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Prepared By
Ahmad antari
Mahmoud kittana
Sajed ibdah
Ahmad ibrahem
Mahmoud salman

Community Assessment ( marda village– salfeet )


The village of Marda is located in the center of

Palestine, in the northwestern part of the West
Bank, about 5 km north of the city center of Salfit.
The village is located on the old Nablus-Jaffa road.
Its area is approximately 9000 acres. It is
surrounded by the villages of Iskaka and Jama'in
from the east, the towns of Jamma'in and Qira from
the north, and the towns of Qira and Kifl Haris
from the west. From the south, it is bordered by the
lands of Salfit on which the settlement of Ariel is
marda climate is moderately Mediterranean. It is hot and dry in the
summer and cold and rainy in the winter. Spring begins in late
March and early April. July and August are the hottest months of
the year, with average temperatures reaching 29.5°C. January is the
.coldest month, and it usually rains. From October to April


marda has a population of about 3500 people

A very small percentage of the people who live in the community of
. Marda migrate

Water: The town of Marda receives water from the Israeli side.
This water is used in various areas, including agriculture and
residences, and more than half of the population employs
methods to filter it before using it for drinking, cooking, or any
other purpose.
Water is distributed on a weekly schedule by the municipality
.to ensure that all local residents have access to it

Sewage and waste disposal

Sewage is collected in cesspits, which are located in each home in
the town. Some of the town's alleys have the issue of some
homeowners spilling sewage into the streets in the winter, which
.has an impact on the town's health and cleanliness
Waste disposal: The municipality collects waste weekly from the
alleys of the town, as the town suffers from the accumulation of
waste in the streets and in front of houses, and this negatively
affects the health of individuals and the cleanliness of the village
.and increases its pollution

: Air quality
The air quality in the village of Marda is not entirely clean due to
the large number of cars, particularly illegal cars, the smoke
produced by the burning of fuel, the fires that occasionally break
out, the thick smoke produced by wood stoves in the winter, and
..the burning of waste in an area close to the village

: Food quality and access

Marda's cuisine is generally of ordinary to good quality. There are
many people who seek safety outside the town, and calves and
chicken meat are imported from nearby towns. Poultry is also sold
in local shops frozen. Regarding the fruits and vegetables that are
purchased from marketplaces or shops located inside the village
These products stand out for their high quality, which is
consistently attained, and they also rely on milk and canned goods
from factories and businesses like Al-Junaidi and Al-Jabrini Dairy
.Factory and some businesses that sell Israeli goods
.Only a tiny portion is dependent on natural resources
Fast food and fried foods, which are of poor quality and are linked
to a number of diseases, are the main food issues. Due to their
widespread availability, getting them has become simple, whether
ordering them prepared in restaurants or buying them from inside
.shops and preparing them at home
: Animal Control
A lot of people grow sheep, chickens, roosters, rabbits, and birds,
but relatively few people look after cats and other pets. As a result,
stray dogs are a problem in the village of Marda, especially after


Employment levels : The village depends on free professions due to

the lack of employment opportunities and the lack of jobs or
factories within the village, and the manpower resorts to work
within the Green Line.

Manufacturing: There are no factories in the village to manufacture

foodstuffs, as the village relies on foodstuffs that come from
outside the village.

Income levels :
The income levels in the village vary from poor to medium, as there
are families who live on social affairs, families on monthly salaries
from health and education professions, and families on daily
income from liberal professions.

: Schools
There are one primary, secondary schools in the village of marda,
in addition to the presence of kindergartens and the village lack of
. industrial school
There are 1 schools for boys
In addition to 1 schools for girls
And one primary schools for boy and girl

: Type of education
In the village of marda, there is basic, preparatory and secondary
education, and all schools are government schools, and there are
.no private schools
.But there are private kindergartens

: literacy rate
Most of the villagers can read and write, and skip the compulsory
education stage. There are not many illiterate people, such as the
elderly, and a large percentage of the villagers study in Palestinian
.universities and abroad

: School lunch programs

The Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education have
supervision over the nutritional programs in the schools in the
hamlet of Marda as well as the standard of food supplied in the
town. They also keep an eye on the types of goods provided in the
.school cafeteria and assess how healthy they are

: Access to higher education

A large percentage of the village's residents are educated and have
diploma, bachelor's, master's and doctorate degrees in various
. disciplines in Palestinian universities and abroad
: Recreation
. Libraries: The village lacks libraries and publishing houses
.Gardens: The village has a free municipal public park
Playgrounds: The village suffers from the lack of a grassy
playground for the village, as the villagers are unable to practice
sports, as they go to the asphalt school playground, which poses a
.risk of falling and injuries
. private recreation: There are no private facilities in the village


The residents of the village of Marda embrace the Islamic religion.

. There is no other religion in the village besides Islam

: churches and synagogues

There are no churches in the , because the dominant religion in this
.village is the Islamic religion
. There one mosque in the village

: Health related programs and parish health programs

Monthly health, awareness and educational programs are held in
the village, as there is a health clinic in the village that carries out
. these programs for adults, patients and pregnant women


: Communication
newspapers : In the past, the village used to follow the news
through newspapers, and due to development, the use of
newspapers has become very little, as they have become
. dependent on television and social media

: radio and television

The villiage has no radio or television, so the turnout for listening to
. the radio is small and the village attend to the television

: Telephone
. Most of the villagers own a mobile phone and landline

: Internet
Internet quality in the village of Marda is good, as the Internet is
available through Palestinian telecommunications companies and
.through 3G networks

medical media :
Unrestricted access to medical records of all patients in all
healthcare facilities
In addition to giving students and individuals easy access to medical
information, this data can be accessed electronically, and records
and information are secure.

There is a network of transportation between the town and other
cities through public vehicles, as there is a transport line between
the town of Surif and the city of Hebron, and between Surif and the
city of Bethlehem and other cities such as Ramallah and others
Plus there are buses

:Emergency transport
To transfer patients in emergency cases, there is a medical clinic
that was equipped by the Ministry of Health. This clinic contains a
.doctor, nurse, ambulance officer and ambulance vehicle
.As the clinic's working hours are on 24-hour shifts

: Public services
Fire protection , Police protection , Emergency medical services ,
, Rape treatment centres

Public services in Surif

As for fire protection, Surif lacks a civil defense center or a fire
engine, and in the event of fires, we first resort to the water tank of
the municipality of Surif until the fire truck arrives from the civil
defense center located in the town of Beit Ula. As for police
protection, Surif It also lacks a police station, and it is affiliated with
the police station located in the town of Nuba, which performs its
role towards the town well. As for emergency medical services,
Surif owns an association called Your Health Charity Association,
which was established with German funding and contains the latest
equipment and operates 24 hours a day. As for rape treatment
centers, which rarely occur in Surif, and if such cases occur, they
.resort to family protection centers

: Political Organization

The responsibilities of positions at the community level are fairly

good, but at the general level they are lacking in some things. For
example, there is a basic school that is at risk of falling, as its
.demolition and rebuilding have not been responded to

Sources of Income: Most of the town's residents depend on work

inside the occupied territories, in addition to that there are doctors,
employees, teachers, and other sources of income such as trade
and agriculture, as the town of Surif is characterized by olive
Voter Registration: Most of the residents of the town of Surif have
registered to vote, and there is a very small group that did not
In the last elections of 2022, the turnout was good, as the election
.rate reached 60%

: Community development or planning

Solid waste treatment
Work within the global development plan 2030 for development
Activating the economic development unit with the local

: Main issues
Planning and coordinating locally and regionally to solve the -1
problem of wastewater and sanitation
Activating the role of the private sector in development -2
The issue of people with disabilities, its importance, and working -3
to put it as a priority
Infrastructure development (streets, water, electricity4 -
Participation of stakeholders in developmental and strategic -5
.Activating social accountability -6

: Potential Source of disaster
- Earthquakes, tremors and landslides
Diseases and epidemics -
Weather depressions such as heavy rain, accumulated snow, -
.strong winds and thunderstorms

: Disaster Programs and plans

:Health Statistics
Mortality , Morbidity , Leading causes of death , Birth

:The population is 20000 people, and accordingly

Death rate= 55 cases per year
Birth rate = 500 births annually
One of the causes of death other than natural death is cancer
There are now more than 200 active cases in Surif that are
undergoing treatment, as well as approximately 20 cases of dialysis
Cancer, heart, diabetes and kidney deaths in their entirety do not
constitute a quarter of the total number of deaths
This means that 55 deaths, including approximately 15 deaths from
.diseases, accidents, and others

: Social Problem

Social problems in Surif are low compared to other countries, and

.mental health patients are low in the town
As for drug and alcohol addiction, it is a phenomenon that has
begun to increase gradually because they are not held accountable
.or followed up legally by the competent authorities
.Suicides are rare or non-existent among the townspeople
Crimes: It is not devoid of crimes of theft, assault on property or
electronic crimes, but it is low compared to others and does not
.reach the level of major crimes such as murder
School dropouts during official working hours are a very small
percentage as a result of the interest and follow-up of the
administrative bodies in schools and the students with the
.importance of education
Unemployment is the most prevalent phenomenon, as you will
rarely find people working with a university degree, and many of
.them resort to work inside the occupied territories
.The phenomenon of gangs is non-existent among the townspeople

: Health Professionals

.Number ofphysicians , Dentist , Nurse

During the year 2022, 50 new male and female doctors from Surif
from several local, Arab and international universities, bringing the
number of medical staff from Surif to more than 400 members in
medicine, nursing, anesthesia, laboratories, pharmacy, radiology
.and physiotherapy

: Health Professional Organization

Surif patients resort to Alia Governmental Hospital in Hebron, and

some resort to private hospitals such as Al-Ahly Hospital and Al-
.Mizan Specialized Hospital

Alia Governmental Hospital, located in the city of Hebron, does not

provide any kind of mental health care. As for psychological care, it
.is good, as an ambulance is available for the town

Preventive services depend mainly on the patient, as there is no

interest in preventive matters in Hebron Governmental Hospital by
.the medical staff or the hospital staff as a whole
Nursing services vary in quality from one hospital to another
(governmental or private) or from one department to another
Because of the great pressure and the large number of patients in
government hospitals, as the number of patients in government
hospitals requires a larger number of nurses, because of this great
pressure from the number of patients may negatively affect the
quality of care provided to patients

Alia Governmental Hospital includes doctors of the most skilled

doctors and nurses, as the evaluation of the medical staff in this
.hospital is excellent

Thank You

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