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TPACK Template

Subject Math

Grade Level 4th


Learning Objective 4.2 The student will

b) represent equivalent fractions;

In this interactive white board activity, the children will touch the board to drag and
match fractions to their equivalent model or actual numbered fraction and learn how to
Pedagogy Planning

represent equivalent fractions.

The topic of equivalent fractions will have been touch on before
this, but this activity will put it to practice and go over what it is
again. The goal for this activity is for students to be able to
recognize equivalent fractions with models and without.
Another goal is for them to make connections between
simplified fractions and reduced fractions. There are a couple of
different activities in this Smart Board activity, but we will be
doing a select of them.
1. Present slides 1, 5,7, and 8. These slides introduces
equivalent fractions, parts of the fractions, and reducing
2. For slide 1, ask students what each part of the fraction
is. Check the answer by clicking on the label after.
3. Slide 5: Read the slide and choose one student to drag
the words in the right blanks (there are only 2 blanks).
1. Reduced fraction and Non-Reduced Fraction: Choose
students to go up to the board. Students will drag the
fractions to their designated category. If it is right, it will
disappear. There are a good amount of fractions on this
one so make sure every student gets a chance, if they do
not there will be another game so they can get a chance.
2. Equal to ½ and Equal to 1/3: Again, choose a student
who has not gone up to drag and match the equivalent
fraction to its designated fraction (1/2 or 1/3).

Things to consider:
 If a student is struggling with matching, they can get an
option to phone a friend or work on the problem
together as a class.
 Students will have a piece of paper to do their work
before going up.
 Make sure everyone gets a turn.

 Provide help as needed and explain and reiterate what

equivalent and reduced fractions are



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