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Americans Fighting Antisemitism

Bernhard Rosenberg ​Americans

Fighting Antisemitism
4 hrs ·

Nazi leader Joseph Goebbels led Nazi campaigns to

exterminate and persecute Jews, Roma, and others
supposed “untermenschen” (racial inferiors).Goebbels
served as the Nazi German Chancellor after Hitler
committed suicide, until the evil monster Goebbels
committed suicide a day later and poisoned his own
six children with cyanide. I never thought I would write
this as child of holocaust survivors, but by spreading
coved in religious neighborhoods, especially chassidic
ones, we JEWS are creating THE SEEDS for anti-
Semitism the type that GOEBBELS PORTRAYED IN HIS
PROPAGANDA MOVIES. I do not care if anyone is
insulted by me writing this, but when you do not wear
a mask, do not distance yourself and have huge
groups for funerals and weddings, you are not only
killing yourselves but spreading the virus to kill all of
us. If you live in one of these neighborhoods report
any abuse to the authorities and you may save lives,

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Ronit Ricoy
I don't think Jews are responsible for the
seeds of anti-Semitism. Jews often bend
over backwards to try to avoid that and it
rarely matters. How about people police
their own lives and own decisions and
stop with the mindset of reporting to the
authorities unless there is an imminent
danger to ourselves or others from which
we or they cannot walk away. Writing from
Texas, where (with a few areas of
exception) we aren't all going around
reporting others but are choosing to be
responsible ourselves and to avoid
situations where we believe people are
being irresponsible. I'm avoiding groups,
I'm avoiding situations that seem unsafe,
I'm choosing to wear a mask when I go
inside public places, but I'm not losing my
mind if I see someone make a different
choice and I'm certainly not reporting
them to authorities. 1

4 hrs Like Reply More

Bonnie Stern Godel

Way too passive!
3 hrs Like Reply More

Rita Heller
obviously, everyone should wear masks
and social distance but your living in a
fantasy world if you think antisemites
need anything to justify their antisemitism 1

3 hrs Like Reply More

Ani Jacob
You are wrong and to use the Shoah is
Disgusting 1

2 hrs Like Reply More

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