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Chahid Bakadir Mohammed Secondary School Level 

: 2nd year Ph.L

Time: 2 hours Date: December 2022

First Term Exam

Read the text than do the following activities

In 1880 there were about two thousand people in Kalaa. Their houses were small and built
around a court-yard. In the middle of this yard, there was a well. There were about two hundred
and fifty houses. All of them had one or two looms because all of the women in Kalaa made
carpets. A few of them made pots, too. All of the men had a garden near the river. So most of
them worked there. They had horses to help them in their work. Beans, potatoes and onions were
grown there and, in addition, there were pomegranates, figs and lemons. Most of these fruits and
vegetables were sold in the market.

Market day in Kalaa used to be Saturday. Every Saturday, hundreds of men from other villages
came into Kalaa. In addition to fruits and vegetables, a lot of other products were sold in the
market. The most important products were carpets. Most of these were bought by rich
businessmen from Algiers or Oran. Then, they were sold in the shops in the big towns.

Today most of us start work at eight o’clock. But in Kalaa, a hundred years ago, there were no
clocks. The day’s work started just after the Morning Prayer and finished just before the afternoon
prayer. In Kalaa, the people’s clock used to be the muezzin!

A) Text Interpretation: ( 7 points)

1- Are the following statements true or false?

a- Only fruits and vegetables were sold in Kalaa’s market.

b- People in Kalaa didn’t have clocks.

2-Answer the following questions according to the text.

a- How many houses were there in Kalaa?

b- What did the market day use to be in Kalaa?
c- What did the people’s clock in Kalaa use to be?

3- Find in the text words closest in meaning to the following.

a- goods = ………………………………….(§2)
b- Ended = …………………………………(§3)

5-Find in the text words opposite to the following.

a- sold ≠………………………………………(§2)
b- Finish ≠………………………………..(§3)
B) Text Exploration: (8 points)

1-Use used to or the present simple tense with the verbs between brackets.

All the members of my family have changed their lifestyles. My father (be) a farmer.
Now he (work) in a factory. My mother (cook) for every meal. Now she (send) me to buy
prepared food whenever she feels she can’t prepare dinner.

2-Fill in the blanks with the following relative pronouns:

which – when – whose – who - where

a- The first lady is a woman………………………husband is the president of the country.

b- A horse is an animal…………………….is very useful for man.
c- A housewife is a woman………………………takes care of the house.
d- Fall is a season………………………leaves fall down from trees.
e- A hospital is a place ……………………..people are taken care of.

3-Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of the final “s”.

Fridays – boxes – drafts – steps

/s/ /z/ /iz/

C) Written Expression:(5 points)

Topic :
Imagine you are on an election campaign. Advertise your programme by writing a policy
statement. Use going to, sequencers and the clues below.
- Reduce food prices.
- Raise civil servants’ salaries.
- Build a hospital
- Impose higher taxes on cigarettes.
- Provide accommodation/houses for everybody
(add other examples of your own)

Start like this: If I am elected to office, I am going to…………………………..

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