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A. DNA, Genes, Proteins, Individual Trait
Directions. Use the diagram below and the grid to answer the question below.
1. What are the roles of the DNA, genes and proteins in each trait?

- They contain the information that our bodies need to make chemicals called proteins. The
structure of our bodies is created by proteins, which also play an important role in the
process of making us alive. Gens are chemically generated called deoxyribonucleic acid

2. How would you relate the individual trait or characteristics to proteins, genes and DNA?

- Gene codes for specific proteins that are involved in the expression of a trait.
Characteristics determined by single genes are called Mendelian traits.

3. Would the manifestation of a trait be affected once the DNA nor the genes are altered?

- Yes, it is affected because DNA is a dynamic and adaptable molecule. It is subject to

change as a result of mutation, depending on the mutation.
B. Match me!
Directions. Using the terms in the box, match the genetic techniques in their descriptions.
Write your answer in the space given.



genetic engineering1. A science of changing the DNA in living organisms to create something new
artificial selection 2. Breeders choose which organism to mate to produce offspring with desired traits.
selective breeding 3. Animals with desired characteristics are mated to produce offspring with those desired
hybridization 4. Two individuals with unlike characteristics are crossed to produce the best in both
inbreeding 5. Breeding of organism that genetically similar to maintain desired traits.
cloning 6. Creating an organism that is an exact genetic copy of another
gene splicing 7. DNA is cut out of one organism and put into another organism
gel electrophoresis 8. A technique used to compare DNA from two or more organisms.
C. Genetic Engineering Techniques
Directions. Distinguish the techniques in genetic engineering as based on the situation and examples given. Write
the letter of the choices.

A. Artificial selection B. Selective breeding C. Hybridization D. Inbreeding

E. Cloning F. Gene splicing G. Gel electrophoresis: analyzing DNA

B 1. When animals with desired characteristics are mated to produce offspring with those desired
traits. Dachshund were once bred to hunt badgers and other burrowing animals.
E 2. Creating an organism that is an exact genetic copy of another. They will have the same exact DNA as the
F 3. DNA is cut out of one organism and put into another organism. A trait will be transferred from one
organism to another.
C 4. Luther Burbank created a disease resistant potato called the Burbank potato. He crossed a disease
resistant plant with one that had a large food producing capacity.
G 5. A technique used to compare DNA from two or more organisms.
D 6. Breeding of organism that genetically similar to maintain desired traits. It keeps each breed unique from
D. Genetic Engineering Techniques

Directions. Express your idea, whether you agree or disagree in the following statements about the current technology
in genetic engineering.. Choose two from the three techniques.

1. Monkeys have been Cloned, Paving the way for Human Cloning

- I mean, Monkeys haven't been cloned preparing for people. God made 2 people with both sexual orientations,
they didn't come from monkeys.

2. Bacteria as Living Microrobots to Fight Cancer?

- Since living Microrobots that seek and annihilate malignant growth are not as modern as one would have

3. Two genetic regions (variants in both ABO blood group locus and cluster of genes in chromosome 3) Linked
with Severe COVID-19
-Agree, in the light of the fact that two hereditary quality districts were connected to respiratory disappointment
during SARS-Cov-2 disease infection that causes COVID-19 to become really ill, while others have only mild
E. What’s New!

“Genetics become my all consuming passion. I wanted to create the perfect species. One that does not just live on
our planet but one that makes it better for future generations.” – Yasmina Haque_

Students are asked to answer the questions.

1. What do you think are the objectives of scientists in genetic engineering?
- Genetic engineering is used by scientists to improve or modify the characteristics of an individual organism. For
example, genetic engineering can be used to produce plants with higher nutritional value or which can tolerate
exposure to herbicides.
2. How are scientists able to realize their objectives in genetic engineering?
- One of the corn varieties developed by1 Monsanto has more than 200 unforeseen changes resulting from the
side-effects of the genetic engineering process. Corn, for example, has higher levels of rottenness and
cadaverine. These pleasant-sounding compounds are responsible for the smell of rotting dead bodies.(My
uncle told me about the last two years)
3. Can you cite the techniques in genetic engineering scientists utilize in creating outcomes?
- Genetic engineering can be performed using multiple techniques. A number of steps are
followed before the creation of a genetically modified organism (GMO). This vector is then
inserted into the genome of the host organism.

A. Directions. Conduct a short interview with one or two of your family members.
Ask them about how they think the positive and negative effects of genetic engineering. List all their responses.
B. Make a list of pros and cons of genetic engineering summarizing the interview done. Fill up the table below.

•More nutritious food. •It can create less nutritional value in
some foods.
•Tastier food.
•It creates the potential for problematic
•Disease- and drought-resistant plants
that require fewer environmental
resources (such as water and fertilizer) •It creates the potential for unwanted
side effects.
•Less use of pesticides.
•It would create an unfavorable level of
•Increased supply of food with reduced
cost and longer shelf life.
•It could create unpredictable outcomes
•Faster growing plants and animals.  
Part 2
A. Guess Me!


1. Enzymes that help cut and synthesize 1. Technology used to remove and insert
DNA nucleotide genetic sequences from and into other

2. Process to produce identical organism 2. Organisms where the recombinant

without using gametes DNA is introduced usually bacteria.

3. Practiced to indirectly manipulate 3. Breeding of organism that are

genes focusing on the physical traits genetically similar to maintain desired
among organisms. traits.

4. DNA is cut out of one organism and put 4. Technique used to compare DNA from
into another organism two or more organisms.
A. Transgenic (GM) Organisms
Directions. Name the transgenic organism based from the description given by filling up the missing letters.
1. GRAPPLE taste of grapes but looks like apple

2. TRANSGENIC COW Contained human protein per litre of milk and

found to be more nutritionally balance

3. VENOMOUS CABBAGE injected with scorpion venom aimed

to kill caterpillars

4. BANANA VACCINE can produce virus proteins against

hepatitis and cholera
5. ESCHERICHIA COLI Insulin gene is injected to bacteria to
produce hormone insulin
6. SPIDER GOAT spider enhanced milk that can produce
silk stronger than steel
7. LUMINOUS CAT produce a fluorescent protein in its fur

8. LIGER hybrid of tiger and lion

A. Uses of Transgenic (GM) Organisms
Direction. Match the following genetically modified organism to its application by writing on the space given. Write
the letter that corresponds to your answer on the space before the number.

A 1. Cotton A. Medicine/ Health Proposes

C 2. Soy oil B. Energy sources

D 3. Corn for livestock feeds C. Manufacturing products

D 4. Large quantities of tomatoes D. Good yield/ Food supply

E 5. Biodiesel and ethanol from corn E. High Quality Crops

B 6. Drugs and genes

D. Benefit and Risk of GMO
Direction. Write the letter B if the statement given is a benefit while the letter R if it is a risk from the use of
genetically modified organism.

____B____1. Crops like potato, tomato, soybean and rice are currently being genetically engineered to obtain
new strains with better nutritional qualities and increased yield.
____B____2. Genetic engineering in food can be used to produce totally the same or identical substances such

as proteins and other food nutrients.

____B____3. Positive genetic engineering deals with enhancing the positive traits in an individual like increasing
longevity or human capacity while negative genetic engineering deals with the suppression of
negative traits in human beings like certain genetic diseases.
____R____4. Genetic engineering in food involves the alteration of genes in crops.
____R____5. While increasing the immunity to diseases in plants, the resistance genes may get transferred to
the harmful pathogens.
____R____6. Genetic engineering can hamper the diversity in organisms.
____B____7. The genetic modification of foods can be used to increase their medicinal value, thus making
edible vaccines available.
A. What is your stand?
Directions. Below are some of the arguments about the use of transgenic organism. In your own perspective, explain your
answer in not more than 5 sentences.
1. Among the cited examples of GMO, which do you think is the most beneficial?
- For me, number 3 is more productive than the probability that the life of an individual will be extended, but it has a
negative condition associated with it, everyone has a negative attack on the person, but if used correctly, there might
always be a way to resolve it
2. If you are a farmer would you take the chance of growing crops that are pest resistant? Why or why not?
- Yes, there is no need to purchase pesticides to save money. Soil, water, turf, and other vegetation contamination can also
be avoided.
3. Considering the knowledge gained in genetic engineering, would you try to patronize GMO fruits and vegetables? Why
or why not?
- Yes, because genetic engineering is one of the methods used in modern agriculture to produce bioengineered crops.
Various methods of plant breeding are modern tools for agriculture to address the increasing pressures of diseases, pests
and environmental disasters on crop production and food security.
4. Is creating or altering genes of an organism a form of Blasphemy to the creator (God)? Why?
- Because no one can affect the power of God because he has made all the organisms and the environment that the
scientist develops when people study hard in science.
5. Is genetic engineering morally permissible or not?
It is prohibited to tamper with human individuality and to be eligible for personal responsibility.

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