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TPACK Creating Assignment Template

C Subject Science
nt Grade Level 2nd
nt Learning Objective The second-grade standards continue to focus on using a broad range of science skills in
understanding the natural world. Making detailed observations, drawing conclusions,
K The objective of the lesson is what students will be able to do
and recognizing unusual or unexpected data are stressed as skills needed for using and
as they finish the activity. For this objective, use the Standards
validating information. Measurement in both English and metric units is stressed. The
n of Learning (SOL) to say what you want to focus on.
idea of living systems is introduced through habitats and the interdependence of living
You can find the SOLs at
o look on the right of the
and nonliving things. The concept of change is explored in phases of matter, life cycles,
weather patterns, and seasonal effects on plants and animals.
w screen for the subjects and go from there.
P Complete this sentence by naming the technology tool and the creation activity:
In this activity, my students are going to use Google Slides to create a presentation .
a For example: In this activity, my students are going to use Edublogger to create a blog from the view of
g Abraham Lincoln.
P Activity Describe what the learning activity will be. What
e will the students and the teacher be doing? (This includes
what they are doing with the technology). Many people tend
1. After completing lessons on matter, science
d to find this part easier if they number the action in order and class time will be spent creating presentations
think of this from the view of a substitute teacher. This lesson
a was left on the desk, can you follow it and teach the class on matter. Students will create these
g today? Add numbers as you need to describe your
class/activity for the day. presentations with a partner
g 2. The presentations need to be at least 10 slides
y (including a title slide) and include:
identification of distinguishing characteristics
of solids, liquids, and gases; measurement of
the mass and volume of solids and liquids;
and changes in phases of matter with the
addition or removal of energy.
3. Presenting will take place the following day
during class time

T Web 2.0 Technology The program being used is Google Slides. Google slides
ec Name of the device and/or programs being used. (The
description of what the students will be doing with the
is available as a web application or mobile app
h technology will be included in the pedagogy/activity section).
ol Link to the example product you
o made 0aQUuIu1Si_joStoS0CBZseVN0svbAy42Q/edit?usp=sh
g aring
Mobile App Option Name: Google Slides
Price: Free
Availability: itunes, google play

Before you submit, delete the explanatory text (the text in small italics).

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