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Baldev Yellapu


Professional Summary:

 Over 7 years of experience in Software development life cycle (SDLC), Software testing life cycle (STLC) and
testing of Web Based applications using JAVA.
 Expertise in writing Test strategy, Test Plan Preparation and Implementation of Test Case Design, Test Tool
usage, Test execution, Defect Management and Defect Tracking.
 Proficient in both Manual Testing and Automation Testing using tools such as  Selenium (Selenium IDE, Sele-
nium RC, and Selenium WebDriver), Eclipse
 Expertise in using cloud mobile device farms such as Sauce labs.
 Strong skills in Database Testing and thorough knowledge in SQL. Performed Backend Testing using SQL
queries to access the main database.
 Analyze client-server issues in mobile and web applications using Charles, Flipper and web inspector.
 Performed Cross-Browser and Compatibility Testing to test whether the web applications are working as de-
sired in different browsers and environments
 Tested using mobile automation framework Appium and UI testing with Espresso.
 Performed Acceptance testing and UI functional testing using Perfecto with extension of Appium and Java as
scripting language.
 Performed Mobile Automation testing using Appium and manual mobile apps testing on real time devices.
 Experience in setting up test environment for automated script execution using Java, Appium and TestNG. 
 Developed automation scripts for Mobile Native applications on iOS and Android platforms using Appium.
 Experienced using web debugging tool like FirePath and Firebug in order to locate web elements.
 Identifying the data migration impact of all proposed changes
 Testing the quality of the migrated data and the validity of the migration processes and operation.
 Involved in creating well defined feature files using Gherkin language in BDD / ATDD approach
 Having good exposure to Developing, maintain and executing test automation in a multi-server environment
and having good accuracy to define and maintain testing environments and configuration.
 Followed the Agile methodology, SCRUM in project development.

Languages SQL, PSQL, Java, JavaScript
Web Technologies JavaScript, JSON, XML, HTML, AWS and Web Services
Dev Methodologies Agile Scrum, Waterfall
Utilities/ Tools Selenium (IDE/ Web Driver), Postman, Quality Center, JUNIT, Http Client,
Tableau, Informatica, SQL Developer, TOAD, PUTTY, DBeaver, Microsoft
Utilities, AWS S3
IDEs Postman, Eclipse
Databases Oracle, MySQL, MS SQL Server 2008/2012, Netezza, RedShift

Professional Experience

QA Analyst – Footlocker, Chicago IL Oct’18 - Current

Foot Locker, Inc. is a global retailer of shoes and apparel, operating 3,473 primarily mall-based stores in the United
States, Canada, Europe, Australia and New Zealand

 Maintained Manual and Automated test scripts in Selenium WebDriver using Java programming language.
 Maintained test scenarios and manual test cases to check functionality of all modules.
 Documented and executed Test plans, Test cases and Test scripts based on baseline requirements.
 Involved in testing the new functionalities based on test cases manually and coordinated with develop-
ment team in fixing the issues.
 Worked on source version control tools such as bitbucket GIT.
 Analyzed the defects during execution of test scripts. Prepared test data for different modules.
 Performed Mobile Automation testing using Appium, Espresso and manual mobile apps testing on real time
 Developed automation scripts for Mobile Native applications on iOS and Android plat -
forms using Appium and Java.
 Executed Test cases and validated data Migration using SQL queries.
 Supported the code migration from system Test to production environment during data
migration deployment process.
 Involved in Migration of Informatica Mappings, Sessions and work flows from develop-
ment to System Test environment and execute code in system Test Environment.
 Identified mobile elements using Appium Inspector, UI Automator Viewer.
 Involved in Regression testing by reviewing the source code after each build.
 Responsible in executing Selenium test scripts on different browsers and checked
for compatibility.
 Used JIRA for logging, tracking and escalating bugs.  
 Identified test cases to automate the test cases using Selenium WebDriver, Junit and Java (In -
telliJIDE) and contributed to creation of framework.  

QA Analyst – Genfare, Chicago IL Jan’2018 –

Designed industrial mobile transit applications and power builder application which is a reporting tool that displays
statistics of user data.
 Testing of payment applications for ticket generation or card account creation and testing of modules in -
volving financial data of the customers. 
 Experience on JBOSS Application Server by deploying the war files.
 Done manual testing to understand the application. Created and executed manual test scenarios and test
 Worked on Mobile Applications to validate scan feature.
 Attended Agile and Scrum meetings, which included Daily Scrums or Stand-ups, Sprint Check-In and
Sprint Reviews and Technical reviews. 
 Analyzed the defects during execution of test scripts. Prepared test data for different modules.

QA Engineer Paycor – San Francisco, CA Aug’2016 –

Paycor helps companies perform better with intuitive, cloud-based HR, payroll and timekeeping software. Paycor’s
Benefits Advisor is built to improve enrollment, employee education and administrator efficiency.

 Testing of payroll applications for payroll creation and testing of modules involving financial data of the
 Also tested the list of employees and their benefits and deductions, 401K and payment scheduling activi-
 Attended Agile and Scrum meetings, which included Daily Scrums or Stand-ups, Sprint Check-In and
Sprint Reviews and Technical reviews.
 Done manual testing to understand the application. Created and executed manual test scenarios and test
 Responsible in executing Selenium test scripts on different browsers and checked for compatibility.
 Involved in maintenance of test scripts to handle changes in the application's UI and in the testing, envi -
ronment using Selenium Web Driver. 
 Used JIRA for logging, tracking and escalating bugs.
 Experience in using Jenkins as a Continuous Integration server to configure with Maven.
 Tested all the major functionalities in various browsers as part of cross browser testing 

QA Analyst CYIENT – Hyderabad, India June’2015 – July’2016

Worked on a project to test an online system to facilitate the tracking of various projects and related resources.
The system implemented various user levels for the security purposes.

 Worked with Business users to understand user's requirement for creating Test Plan and Test Cases.
 Performed manual testing to check the functionality. Prepared test cases and test scenarios for manual
 Executed Functional Testing as per the BRD. Review of the test cases at Unit & Integration level. 
 Performed System Testing and Regression Testing.
 Extensively used HP Quality center 9.2 for defect management.
 Also, Used ALM tool for storing defects and used JIRA for defect tracking.
 Prepared the data to cover various scenarios and wrote SQL scripts to verify the database updates, inserts
and deletion of the records 
 Involved in Backend Testing with SQL, checked Data Integrity and Referential Integrity.

Andhra University, Bachelor’s Degree, Computer Science

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