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0 What Is Dwarven Talents:​ It is a Character Supplement for the Micro 

Proficient Axe  Training Check  Will Cost 
Chapbook RPG system and is usable by Dwarf characters. It adds depth to 
dwarf characters by providing new powerful abilities called Talents. It  Level 1 Talent  STRENGTH  1 
includes a progressable tree of talents for any dwarf character to use. 
These rules are a preview for the Dwarves of the Hellforge Deluxe  While using an axe, you ALWAYS roll with 2 dice and take 
Campaign Book.   the better result. 
2.0 Talent Tree: ​The Dwarven Talents exist on a tree. Each section of the 
tree has a Level to it. You always begin as a Level 1 Dwarf and can learn  Lethal Axe  Training Check  Will Cost 
the starting Talent (Proficient Axe) by spending 1 Willpower and making 
a successful “Training” roll. The stat required to learn a specific  Level 2 Talent  STRENGTH  2 
ability is listed in the shield associated with the Talent on the Talent 
When attacking with an axe, you always deal +1 damage.  
Sheet (represented by a single letter followed by a number--the Will 
Cost to learn a Talent). If you fail the roll, you may always spend the   
Willpower to try again. Fill in the small circle on the Talent Sheet to 
True Axe  Training Check  Will Cost 
show you’ve learned it.  
Level 3 Talent  STRENGTH  3 
3.0 Learning New Talents: ​After completing a dungeon and slaying the 
boss, you may attempt to learn a new Talent (as you now have the time to  When attacking with an axe, all rolls are made at -1. 
train more). To do this, choose a new Talent that is orthogonally 
adjacent to one Talent you already learned. This means you can learn the 
Talent directly above, below, or to either side of a current Talent you  Bloodied Axe  Training Check  Will Cost 
know. Spend the Willpower Cost (written in the shield) for that Talent 
and make the Training Check. If you pass, learn the new Talent (fill in  Level 4 Talent  STRENGTH  5 
the bubble to show you’ve learned it). If you fail, you don’t learn the 
Talent. You can spend the Willpower to immediately try again.   When an axe attack kills an enemy, roll for damage again 
  and apply it to the next enemy.  
4.0 Learning in the Dungeon: ​Alternatively, you may also attempt to   
learn a new Talent after clearing any room in the dungeon where you just 
Greed  Training Check  Will Cost 
used a Talent you already have. However, while learning in the dungeon 
your Training Check is made at +1 (in addition to other modifiers) and 
Level 2 Talent  WITS  2 
the Willpower cost is doubled. If you are in the dungeon when you fail, a 
new monster will appear (but only 1 monster), sneaking up on you while  You always receive +1 gold during treasure rolls where you 
you are training. Roll on the Monster Chart to randomly determine the  roll a gold amount (but not when rolling an item). 
5.0 The Talents: ​On the following pages you will find a Stat Box for each  Moneywise  Training Check  Will Cost 
of the Talents. Each box will offer you the required stat to make the 
Training Check, the Will Cost, the Level, and the actual use of the  Level 3 Talent  WITS  3 
Talent. At the end of this book you will find the Talent Sheet. 
  You always add +1 to treasure rolls. 

Wealth  Training Check  Will Cost 

Level 4 Talent  WITS  4 

You always earn x2 gold during treasure rolls where you 

roll a gold amount. This multiplier comes after the +1 from 
Greed if you have it.  

Miner  Training Check  Will Cost 

Level 2 Talent  WITS  2 

You may generate 1 adjacent room before entering but MAY 

NOT generate the monsters. You know not what creatures lie 

Wayfinder  Training Check  Will Cost 

Level 3 Talent  WITS  3 

You may generate 1 adjacent room in addition to the one 

you just entered. You need not enter the room. You may roll 
for monsters. You know what lies beyond. 

Dungeoneer  Training Check  Will Cost 

Level 4 Talent  WITS  4 

You may generate all adjacent rooms to the one you 

currently inhabit, including rolling for monsters in each 

1. Print off the first two pages back to back. 
2. Fold the pages in half to form a chapbook folio so that the cover 
art is on the front of the chapbook.  
3. Print the Talent Sheet Separately.  
Copyright © 2020 Noah Patterson 

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