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- COMPUTER LOG EXPANSION 3.1 - ZOMBIE TYPES: All zombies have a type.

You must
NEON ZOMBS of the WASTES choose a Zombie Type you become. The type offers a
A NEON ROAD CHARACTER EXPANSION boost to one stat and special rules.

RULES HOOK: Not everyone survived the nuclear

fallout at the end of the cold war, and many who ZOMBIE TYPES
didn’t survive . . . also didn’t die. These are +1 CRIMSON RAGE ZOMBIE: You might be slow
the zombies of the wasteland, rotting walking ST moving, maybe even a shambler, but the
corpses struggling to hang onto whatever humanity radiation in your brain makes you easily
that is left within them. angry. All of your melee attacks deal +2
damage. All melee rolls of 1 deal +4 damage.
BECOMING A ZOMBIE: There are two ways you can play +1 PINK RUNNER ZOMBIE: The radiation seems to
as a zombie in Neon Roads. If you are wanting to DX pump through your arms and legs, making you
play as a zombie from the beginning, you can nimble, able to run, able to climb walls.
simply create a character as normal while All incoming H-DMG is halved, rounded down.
following the few changes listed here for Any tests involving climbing or jumping are
“Creating a Zombie From Scratch.” Your character -1.
was most likely too close to a bombing or fallout +1 PURPLE BLOAT BRAIN ZOMBIE: The radiation has
radiation during the war and turned into a zombie WI pumped into your brain, causing it to expand
early on. The second way to play as a zombie is to against your skull. As a result, all
turn into one according to the rules per page 18 incoming W-DMG is halved, rounded down. You
of the core rules. can make a ranged psychic attack with Wi
that deals 2D6.
CREATING A ZOMBIE FROM SCRATCH: If you are making a +1 YELLOW DANCER ZOMBIE: The radiation is
brand new zombie character from scratch, you’ll CH constantly buzzing in you, making it
follow the same rules for character creation impossible to stay still. Your macabre
EXCEPT when setting for Stats, you only get 6 movements mesmerize enemies. -2 on all
points to spend instead of 7. Your health begins Bravery Checks and -1 to all incoming DMGs.
at +30 instead of +20. You also automatically must
pick the FALLOUT CHILD as your Origin. ZOMBIE ROT: Unfortunately, all zombies have
horrible side effects from the over-abundance of
CREATING A ZOMBIE FROM AN EXISTING CHARACTER: If RAD in their system. It makes their bodies rot.
you’re creating a zombie from a character who had Therefore, after every completed area, you lose 1
a Stat drop to 0, then after the character “dies” health as rot continues to set in. You may make
rolls D2 per stat, adding that much to each stat either a Wi test to medically treat yourself or a
at random. Also add +10 to your max health. This St test to stave it off. If you pass, you hold off
is the radiation kicking in and bringing you back the rot and don’t lose the 1 health.
to life with extra power and strength.
ZOMBIFIED APPEARANCE: Additionally, the rot eats at
your body . . . your face. Your horrific
appearance means you aren’t welcome in cities. You
must make a Dx check PER AREA in a city. If you
fail, a member of the RAD POLICE (Enforcers of the
Department of Disease Control) appear. You must
then make a Ch test. If you pass, they let you off
with a warning. If you fail, they kick you out of
the city, driving you to any area on the
outskirts. No matter where you are, you must
always make Ch tests to purchase anything or use
services. If you fail, you are thrown out of the

LOSS OF HUMANITY: The rot and the death-like state

you are in also means your brain is wearing away .
. . at least the part that houses your humanity.
ANY time your Willpower hits 0, you must make a Wi
or Ch Test. If you fail, reduce the tested stat by
1 to a minimum of 1. If both Wi and Ch are at 1
and you fail this test, you become a mindless,
flesh eating zombie who only craves to kill and
eat. You can negate the effects of losing a point
from a stat by consuming Radiation Pills right

RAD and BECOMING A MUTANT: Continue to keep track

of your RAD as a zombie character in the same
manner as you would with a normal character. If
you would lose enough Stat Points to become a
Zombie (per page 18 of the core rules), follow the
rules for Loss of Humanity above (you become a
mindless zombie unless you have Radiation Pills).
If your MINIMUM RAD hits 20, you will become a
mutant as per the core rules.

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