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Name: Salvador Rowie Samson

Surname First Name Middle Name
Program: BSIT


Topic No. 1

I. General Subject Area

Application of Markets Information System

II. Specific Topic

Marketing Information Management System (MIMS)

A. Introduction

The market is always evolving nowadays. Yet some businesses are finding it difficult
to deal. Businesses must create or formulate results that are better than previously to
compete and possess a competitive advantage over rivals organizations that are part
of the sector. For this to happen, Information management and analysis must be
done properly. A prompt response was required to the changing needs. However,
this is developing into an issue because some businesses lack the necessary tools.

B. Background of Study

Pure Gold, CSI, SM or other supermarkets here in Philippines already employs

market information system in terms of implementing good services, good products,
and sales monitoring.

Marketing information system is an effort to offer products, for a profit, provide

services and goods. In order to continually sell these, an organization must have a
continuous marketing effort in order to find out where to sell, whom to sell, what to
sell, and how to sell these.

The implementation of the Marketing Information Management System provides a

quicker and more systematic way to records the information of the sales or products.
It also provides reliable and quicker services.

This information should be processed systematically in order to produce a realistic

set of results for a more effective approach
Objectives (General and specific)

The general objective of the study is to give market decision-makers authenticated

and pertinent information so they can make decisions on marketing activities, such
as products, pricing, distribution, branding, and promotion, packaging, etc.,

Statement of the problem

a. Avoid tampering and loss of important documents/records of information.

b. Ability to track the records of sales.
c. Ability to provide a better products and satisfaction to the marketer.
d. Ability to sell unique products.
e. Ability to provide sales history.

The study will be conducted for the following specific process.

General Objectives

a. To provide information decision making on planning.

b. To control the operation of the subsystems of the firm.
c. To provide a synergistic organization in the process.
d. To attract new customers to increase the sales of products.

Manageability (Scope and limitations)

Scope of the Study

In general, the focus of this study is directed towards the design and development of
a marketer record system of the Philippines with its buyer, seller, supplier, retailer
and consumers.

The system will be use in to:

a. Provide the city with good products.
b. Provide good services.
c. Provide facilities up to date.
d. Display the status and update of services offered to each marketer.
e. Maintain a systematic way of products record.
f. Proper flow of information for better customer service.

Limitation of the Study

For its limitation, the study is marketing research project needs more time. It takes
weeks, months, even years. When marketing research is carried on to investigate or
solve the problem, final outcomes are available after considerable time. When
outcomes are made available, situations might have been changed thoroughly or
problem for which research was made might have been solved automatically.
Decision-maker needs information in time. But, practically, it is not possible.
Sometimes, time, money, and efforts contribute nothing.

Endorsed by: Submitted by:

Engr. Zyrix Ryan U. Fagela,MIT,CCpE Rowie S. Salvador

Research Professor Student
(Signature over printed name) (Signature over printed name)

Date: Date:

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