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1. Exes can just be friends.

 Is friendship possible between the people

who used to love each other? Does it mean that relationships are over?
Or does such striving for further communication mean that one of them
still hopes for return?
2. The psychological climate in class is essential for students’
achievements. Can you study under the pressure? And what about a
fun atmosphere? What could make classes funny? Who is responsible
for relationships between students?
3. Families should be allowed to adopt children overseas. Discover all
the pros and cons of adoption and share your opinion. How could the
government control it, and should it do so? Could it provoke human
trafficking in third-world countries?
4. No-fault divorces should be prohibited. Divorce procedures should
be made more complicated. Couples should be given more time to think
before the final decision is given. Should couples provide confirmation
to their accusations?
5. Low-income families are happier than single high-income earners.
Provide evidence supporting your point of view. Is it better to have
everything you want without having a special someone to share it all
with? Is there a correlation between loneliness and high earnings?
6. The extremes do not meet in personal relations. Even more:
different tastes and opinions lead to quarrels. Are soul mates similar to
each other? What are the drawbacks of having too much in common?
7. Parents should not interfere in the personal lives of their adult
children. Maybe the children should make their own mistakes, drawing
conclusions? Are there any cases when parents should give advice?
Should they insist on their leaving obviously destructive relationships?
8. Men should make the first step in a relationship. What are the
sources of this common opinion, and is it reasonable? What are the
possible outcomes if a woman initiates a relationship?
9. Making family business could improve the atmosphere in the
couple. Business topics are distant from the daily routine. They could
make communication more interesting. But if afterward a relationship
will come to an end, will common affair complicate the breakup?
10. Long-distance relationships are the best way to build
trust. People need to find areas of common interest and be inventive.
Most of the time, they communicate with other people. For this reason, if
they are faithful, their relationship will grow stronger.

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