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The things that I learned from the talk is how important soil is as a foundation for

our structures. How they help in creating stronger, more resilient structures. It matters
not that the structure is beautiful, it matters not that the building looks strong, without
proper foundation, it is bound to fail or collapse. Geotechnical engineers; pioneers that
belong underground. What wonders have they invented and implemented. The first
speaker, doc acacio explained what a geotechnical engineer does. As he noted, the
desk study is an important aspect of determining whether or not a piece of land qualifies
for development and other uses. All of this study and testing is carried out in order to
assess the risks and hazards. Using the land for building has a number of advantages.
Climate and land history are two factors to consider included in the considerations that
must be made prior to testing. It is beneficial to the engineer to be able to see whether
the land is dangerous; whether landslides are common, whether liquefaction is a
possibility, and so forth. Following that, detailed soil investigation must be carried out
using various test sample techniques such as boring and rock coring. All of this is done
to make sure the site is safe to use.

On the other hand, Dr. Tanchuling stressed the significance of Geoenvironmental

Engineering. Our responsibility to protect the environment is especially important today,
since industrialization accounts for such a large portion of the planet's exploitation. Dr.
Tanchuling was able to highlight many geoenvironmental engineering methodical
methods, but what impressed me the most was that everyone must do their part to
reduce carbon footprint and overall pollution. When we conduct actions that may result
in garbage, we must think about reducing and recycling. As a Civil Engineering student,
knowing these will be beneficial. Being conscious of environmental issues allows me to
be more sympathetic with others, and it motivates me to investigate ways to improve the
quality of life here on Earth by minimizing the damage caused by land-related activities
such as development. It also reminded me that if I want to be able to stand tall and not
fall quickly, I need to be strong must be built on solid foundations As a future civil
engineer, I'll need to have a solid understanding of my area as well as the other talents
I'll need to succeed as an engineer in the future. In order to avoid being misled in life, I
must also have a firm foundation of morality and ideals.

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