Reflection STS

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Science and Technology advances human life and society. It enables a more efficient society
through discovery and innovation. In its history, it provided solutions and cures such as vaccines,
machines and theories and knowledge that solved, simplified and provided for the level of
comfort experienced today. In the coming years, we will experience more and more problems.
Oftentimes, these problems will require complex solutions, but science offers solutions in
overcoming them.

In this paper, we explore the key lessons from 1-6 of the GE Course, Science, Technology and
Society course and include personal insights. This paper attempts to synthesize the key learnings
and key takeaways from the course and personal reflection of the author. Primarily, it focuses on
how science can impact and affect progress and development, the challenges and necessities it
requires to develop, and who science should serve.

LESSON 1. Philosophy of Science

Investigation of philosophical questions that arise from reflecting on science.

A subfield of philosophy known as philosophy of science examines how scientific

methodology and reasoning function or ought to function in the pursuit of knowledge and
comprehension of the natural world. The scientific method has developed over time to improve
science's efficiency and aid researchers in avoiding logical fallacies.

The goal of scientific philosophy is to link the methods and concepts of science to issues
in epistemology and metaphysics. What precisely are scientists doing, and how can we tell if
they're doing it correctly? If it's about finding "truth," what precisely is it, and are scientific
methods really the best ways to do so? Is there a precise definition of what constitutes "science"?

In terms of creativity, scientists do more than just conduct experiments and contribute to
the body of knowledge. Most importantly, they develop hypotheses and devise methods to test
them. Both of these tasks are essentially creative in nature: they employ very little logical
deduction and certainly do not employ the scientific method's linear thinking. Rather, they
employ philosophical methods. Additionally, because science is both a philosophy and a way of
thinking, it enhances problem-solving skills and inquiry. In terms of process improvement,
Philosophers developed the scientific method, which is constantly being refined. In essence, the
philosophy of science requires constant challenging and questioning of both established methods,
theories and concepts.

LESSON 2. Scientism

Scientism is a worldview that stresses the superiority of science in credibility and

cognitive authority. It posits that science is backed by empirical evidence and value-free and
politically neutral. Scientism is science worship with an over-reverential attitude towards modern

Upholding empirical evidence over blind faith helped society progress and unlock the
secrets of our world. Science is a force of change and progress. It is a methodical process of
acquiring knowledge via its scientific method. However, science cannot answer all questions of
humanity such as what is moral, what is a person’s purpose and so on. Science draws a line in
what it can do and where it is applicable. Personally, I think that science answers questions about
the world’s existence, the origins of humanity but not philosophical and moral questions.
Additionally, science isn’t infallible. Science and its different branches had different theories
such as geocentrism or that the Earth was in the center of the universe or Newton’s theory of
gravity. These theories were superseded and replaced when evidence was found disproving them.
As such, science is constantly evolving and changing. Upholding science must uphold empirical
evidence rather than a belief in just science per se. In scientism which in essence is a form of
science worship can be dangerous. Science can also be used for bad purposes justified by its
scientists for its advancement and is also influenced by politics such as the Nazi belief in the
superiority of the Aryan Race which they tested by measuring skulls and so on, scientists who
believe that all cells have gender, or even scientists who conduct human experiments in the
pursuit of knowledge without regard to human suffering such as Unit 731 of Japan. Therefore, a
belief in science should uphold empirical evidence rather than just science per se.

LESSON 3. REVOLUTION - revolution through technology

Revolutions have occurred over the years, they’re perceived as new technologies or an
awakening when it comes to seeing the world which changes everything, things such as
economic systems and various social structures.

The fourth industrial revolution brought about the coming of a new age. Mobile phones,
internet, Artificial intelligence, Machine learning, and etc. All of this considered, it is still of
utmost importance that we give emphasis on how this will affect us. New technologies bring
about the need to acquire new skills.The Fourth Industrial Revolution has many different
meanings, just as other terms like artificial intelligence or disruptive innovation. One of the
frequently cited ones is human free production, which will result in a significant loss of jobs. But
until we investigate it from more comprehensive angles, it's frequently challenging to understand
its complex ramifications.

From a personal perspective, there are many ways we could go about the coming of a
new revolution. The herald of the fourth industrial revolution makes redundant several skills
through automation but requires a new set of skills.It is argued that the Fourth industrial
revolution would render a significant part of the population unemployed since their skills are no
longer necessary, however, through upskilling and reskilling, workers are made relevant. Just
because we are introducing a system that automates work through the use of robots does not
mean that robots themselves do not need people to oversee, to repair and install and so on.

Lesson 4. Competition

Competition between industry firms to gain competitive advantage over one another results in
innovation. Industry firms must employ competitive strategies to maintain their competitive
advantage such as moving early to exploit structural change. Several factors are listed which
trigger and affect innovation such as new technologies, new or shifting buer needs, emergence of
new industry segments, shift in input costs or availability and changes in government
regulations. In essence, competition breeds innovation.

However, a dissenting opinion is that it is necessity, not competition, that induces innovation.
For example, the vaccines for the recent COVID 19 strain was not as a result of competition but
rather because it was a primary necessity for humanity. Additionally, when we look at products
and compare the smartphones of Apple and Android, there is little to no innovation aside from
bigger screens, resolution and higher capacity. Moreover, if we include the new design of
foldable smartphones as innovation. Then perhaps, it is innovation. But if we judge technological
innovation as something that makes life simpler such as the discovery of medicine, then by the
parameters of our definition, it makes present competition of smartphones not a factor that drives
innovation. However, competition does play a necessary role in the application of innovation of
systems and technologies, particularly when you see how it is applied by firms in their workplace
or to increase the efficacy and efficiency of certain products such as vaccines. But for
competition to roll out new things that are actually needed and benefit human society like say a
pill that stops cancer, it won’t because competition derives its advantage from its profitability
and if it is no longer profitable, it won’t be innovative.

LESSON 5. NEW Technology

New Technology simplifies and eases life. The introduction of vaccines eradicated a number of
diseases such as smallpox, polio, mumps and so much more that it increased birth rate and
protection for the population. Additionally, the discovery of penicillin revolutionized science
with the advent of antibiotics saving lives from infection. Its primary social implication is that it
greatly advances our life as human beings.

As with everything which includes new technologies, there must be certain care practiced in its
implementation. A case in point is the Public Utility Vehicle Modernization Program which
attempts to introduce euro 4 engines for greener emissions, improve air quality, and promote
sustainability. The introduction of supposed sustainable and green practices must not displace
nor burden the very people that are its primary stakeholder. Jeepneys are a technological
innovation of Filipinos when there was an absence of transportation after World War 2 since the
trams were destroyed. Making jeepneys greener by introducing greener solutions should come
with the necessary support to the sector. Additionally, if the plan is indeed to reduce emission, a
shift to an engine that still emits though at a lower level isn’t the most sustainable path. There are
other technologies available such as electric and solar that can make this happen, although they
should be adequately tested if they are applicable to the terrain and climate of the country.

LESSON 6. How science helped mold the Philippines

Science and Technology was advanced by the arrival of the Americans. Before scientific
thought and inquiry were limited to its practical application on the daily jobs of the people such
as farming and fishing. However, science was intertwined with animistic beliefs such as in the
nuno and in other mythological deities. However, this would not be the case for long because
the coming of a new age is inevitable. The formal education of Science began with the
introduction of formal schooling by the Thomasites.

The Philippines' science curriculum was introduced to create scientifically literate people who
can make ethical decisions and use their understanding of science to find answers to societal
issues. A renowned scientist of the Philippines would be Dr. Fe Del Mundo, born in 191, would
utilize her abilities in the field of science to contribute to address needs in the country such as the
incubator made from highly accessible materials like bamboo. Her Legacy would live on as she
had accomplished a lot of things devoting her time to the betterment of her country. After all,
necessity is the mother of all Invention. The Philippines is a country teeming with potential and
afflicted by social and economic problems, it lacks innovation-related development. Science and
scientific research is something that can be utilized to solve problems on a national scale, but this
has proved to be somewhat of a hassle because of procurement laws, lack of funding and
institutional support. This undoubtedly leads to less innovation in paving a way for further


Science is a force of progress. It benefitted human life and human society through discovery and
innovation. This requires upholding empirical evidence and consistent questioning and
challenging of the process. Science plays a pivotal role in creating innovative solutions to
address significant problems of Philippine society. Problems are already abound, the impetus for
solutions exist wherein science and research can be utilized to solve problems on a national and
local scale. Problem-solving skills are enhanced by the scientific process. The potential of
science is limitless with the sky its limit and is only bound by imagination. There exists a great
need for technological and innovative solutions as problems continue to abound. An example of
this is the COVID 19 Pandemic which spurred on the development of vaccines. The impetus for
innovation is strengthened by necessity or human need which is the mother of invention.
However, for that to occur, adequate support, funding and easing of regulations are required.
Additionally, technological solutions must simplify and ease life rather than displace and burden
the people they would supposedly serve. Science should serve the people and when used right is
a positive force of change.

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