Light Party Pack 2020 Final

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Advice on how to

host a COVID-secure
or online Light Party
Top tips on how to
plan, promote and
run your party
Ideas on how to
talk to children
about darkness
A compilation of the
best Light Party
material from the
past few years

‘This is the message we have heard from him and declare
to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all.’
1 John 1:5
Dear friends

This year, the shortening days and darker evenings of autumn and winter seem
to bring even more darkness, as we face another few months of restrictions.
At Scripture Union, we’ve been so encouraged by stories of how you and your
churches, across England and Wales, have prayed for and served the 95 – those
children and young people in your communities who aren’t connected with
church. You’ve been sharing God’s love with them in new and innovative ways
while COVID-19 disrupted all our plans and normal schedules.

Even in the darkest, most difficult times, we have a hope that shines brighter
than the brightest light. We were disappointed to have to cancel our SU summer
holiday and mission plans this year, but through over 30 online holidays, our
dedicated volunteers have been able to share Jesus with hundreds of children
and young people. Together, let’s continue to reach out to the younger
generations in our communities with the life-changing message of Jesus.

It might not be possible to hold a Light Party in the usual way this year, but
that doesn’t mean the fun has to stop. This pack contains a selection of our
best Light Party activities from previous years, with advice on how they can be
adapted and reworked, so that you can use them at a physically distanced
gathering, online or in public spaces.

Let’s remember, especially at this time, the truth of John 1:5

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

Myles MacBean
National Director
Scripture Union England and Wales

Reaching out while

4 staying safe
18 Light Party activities
18 Light events
19 Games

7 We need your help 20 Making

22 Bible exploration
23 Prayer ideas

Halloween: do we ignore
8 it or respond to it? 24 Serving food

Talking to children
10 about darkness 25 Finish well

Real big questions

12 about Halloween
26 How can we help?

Reaching beyond
14 church children

Top tips for your

16 Light Party or event

17 Setting up your space

on page 27:
order Scripture
Union’s take-home
booklets for your
4 Light Party Pack 2020

Reaching out
while staying safe
By Leanne Sheppard

So, it’s one of your favourite times of the year and the
Light Party is something you really look forward to.
However, this year, with all the restrictions currently in place
and changing on a daily basis, are you wondering how,
where and when this will work? Here at Scripture Union, we
have had the same thoughts, but we want to reassure you
that things are still possible, and our continuing mission to
support you in reaching out to children and young people
at the forefront of our minds, more now than ever.

Firstly, be encouraged that you are already equipped For this year’s edition of our Light Party Pack, we
to do this, because it’s your heart’s desire to continue to have looked through and pulled together some of our
engage with the children in your context, and to show most popular activities from previous years that we
them the light and love that Jesus can bring. So, with believe can be adapted to conform with all the current
God on your side anything is possible! government COVID-19 restrictions, regarding social
distancing, group sizes and hygiene. We’ve also included
some articles and tips from Scripture Union staff and
other practitioners who are very experienced in running
Light Parties. Our hope is that you feel equipped, despite
the challenges that we are currently facing, to host
another successful Light Party this year that is fun,
memorable and, above all, safe.

What changes can I make?

A socially-distanced Light Party

• Make sure, before you start preparing,

that you are fully up-to-date with
all the latest government advice
and are familiar with any rules and
guidelines that your church or venue
has also put in place. We have a
Light Party Pack 2020 5

great article by Sharon Pritchard on page 16 that will and equipment you will need to keep them safely
give you some easily adapted practical advice on distanced from one another.
planning your party.
• Decorate an outside space with lights etc, to give a
• If it is appropriate, and you have the space indoors or great impact when children and families arrive. Check
outside to invite children physically to a party, then out our article on ‘Setting up you space’ on page 17,
why don’t you set up each child or family bubble with for more creative ideas on decorations.
their own activity table, with all the materials they
will need to participate in the event. Don’t forget • If you are having food, you could create small buffets
to include a disposable apron and gloves (where on each of the family bubble tables, already laid out
necessary), and a rubbish bag for them to clear up for them to enjoy. We have more food ideas in our
afterwards and dispose of responsibly. We have put ‘Serving food’ section, which can be found on page 24.
together some suitable making ideas for you such as
‘Lighthouses’, ‘Candle holders’ and others which could • A treasure hunt – why not set out a treasure hunt
work really well in this context. These can be found on in your local area on the theme of light, and invite
pages 20 and 21. Make sure you also have a one-way children and families to participate in their own time.
system in place for arriving and leaving your space Take a look at
or venue. resource/trail-search-hope in our Leaving Lockdown
resources on the Scripture Union website, for some
• Have an online booking system for families to use. This great advice on setting up a socially-distanced
will enable you to keep a good control on the numbers treasure hunt.
arriving and allow you to know how much space
6 Light Party Pack 2020

A Light Party online

You may have decided that you are not quite ‘Zoomed
out’ yet and would like to host a Light Party online this
year, but just how do you go about doing that? There are
several options you could consider. Here are some tips to
think about:

• You could get creative with your video skills and record • A quiz – how about hosting a Zoom quiz? This is a
a Light Party show, using songs and stories, to upload great way to interact online, and families can join in
to YouTube on the night. (Do remember to keep in together and compete as one team. We have a great
mind copyright legislation when using pre-existing article called ‘Real big questions about Halloween’,
story and music videos.) You could then interact which can be found on page 12. You could use this
with families through the chat facility on the night. as a basis for your quiz questions, perhaps adapting
Don’t forget to advertise your event within your local some of them to create multiple choice questions and
community, giving details of the start time and how to answers… a great way to get families talking!
find it online.
• Film/video making – perhaps you could ask families
• A Zoom Light Party – interacting in this way has beforehand to create a video on the theme of light
become the new normal during 2020, so why not use that can be shared online with the rest of the party
it to your advantage. For Zoom, you will be required to on the night, and an overall winner chosen. We have
sign-up for a free or paid account that gives you the some tips on ‘Light filmmaking’, which can be found
capability to setup and host your own party. Send out on page 18.
the digital link invitation to those who have booked-in.
We hope you will find something in our pack to inspire
• Create party bags beforehand with instructions, art you. Here at Scripture Union we are continuing to work
materials and perhaps some sweet treats to distribute hard to adapt to the current climate, because we
to all your families and children ahead of the event, want to continue in our mission to reach the 95. So be
so they have everything they need to join in and encouraged, be bold, step out in faith and above all
participate on the night. have fun! Don’t forget to let us know how you get on, as
we love to share stories of what God is doing!

Leanne Sheppard

Content Innovator, Scripture Union England and Wales.

ABOUT Leanne recently joined our staff team, after working for
THE AUTHOR one of our Local Mission Partners as a schools worker
for over 4 years. Her guilty pleasures are chips and the
Australian soap opera Neighbours!
Light Party Pack 2020 7

We need your help

‘Therefore go and make disciples of all nations’
(Matthew 28:19)

You are important. God is using you to

reach children and young people and
to fulfil the great commission – thank
you for the part you are playing.

Can we ask for your help as we seek to make the

biggest impact we can for the kingdom?
We can only support and equip churches and individuals
to share the gospel because of our generous and faithful
supporters. We’re so grateful for all those who commit
to praying for our work and for those who choose to give
financially or through volunteering their time.

Finances should never be a barrier to children and young

people hearing about Jesus. That is why many of our
resources are either subsidised or free, our local workers
support churches free of charge and SU holidays are
subsidised, with full grants available.

There are a variety of ways you can do this:

Partner with us in reaching the 95!
l Request a speaker – inspire your congregation to
Will you join with us in mission, sharing the love of Jesus, so play their part in sharing the good news of Jesus
that more children and young people have the opportunity with the next generation
to explore the Bible, respond and grow in faith.
l Share videos – some short videos that are perfect
Will you commit to pray regularly for the work of SU, and for showing in a Sunday service
for the 12 million children and young people who don’t l Take a collection – order collection envelopes
go to church?
Will you commit to supporting SU financially, as a one- To find out about other ways to support SU visit
off gift or regular payment, so that together we can or to make a donation visit
see an increase in God’s kingdom, as more children and
young people start a journey of faith.
Thank you!
Will you stand with SU today and make a difference?
8 Light Party Pack 2020

do we ignore it
or respond to it?
By Rich Powney

My main memory of Halloween growing up was

that, as a family, we didn’t get involved. My
parents were Christians and they made the
decision that going trick or treating was not for us.
I didn’t particularly mind as a kid because I
hated getting dressed up, even though I would
have enjoyed getting some sweets and chocolate!

A fair few years have passed since I an excellent way to engage with At the same time, take the
was a kid, and the popularity of Halloween and with people in our opportunity to begin or continue
Halloween in the UK has exploded. communities who normally wouldn’t equipping the children in your church
In my view, it’s no longer something come along to church. However, as to be witnesses to their friend Jesus.
that can simply be ignored. Although with any church activity, a Light You could take some time to look at
we may understandably have some Party can easily become a party passages like the great commission
reservations about engaging with full of Christian parents and their in Matthew 28 or Jesus’ final words
Halloween due to all the ghosts, children. How can we ensure that we in Acts 1:8. Use these passages as
witches and demons on display, the avoid this all-too-easy pitfall and foundations to chat through the idea
reality is that most people taking make the most of this opportunity? that not everyone is a follower of
their kids out trick or treating are Jesus. Many of their friends won’t
not deliberately entering into pagan Firstly, it’s important to be know Jesus yet, but at the Light
worship – they just want to have intentional in how the event is Party we have a chance to help them
some fun. Halloween has become advertised in your church. When find out more about what it means
one of the few occasions when telling people in the church about to be a friend of Jesus.
strangers are welcomed at people’s the Light Party, be explicit that this
doors, neighbours go visiting each event is an opportunity to invite Secondly, think about how you are
other’s houses and a sense of families in the community who don’t going to advertise the Light Party in
community is developed. In short, it yet know Jesus. Why not take this the community. The most common
has become a great opportunity for upcoming event as an opportunity to way for people to come to an event
witnessing about Jesus. do some equipping with the whole is by being invited by someone who
church family in how to be a witness they know. So again, encourage and
So it has been fantastic to see to Jesus? The Light Party gives a good equip the families in your church to
many churches respond by putting opportunity to put into practice some chat with their family, friends and
on Light Parties. These events are of the concepts you’ve been covering. neighbours. For more ideas on pro-
Light Party Pack 2020 9

‘These events are

an excellent way to
engage with Halloween
and with people in our
communities who
normally wouldn’t come
along to church’
motion check out Sharon’s top tips the Light who shines in the
on page 16 and Helen’s article on darkness and that the darkness
page 14. has not overcome him.

This pack is full of great ideas on

how to plan and run a Light Party, Rich is married to Kit and they live in South West London. Having become
but in the busyness of doing this, a Christian in his early 20s, he’s passionate about helping people
don’t forget to think about what’s explore what it means to be a follower of Jesus. He recently graduated
next. If there are families who come with a Masters in Theology from London School of Theology. Currently
along to your event who normally he works in the Unity for Mission team at the Evangelical Alliance, with
have no connection with your church, his focus being the website –*
or are on the fringes, what can you
Rich is sports mad and loves watching and
do to ensure that relationship is grown ABOUT
trying to play pretty much all sport. To
and developed? Check out ‘Finish THE AUTHOR
well’ on page 25 for some ideas. relax you’ll often find Rich and Kit
enjoying the outdoors – preferably
Finally, although it’s important to put up a mountain!
effort into putting on an excellent
event, our battle is not simply against
flesh and blood. We need to be * is an online
praying that on this night, of all hub to inspire and equip you and your
nights, people are attracted to the church in evangelism. Visit the site to
light and away from the darkness. read, watch and pray about sharing the
So get the whole church praying good news, and find more than 200
that people will come and celebrate resources to help you in your outreach.
10 Light Party Pack 2020

Talking to children
about darkness
By Gemma Willis

Talking about darkness with children probably isn’t

a ‘go-to’ favourite topic for most of us. We’d much
rather talk about light, joy, fun, happiness and other
‘easy’ ideas.

But darkness is far more than an bringer of light, the one who dispels happen pretty quickly you’d end
uncomfortable idea. It’s a present, all darkness, the one who heals and up feeling at best despondent and
everyday reality for so many children. restores all. at worst unloved.
In one way or another all of us However, for children living with Wouldn’t you rather experience
encounter darkness in our lives at darkness (and for adults too!) the someone sitting with you in the
some point – whether it’s something promise that Jesus will bring light darkness, holding your hand and
as common as being afraid of the just doesn’t seem enough. letting you know that they’ll never
dark at bedtime, or as drastic as the leave your side?
Imagine for a moment that you’re
darkness of grief after losing a loved
trapped in a pitch black cave, cold Of course, I’m not suggesting that
one, or the darkness that a mental
and alone with no idea if there is we reduce what Jesus offers to mere
health crisis can bring.
a way out. Although it might be comfort and company – rather that
As people who know the love of comforting for a voice to promise in the way we talk to children about
Jesus, it’s tempting to frame all of you that ‘someone who loves you darkness we offer a more tangible,
our conversations about darkness is bringing a light soon and will immediate hope that is available
within the context of Jesus being the show you the exit’, if that doesn’t to all, rather than only promising

Top 5 Tips for talking about darkness with children

1 Acknowledge that darkness is 5 Even after preparing well, you

hard and scary. may need to refer children and
2 Don’t promise that Jesus will fix young people to an appropriate
everything right now, rather that agency for extra support. Ensure
he will always be with us and you have researched relevant
brings hope for a different future. local and national agencies that
can provide any extra support
3 Express the ‘light of Christ’ in
if necessary. If you are unsure
practical and tangible ways – not
where to look, visit
just as an abstract idea.
4 Share some of your own story –
how does knowing Jesus help
you in times of darkness?
Light Party Pack 2020 11

Ideas for sharing

Jesus with children
in practical and
tangible ways

l Invite a child to join a

small group where they
can make friends and feel
cared for.

l Give a child and/or their

family a small gift that you
know will meet a need.

l Make time to give a child

your undivided attention
– really listen to what they
something that we know will only be because things are scary, or hard have to say.
fulfilled in its entirety in eternity. to talk about, it doesn’t mean
l Encourage children to
they should be avoided – in fact, a
It’s also important that we explore the Bible for
considerable amount of what Jesus
acknowledge just how scary the themselves, inviting them
said and did didn’t make for easy
dark is. to respond to Jesus in
conversation with those he met!
I can remember being told as a child prayer while helping them
Sometimes it can be helpful to to hear his voice.
that the dark wasn’t something to
appropriately share how you handle
be afraid of, there weren’t really any l Empower children to love
darkness in your own life – it can
monsters under my bed and that the and care for others in their
be hard for children to identify with
shadows on the wall were harmless. community – sometimes
your story if it’s too full of sunshine
But when you’re 4 years old, a night in sharing the love of
and rainbows – a few thunderstorms
light makes all the difference – Jesus with others we
along the way are far more authentic
because it’s a tangible presence that discover even more of it
and relatable. It can be especially
takes away your fear. for ourselves!
relevant to share your own story of
For some children, talking about how you experience Jesus with you
the dark, whether in a literal or How can you show a child the
in practical and tangible ways when
abstract sense, can be a triggering light that Jesus brings into
life is hard.
experience, but now it’s your turn their life today?
not to be afraid. Always ensure How will you make the hope of
that you have proper safeguarding Jesus a present-day reality,
procedures in place and are able to not just a future hope?
make a referral to an appropriate
agency where necessary. Just

Gemma Willis
Head of Development Hub, Scripture Union England and Wales
Gemma Willis has over 15 years of experience in working with
THE AUTHOR children and young people. She is passionate about
communicating the good news of Jesus in relevant, exciting
and engaging ways. She also likes pies, mountains and cats.
12 Light Party Pack 2020

Real big questions

about Halloween
By Gavin Calver

Halloween can raise huge questions and stir up deep

fears for children and young people, even though on
the surface they may not want to show it. They’ll probably
want to appear cool and treat it all light-heartedly.

However, in the planning of your Light Party, don’t pack the programme so tightly that those who attend don’t have
time to ask some of their questions or express their fears, if they want to.

To help prepare your team for this, think through how you yourselves would answer the questions on this page –
they’re real questions from year 6 children in a London school.

On the night, discuss questions and fears when the children and young people ask you about them. If you just
present questions that other people have, you may make some unnecessarily fearful where they were fine before!

Halloween beginnings Halloween practices

Why is Halloween in October? Why do some people celebrate Halloween and
How did Halloween start? others don’t?
How is Halloween linked to Christianity? Why do people do scary things on this night?
Why do we call it Halloween and what does Why do people go around looking for candy?
Halloween mean? Why do people dress up/wear costumes at Halloween?
What is Halloween basically all about? Why do people go trick or treating, and why is it
What does Halloween symbolise and why? called that?
Does Halloween represent death or dead people? Why do people carve pumpkins?
Is Halloween real or fake?
Halloween and God
Halloween and the devil Why is God magic?
Is Halloween the devil’s (Satan’s/Shatan’s) birthday? Is God a person or a spirit?
Is the devil real? Why did God create bad people?
Where did the devil come from? Why do bad things happen when God’s love is with us?
Does the devil have horns and a tail? What’s wrong with Halloween anyway? Why is it bad,
Why are there ghosts? Are they real? or evil, or dark?
Light Party Pack 2020 13

When you and your team have attempted to answer

these questions, check out how Gavin Calver, CEO
for the Evangelical Alliance, responded to them at

Top tips on tackling questions

1 Children love to ask questions about almost anything. Think about:
They ask ‘Why?’, ‘What?’, ‘Who?’, ‘How?’ very often. • using the right words: within the range of their
It’s only natural for children and part of their trying to vocabulary
make sense of their world. Similarly, young people love • talking about accessible concepts: concrete as far as
to ask questions, but to help them build a coherent possible, not abstract or beyond their experience
worldview: ‘What do I really believe?’ Questions are • using the stuff of their world in your answers: take
an important part of their learning – don’t ignore their examples from school, home, TV, pastimes, friends or
questions or treat them lightly. culture to illustrate your answers
• restricting yourself to short answers: or risk losing their
2 Pray before your Light Party. Ask God to guide you as interest, their understanding, or both!
you respond to any questions the children or young
people may have. 5 If you’re not sure what they’re asking (or you need time
to think!), ask them what they mean or some other
3 Be genuinely interested in the children and young question that makes them say their question in
people and what they’re saying. During the event another way.
itself make sure team members aren’t so busy with
responsibilities that they can’t stop to talk. Then take 6 If you’re with a group of children, sometimes it’s good to
time to listen carefully to all that’s on their mind. let other children or young people say what they think –
Demonstrate real concern for them – don’t just fire they’ll probably tell you anyway!
off your pre-prepared answer.
7 If you don’t know the answer or can’t explain it, say so.
4 There are two stages in answering the questions children They will appreciate your honesty. Alternatively, look it
and young people ask. Firstly, find an answer that you up, or ask a friend to help. Be sure to note the question
understand and believe, that’s consistent with the Bible – don’t forget it! Try to get back to them before the end
(especially where faith questions are concerned). of your event, if possible.
Secondly, work out how to say it so that the unchurched
child or young person can understand. Don’t use
Christian terminology unless you also explain what
it means.
14 Light Party Pack 2020

Get the children who already come to your activities
1 involved in planning the Light Party. Talk through the
suggestions in the pack and let them help you choose what

you will do so that they are happy with what is planned
and therefore more likely to invite friends to the party. That
includes deciding if you want to make this just for a specific

age group, or a party for families to come to together.

Plan the absolute best party you can! Adults not

2 involved in church may have low expectations;

children wouldn’t it be great if their child went home and said this
had been the best party they had ever been to?!
Do you have anyone in your church who could do
something special for the party that the children would
really enjoy? For example, if you plan to play any games
By Helen Franklin
with music, could your worship band come and play live
It’s estimated that a staggering instead of you using pre-recorded music?

95% of children and young people in Get the children involved in praying for the party.
3 Help them to understand that this is not just about
England and Wales aren’t in church.
having fun on or around 31 October, but that it is helping
So how are all those children going to hear the good to introduce their friends to Jesus the Light of the World.
news of Jesus? We certainly can’t wait for them to step To explain the impact Jesus can have, darken the
through our church doors. We need to step out and room as much as possible and ask them what makes the
take the good news to them – to meet them where world feel dark. Let them list the things they recognise.
they are! Light one candle. Pause and look at it, at how it affects
the darkness. Talk about Jesus the Light of the World and
Light Parties are a fantastic way to give the children the difference he made when he came into the world.
and young people in your community the opportunity Talk about the difference he can make in the specific
to hear about God’s love for them. We asked Helen ‘darkness’ they have named. Light a tea light from the
Franklin, Scripture Union Mission Enabler, to share her candle, and then another, and so on, so they get the
advice on how to do this… picture of how every extra light lightens the room still
Light Party Pack 2020 15

further... and bringing their friends to the party helps to do – encourage them to come dressed in a particular
spread the Light. In the candlelight, pray for Jesus to way. And if someone does happen to come dressed as a
use each of you as his light. If possible, give each child a witch or ghost, just ignore it if possible rather than make
battery-powered tea light to take home as a reminder to a fuss: help children to feel welcome.
pray for the party and for the friends they might invite to it.
Ask your church to pray too, and create a prayer Do something for the parents. If your party is going
card for each person to remind them of the details.
7 to run over a relatively short time, is there anything
that other people in church could do for parents at the
Give every child a number of invitations to pass on same time but in a different part of the building, such as
4 to friends, just as they would if this were their own serving coffee and desserts, cheese tasting, pampering
party. That way all the details are written down clearly, etc so that they don’t have to go home and come back?
and it’s much easier than simply asking by words. Make Think out of the box to make this easy for parents to
sure it’s clear that this is a Christian party. Include a bring their children.
contact phone number or email address so a parent
could check on details if they have questions. Create a welcoming atmosphere. On the night,
8 make sure any rooms you will use are nicely warm but
Make sure you also invite any other children or not too hot. People are easily put off by a cold church!
5 young people who come to activities – but not Make it obvious where the party is with signs or even
to a Sunday group – at the church, such as uniformed sticky plastic footprints showing the way from the
organisations, dance groups etc. If you have a toddler pavement to the door. If the room that you’ll be in is a
group, give invitations to any parents with older children distance from the main door, have someone at the first
in the right age group. You might want to invite children entrance who can welcome people, direct them to the
who live on the road where your church is. But rather right place, explain where toilets are (there’s nothing
than just put a flyer through letterboxes, knock at the worse than having to ask as soon as you get there!) and
door, explain you’re from the church and ask if there are saying a friendly ‘goodbye’ as parents leave. Make sure
any children living there. If there are, don’t just hand an they are clued up on plans for the evening so they can
invitation to a child but ask to speak to their parent too; answer any queries that parents have. If parents feel
that’s much better practice. happy with the way you welcome them and look after
But remember that you have to be able to cope their children they are more likely to bring them again.
with the numbers of children who come, which includes
having enough food, enough leaders, enough space, Keep praying! Have people from church who will pray
being safe etc. 9 for the party as it’s happening.

Children outside church may want to come in What happens next? Explore ideas on what to do
6 costumes you would prefer they didn’t wear. But
10 after your Light Party to keep on reaching out to the
rather than say ‘Please don’t…’ – which may just enforce children and young people who attended.
views that church is all about telling you what you can’t

Best of all would be to have events planned every two to three months all through the
year, so that by the time next year’s party happens, these children are so comfortable with
church that they become the ones doing the inviting. You never know what might happen,
because God is at work!

Helen is an Scripture Union Mission Enabler in Wales. She is passionate about

mission and has pioneered our ‘Pop up Mission’ model of simple mission
including Summer Salt and Star at the Stable that have introduced thousands
of children to something of the Christian Story. Helen is a passionate
adopted Welsh lady and is learning Welsh. She is now able to deliver ABOUT
training sessions and tell stories in Welsh! THE AUTHOR
16 Light Party Pack 2020

Top tips for your

Light Party or event
By Sharon Pritchard

Funding undoubtedly be other items you’ll 3 Check that you have first-aid
Please don’t be tempted to charge need too. As mentioned earlier, try provision in place for your event.
for attending your Light Party or to borrow resources where you can; 4 Make yourself aware of the safety
event. Events like this should always otherwise try to keep within your policies for your venue, such as fire
be a gift from the church to, for and budget. You may be able to recycle exits and the appropriate use of the
with the community. You may need some of the items you have at home facilities.
to fundraise to run your party, or ask or in your cupboard at church. Be 5 Complete a risk assessment for your
your church council for a set amount. creative in how you use resources activities. Ask your venue for their
Try to borrow resources that may be and share ideas, and look for new own building’s risk assessment, if
expensive, like sports equipment. ways of using everyday items. You there is one.
Sometimes you can borrow larger may be surprised at what you can 6 Make sure you are adequately
items from a school or youth centre, come up with! Don’t forget to buy the insured for your Light Party or event.
and this will help keep running costs SU giveaway booklets for children 7 Register each person who attends.
to a minimum. in advance – What is the Light? and A signing-in sheet is a good way of
What Do You Do When Darkness keeping a record of who is there.
Publicity Comes to Visit? See the back cover
Publicising your Light Party or event for more details. Pray
is key to making it a success. Create Ask for prayer support from your
a flyer that can be given out in your church (including the children and
church, local schools and the wider young people) and any other
community. You may want to attach Christian friends and family members
a consent form to each flyer (if parents you have.
aren’t going to be present) to be
given out in schools, then all the Free resources
Sharon Pritchard is the Children’s
required information is kept together Scripture Union has a lot of free
Adviser for the Diocese of
when it arrives home in a school bag. resources to download at
Durham and has been in post
Posters and flyers could be given They include extra
for six years. She offers training,
out to be displayed in local shops, party ideas, hints and tips, downloadable
support, resources and advice to
doctors’, dentists’ and vets’ surgeries posters and invitations, sample health
parishes in the diocese on all
– wherever there are people. Posters and safety forms and much, much
aspects of children’s ministry.
displayed at your chosen venue are more. Check them out today, so you
Sharon lives in Chester-le-Street
also effective. You may also encourage don’t spend time creating stuff that’s
with her husband Alan. And she
the children and young people who already available!
collects nativities and loves all
are part of your church to invite their
friends along. Advertising your event Safeguarding things Christmassy.

on social media is another good way You must ensure that safeguarding is
of getting your information out to in place for your event. The following
the wider community. should be used as guidelines: ABOUT
1 Make sure you adhere to your THE AUTHOR
Resources church’s safer recruitment policy.
Of course, you’ll need this pack to 2 If volunteers don’t have a current
help you plan and run your Light DBS and need one, you must obtain
Party or event, but there will these before the event.
Light Party Pack 2020 17

Setting up
your space
First impressions count, so make sure you make your
venue as welcoming as possible. Even something as simple
as hanging fairy lights all over your space can make such a
difference. It can create a sense of excitement and declare
that this is a special event.

If you can use other decorations, then make the effort where to go. Help people find the different parts of the
to create an extra-special space. Have different sources building, such as your main meeting room, the toilets etc.
and colours of light throughout your venue – there may
be people in your congregation who can lend you various As well as the spaces where the children and young
special lights, such as bubble towers, fibre-optic lights or people are going to be, think about setting up an area
disco lighting. for parents and carers. If possible, provide comfy chairs
and quality refreshments (real coffee, homemade cake
Make sure you have a good number of volunteers ready etc) for parents and carers to use while the event is
to welcome children, young people and families at the taking place. Make sure you have a couple of volunteers
entrance to your venue. If you’re hoping to reach families in this space, to serve refreshments and chat to parents
not part of your church community, then your visitors and carers.
are unlikely to be familiar with your building or know
18 Light Party Pack 2020

Light events
You might wish to focus your light event on one big activity.
Here are some suggestions that work well in this context.
You can always do these activities on a smaller scale, to sit
alongside some of the other great ideas in this pack.

Light disco
Explain to the group that you’re going to create
You will need: music and the means to play it,
some films about light. Write ‘Let there be light’ on a
disco lights, glow sticks, quiet room facilities
large sheet of paper and discuss some ideas around
(such as bean bags, subdued lighting, books,
that phrase that you could base your film on. Once
individuals have given their suggestions, select one or
two to develop further using a different sheet of paper
Before the event, set up your disco space. Make sure
for each idea.
you tape cables securely down and everything is safe for
the children or young people to move around in limited
Help the group plan out their chosen idea. You could
lighting. Set up a quiet room where people can go to
create some storyboards so that you can imagine each
escape the noise and take some time out if they need it.
shot and understand what you have to do to create
Plan where you and your fellow leaders are going to be –
each part of the film.
you’ll need at least a couple of leaders each in the disco
and quiet spaces. Get the children’s or young people’s help
Once everything is planned out, decide who is going to do
in choosing the music, so that everyone is happy to dance.
what; for example, camera operators, actors, a director,
light and sound technicians. Film your piece and then
As the children or young people arrive, give out glow sticks
set about editing. You might have time to do this in your
to add to the atmosphere. Make people aware that they
session. If not, then you could do it yourself and show the
can take some time out in the quiet space if they need to.
finished film at a special premiere night!
It might take a while for everyone to start dancing, but
things should get going after a couple of songs!
Bonfire and fireworks
Light filmmaking You will need: a large outdoor space,
firewood, fireworks, refreshments (see page 24
You will need: filmmaking equipment (such as
for suggestions), risk assessment and
video cameras or smartphones), different light
appropriate insurance
sources, permission from parents/carers for
children and young people to be filmed, large
Having a fireworks party can be a big draw for children,
sheets of paper and marker pens, simple video-
young people and families. It is a big undertaking – you
editing software
will need to risk assess the event, put in the appropriate
safety measures and ensure you have the correct
insurance – however, it will be a memorable event for
those who attend, and so will be worth the effort.

The Fire Service has lots of help and advice for you
so you know where to start – visit their website: Follow their
guidance when planning fireworks and bonfires. Plan
your time, so that people can watch the fireworks, see
the bonfire and have refreshments. Have a contingency
plan for if it rains – you might want to set out some of
the making activities and games (pages 19-21) inside.
Light Party Pack 2020 19


Blindfold games
There are a number of games you can play that
include blindfolds. Have fun then think about what
it’s like to live with, or without, light. (Some children
and young people don’t like to be blindfolded, so
ask beforehand.)

Obstacle course (10 minutes) Steal the keys (10 minutes)

You will need: blindfolds, items to create an You will need: a large bunch of keys,
obstacle course, a stopwatch a blindfold

Before the session, set up a simple obstacle course or Sit the group in a circle and ask for one volunteer to
mark a simple maze on the floor. Risk assess the activity, sit in the middle of the circle and put on the blindfold.
making sure that children/young people can complete Place the keys behind the volunteer. The other players
the course safely. Put the group into pairs – one to be in the circle should try to steal the keys without being
a guide and one to be blindfolded. In turn, the guide heard by the blindfolded volunteer. If the volunteer
should help their blindfolded partner navigate the hears anything, they should point in the direction they
course/maze, by giving instructions (but not physically think the sound has come from. If they point at the
guiding them). Time each partnership – the winner is the player trying to steal the keys, that player sits down
one who completes the course the quickest, and safest! and another player should have a turn. If the player
succeeds, they take over as the blindfolded volunteer in
Blindfold drawing (15 minutes) the middle.

You will need: pens, paper, blindfolds,

sample pictures

Before the event, prepare some drawings that children/

young people can copy during the game. Make some
simpler pictures and one or two that are a bit more
challenging! Put the group into pairs and give each
pair a blindfold, a pen and a piece of paper. Encourage
the pair to decide who will be the artist and who will
be the describer. The artist should put the blindfold on
and pick up the pen. Give each describer the easiest
of the pictures and challenge them to describe it to
their partner, who should try to draw the picture. When
everyone has finished, compare the results! You could
give points for the best (and/or the funniest!) effort. Go
on to try the other pictures you have prepared.
20 Light Party Pack 2020

A bag of props (15 minutes) Morse-code puzzles (10 minutes)

You will need: a number of random objects or You will need: Morse-code alphabet (search
light-related objects, a large bag online for an appropriate version), torches,
pens and paper
Before the session, gather together a collection of
random objects that might spark some storytelling Put the group into teams of four. You could do this in
ideas. You could choose a stuffed animal, a guidebook pairs, but it would take a lot longer! Then send two
to a far-off land, a toy car or a can of baked beans – from each team to one end of the room, and two to the
use your imagination in order to fuel the imagination other. Each pair should have a copy of the Morse-code
of the children! If you’re doing a light themed party, alphabet, and one pair should have a torch. Give the
collect a number of light-related objects such as a torch, pair with the torch these words and challenge them to
sunglasses, a picture of the Milky Way or a candle. communicate each word using short and long flashes of
the torch to create Morse-code letters. The team at the
Place all your objects in the bag. other end of the room should write down the letters as
they are signalled.
Sit everyone in a circle and invite someone
to pull an object out of the bag. Start a story MATCH TORCH LIGHT LAMP FIRE
off using this object as inspiration. Once the children/
young people have taken the first object as far as they The winners are the ones who get the most words, or
can, ask someone to take out another object. who complete the task first. For young people, make
the words more complicated or try to communicate
Continue like this until all your objects have been used or whole phrases!
your story reaches a natural end.

Chat about the story you created – was it fun? Would

they change anything about it? For light parties, chat
about how light and darkness played a part in the story.


Lighthouse (10 minutes)

You will need: crisp tubes, clear yoghurt pots,

cheap torches, art materials, sticky tape

Give each child a crisp tube, yoghurt pot and torch.

Encourage everyone to decorate their tube. They can Once the tube is decorated, turn the torch on and place
make it look like a lighthouse (you might need to find it ‘light up’ inside the tube. Place the yoghurt pot upside
some sample photos of lighthouses, in case children down on the top of the tube and secure it with a couple
have never seen one), or anything else they like. If your of pieces of tape. Turn the lights off so that you can see
children are familiar with Guardians of Ancora, they the effect! As you work, chat about what lighthouses do
could make a Spire of Light. and what might happen if they stopped working.
Light Party Pack 2020 21

Light photos (15 minutes) Booklet making (10 minutes)

You will need: a camera (and maybe a tripod), You will need: A4 plain paper (both white
lots of mobile sources of light (such as torches, and brightly coloured), long-armed stapler,
glow sticks or play lightsabres) art materials

Before the session, gather together some mobile sources Create a booklet for the children to decorate and then
of light – ones that can be safely moved around. Set the keep. Ask the children to select a brightly coloured
shutter speed on your camera to around ten seconds piece of paper for the cover. Then place two sheets of
(you don’t need a sophisticated camera to do this – you white A4 paper on top of the cover. Fold the paper in
can change the shutter speed on many smartphones). half to create an A5 booklet. Use the stapler to join all
Experiment a little before the party, so that you can be the paper together at the spine. Then encourage the
sure you’re happy with the results. children to decorate their books as they wish.

Give the children/young people the sources of light Once everyone has finished, admire all the booklets and
and help them to come up with a plan of what they challenge the children: what stories are they going to
want their photo to look like. They should then practise write or draw in their books?
moving the lights around in a pattern for ten seconds.
Once they are happy, turn your room lights off and take Comic strip (20-30 minutes)
the picture. You should then come up with an image
You will need: paper, felt-tip pens, pencils
full of trails of light. Enjoy creating lots of images
together – if you have a laptop available, you could
put them together on a PowerPoint presentation to
Put everyone into groups of two or three. Challenge
show to everyone.
them to retell part of their favourite story (biblical or
fiction) through a few frames of a comic strip. If you
You will need to get permission from parents/carers to
know the children/young people well, try to pair those
take photographs, but you shouldn’t be able to see any
who like drawing with those who like writing – that way
distinct faces in the final images.
they can split the writing and drawing of the comic
strip accordingly. Help the groups to decide what story
Candle holders (10-15 minutes)
they’re going to tell and what needs to happen in each
You will need: clean jam jars, coloured tissue frame of the comic strip. (What narration or dialogue will
paper, PVA glue and spreaders, battery- they need? What does the picture need to show?)
operated candles
Once everyone has finished, show the comic strips and
Give each child a jam jar and encourage them to tear see if people can guess what story is being told.
up different colours of tissue paper and stick small
pieces in a pattern onto the jam jar. When the children
are happy with their design, leave the jam jars to dry.
Once they are dry, place a battery-operated candle
in the jar and see how the light shines through the
different colours.

To give this activity a storytelling slant, create an

image on the jar out of tissue paper. Once you have all
finished, try to make up stories about the pictures you
have created. Talk about how, before reading was a
widespread skill, many people found out about stories
from the Bible from stained-glass windows.
22 Light Party Pack 2020


Light for the world (20 minutes) we have a faith. Read Matthew 5:14–16. Ask the young
people what they make of that. Do they sometimes feel
You will need: a Bible, the song ‘Follow me’ (from that they hide their positive qualities – or their faith –
Bitesize Bible Songs, SU) or other suitable song because they are scared of what others might think?
and the means to play it
Go on to read Philippians 2:14–16. The writer, Paul,
Sit the children in a circle and chat about what you
encourages his friends to shine like lights or stars in the
have done so far at your party. What have the children
world, to show people how amazing God is. Give each
enjoyed? Ask the children to think about:
young person a paper star and ask them to think about
what kind of light they show to the world. If they are
• what their favourite part of the party has been Christians, would others know? Are they showing Jesus’
• what they like about the light and the darkness light to others?

Tell the children that Jesus told his friends that he was
Jesus the light (5 minutes)
Light for the World. Read John 8:12 to the children.
Explain that Jesus didn’t mean that he actually shone You will need: the most powerful torch you
light on everyone! He was talking about helping people can find, a cardboard frame (as a ‘window
to live happily, to feel safe with God and to choose the frame’), strips of cardboard, sticky tape, red or
best way to live. Ask the children to think about: orange cellophane

• what living in the light means Make up your ‘window frame’ in advance. Onto your
• what living in the dark means cardboard frame stick cross-pieces of card to make
• if Jesus is their light, what he might help them with it look like a window. Then stick the cellophane to
the back.
Play the song to the children and enjoy learning and
Switch off most of the other lights (but not if it will upset
singing it together. If they are keen, encourage the
anyone) and switch on the torch. Shine it into all the
children to come up with some actions!
dark corners of your venue.

Shine like stars (10 minutes) Ask the children and young people why light is such a
good thing, and value their answers.
You will need: paper and marker pens,
Bibles, stars cut from yellow paper Light helps us see things as they really are. There’s a
power cut, we grab a big torch. We need to see.
Ask the young people to think about how others see (Shine the light into the corners again, but not into
them. Invite them to create a word picture using words people’s eyes.)
that might be used about them. Try to stick to positive Light warns us, like a lighthouse when there are rocks
words, rather than negatives. Encourage the young around that would be dangerous for ships. (Flick the
people to go round to each other’s papers and add torch off and on several times.)
encouraging words.
Light shows the way. Think of an aircraft coming in to
land on a runway at night. (Place your torch on the floor
Comment that we all make an impact on others, and we
shining up at the ceiling.)
hope that our impact is a positive one. If anyone wants
to share their word picture, let them do so. Say that Light attracts us. (Hold up your ‘window frame’ and
sometimes we hide our positive side away, scared about shine the torch through from behind it.) Imagine you’re
what others might think. This can be especially true if heading home on a dark, snowy night. The lights from
Light Party Pack 2020 23


the windows are so warm and welcoming. You just want Prayer glow sticks (5 minutes)
to be there.
You will need: Glow sticks – if you are running
Jesus is like light. He comes from God, he tells people a party online, these can be sent out in packs
how things really are – the truth about God, the world beforehand
and themselves. He shows them the way to be friends
with God. Believing and trusting in Jesus is the way to 1 Give out the glow sticks, asking people to hold off
be friends with God. He shows people God’s love, and snapping them until everyone has them.
attracts them to himself by it. He brings the very best
kind of light into people’s dark lives. 2 Ask everyone to think about places in their life where
they might need God’s light, so that they can see the
Fairy light washing line (10 minutes) right way forward.

You will need: a string of fairy lights hung across

3 Explain that we can talk to God in just the same way
a room, luggage tags, pens, washing line pegs,
that we might talk to a friend who is sitting next to us.
music (optional)
Encourage them to snap the glow sticks and talk to God
about those places they have thought of where they
1 Read from John 1:3–5: ‘Through him all things were
might need his light.
made; without him nothing was made that has been
made. In him was life, and that life was the light of 4 After a few moments, thank God for bringing light
all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the into the world and for bringing light into our lives. Ask
darkness has not overcome it.’ Say that this passage everyone to wave their glow sticks in the air and shout,
describes Jesus as the one who brings light to the dark ‘Thank you, God!’
places, and says that no amount of darkness can put his
light out. It is a message of hope to us when things feel Candle prayer jars (10 minutes)
too dark to be overcome.
You will need: glass jars, strips of coloured
2 Ask the group to consider where they think Jesus’ light tissue paper, PVA glue, pens, battery-powered
most needs to bring hope. Turn on the fairy lights, and tea lights
turn off the main lights of the room if possible. You might
want to play some background music. 1 Read John 1:1–5,9–13 and ask the group to consider
what words in the passage feel most important to them.
3 Invite them to take some tags and write down the
dark places or situations where they want to ask 2 Explain that you’re going to make candle holders to
help you pray. Ask the group to write the words from the
Jesus to bring his light. As they write them down, invite
passage that feel important, as well as other words that
the group to peg up the tags onto the line as an act
give them hope, onto the strips of coloured tissue paper.
of prayer.
Ask the group to glue these strips of paper with the
words of light and hope around a glass jar.

3 Give each group member a tea light to put inside their

jar, and explain that Jesus’ light is a promise of hope to
those who need it (like we all do at times). The jars are to
take away and use to help us pray when we feel like we,
or those we love, need light and hope.
24 Light Party Pack 2020

Serving food
Food is a great part of any event,
and you will probably want to give
children or young people some
refreshments. Make sure that you
follow food-hygiene guidelines and
are aware of any allergies. Be ready
to supply people with a list of
ingredients and allergens.

Snacks Firework treats

If you only have the facilities for snacks, then put If you’re having a firework party, then serve hotdogs, with
together platters of fruit of assorted colours. Provide onions and ketchup. Burgers are also a popular option.
water, squash or even hot drinks such as hot chocolate. You could have other bonfire-night treats, such as toffee
apples, parkin or treacle toffee.
If you have more time, you could help children or young Other ideas
people make their own pizzas. Simple pizza dough Providing homemade cakes and biscuits is always a
recipes can be found online, or you can buy ready-made winner. Are there any people in your congregation
pizza bases. Provide lots of toppings for the children or who would be willing to bake for you, even if they can’t
young people to choose from and then cook and enjoy volunteer to help out at the event itself? Coordinate your
your pizzas together! bakers so that you can provide a range of treats, and
make sure you have a gluten-free option.

Simple platters of fruit and salad vegetables can work

well. You could make hummus, raita or tzatziki with the
children/young people that you can then serve with
carrot and celery sticks.

Play with the idea of light by making jelly in different

coloured layers!
Light Party Pack 2020 25

Finish well
Just as first impressions count, last
impressions are important too. If an
event fizzles out, it leaves a negative
memory in the minds of children,
young people and their families.

Choose an all-together activity to finish your party, so (for those over 8). If possible, have something else to
that you end with a feeling of community. Make a point invite people to, particularly if you’re aiming your party
of saying goodbye to everyone individually, so that or event at those from outside your church community.
each child or young person feels valued by the team. It could be something as soon as a bonfire night party,
If families arrive to pick their children up, introduce or you could let them know about what’s happening at
yourself and have a quick chat about what’s been your church at Christmas. Consider creating an event
happening at the party. especially for those who have come to your Light Party,
so that you can carry on building a sense of community.
Give out copies of Who is the Light? (for 5- to 8-year-
olds) or What Do you Do when Darkness Comes to Visit?
26 Light Party Pack 2020

How can we help?

We hope you’ve found your Light Party Pack really helpful as you seek
to reach out to the children and young people in your local community.

Scripture Union’s vision is to see a new generation of children and young people who have a
vibrant, personal faith in Jesus. We believe this is a vision that God has called us to partner
with the local church in – local churches like yours who are key in sharing the gospel with
children and young people not in church (estimated to be a staggering 95% of under-18s in
England and Wales).

Supporting and equipping churches is where Scripture Union’s heart lies, and we want
to lighten the load for your church as you seek to fulfil your mission to children and
young people.


We have a dedicated team Across England and Wales We provide a wide range of
creating new resources and we have 21 wonderful mission holidays for 8- to 18-year-olds,
developing new models of enablers, each with a passion and, even with the COVID-19
mission, and they are also and remit for supporting restrictions, we have still been
working to improve and refine churches in reaching out to able to run holidays online this
our existing resources to make the children and young people year. Our hope and prayer is
them as effective as possible. in their communities. These that on these holidays, as well
We’re increasingly trying to offer mission enablers can provide as having lots of fun and making
many of these resources for free free training and advice, and new friends, each child will have
so that they are available for also help you connect with other the opportunity to explore the
everyone to use. local churches so you can benefit Bible, grow in faith and respond from working together. They’d to Jesus. These holidays have
also love to meet you for a coffee played a huge part in the faith
and simply be a listening ear to journey of thousands of young
bounce ideas off. lives already. Perhaps the young people you’re engaging with
would also benefit.

Together, let’s share the

good news of Jesus with
the next generation.

For more information on how you and your church

can get involved with SU visit
Light Party Pack 2020 27

Who is the light?

Presents Jesus as the Light of the
World and how those who follow him
are called to be like light too. Ideal for
children aged 5 to 8.

What do you do when

darkness comes to visit?
Invites children to discover Jesus as
the Light of the World, who is able to
overcome darkness, sadness and fear.
This revised version is aimed at those
aged 8 to 11.

These 20-page evangelistic booklets Order from Scripture Union:

are ideal for introducing Jesus to 01908 856000
children using the themes of darkness or order online:
and light.
They are great for:

giving to children who come trick

or treating pack of
giving away at your Light event 10 only
using as an evangelistic tool in
your service £4.99
Scripture Union is a Registered Charity in England and Wales (number 213422) and a Limited Company (number 39828),
at Trinity House, Opal Court, Opal Drive, Fox Milne, Milton Keynes MK15 0DF.
Website: Phone: 01908 856000 Email:
Scripture quotations taken from Holy Bible, New InternationalVersion® Anglicized, NIV® Copyright © 1979, 1984,
2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Design by The Smithy Creative, Sunbury-on-Thames.

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