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Actividad de proyecto 14

Actividad de aprendizaje 1: Simular negociaciones nacionales e internacionales

teniendo en cuenta los riesgos operacionales que se puedan presentar
Cultural awareness as a key element to negotiate


Gina Paola Ramirez Moreras CC. 1072921500

Deiby Geovanny Mariño Castro CC. 1012334182

Eduardo Alberto Ruiz Fernandez CC 1,045,683,937

Training Program Code: 121518

Instructor: Luis Miguel Angarita

National Learning Service SENA)

Technologist in International Physical Distribution.

Regional Tolima



Understanding cultural differences when trading is a vital skill that every student from
the International Physical Distribution program from the SENA training program should
be aware of, as this is a key element when establishing international relationships.
In order to work in such skill alongside some other communicative skills in English, also
known as the business language.
Effective communication is essential to the success of any business venture, but it is
particularly critical when there is a real risk of your message getting 'lost in translation'.
In many international companies, English is the factor language of business. But more
than the language you speak, the important thing is how you convey your message. For
example, while Finns may value directness and brevity, Indian professionals may be
more indirect and nuanced in their communication. Also, while fluent English can give
you a career boost globally, understanding the importance of subtle non-verbal

communication across cultures can be just as crucial in international business.

What might be common in your culture, whether it's a firm handshake, making direct
eye contact, or a kiss on the cheek, might be unusual or even offensive to a foreign
colleague or client.


 In order to work in such skill alongside some other communicative skills in

English, also known as the business language, complete the following workshop.
Please, have in mind the following instructions:


 Read the following text and follow the instructions below.

Actividad de proyecto 14

Actividad de aprendizaje 1: Simular negociaciones nacionales e internacionales

teniendo en cuenta los riesgos operacionales que se puedan presentar

Cultural awareness as a key element to negotiate

Understanding cultural differences when trading is a vital skill that every student from
the International Physical Distribution program from the SENA training program should
be aware of, as this is a key element when establishing international relationships.

In order to work in such skill alongside some other communicative skills in English, also
known as the business language, complete the following workshop. Please, have in
mind the following instructions:

1. Read the following text and follow the instructions below:


Entender las diferencias culturales a la hora de comerciar es una habilidad vital

que todo estudiante de la carrera de Distribución Física Internacional del
programa de formación del SENA debe conocer, ya que es un elemento clave a
la hora de establecer relaciones internacionales.

Para trabajar esta habilidad junto con otras habilidades comunicativas en inglés,
también conocido como el lenguaje de los negocios, complete el siguiente taller.
Por favor, tenga en cuenta las siguientes instrucciones:

1. Lea el siguiente texto y siga las instrucciones a continuación:

How cultural differences impact international business in 2017

As companies continue to expand across borders and the global marketplace becomes
increasingly more accessible for small and large businesses alike, 2017 brings ever
more opportunities to work internationally.

Multinational and cross-cultural teams are likewise becoming ever more common,
meaning businesses can benefit from an increasingly diverse knowledge base and new,
insightful approaches to business problems. However, along with the benefits of insight
and expertise, global organizations also face potential stumbling blocks when it comes to
culture and international business.

While there are a number of ways to define culture, put simply it is a set of common and
accepted norms shared by a society. But in an international business context, what is
common and accepted for a professional from one country could be very different for a
colleague from overseas. Recognizing and understanding how culture affects
international business in three core areas: communication, etiquette, and organizational
hierarchy can help you to avoid misunderstandings with colleagues and clients from
abroad and excel in a globalized business environment.

1. Communication:

Effective communication is essential to the success of any business venture, but it is

particularly critical when there is a real risk of your message getting “lost in translation.”
In many international companies, English is the de facto language of business. But more
than just the language you speak, it’s how you convey your message that’s important.
For instance, while the Finns may value directness and brevity, professionals from India
can be more indirect and nuanced in their communication. Moreover, while fluent English
might give you a professional boost globally, understanding the importance of subtle
non-verbal communication between cultures can be equally crucial in international

What might be commonplace in your culture — be it a firm handshake, making direct eye
contact, or kiss on the cheek — could be unusual or even offensive to a foreign
colleague or client. Where possible, do your research in advance of professional
interactions with individuals from a different culture. Remember to be perceptive to body
language, and when in doubt, ask. While navigating cross-cultural communication can be
a challenge, approaching cultural differences with sensitivity, openness, and curiosity
can help to put everyone at ease.

2. Workplace etiquette:

Different approaches to professional communication is just one of the innumerable

differences in workplace norms from around the world.
For instance, the formality of address is a big consideration when dealing with colleagues
and business partners from different countries. Do they prefer titles and surnames or is
being on first-name basis acceptable? While it can vary across organizations, Asian
countries such as South Korea, China, and Singapore tend to use formal “Mr./Ms.
Surname,” while Americans and Canadians tend to use first names. When in doubt,
erring on the side of formality is generally safest.

The concept of punctuality can also differ between cultures in an international business
environment. Different ideas of what constitutes being “on time” can often lead to
misunderstandings or negative cultural perceptions. For example, where an American
may arrive at a meeting a few minutes early, an Italian or Mexican colleague may arrive
several minutes — or more — after the scheduled start-time (and still be considered “on

Along with differences in etiquette, come differences in attitude, particularly towards

things like workplace confrontation, rules and regulations, and assumed working hours.
While some may consider working long hours a sign of commitment and achievement,
others may consider these extra hours a demonstration of a lack of efficiency or the
deprioritization of essential family or personal time.

3. Organizational hierarchy:

Organizational hierarchy and attitudes towards management roles can also vary widely
between cultures. Whether or not those in junior or middle-management positions feel
comfortable speaking up in meetings, questioning senior decisions, or expressing a
differing opinion can be dictated by cultural norms. Often these attitudes can be a
reflection of a country’s societal values or level of social equality. For instance, a country
such as Japan, which traditionally values social hierarchy, relative status, and respect for
seniority, brings this approach into the workplace. This hierarchy helps to define roles
and responsibilities across the organization. This also means that those in senior
management positions command respect and expect a certain level of formality and
deference from junior team members.

However, Scandinavian countries, such as Norway, which emphasize societal equality,

tend to have comparatively flat organizational hierarchy. In turn, this can mean relatively
informal communication and an emphasis on cooperation across the organization. When
defining roles in multinational teams with diverse attitudes and expectations of
organizational hierarchy, it can be easy to see why these cultural differences can present
a challenge.

If your aim is to be competitive globally, you must have a team in place that’s up for the
challenge. You need to understand the role culture plays in international business as it is
not just about understanding the local laws and regulations governing your target
markets, but also the kind of principles that rule their behavior both inside and outside
business. (Hult International Business School, 2017)

Cómo impactan las diferencias culturales en los negocios internacionales en 2017

A medida que las empresas continúan expandiéndose a través de las fronteras y el

mercado global se vuelve cada vez más accesible para las pequeñas y grandes

empresas por igual, 2017 brinda aún más oportunidades para trabajar a nivel


Es probable que los equipos multinacionales y transculturales sean cada vez más

comunes, lo que significa que las empresas pueden beneficiarse de una base de
conocimientos cada vez más diversa y enfoques nuevos y perspicaces para los

problemas comerciales. Sin embargo, junto con los beneficios del conocimiento y la

experiencia, las organizaciones globales también se enfrentan a obstáculos potenciales

en lo que respecta a la cultura y los negocios internacionales.

Si bien hay varias formas de definir la cultura, en pocas palabras, es un conjunto de

normas comunes y aceptadas compartidas por una sociedad. Pero en un contexto de

negocios internacionales, lo que es común y aceptado para un profesional de un país

puede ser muy diferente para un colega del exterior. Reconocer y comprender cómo la

cultura afecta los negocios internacionales en tres áreas principales: comunicación,

etiqueta y organización.

La jerarquía puede ayudarlo a evitar malentendidos con colegas y clientes del

extranjero y sobresalir en un entorno empresarial globalizado.

La jerarquía puede ayudarlo a evitar malentendidos con colegas y clientes del

extranjero y sobresalir en un entorno empresarial globalizado.

1. Comunicación:

La comunicación efectiva es esencial para el éxito de cualquier empresa comercial,

pero es particularmente crítica cuando existe un riesgo real de que su mensaje se

“pierda en la traducción”. En muchas empresas internacionales, el inglés es el idioma

de facto de los negocios. Pero más que el idioma que hablas, lo importante es cómo

transmites tu mensaje. Por ejemplo, mientras que los finlandeses pueden valorar la

franqueza y la brevedad, los profesionales de la India pueden ser más indirectos y

matizados en su comunicación. Además, si bien el inglés fluido puede brindarle un

impulso profesional a nivel mundial, comprender la importancia de la comunicación no

verbal sutil entre culturas puede ser igualmente crucial en los negocios internacionales.
Lo que podría ser común en su cultura, ya sea un apretón de manos firme, hacer

contacto visual directo o un beso en la mejilla, podría ser inusual o incluso ofensivo

para un colega o cliente extranjero. Siempre que sea posible, investigue antes de las

interacciones profesionales con personas de una cultura diferente. Recuerde ser

perceptivo con el lenguaje corporal y, en caso de duda, pregunte. Si bien navegar por

la comunicación intercultural puede ser un desafío, abordar las diferencias culturales

con sensibilidad, apertura y curiosidad puede ayudar a que todos se sientan cómodos.

2. Etiqueta en el lugar de trabajo:

Los diferentes enfoques de la comunicación profesional son solo una de las

innumerables diferencias en las normas laborales de todo el mundo.

Por ejemplo, la formalidad de la dirección es una gran consideración cuando se trata de

colegas y socios comerciales de diferentes países. ¿Prefieren títulos y apellidos o es

aceptable usar el nombre de pila? Si bien puede variar según las organizaciones, los

países asiáticos como Corea del Sur, China y Singapur tienden a usar formalmente

“Sr./Sra. Apellido”, mientras que los estadounidenses y canadienses tienden a usar

nombres de pila. En caso de duda, errar por el lado de la formalidad es generalmente lo

más seguro.

El concepto de puntualidad también puede diferir entre culturas en un entorno

empresarial internacional. Las diferentes ideas de lo que constituye llegar “a tiempo” a

menudo pueden generar malentendidos o percepciones culturales negativas. Por

ejemplo, donde un estadounidense puede llegar a una reunión unos minutos antes, un

colega italiano o mexicano puede llegar varios minutos, o más, después de la hora de

inicio programada (y aun así ser considerado "a tiempo").

Junto con las diferencias en la etiqueta, vienen las diferencias en la actitud,

particularmente hacia cosas como la confrontación en el lugar de trabajo, las reglas y

regulaciones y las horas de trabajo asumidas.

Mientras que algunos pueden considerar que trabajar muchas horas es una señal de

compromiso y logro, otros pueden considerar estas horas extra como una demostración

de falta de eficiencia o la despriorización del tiempo familiar o personal esencial.

3. Jerarquía organizativa:

La jerarquía organizacional y las actitudes hacia los roles de gestión también pueden

variar ampliamente entre culturas. Las normas culturales pueden dictar si los que

ocupan puestos de dirección subalternos o intermedios se sienten cómodos hablando

en las reuniones, cuestionando decisiones de alto nivel o expresando una opinión

diferente. A menudo, estas actitudes pueden ser un reflejo de los valores sociales o el

nivel de igualdad social de un país. Por ejemplo, un país como Japón, que

tradicionalmente valora la jerarquía social, el estatus relativo y el respeto por la

antigüedad, lleva este enfoque al lugar de trabajo. Esta jerarquía ayuda a definir roles y

responsabilidades en toda la organización. Esto también significa que los que ocupan

puestos de alta dirección inspiran respeto y esperan un cierto nivel de formalidad y

deferencia de los miembros más jóvenes del equipo.

Sin embargo, los países escandinavos, como Noruega, que enfatizan la igualdad

social, tienden a tener una jerarquía organizativa comparativamente plana. A su vez,

esto puede significar una comunicación relativamente informal y un énfasis en la

cooperación en toda la organización. Al definir roles en equipos multinacionales con

diversas actitudes y expectativas de jerarquía organizacional, puede ser fácil ver por

qué estas diferencias culturales pueden presentar un desafío.

Si su objetivo es ser competitivo a nivel mundial, debe tener un equipo listo para el

desafío. Debe comprender el papel que juega la cultura en los negocios

internacionales, ya que no se trata solo de comprender las leyes y regulaciones locales

que rigen sus mercados objetivo, sino también el tipo de principios que rigen su

comportamiento tanto dentro como fuera del negocio. (Escuela Internacional de

Negocios Hult, 2017).

2. According to the reading, determine if the following statements are true (T) or false
(F). If false, correct them.


Según la lectura, determina si las siguientes afirmaciones son verdaderas (V) o

falsas (F). Si es falso corregirlos

Statement TRUE / FALSE

1. In 2017, it is easier to work internationally because of True
the expansion of companies and the opening of
international marketplaces.

Correction (If needed):


2. It is rather difficult for multinational and cross-cultural False

teams to face cultural shocks when negotiating as
they focus their attention into avoiding blocks when it
comes to culture and international business.

Correction (If needed):

Multinational and cross-cultural teams are becoming
increasingly common, which means companies can
benefit from an increasingly diverse knowledge base
and insightful new approaches to business problems.
However, along with the benefits of information and
expertise, global organizations also face potential
hurdles when it comes to international business and

3. When the author states "...more than just the True

language you speak, it’s how you convey your
message that’s important.", he/she wants to say that
it does not matter what you say but how you say it.

Correction (If needed):

4. Knowing English as the international business True

language will be enough to deal with any cultural

Correction (If needed):


5. A handshake, eye-contact, or kiss on the cheek are True

not examples of cultural manifestations but just
global routines.

Correction (If needed):



6. It can be inferred that body language is a True

manifestation of non-verbal communication.
Correction (If needed):

7. Cross-cultural communication can be
understood as the communication between
people belonging to different cultures.

Correction (If needed):


8. Communicating between cultures is not a real True

challenge. All you need to do is being polite and
speak good English.

Correction (If needed):



9. Workplace etiquette is, maybe, the only aspect in True

which you will notice some cultural differences. For
instance, the way you call o colleague or a superior.

Correction (If needed):


10. The concept of punctuality is a concept well False

understood all around the world.

Correction (If needed):

The concept of punctuality can also differ between
cultures in an international business environment.
Different ideas of what constitutes being 'on time' can
often lead to misunderstandings or negative cultural

11. Working long hours is generally understood acroos False

cultures as a sign of commitment and achievement.

Correction (If needed):



While some may see working long hours as a

sign of commitment and achievement, others
may see these extra hours as a demonstration of
a lack of efficiency or a deprioritization of
essential family or personal time.

12. The organizational hierarchy might reflect some False

cultural values that need to be taken into account
when, for example, setting a meeting as this will be
reflected into the role of each participant.

Correction (If needed):

tend to have a comparatively flat organizational
hierarchy. In turn, this can mean relatively informal
communication and an emphasis on cooperation
throughout the organization.

13. Defining roles in cross-cultural teams with different False

expectations of hierarchy can be a challenge.

Correction (If needed):

By defining roles in multinational teams with diverse
organizational hierarchy attitudes and expectations, it
can be easy to see why these cultural differences can
present a challenge
14. Understanding the local laws and regulations True
governing the foreign market is more important than
understanding cultural differences.

Correction (If needed):



15. If a company wants to be competitive globally, it True

must have a team that is willing to do some research
on the cultural differences to avoid future problems.

Correction (If needed):


Listening comprehension
3. Watch the video "Business Speaker Erin Meyer: How Cultural Differences Affect
Business", belonging to the complementary documents of this project activity.

4. According to the video you watched, decide if the following statements are true (T)
or False (F).

Statement TRUE / FALSE

1. The speaker has been studying how cultural differences affect TRUE
business for the last 16 years.
2. She has always worked in cross-cultural scenarios.
3. The speaker is from Wisconsin, USA.
4. The speaker has a broad experience in cross-cultural
communication because she was raised in a multi-cultural FALSE
5. The speaker changed her mind about cultural differences TRUE
when she became an adult and lived in different countries.
6. After she gave a presentation in Japan, she realized that TRUE
nobody rose their hands to ask questions because of cultural
7. A Japanese colleague taught the speaker how important the TRUE
bright in people's eyes were in Japan when they had
8. According to her Japanese colleague, he said that people in TRUE
Japan do a lot of eye contact and that is why it is easy to see
the bright in their eyes.
9. According to the speaker, people from the East do not do as TRUE
much eye-contact as people from the West.
10. According to the lecture, KY, in Japanese, means that TRUE
someone is not able to read the atmosphere or understand
the communication that is in the air.
11. It is not impossible to pick up the communication that is on the TRUE
air if you receive proper training.
12. After the experience in Japan, the speaker decided to give up FALSE
and not to continue in the international business as
understanding cultural differences is too complicated.
13. The speaker created a method to understand cultural TRUE
differences based on different behaviors like how do people
make decisions, how do people trust.
14. The speaker is presenting a method called “The Culture Map: TRUE
The Future of Management”.
15. She learnt all she needed to know about cross-cultural TRUE
communication in Minnesota, USA.

5. Send the file to the instructor through the virtual learning platform.

Environment required: Virtual Learning Environment.

Materials: computer, internet, training material The importance of cultural awareness in

Business, complementary material A Global Guide to Business Etiquette, glossary and
SENA library.

Evidence 9: Workshop. Cultural awareness as a key element to negotiate.

Note: this evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the project guide in
order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to develop them
and deliver them correctly.

Criterios de evaluación

Puede realizar actividades de verdadero o falso, basados en una conversación que

ha escuchado o en un texto que ha leído.

The scales of the Culture Map focus on the eight elements I found to have the strongest
impact on cross-cultural business interactions. For instance, one of the 'big eight' issues
is disagreement. In every culture, if you're working with teams, you are going to have
disagreements at some point. The question is, what is the most appropriate way to
express disagreement? In some places, saying something straight out shows
transparency and openness; but in others, it can lead to negative fallout.

The other seven areas that demand managers' attention are communication,
leadership, evaluation, decision making, scheduling, persuading and trust.
Referencias Bibliográficas


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