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JNIDAD27 Ejercicios

27,1 Comp/et∂ Ias froses con must + unO de /os verbos siguienfes:

be buy gr go help hurry leam meet phone read wash win

l We …肌u嬉釦?……………… tO the bank today We haven’t got any money
must learn
must meet
弓もheis。V。ryln的1n#露盤muchtlme’ h。r
must phone
4 I forgot to phone Dave last night. I ………………………………・ him today
must go
5 Ybu....………………………...… tO drive. Itもvery useful.

6 This is an excellent book. Ybu ………………………………. it.

must read
7 must buy
We ………………………………. SOme food. We’ve got nothing for dimer.

must wash
My hairis dirty. I ………………・・……………‥ it.

must hurry
9 I …....……………‥...・..…… tO the post o範ce・ I need some stamps.
must help
10 I have a bigproblem・ Ybu …・二…………………………‥ me.

11 The game tomorrow is very mPOrtant for us. We …‥・…・………‥・・…・……‥

must win
must be
12 Ybu can’t always have things lmmediately Ybu ………………………………・ Patient.

27,2 Comp/eta /as frases con must o had to.

1 I ….had.如…….… gO tO the bankyesterday to get some money

2 The windows are very dirty. I ……………………‥ Clean them・
had to
3 The windows were very dirty yesterday. I ……………………‥ Clean them・
4 I ……………………‥ get uP early tomorrow I’ve got a lot to do.
5 Come on! We ……………………‥ hurry We haven’t got much time.
had to
6 We arrived home very late last night. We ……………………‥ Wait halfan hour for a taxi.

7 These cakes are very nice・ Ybu

……………………‥ have one.

8 Am came to the party but she didn’t stay very long. She -…………………‥ 1eave early.
9 He didn,t know how to use the machine. I
……………………‥ Show him.
had to
10 I was nearly late for my appomtment this moming. I ……………………‥ run tO get there on time.

27.3 Comp/eta /as在oses con mustn,t o needn,t y uno de /os verbos siguientes:

b6’ buy 加療i hurry lose stick take tell wait

十一2 つJ 4 ﹁⊃ /0 7 (×) 0ノ

The wmdows aren,t dirty Ybu neednt c!ean them

I must hurry I muG伽’t ♭e late

ThlS letter lS Very

mustn't wait
lmPOrtant・ Ybu lt

Ⅵ7e have lots oftlme Vた mustn't lose

needn't take
Ⅵた           an umbrella Itもnot gomg tO raln

ThlS IS a SeCret mustn't tell

Ybu anybody.
needn't buy
Ybu a newspaper Ybu can have mlne・
I’m not ready yet but you -・……… needn't hurry for me. 1もu go now and I,n come later.
mustn't stick ………………‥・・・ yOur tOngue Out at PeOPle. Itinot polite・
(un padre que hab/a con su朽O) Ybu

27.4 7子aduce a/ /ng/5s:

you mustn't talk in the library

1 No debes hablar en la biblioteca.
2 No debo oIvidar sacar al perro. (sacar al perro = take the dog out)
i mustn't forget to take the dog out
3 No habia taxIS y tuVe que Caminar hasta la estaci6n
there were no taxis and i had to walk to the station
4廿engo que irme ahora. Mi marido me estまesperando. (irse = go)
i have to go now. My husband is waiting for me
5 No es necesario que vayas a correos. Hay un buz6n en la esquina. @uz6n = letter-box).・・……………………‥・…
you don't have to go to the post office. There is a letter-box in the corner

6 Tienes que visitar el museo de la ciudad. Es muy interesante. (museo de la ciudad = city museum).……‥
you have to visit the city museum. it's very interesing
7 Manolo lleg6 tarde y tuvimos que esperarlo. Manolo arrived late and we had to wait for him
8 No es necesario que vengas ma丘ana. it needn't you arrive tomorrow

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