finished in time within the deadline ( Aslam, 2010).

In laboratory medicine, a research plan provides the author's reasoned judgment on a research
topic of his or her choosing. Evidence from scientific and medical literature backs it up (Aslam,
2010). It may be constructed in the following format:

• The research question

• The hypotheses

• Aims and objectives

• Research design

6. Data Analysis & Presentation (Outcomes)

Exploratory Data Analysis

What should the organization do to prepare employees for where there is workplace
transformation? (Tổ chức nên làm gì để chuẩn bị cho nhân viên sẵn sàng đối mặt với sự
chuyển đổi nơi làm việc?)

This is a multiple-choice question where you can choose more than 1. As you can see from the
graph, the most influential factor in an organization does prepare employees for where there is
workplace transformation with 77.6%.
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More specifically in the education industry, leverage modern workflows, business processes and
business tools that are a good choice for them to build the company's culture and develop during
the pandemic period.

Which of the following factors impact when working remotely? (Yếu tố nào sau đây tác
động khi làm việc từ xa?)

You have more than one option to pick from in this multiple-choice question. As you can see
from the graph, being active has a 62.6 percent influence on whether or not someone chooses
to work remotely. More particularly, in the field of education, how would kids, students, and
rebellious teenagers fare if they find homeschooling too boring and unmotivated to carry on?
This will result in knowledge declining and lax discipline in the classroom, which will
eventually demotivate teachers as well. Numerous negative effects take place, including job
loss, unemployment, children gradually dropping out of school, and becoming accustomed to a
nice home environment.

What are the potential changes in workplace transformation? (Những thay đổi tiềm năng
trong việc chuyển đổi nơi làm việc là gì?)
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With a percentage-based selection as shown in the chart, we see that Manage and sustain the
change to gain the competitive advantage account for more than 3/4 of the votes, 75.5%. The
reason why it is so dominant is because of the sudden change of the pandemic, forcing
employees to learn new tools, sudden structural changes, human resources being cut, salary costs
falling, manage everything. So taking advantage of what is and maintaining it is the best option,
so that employees are not surprised when they are used to such daily work processes, as well as
can see if the company remains the same. In a process where no employees leave, the spirit of
talented people can be seen, instead of employees who are quickly discouraged.

Inferential Data Analysis

Hypothesis: Does being able to care for family members while working from home make it
challenging for the education industry to distinguish between work and family?

Ho: Working from home makes it tough to distinguish between work and family, but this is not
a problem for the education sector during the epidemic.

Ha: Working from home makes it challenging for the education sector to distinguish between
work and family during the epidemic, caring for family members while working from home.

Through the SPSS analysis on the challenge of two questions, namely the analysis based on the
Chi-Square tests factor.

The Asymptotic Significance level score is around the standard range of 0.05, specifically 0.000
so the results will lead to the relevant hypothesis.
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One sample test

Maybe, a variable of my analysis has a problem with the results.

If the VAR00004 has a value ≤0.05, we will reject the Null hypothesis

VAR00004 value>0.05: Cannot reject Null hypothesis.

Inference: From the above dataset, it can be found that the test value is less than 0.05. So, the
null hypothesis can be rejected.

7. Recommendations as a result of research

According to ongoing research, maintaining the motivation of teachers and students is one of the
challenges facing the education sector. Parents can help with this because they can inspire
children on a daily basis and inform them of the trauma and difficulty of the pandemic so that
they can comprehend it and continue learning. If students put forth their best effort, teachers will
also be willing to teach and care about more students. In addition, there are challenges for
teachers such as splitting up the family; these issues also depend on family members; for
example, if everyone has finished school or found a job, they can divide the labor to assist. No
one is overworked, but in order to keep the school open, they must retain what is now in place
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and must resist the need to alter everything at once and lose the underlying process. Small
changes can make a difference, especially in the education sector.

8. Research Reflection

One of the most common methods to understand the difference between research and assessment
is the dichotomy, which consists of two distinct and mutually exclusive categories. Assessment
is seen as being more influenced by those funding or commissioning the evaluation and more
concerned with giving precise, useful information. Research is perceived as being more
theoretical, more directed by the researchers, and more concerned with providing generalizable

Reflection Evaluation

The goal is to test theory and produce A certain program or model's effectiveness is
conclusions that may be used broadly. to be evaluated.
Scholars within a discipline pose the Key stakeholders and the main recipients of
questions. evaluation findings pose questions.
Peer review in a discipline is used to evaluate Those who will use the findings to take action
quality and significance. and make choices evaluate the findings'
quality and importance
Contribution to knowledge is the true test of The ability to increase effectiveness is the true
value. test of worth.
After completing this project, my understanding of how the Education industry in Viet Nam
responds to the current issue faced in the workplace transformation during the pandemic period.

Overall, the project has been successful and has achieved research objectives, as well as an
analysis of the impact of the best practices applied to workplace transformation in Vietnam.
Through this article, I have gained a better understanding of how countries around the world in
general and Vietnam in particular how a change flexible workspaces to accommodate different
kinds of work, workers, and technology? Besides, I understand more about the tools used to
manage business management (specifically the Gantt chart).

Aside from that, I had a lot of trouble putting this thing together. My initial challenge was
gathering information, as I had a lot of it and didn't know how to project the impacts selectively.
The second issue is that I am unable to manage the project's schedule. There are many different
sorts of businesses and there are many different types of businesses. As a result, I spent a
significant amount of time searching for and filtering information. I tried to stick to the route I
plotted on the Gantt Chart. The third challenge is to investigate and construct a questionnaire that
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is appropriate for the project's research aim. Finding information in the local language is not
enough to offer data to accomplish the project goals, which is another hurdle for me.

I learned how to organize and plan a project through the implementation of the project. To begin,
I must learn to manage my time and plan everything using a Gantt Chart so that I know what to
do and when to do it in order to avoid delays. Second, I learned how to use the internet to
organize information, search information, and pick information. There is a lot of information
about it, and I waste too much time reading it, so I need to locate concise information and full
content that I can utilize for the project and its goal. Following that, I learned how to use
technology-assisted questioning and data analysis and evaluation tools to help me ask better
questions and analyze and evaluate data more precisely and efficiently, such as Gantt chart,
Excel, Google Form.

This project will aid in the improvement and development of my abilities and techniques for
project planning, research, and completion. Through questionnaires and statistics, the initiative
also helps me strengthen my analytical and assessment skills. This provides me with additional
experience in the future when it comes to implementing new initiatives.

9. Reflection (Lesson Learnt)

 Alternative method

The research onion presents unilateral, multi-method, and mixed procedures as suitable
substitutes for conducting research. Using two or more diverse research methodologies, with a
focus on both qualitative and quantitative procedures, is at the heart of mixed methods. This
research strategy is utilized to produce an understanding of the research challenges, as opposed
to using each method independently.

The study gains a wealth of information by combining quantitative and qualitative research, but
the strategy has limitations.

 Alternative way of collecting data.

In this research effort, a number of frequently utilized data collection methods have been
described. However, surveys and interviews are not the only ways to collect data. The
development of these alternative strategies can help future endeavors. There are some methods,
though, that is not without flaws.

 Experiment

An advantage of an experimental strategy is control. As a talent management researcher, the

individual may run tests on real sports industry employees. Through the experiment, the
researcher was able to learn more about the viewpoints of the employees and determine how the
proposed plan will impact them. But creating a good test is not straightforward. Not everybody
wants to participate in the study.
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The government, as well as people, can deal with the consequences of the education industry
when working remotely by, for example, allowing family members to split the workload and
parents to collaborate. Students can speak with teachers while they are doing their homework or
studying for examinations to reflect and make improvements. In addition to schools, universities
can also help teachers by preventing excessive cost cuts or competitiveness that would cause
them to be overworked. The education sector in particular as well as other industries of every age
can be overcome with the proper strategy. Through the project's data shows what people from all
walks of life think about the education industry, how they manage, and how they think about
employees. Everything has its pros and cons, and no one is perfect, so every organization needs
to promote, change and improve. The survey shows the importance of changing and maintaining
the development of organizations during the pandemic period.
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