Argumentos Inglés

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In favor (Rodrigo, Adrián, Fabio):

1. Rodrigo.- The French Revolution was a period of major social upheaval that began
in 1787 and ended in 1799. It sought to completely change the relationship between
the rulers and those they governed and to redefine the nature of political power. It
proceeded in a back-and-forth process between revolutionary and reactionary forces.
The French Revolution had general causes common to all the revolutions of the West
at the end of the 18th century and particular causes that explain why it was by far the
most violent and the most universally significant of these revolutions. In March 1799,
the Army of the Danube participated in two major battles, both in the southwestern
German theater of operations. In the intense battle of Ostrach. Following the Allied
invasion of French Africa in November 1942, the Germans and Italians conquered
the zone until it was liberated by the Allies in 1944. The French Revolution
established the precedent of representational, democratic government, now the
model of governance in much of the world. It also established liberal social tenets of
equality among all citizens, basic property rights, and separation of church and state,
much as did the American Revolution. In a few words, our position regarding the
impact of the French Revolution is in favor, because it meant the implementation of a
new system of governing human relations and in that it advanced forms of
government that, today, prevail in most advanced societies.

2. Adrián.- Did you know that the creation of the Human Rights of the world was
influenced by the French Revolution? The truth is that thanks to the uprising of the
society, some rights like freedom, to the propriety, security and same treatment
(social equality) under the law without caring of the social origin and status, could be
declared. Also, some values like freedom of thought, religion, and press were
promulgated by the French Constitution the 3rd of September of 1791. Definitely, the
French Revolution was motivated by social classes with radical differences,
institutional, moral, religious, social, economic and financial crises. However, thanks
to the revolutionary movement, the stratified society that prevented the social and
economic rise of the bourgeoisie ended, controlling the comfort in which the First
Estate (Clergy) and the Second Estate (Aristocracy) were prioritized. From our
perspective, we’re not convinced that it was a conundrum, quite the opposite, this
was an important historical event where the Battles shaped the society in which we
currently live, even motivating other revolutions in Latin America and Europe in favor
of equality and nationalism. Mankind should be grateful for this change.

3. Fabio.- Recolonization and social resistance were added by the French revolution:
The first blow of the reconquest against the Creole power was the expulsion of the
Jesuits (1767), carried out simultaneously throughout the set of nations.
At the same time, on the political plane, it deprived criollismo of its intellectual elite -
most of the missing Jesuits were of Creole origin and came from the enormous local
families, at the same time that it broke to a great extent the predetermined social
kinship between the sanctuary and the Creole class. On July 14, 1789, the history of
society changed with the arrival of the French Revolution, which rose up against
social injustices and inequalities. It had worldwide repercussions because it spread
the ideals of freedom, equality, popular sovereignty and fraternity. One of the main
conundrums is the great social inequality due to the heavy burdens (taxes, tributes
and tithes) that fell on the French peasants, who with their work had to support
themselves and the privileged groups: the nobility and the clergy.
The French Revolution had many historical events that determined with various
problems or injustices which are:
The end of the feudal system: the French Revolution abolished all expressions of
feudalism, including serfdom, tribute payments, the privileges of the clergy and the
Declaration of new individual rights: freedom, equality before the law, abolition of
slavery, among others. These ideas spread throughout Europe and influenced the
leaders of the independence revolutions in America.
"People's self-esteem has more ingenuity than ours." "The Nation gathered in the
Assembly cannot receive orders." "We must not settle for the freedom of a moment,
we must also seek what our freedom will be in the future." “The will of a Nation is the
law” If we hadn’t had this event, it’s a fact that our society would be living with the
crisis of the past.

Against (Mayte, Dayla, Marely):

1. Marely.-
2. Dayla.- I’d like that to be entirely true, but I doubt it because between 1793 and 1794
thousands of French people ended up in prison and hundreds more were sent to the
guillotine. A few years earlier, the revolutionaries had proclaimed the beginning of an
era of brotherhood, equality and tolerance. So how did this get from the ideals of
equality and honesty of the French revolution to the descent into the hell of violence
and terror? Could you elaborate more on that idea? I do think that this is a big

Something that is for sure is that the French Revolution was one of the most
important events that has occurred in the world in the last three hundred years and
had a sad ally in violence. The urgent need of some of its protagonists to put an end
to the Old Regime, as well as the fear of internal and external enemies, led them to
allow (and favor) the indiscriminate use of repressive measures. For this reason,
several of the phases of the Revolution are known by the name of Terror. The
guillotine was further proof of how the human intellect can be put to the service of
heinous purposes. Not only were there battles to put an end to the political adversary,
but the entire Revolution was saturated with repression and death. The mass is a
terrible entity that when turned into a mob can perform any action, no matter how
terrifying. Lynchings and mass executions were the order of the day during those

3. Mayte.- In the other hand, we think that the French Revolution was a negative event
because the battles generated by the social movements, without taking into account
the consequences in other sectors, like:
○ It caused a lot of political instability
○ The country went through a severe economic crisis.
○ There was too much violence between the crown and revolutionary troops as
well as social violence
○ There were many invasions from other countries that supported the crown
○ Due to the same instability, the conditions of poverty worsened
○ In the first stage of the revolution there was no defined political structure
○ When Napoleon Bonaparte took command, although he knew how to control
the situation, he established an authoritarian regime.

In summary, the catchword of our society can’t be “Fire and Blood”, if we want to
achieve something, we need to learn how to do it without causing a conundrum.

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