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Subject: TLE-CSS Grade Level: 7 Quarter: 2 Week: 5

MELC: 1. Identify and interpret the symbols used in the drawing. Competency
2. Draw and identify correctly electrical/electronic schematic.
(TLE_IACSS9-12PITD-IIg-h-15) Code:
3. Identify correct technical drawings and select proper (TLE_IACSS9-
equipment by job requirements. (TLE_IACSS9-12 PITD-IIg-h- 12PITD-IIg-h-14)

Name: ______________________________ Section: __________ Date: ___________

School: ______________________________ District: _____________________________


Before we proceed to our lesson, let us have a review of the previous. Can you identify at
least one component to be measured? Do you know what is RAM? Can you draw it in your CSS
activity notebook? If you can, how did you familiarize yourself with the component? Do you know
that in this lesson you will be able to familiarize and identify the different symbols used by computers?
All you need to do is to follow the symbols used in technical activities involve in Computer Systems
What can you say about the sign in the
picture below? Do you still want to touch on that
thing? How about if there was no sign appeared on
and accidentally you hold on it? What should you
do? Now let us know how important the symbol in
dealing with the danger is. Just like using the
computer, you need to know some symbols to be
aware of what was it means.
Computer Symbols

There are thousands of symbols used by computers today to represent a function, specification,
certification, company, or warning. For example, one of the most recognizable symbols is an almost full
circle with a vertical line at the top that indicates power. Let us identify the most commonly displayed
symbols used with computers and electronics, with a brief description of what each symbol means.
Note that most symbols are not standardized, which means the symbols shown below may not
match your software program or hardware device. However, these symbols should be close enough to
what you are looking for that you can identify the meaning of each symbol.

General Symbols

1. A question mark symbol represents a question and allows you to access help or online

2. A light bulb icon symbol represents a tip or an idea. For example, on this page, we
have several tips that can be quickly identified with the light bulb next to the word "Tip."

3. The gear symbol indicates a configuration or settings option. For example, many
programs use a gear icon for buttons that allow you to adjust a program's settings.
Online services may use a gear icon for the area that lets you change your account

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4. A symbol with a wrench or a wrench and screwdriver is another symbol that can be
used in place of the gear to indicate an area to adjust the settings or other options.

5. A speech bubble symbol is used in communications to indicate there is a message

that needs to be read or that someone is typing a message. For example, on an iPhone,
the Messages icon and each of its messages uses the speech bubble symbol and when
someone is typing a speech bubble with three periods is shown.

6. The check mark symbol indicates completion or that something is ok. For example, a
download dialog box may show a green check mark when the download is complete.

7. A plus symbol or a horizontal line crossing a vertical line is also a symbol used as an
indication to increase, add, move down, or zoom in on software programs and hardware

8. A minus symbol or a horizontal line is a symbol used as an indication for decreasing,

removing, moving up, or zooming out on software programs and hardware devices. On
a Microsoft Windows keyboard, the minus or underscore is also shown on the top-right
side of a window to represent the minimize feature.

9. A circle with a line through it is a symbol that represents cancel or stop and may be over
the top of another symbol. For example, a speaker symbol with this over it indicates mute.
Tip: this symbol may also be represented by an X.

10. Three arrows going around a triangle is a symbol that represents recycle or recycling.
Anything with this symbol that is not crossed out should be recycled.

11. A symbol with a series of boxes and jagged lines with boxes in the corners like that
shown here is a QR Code and used to store information for scanning. For example,
you could scan the QR code shown here to open the Computer Hope web page.
Similar markings could also be a matrix code or a barcode.

12. A padlock symbol is used to represent when anything is locked or secure. For
example, a keyboard key with a lock can give you the option to lock the computer.

13. A calendar icon is used to represent an option that allows the user to view
a calendar, view date related information, or schedule an event.

14. The thumbtack symbol is used to represent the ability to pin an object to the screen.
For example, with web applications and some web pages, you may be able to pin
individual elements you enjoy viewing to the top of a page for quick viewing.

15. A symbol of a folder represents an area capable of storing other files and folders on a

16. A symbol of a trash can or a recycle bin is a symbol used to represent deleting a file
or another object on the computer and may be a container for any deleted items.

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17. The fire symbol can have many different meanings when used on a computer,
software program, or an Internet web page. The first meaning is that the item
is hot and could mean that it is critical, important, or popular and should be looked
at first. In some e-mail programs and services, the fire symbol represents junk, and
is a location where all spam and other junk e-mails are stored.

18. A C with a circle surrounding it is used to represent a Copyright. For example, at

the bottom of many web pages (including this page) the Copyright symbol or (c)
may be shown to indicate the content on the page is Copyrighted.

19. An R with a circle surrounding it is used to represent a registered mark. For example,
this mark may be seen by a company logo or brand name that is a registered mark.
20. A TM with a circle surrounding it or TM by itself is used to represent a trademark.

Schematic Diagram

Circuit or schematic diagrams consist of symbols

representing physical components and lines representing
wires or electrical conductors. To learn how to read a circuit
diagram, it is necessary to learn what the schematic symbol
of a component looks like. It is also necessary to understand
how the components are connected in the circuit.
Circuit Symbols and Physical Components

Each electronic or electrical component is

represented by a symbol as can be seen in this simple
circuit diagram. Lines used to connect the symbols
represent conductors or wires. Each symbol represents
a physical component that may look as follows.
Component References
Components in a circuit should always have
references, also called reference designators, used to identify the
components in the circuit. This allows the components to easily be
referenced in text or a component list. A battery may have the reference
designator "BAT" and a light bulb may have a reference "L".
Because there could be more than one battery or light bulb in a
circuit, reference designators will usually always end with a number, e.g. BAT1 and L1 as shown in the
circuit below. A second light bulb in the circuit would then have the reference designator L2.
Parallel Circuit Example
In the circuit below, two light bulbs are connected in
parallel to a battery power source. It can be seen that the top
terminals of the two light bulbs are connected and to the
positive terminal of the battery. We know this because the three
terminals or connection points have a node where they
The bottom terminals of the bulbs are connected and the
negative terminal of the battery because the second node shows these connections.

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Series Circuit Example
In the series circuit below, two light bulbs are connected in series.
No nodes are necessary in this circuit to show the bulbs connecting and
the battery because single wires are connecting straight to each other.
Nodes are only placed if three or more wires are connected.

Activity 1. The Match Maker.

Directions: Match Column A with Column B. Write only the letter of the
correct answer in your CSS activity sheets.

Column A Column B

1. Represent a trademark. a.

2. Represents a tip or an idea. b.

3. Represent a registered mark. c.

4. Represents recycle or recycling.

5. Used to store information for scanning.
6. Represent when anything is locked or secure.

7. Represent the ability to pin an object to the screen. f.

8. Symbol indicates a configuration or settings option. g.

9. Symbol indicates completion or that something is ok.

10. Represents a question and allows you to
access help or online documentation.
11. Represents an area capable of storing other files and
folders on a computer.
12. Often found at the bottom of many web pages to
indicate the content of the page is copyrighted.
13. Represent deleting a file or another object on the
computer and may be a container for
any deleted items. l.

14. Used in communications to indicate there is a

message that needs to be read or that someone is m.
typing a message.
15. Represent an option that allows the user to view
a calendar, view date related information, or schedule o.
an event.

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1. A symbol represents a question and allows you to access help or online documentation.
2. A light____ icon symbol represents a tip or an idea. For example, on this page, we have several
tips that can be quickly identified with the light bulb next to the word "Tip."
3. The symbol indicates a configuration or settings option. For example, many programs use a gear
icon for buttons that allow you to adjust a program's settings. Online services may use a gear
icon for the area that lets you change your account settings.
4. A symbol with ______ is another symbol that can be used in place of the gear to indicate an
area to adjust the settings or other options.
5. A symbol is used in communications to indicate there is a message that needs to be read or that
someone is typing a message. For example, on an iPhone, the Messages icon and each of its
messages uses the speech bubble symbol and when someone is typing a speech bubble with
three periods is shown.
A. minus B. Plus C. Check Mark D. Speech bubble
6. The symbol indicates completion or that something is ok. For example, a download dialog box
may show a green check mark when the download is complete.
A. minus B. Plus C. Check Mark D. Speech bubble
7. A symbol or a horizontal line crossing a vertical line is also a symbol used as an indication to
increase, add, move down, or zoom in on software programs and hardware devices.
A. minus B. Plus C. Check Mark D. Speech bubble
8. A symbol or a horizontal line is a symbol used as an indication for decreasing, removing, moving
up, or zooming out on software programs and hardware devices. On a Microsoft Windows
keyboard, the minus or underscore is also shown on the top-right side of a window to represent
the minimize feature.
A. minus B. Plus C. Check Mark D. Speech bubble
9. A circle with a line through it is a symbol that represents ________ and may be over the top of
another symbol. For example, a speaker symbol with this over it indicates mute. Tip: this symbol
may also be represented by an X.
A. Cancel or stop B. Recycle C. QR Code D. Padlock

10. Three arrows going around a triangle is a symbol that represents ___________ Anything with
this symbol that is not crossed out should be recycled.
A. Cancel or stop B. Recycle C. QR Code D. Padlock
11. A symbol with a series of boxes and jagged lines with boxes in the corners like that shown here
is a _________ and used to store information for scanning. For example, you could scan the QR
code shown here to open the Computer Hope web page. Similar markings could also be a matrix
code or a barcode.
A. Cancel or stop B. Recycle C. QR Code D. Padlock
12. A _________ symbol is used to represent when anything is locked or secure. For example, a
keyboard key with a lock can give you the option to lock the computer.
A. Cancel or stop B. Recycle C. QR Code D. Padlock
13. A _______ icon is used to represent an option that allows the user to view a calendar, view date
related information, or schedule an event.
A. FOLDER B. Thumbtack C. Trash Can D. Calendar

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14. The _______ symbol is used to represent the ability to pin an object to the screen. For example,
with web applications and some web pages, you may be able to pin individual elements you
enjoy viewing to the top of a page for quick viewing.
A. FOLDER B. Thumbtack C. Trash Can D. Calendar
15. A symbol of a _______ represents an area capable of storing other files and folders on a
A. FOLDER B. Thumbtack C. Trash Can D. Calendar
16. A symbol of a _______ or a recycle bin is a symbol used to represent deleting a file or another
object on the computer and may be a container for any deleted items.
A. FOLDER B. Thumbtack C. Trash Can D. Calendar
17. The fire symbol can have many different meanings when used on a computer, software program,
or an Internet web page. The first meaning is that the item is hot and could mean that it is critical,
important, or popular and should be looked at first. In some e-mail programs and services, the
fire symbol represents junk, and is a location where all spam and other junk e-mails are stored.
A. Copyright B. FIRE C. Trademark D. Registered Mark
18. A C with a circle surrounding it is used to represent a Copyright. For example, at the bottom of
many web pages (including this page) the Copyright symbol or (c) may be shown to indicate the
content on the page is Copyrighted.
A. Copyright B. FIRE C. Trademark D. Registered Mark

19. An R with a circle surrounding it is used to represent a registered mark. For example, this mark
may be seen by a company logo or brand name that is a registered mark.
A. Copyright B. FIRE C. Trademark D. Registered Mark
20. A TM with a circle surrounding it or TM by itself is used to represent a trademark
A. Copyright B. FIRE C. Trademark D. Registered Mark

21. Circuit or schematic diagrams consist of symbols representing physical components and lines
representing wires or electrical conductors.
22. Each electronic or electrical component is represented by a symbol as can be seen in this simple circuit
23. Lines used to connect the symbols represent conductors or wires. Each symbol represents a physical
component that may look as follows.
24. Components in a circuit should always have references, also called reference designators,
25. In the circuit below, two light bulbs are connected in parallel to a battery power source.
26. It can be seen that the top terminals of the two light bulbs are connected and to the positive terminal of
the battery.
27. We know this because the three terminals or connection points have a node where they intersect.
28. The bottom terminals of the bulbs are connected and the negative terminal of the battery because the
second node shows these connections.
29. In the series circuit, two light bulbs are connected in series.
30. No nodes are necessary in this circuit to show the bulbs connecting and the battery because
single wires are connecting straight to each other.

Prepared by: Reviewed by:

SHS Teacher III Head Teacher IV

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