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Name: Felicity Marie Gargar BSN1-C

Assignment 1:
Choose a topic from the discussion and write an essay about it (3 Paragraphs).
Managing and Caring for the self: Setting Goals for Success

Setting Goals for Success, personally I set goals every day to do my task because
sometimes I forget what I task I should finish on that day. Goal setting teach me more value in my
life and make myself a better person, I can figure out everything that I need to do to achieve all my
personal goals. Nobody is perfect, I make mistakes a lot of time but I just think my mistakes as a
learning opportunity and I make sure not to make the same mistake again. I improve my
productivity by waking up early so that I can do a lot of things rather that waking up late and can’t
do because of lack of time.

We have different perspective on success, for me success is living that life as a Registered
Nurse achieving my goals, helping my family to reach their goals, and help others whenever I
could. I believe that anything is possible, but I know that in order to achieve success, I need to
work hard, set goals, change some of my attitudes such as laziness, I cannot be lazy if I want to
be successful. In order to achieve my goals, working hard is a must, there might be a lot of
distractions I must pass through but I won’t let any distraction to stop me in achieving my goals.
Achieving success would never be an easy thing, a lot of people keep failing in becoming
successful but as I said anything is possible as long as you stick on your goals, it won’t be an
easy path but I would keep fighting to succeed.

I am a 1st year college student at San Isidro College, Impalambong, Malaybalay City,
Bukidnon, studying Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Hoping and praying that I would succeed in
my goals to achieve my dreams in becoming a Registered nurse soon. I will work hard, and takes
whatever it would be to be able to be successful. I know it would take time, I’m ready to face
everything and as long as I keep trying and never give up on my goals and dreams, I know I
would be able to achieve the success I want in life
Name: Felicity Marie Gargar BSN1-C
Assignment 2:
Choose 1 topic from the discussion and visualize it.
Managing and Caring for the self: Setting Goals for Success
Name: Felicity Marie Gargar BSN1-C
Assignment III:
Interview a classmate, generate 5 questions related to the topics under Managing and
Caring for the self.
Managing and Caring for the self: Setting Goals for Success
Interviewee: Lisa Grace P. Samonte
1. On your own perspective what is Success?
- Success for me is going home feeling fulfilled. Feeling that I’ve made a difference, done
the best that I can and helped somebody move through a challenge and towards their
goals. Success is that feeling of knowing that I am on the right track and doing what I am
meant to be doing. It’s taken me a long time to learn that no amount of money will suffice
for a lack of purpose and passion. When I act out of purpose and passion, I feel I have
created success.

2. What are your Goals in Life?

- My ultimate goal in life Is to finish my studies, to have my license, so that my parents can
proudly say that “OUR DAUGHTER IS ALREADY A NURSE” hearing those words Melts
my heart, Also I will do what makes my inner soul happy, and also, I’m going to Add this
thing I want to clear up my skin Someday Lol. HAHAHAHA lastly, I want to achieve my
dreams Together with My Bf lol.

3. Who are your motivations in setting your Goals?

- Setting objectives enables me to establish new habits, directs my attention, and keeps
me moving forward in life. Goals also aid in focusing my attention and encourage a sense
of self-mastery.

4. Why is it important to set Goals in Life?

- I may not have the Perfect family, But I least I made them my motivation, for me to be
able to do good, to achieve my goals and more.

5. How can you say that you are successful?

- In my view, I can finally call myself a successful person when I can accept someone with
whole heart instead of using them, when I accept my own mistake, when I become the
person who is role model for someone, when I believe someone how I know them not what
I heard about them, when I can forgive someone easily after being deceived by them, and
when I have no negative thoughts about myself and others too.

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