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Module Unit 4 Activity 2 Writing

Purposive Communication
Lutap, Valerie R.

‘’Students New Normal On A Sinking Ship With No Lifeboat’’

Education is a crucial part of our life, it can also make our future, and if it is not
taken care of properly, it can also spoil. It enables students to gain educational
experience through technology. Online education takes place outside the classroom
through digital platforms. Learning modality in which learning takes place between
geographically separated teachers and learners during a lesson. There are three
types of this modality: Modular Distance Learning (MDL), Online Distance Learning
(ODL), and Television/Radio Based Education Post DepEd (2022).

Nowadays, online learning turns out to be more and more practiced. Many
traditional universities started to share their courses online for free. It represents
an easy and comfortable method to achieve knowledge in almost every field, from
education, law, and accounting to human sciences, such as psychology and
sociology or history. Online learning is the best alternative to traditional
universities, especially for people who can’t afford the time and money to take
courses. It is very convenient as both students and teachers can interact from the
convenience of our respective homes. We can also ask questions and raise quarries
as you used to do in the classroom. The online study method becomes more
important in a natural calamity or emergency. The perfect example in this regard is
the recent COVID-19 pandemic that the world is still recovering from a pandemic.
Many schools are running online classes for the safety of students. Online study is
indeed a safer alternative to school/college education.

According to Daniel, J. A. (1999), carrying through online learning modality affects

the student's study habits and scores lower on average with tests during online
school than in-person school. Online school also made it a lot easier for students to
cheat during exams. It makes students unprepared for in-person school, where
they cannot cheat and look at notes while taking tests. Furthermore, most students
find learning online boring and often complain of lacking the motivation to make it
through a class, having a poor internet connection, and lack of technology to utilize
for online modality.
Nevertheless, online learning saves time, besides a greater diversity of knowledge.
Through online education, the teaching of classes is happening more interesting,
due to which children are paying more and more attention to it. Teachers and
students interact with each other on subject matters and each other. Apart from the
numerous advantages of the online method of education also present certain
disadvantages. It lacks the filled with-enthusiasm kind of environment delivered by
a classroom. The joyful and lively ambiance of the schoolroom is usually lacking in
an online session. Teachers and students interact only on the subject matter one by
one. Moreover, overexposure to gadgets presents health hazards like headaches,
weak eyesight, lack of concentration, etc.

Online modality potential advantages involve increased educational access,

administering high-quality learning opportunities, improved student outcomes and
skills, and expanded educational choice options. The students access online Study
materials, Jom virtual lectures, post questions to teachers, chat with fellow
Students, give virtual exams, and do many more things. Online classes provide
good quality education to students in the Comfort of their homes and help in
Controlling Virus Spread. There is no barrier to time, can study at their
convenience. They got to know more about various apps and programs. All the
study material is sound-safe and reserved in an online database. If Students need
further explanations, they can easily view these records and resolve doubts
instantly. Learning it is regularly considered a normal part of working and personal
life. Both learnings for achieving a job as well as for achieving knowledge should
not be slight. The online environment is changing continuously, and a great learning
opportunity. It is crucial to discover how to learn using all available communication
channels and choosing the best suits a person’s style of filtering the information.
The online method of education proved that it is beneficial in certain conditions
when it is not discreet to leave your home. On the other hand, it is not convenient
for you in the case online studies become blessings to disguise.

Daniel, J. A. (1999). Effects of learning style and learning environment on

achievement of physical therapy graduate students in distance education (Doctoral
dissertation). Texas Tech University.

Amendment to DepEd Order No. 044, s. 2022 and the Issuance of

Operational Guidelines for the Approval of the Extension of the Implementation of
Blended Learning Modality in Select Public Elementary and Secondary Schools
Beyond November 2, 2022

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