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Grade 12 STEM Student’s Insight on Voice Automated Light Systems in STI


San Jose Del Monte S.Y. 2022-2023

Presented to the Faculty of

STI College San Jose Del Monte

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Senior High School

Science, Technology, and Engineering Management


Navarro, Jamaica Mae I.

Nazareno, Jaimes Cimon P.

Ortiz, Rommel Rox E.

Pauig, Emmanuel Izeia P.

Punzal, Sean Gabriel B.

Purisima, Adon Federich L.

Quinto, Michaela Mae F.

Rigor, Harzon Rey B.

Gerard Duna


The problem in its background is our current day is highly dependent on technology,

which has always propelled our economic progress and brought up new possibilities, but

occasionally these things require work in order to function. The ability to communicate solely

through vocal instructions may be advantageous with voice-controlled technology. Voice

control, often known as voice assistance, is a type of user interface that allows a digital device

to be operated without the need for a user to hold it. For voice control to work, an internet

connection is not required. There is only one line of communication, and all processing is local

(person to device). Maja Dakic claims that voice recognition refers to a device's capacity to hear

and understand spoken instructions; speech recognition technology, in other words, can

interact with and carry out human directions.

Do we really need to create something of this nature, even if it requires minimal effort?

Because voice activation offers the user convenience, we employ it for that reason. We all know

that we will find minor tasks to be incredibly inconvenient to complete, such as do I really need

to stand up to switch off the lights? Voice activation could let us to activate objects with less

effort and suffice. It explains how it might facilitate the concepts we will attempt to generate.

The convenience of using voice commands to turn on lights will be the main topic of discussion.

The effectiveness of voice activation can be seen by the user. We should provide voice

activation since it will be prized in the digital generation. If turning the lights on and off can be

done more quickly while speaking than by making the appropriate gesture, it will be more

useful. Utilizing such technologies results in the creation of additional time.

Statement of the Problem

This research aims to know how and what are the maximum capabilities of this

automation and its usefulness that would surely benefit not only for the people but also for the

future for the human advancement of advanced technology.

Specifically, this study will address the following questions where it will all revolve around the


1. How knowledgeable are STEM students about Voice Automated Systems?

2. Would grade 12 STEM students want to have Voice Automated system in their

devices/appliances that they use daily?

3. How useful are Voice Automated Systems?

This research digs in to assimilate more human technology capacities to be able to hold

the amount of open potential. This research can bring to the human advancement technology

to its maximum ability it gives us more development and to increased our human capability

thrives to bring out more features to be conduct.

Hypothesis of the Study

The hypothesis we have for this research is all about giving an advantage of advanced

technology to people for their own comfortability. Having advanced technology has already had

a significant impact on our economy. It assists and provides us with numerous opportunities as

well as comfort because of the assistance it can provide in our technical lives. This is a
significant step toward making it easier to use people in our daily lives. By improving the

technology, we can ease and reduce the difficulty of other people's tasks.

The null hypothesis of this research is all about Voice Automated Systems don’t bring

comfort to people and is a hassle to use for every day-to-day task and might not help at all and

give assistance to people with disabilities such as people that are deaf and people who are

unable to speak. It might also affect the economic growth since these systems might be

expensive and people wouldn’t use it. Voice Automated System might not reduce the difficulty

of hard and simple and common tasks.

Significance of the Study

This study aims to design and create a less complex, and less expensive home

automation system. Most importantly, this research will contribute to the development of a

long-term solution to the issues that disabled individuals face as they can easily control the light

just by using voice. Aside from that, both the user and the manufacturer will benefit from this

product they can sell this product and gain profit. The fact that this will make the house much

more convenient for customers is the main benefit.

This study will prove to be beneficial to the following:

To the Future Researchers – They can use this as a reference material in conducting

future related study. This can be a guide in developing techniques and methods.
To the Parents - It is an extremely convenience specially when they can do multiple


To the Person with disabilities (PWDs) - This can help them to enhance accessibility and


To the Students – This can be a reference material in any related school works they may

be taking up. And might give them an idea of making this creation even more plausible or better

than we the researchers created.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The primary subjects of this research study will consist of Grade 12 STEM students of STI

College of San Jose Del Monte. The purpose of this product is for us to be efficient that is why

the researchers thought of an innovative way that can help us have our time not be consumed

by little things.

This research is limited to knowing the knowledge students and people have on V.A.L.S

(Voice Automated Light System). While this has a clear advantage for users who cannot engage

with traditional graphical user interfaces (such as the visually impaired, the elderly, and

illiterate), it also has advantages for other users in specific situations (e.g., while both hands are

occupied). The researchers noticed that not all people could have the time to do certain things,

so this is their aim, making things innovative.

Theoretical Framework

This research is anchored from the theoretical support of the technical evolution which

is a theory of radical transformation of society through technological development by

philosopher Radovan Richta (1993). Where every technology created has made an

advancement and development to evolution. As stated in the theory: we refer to Technological

Evolution as an extension of the Biological Evolution whereby the former is led by man — at this

point — and might be led by AI in the future.

Since everything we might be doing would become into a robotic creation where it does

all the work for us as well. And this research is one step closer into that moment, since all we

must do is say a command and the system will automatically take care of the simple task, rather

than going to the light itself and turn the switch on.

Making this system is also an advancement giving an advantage and contribution the

theory of Radovan Ritcha (1993). Since automation is a machine that removes the element of

human control with an automatic algorithm. Every advancement or development we make is us

going into a new era every time.

We can look at the history of technology as a human-driven, parallel experiment of

evolution. Artefacts are (so far) not capable of self-reproduction, but the population-level

dynamics of long-term technological innovation nonetheless resemble biological evolution in

many ways. The design of new technologies is strongly influenced by existing technologies, and
technological change can be viewed as a process of descent with variation and selection. Both

chance and the appropriate context are required for innovations to occur.

Actor-Network Theory states that human and non-human factors are equally influential

in the success of technological innovation and scientific knowledge-creation (Latour, B., 2005).

The theory examines how networks develop and how they contribute to these achievements. It

implies that these developments are not exclusively the result of one object or one person. As a

result, achieving these results is the responsibility of both an actor and a network.

Because various microprocessors, such as chips, will be built to interact with computer

programs in order to fulfill the aim and objectives of the study, this theory makes a connection

to voice control home automation systems

Conceptual Framework

100 STEM Grade 12 Stud Random Sampling Method Insight of Voice Automated

-ents Respondents Questionnare and data results

Figure no. 1

First variable explains how the researchers want to reduce simple task that we all do like

turning on the light can be replaced by technology. This system is just not for comfortability but

it's also one step into making the world more different and unique. Where people dont have to

worry about simple and common task that we face every single day, a world where we can

reduce hardships and time to do basic stuff.

This research focuses on making things more mechanized as it’ll not only benefit us but

the whole world, giving comfort and ease by using the second variable where our product

comes in which is the voice automated light system where it'll take care of our task to open

lights without any difficulty, by just a vocal command the technology will take care of the

needed task.
Third variable pertains to what people think or know about voice automated machines

or systems whereas this could give them knowledge about it and also help us know how voice

automated systems can help the world.


Reviews of Related Literature

A claimed by Godfrey Nwaji Okorafor, Felix Kelechi Opara, Nkwachukwu

Chukwuchekwa, Chigozie Gordon Ononiwu (2019). Smart home system is one of the major

growing industries that change the way people live, and most of these smart home systems

target abled young persons` seeking luxury and sophisticated smart home platforms, but this

design targets the disabled aged. This smart home system allows the aged to wirelessly control

home appliances from a centralized control unit.

The developed system is integrated as a single portable unit that allows the user to

wirelessly control lights, fans, electronic doors, electronic windows, and robotic wheelchair. The

system is portable and constructed in a way that it is easy to install, configure, run, and

maintain. Here, voice being the primary interface between the aged user and the smart home,

a voice controlled smart home system is designed, so that the users can perform their domestic

tasks by just the use of their voices to speak their command words.

In accordance with the statement of Godfrey Nwaji Okorafo, Felix Kelechi Opara,

Nkwachukwu Chukwuchekwa, Chigozie Gordon Ononiwu. Smart home systems are not just for
luxury and for the houses itself, but the purpose of the smart system is to help disabled aged

people. The smart home system can help the aged people to lower the chances of being

harmed by just the use of their voice to run or operate appliances.

According to the journal of Materials and Chemistry C 10 (22) the development of

personalized intelligent lighting control systems has many benefits. firstly, it saves energy,

secondly facilitates people's lives, and lastly decorates the community environment.

Personalized intelligent lighting has great help to our community.

With speech recognition, we could go beyond that, introducing learning into the flow of

life. With smartphones, smart cars and smart home appliances intruding on nearly every aspect

of daily life, it’s common for us to assume that speech recognition is straightforward. But with

an estimated 6,500 languages spoken globally today, coupled with differing accents, intonation,

inflection and pronunciation, the technology used for a computer to understand language as

precisely as a human is extremely complex. Speech recognition software programs analyze the

sounds received by a transmitter and perform specific tasks based on the information given to

them. Personal assistants (like Amazon’s Alexa) then decipher the information being input via

voice and will then attempt to perform what has been asked of. (Libby Webb, 2020)

According to Motaz Hamza (2020) the first research work for AVR (Automatic Voice

Recognition) was done in 1985, it uses: Vector Quantization (VQ) [10-12] from the enlistment

data of a given voice, a partitioning of the acoustic space into a finite number of regions and

each represents a centroid vector.

According to Luciano Gamberini (2020) Voice assistants allow users to control

appliances and functions of a smart home by simply uttering a few words. Such systems hold
the potential to significantly help users with motor and cognitive disabilities that currently

depend on their caregiver even for basic needs. The research on voice assistants is dedicated to

able-bodied users, and studies evaluating the accessibility of such systems are still sparse and

do not account for the participants’ actual motor, linguistic, and cognitive abilities.

Reviews of Related Studies

According to the thesis of Shane Viran (2022), The Smart lighting system was initially

developed to help the physically disabled. This machine can deliver help and support to address

the needs of individuals with disabilities at home.

According to Aqeel-ur-Rehman (2014), proposed a system is an innovation to this

technology where the voice command home automation system is introduced to be more

compatible and comfortable by bringing a mobile device to the consumers. Voice command

home automation system incorporated a transducer, keyboard, Integrated circuit for speech

recognition, RF module, and AVR microcontroller primarily. Additional equipment such as the

LCD is commonly added to develop the home automation systems capabilities and make it

more users friendly.

As stated by I S Balabanova (2021) Artificial intelligence finds more and more

manifestations not only in the industry, but also in terms of increasing people's living comfort

when building homes of a new modern type. This makes our research very plausible since the

new era of technology, lots of people want more comfortability and innovative machines.

An automated voice system was invented for safety purposes and electricity

consumption most of the students and faculty members are habituated towards leaving the
classroom without switching the lights. According to Soumya Priyadarsini Panda (2017), the

vocalized form of human communication has achieved tremendous research outcomes today.

The effort of researchers made it possible to understand and reproduce human speech

artificially by a machine. Speech recognition deals with understanding the context or the

meaning of human-generated human generated speech by a machine. There have been

sufficient successes today in speech technologies that suggest that these technologies will

continue to be a major area of research and development in creating intelligent systems now

and far into the future. This paper provides an overview of the automated speech recognition

system along with a wide set of possible applications of the technology and technology and a

wide set of possible applications of the technology in advancing human-generated speech by a


There have been sufficient successes today in speech technologies that suggest that

these technologies will continue to be a major area of research and development in creating

intelligent systems now and far into the future. This paper provides an overview of the

automated speech recognition system along with a wide set of possible applications of the

technology in the advancement of human-computer interactive systems.

According to Sonal Sharma (2015), the proposed system can be adapted to a user's

voice and recognized, the vocalized form of human communication has achieved tremendous

research outcomes today. The effort of researchers made it possible to understand and

reproduce human speech artificially by a machine. Speech recognition deals with understanding

the context or the meaning of human-generated human generated speech by a machine. There

have been sufficient successes today in speech technologies that suggest that these
technologies will continue to be a major area of research and development in creating

intelligent systems now and far into the future.

This paper provides an overview of the automated speech recognition system along

with a wide set of possible applications of the technology and technology and a wide set of

possible applications of the technology in advancing human-generated speech by a machine.

There have been sufficient successes today in speech technologies that suggest that these

technologies will continue to be a major area of research and development in creating

intelligent systems now and far into the future. This paper provides an overview of the

automated speech recognition system along with a wide set of possible applications of the

technology in the advancement of human-computer interactive systems

According to Moeid M. Elsokah (2020), This study focuses in particular on the design of

the home automation system controlled by sound, which makes the operation of electrical

appliances in the house is easy, fun, and through voice commands control lighting, television,

radio, music player and air conditioning.


 Masina F, Orso V, Pluchino P, Dainese G, Volpato S, Nelini C, Mapelli D, Spagnolli A,

Gamberini L. Investigating the Accessibility of Voice Assistants With Impaired Users:
Mixed Methods Study. J Med Internet Res. 2020 Sep 25;22(9):e18431. doi:
10.2196/18431. PMID: 32975525; PMCID: PMC7547392.
 Khalid Jamal Jadaa, Latifah Munirah Kamarudin, R. Badlishah Ahmad, Waleed Noori
Hussein, Multi Objects Detection and Tracking System for Smart Home using Wireless
Sensor Network, International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and
Engineering, Volume 8, No.5, September - October 2019
 I S Balabanova et al 2021 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 1032 012007
 Rasmussen, J. (1987). Information Processing and Human-Machine Interaction. An
Approach to Cognitive Engineering. North-Holland. North-Holland Series in System
Science and Engineering, 12
 Soumya Priyadarsini Panda, "Intelligent Voice-based Authentication System", 2019 Third
International conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-
SMAC), pp.757-760, 2019.
 Okorafor, G. N., Opara, F. K., Chukwuchekwa, N., & Ononiwu, C. G. (2019). Voice
activated Home System for the Movement Impaired Aged Persons: Voice activated
Home System for the Movement Impaired Aged Persons. European Journal of
Engineering and Technology Research, 4(11), 32-37.
 Soumya Priyadarsini Panda, "Automated speech recognition system in advancement of
human-computer interaction", 2017 International Conference on Computing
Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC), pp.302-306, 2017.


Research Design

The study utilized the experimental method of research. Experimental is defined as

observation under controlled conditions. Experimental research design is concerned with

examination of the effect of independent variable on the dependent variable, where the

independent variable is manipulated through treatment or interventions, and the effect of the

interventions is observed on the dependent variable.

The study determined the Insight of Grade 12 Stem students at STI San Jose Del Monte

through the survey.

Respondents of the Study

The researchers will ask 100 grade 12 STEM students at STI San Jose Del Monte to become our

respondents in our study and to gather data.

The researchers will follow the Likert scale (and compute the weighted mean and standard

deviation based on data). students of STI San Jose Del Monte to become our respondents in our

study so we are conducting a survey and will asked for some information about their


Sample and Sampling Techniques

Simple random sampling technique will be used in this study. In this sampling method,

every single member of the population has an equal chance of being selected. 100 STEM

students in Grade 12 at STI San Jose Del Monte in Bulacan is needed to participate in the study

as respondents. The aim of this study is to know if the grade 12 STEM students of STI San Jose

del monte Bulacan has an insight in smart systems.

Research Instruments

The research instruments we used is consisted of three parts that would help gain the

information the researchers seek:

Part I of the research instrument consists of the items which gathers respondents'

profile such as their name, sex, as well as their grade.

Part II of the research instrument consists of the Likert scale survey answer sheet that

has numbers of 1-7 with its corresponding boxes where they will check if they agree or


Part III of the research instrument is the reading passages. It is a series of texts to be

read. There are three reading passages to be read and there are sets of questions in every

reading passage. The total number of questions is 7 items.

Data Collection and Procedure

The researcher’s survey was all about the insights of Grade 12 STEM students at STI San

Jose del Monte Bulacan on voice automated system. After the questionnaires were validated,

the researchers asked permission from the STI San Jose del Monte Bulacan's principal and

practical research adviser to distribute the survey to the corresponding respondents. It includes

STEM students from STI San Jose del Monte Bulacan in Grade 12.

The copies of the questionnaires were passed to the corresponding respondents. The

questionnaire was retrieved on the same day that the researchers gave it to the respondents.

Following the retrieval of the survey questionnaires, a total of 100 questionnaires were

returned to the researchers, who then examined the information provided by each respondent.
The Likert scale was used to determine if the respondents strongly disagreed, disagreed,

never agreed, or strongly agreed with the statement.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data gathered had been tallied and were analyzed and interpreted using the

following statistical tool

Weighted Mean: The weighted mean was computed to get the average or central value

of the responses in every statement using this formula:

( x 1∗5 ) + ( x 2∗4 )+ ( x 3∗3 ) + ( x 4∗2 ) +(x 5∗1)


WM= Weighted Mean

x 1= no. of respondents in strongly agree

x 2= no. of respondents in agree

x 3= no. of respondents in neutral

x 4 = no. of respondents in disagree

x 5= no. of respondents in strongly disagree

n= total no. of respondents

Percentage: To know how many of the participants gave a particular answer with their


P= (100)

P= Percentage N= Total Frequency

F= Frequency 100= Total number of respondents

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