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IELTS Multiple Choice Reading Practice

First Test to Predict Alzheimer’s

The world’s first blood test to predict Alzheimer’s disease before symptoms occur has been
developed. The test identifies 10 chemicals in the blood associated with the disease two to three
years before symptoms start, but it might be able to predict Alzheimer’s decades earlier.

Globally, 35 million people are living with Alzheimer’s. It is characterised by a toxic build up of
amyloid and tau proteins in the brain, which destroys the neurons. Several blood tests can
diagnose the disease, but until now, none has had the sensitivity to predict its onset.

But with no treatments available, would anyone want to take these tests? Mapstone says “In my
experience, the majority of people are very interested to know whether they will get Alzheimer’s.
They believe that knowledge is power – particularly when it comes to your own health. We may
not have any therapy yet but there are things we can do – we can get our financial and legal
affairs in order, plan for future care, and inform family members.”

Questions 1 – 3

Choose the correct letter A-C

1. The test can predict Alzheimer’s…….

a) two or three years before the illness begin

b) two or three years from the start of the symptoms

c) a decade before

 2. This test is the first blood test which can …….

a) cure Alzheimer’s

b) estimate the start of the disease

c) diagnose the disease

3. Mapstone believes that ….

a) this test will help people understand Alzheimer’s

b) people want to know about their health

c) people want power

IELTS Reading Multiple Choice - Practice
1. Young children are making criminologists nervous because

(a) they are committing too much crime.

(b) they are impulsive and immature.
(c) they may grow up to be criminals.

2. The general crime rate in the US is

(a) increasing
(b) decreasing
(c) not changing

3. The age group which commits the highest rate of crime is

(a) 14 - 17.
(b) 18 - 24.
(c) 24 +.

4. James Fox believes that the improvement in crime figures could

(a) make us complacent in the fight against crime.

(b) result in an increase in teenage violence.
(c) result in a decrease in teenage violence.

5. According to paragraph 3, the government

(a) is doing everything it can to solve the problem.

(b) is not interested in solving the problem.
(c) is not doing enough to solve the problem.

6. In comparison with James Fox, Michael Tonry is

(a) more pessimistic.
(b) less pessimistic.
(c) equally pessimistic.

7. Jonathan Kozol believes that

(a) there is no solution to the problem.

(b) employment and education are not the answer.
(c) employment and education can improve the situation.

8. Professor DiIulio thinks that spending on social programs

(a) should continue as it is

(b) should be decreased.
(c) is irrelevant to crime rates.

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